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1、Sand consolidation techniques are best applied to shorter completion intervals.


2、I keep winning Employee Of The Month because my name is the shortest and it costs less to engrave.


3、Make it too short and you’ll end up frustrated.


4、The lease period: the short years, the longest can sign a three year extension of two years.


5、Ad Hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol selects the shortest-path or minimum hop count from source to destination as route selection metric.


6、A high-efficient algorithm to seek the shortest path arborescence and all shortest paths between any two vertices in DAG is presented.

日本的人均预期寿命最长,为82.xx岁; 赞比亚最短,只有40.xx岁。

7、Japanese have the longest life expectancy -- 82.3 years -- and Zambians the lowest, at 40.5.


8、Travel or short trips will probably be your best outlet.


9、Of visible lights, red light has the longest and violet the shortest wavelength.

最短和最长的停留时间应遵照材料厂商的建议。 如果特定的指示无从获得,最短和最长的停留时间可以

10、Minimum and maximum residence times should follow resin supplier's recommendations or between

1.5 and

4 minutes if specific guidelines are not found.



11、Measured according to this formula, the best investment is the one with the shortest payback period.


12、The shortest distance between two points is a straight line.

烛炬越烧越短, 最后只剩下一英寸。

13、The candle grew down until only an inch was left.


14、Experimental results show that the weighted identification S-graph shortest path algorithm for solving the transport network is an effective method for the shortest path.

他执导的短片《两车一夜》成功的使他获得奥斯卡最佳真人短片奖提名,紧接着他的影片《Tama Tu》又收到了xx年柏林电影节上全景单元最佳短片奖的角逐资格。

15、He tilts the world and celebrates the lop-side. His success with the Oscar nominated short film Two Cars, One Night, was followed by the festival winning Tama Tu .

动物学家现在认为燐“as the crow flies”(笔直地)这个短语不再表示两点之间最短、最直接的路线。

16、Zoologists now believe the phrase "as the crow flies" no longer means the shortest most direct route between two points.

17、A smile is the shortest distance between two people. 微笑是两个人之间最短的距离。


18、There's nothing I like less than gossiping .


19、Most of the shortest-path planning of the GPS related productions is simply to find the shortest path between the starting and the terminal point.


20、And it has this beautiful constraint of 160 characters.

21、That was one of my favorite skit.这是我最喜欢的滑稽短剧。

22、Lele:Because February is the shortest month of a year.乐乐:因为xx月xx年中最短的一个月。

23、A smile is the shortest distance between two people. 微笑是两个人之间最短的距离

24、My menses is the longest it is 27 days, the shortest be 25 days help calculate?我的 月经期最长是27天,最短是25天帮忙算一下?

25、The longest duration of your stay is 365 days, the shortest stay period is 0 days.您的最长停留期限是365天,最短停留期限是0天。

英文句子26:,26、A weighted identification shortest path S-graph basic principle is illustrated, a weighted S-map identifies the shortest path.阐述加权标识S-图最短路径的基本原理、求解加权标识S-图的最短路径定理及证明。

27、Taxol content in needle and swig of Taxus yunnanensis was the highest within fou…短叶醇含量则以短叶红豆杉针叶最高,东北红豆杉及云南红豆杉次之。

28、Slowpoke:Shortest total distance traveled in the match.总距离最短的比赛。

29、Best Animated Short Film: 1931 to present最佳动画短片:xx年至今

30、Maybe, but they’re also the ones with the shortest careers, who burn out the fastest.也许,但他们还有最短的职业,以最快的速度燃烧起来。

31、It was the shortest Milan derby ever completed.这是有史以来最短的一场米兰德比。

32、Should mention the shortest delivery time, goods weight & volume, origin, best payment method.应指明最短交期,货物重量和材积,原产地,最忧付款方式。

33、The mission of Saya : Help the most companies gain the most business opportunities within the shortest time !圣亚使命:以最短时间帮助最多企业赢得最多海外商机!

34、A business overdraft would be most suitable for short-term loans.商业透支项目最适合短期贷款。

35、The longest of Pat's marriages lasted five years and the shortest just five days.希金斯的婚史最长为xx年,最短的仅有5天。

36、Results 结果6例均获随访,最短随访8个月,最长17个月。

7 knees in

6 patients were followed up for 8~

17 months.

37、This shop sells the latest fashion of shirts and shorts.这个店在卖最新流行的衬衫和短裤。

38、Reese Witherspoon - Best Short Dresses瑞茜•威瑟斯彭:最佳短裙

39、Men like to play blitzkrieg, with a woman, in the shortest time to shorten the fickle cycle.⊙、男人喜欢打闪电战,用最短的时间拿下女人,把喜新厌旧的周期缩短。

40、Second: the shortest path to the transport routes.第

二: 最短路径的运输路线, 平板车。

41、The effect in pulmicort inhaling group was the best.其中,普米克吸入组疗程最短。

42、a smile is the shortest distance between two people. 微笑是两个人之间最短的距离。

43、So, the generation of ultra-short pulse is the basic and key technology.因此超短脉冲的产生是最基础,同时也是最关键的技术。

44、Life is only a short few decades, I want it to go Finally, Each memory is a solid.人生只有短短几xx年,我要他走到最后时,每

一 个回忆都事充实的!

45、A new algorithm is proposed, which solves the shortest path in a graph with the same length of the edges.最后,全面阐述图的最短路径算法,提出改进算法,有效地解决了含有多条相同长度的单源点最短路径问题;

46、The most popular short-haired breed is the Siamese. Most short-haired cats are strong and active.最有名的短毛种猫品种是暹罗猫。大多数短毛猫都身体强壮,十分活跃。

47、In what month do people talk the least? February ----it's the shortest .哪个月人们说话最少?答:xx月,因为xx月最短。

48、THE hurricane seeks the shortest road by the no-road.飓风借以无路索求最短的行程。

49、Fastest Time to Pass Through a Tennis Racket Three Times在最短的时间内钻过网球拍三次

50、The intercalary duct of parotid gland is longer than the salivary glands, while the sublingual gland is the shortest.闰管为腮腺最长,颌下腺次之,舌下腺最短。

经典英文句子51:最短,51、The smallest human vagina can be right around an inch long.@而人类最短的小妹妹只有一英寸。

52、Good company on the road is the shortest cut.途中有良伴是最短的捷径。

53、He's allowed the shortest kick off the wall here.我只允许他蹬壁后做最短距离的打腿。

54、Best Short Film - Color: 1936 and 1937最佳电影短片:1937-1937



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