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关于”清明有意义的事“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Qingming meaningful thing。以下是关于清明有意义的事的专八英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Qingming meaningful thing

I have experienced a lot of things, but one thing is my most unforgettable day. On my way to school, I suddenly saw something on the ground. I went to pick it up and found that it was a wallet with a lot of money in it.

I had five minutes to go to class. I had to go to school and give it to the headmaster, who praised me for never forgetting that day and that thing.




My summer vacation I have an interesting thing in the summer vacation, my family got a ticket to Singapore, I am very excited that this ticket is my father's, I have never been to Singapore. When I got there, my heart jumped because I heard that the laws of Singapore were very violent. Although many people were ethnic minorities, I was still afraid that two Chinese were still talking in English.

Fortunately, my English was not poorI. I could win a place for myself when I came back. I decided to call the day when I flew to Singapore as Singapore day.




I found a lot of things on my way to school, but one of the most unforgettable things I saw on my way to school was to pick up a lot of money. I had to go to school and give it to the headmaster, who praised me for never forgetting that day and that thing.




标签: 专八 高分 作文 意义

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