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关于”表对比的句型“的英语句子33个,句子主体:Table Contrast Sentence Patterns。以下是关于表对比的句型的四级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Table Contrast Sentence Patterns


1、It shows that the modal shape and mode frequency are highly coupled with the viv response of a marine riser with low mass ratio.


2、The single air impulse molding is also investigated as a contrast of the new method. It was shown that the new method is markedly prior to the single air impulse molding method.


3、The validity of the bilinear model over the linear one is established via simulation.


4、Next we delivered ritonavir to rat livers and compared the resulting expression profiles with those generated earlier.


5、We compared the presence of autoantibodies to basophil degranulation phenotypes and to disease status.


6、Objective: To study phenotype trait of Shigella boydii aerogenesis variety type

14 in shandong province, and to compare it with F. coli O32.


7、According to design type in intervention researches, selecting different indicators of the efficacy such as the mean, percentage, relative risk, odds ratio etc.


8、A scale model showed the same lag.


9、The results showed, compared with the hyperlipidemia control group, DMY reduced the weights of mice significantly;


10、Lip-synching: Sucks I agree, but lip-synching happens all the time in performances.


11、Compared with Harlow and M-V model, its shows not only effective in asset allocation but also in portfolio problem including derivative product whose yield is asymmetric.


12、The comparison indicates that the mode I crack extending accords with the theory of fracture mechanics at macro-scale level.


13、The alteration is different from typical porphyry-type copper deposits and the mineralization is characterized by rich tungsten and gold and poor copper.


14、Our conclusion is that MOSES software is quite reliable for the prediction of motion responses of multi-point moored FPSO.

对 倒排表 的最好描述是:它是对比特串的压缩表示。

15、Inversion lists are best described as a condensed summary of a bit string.


16、It is shown that the proposed model can realistically describe the strength and deformation characteristics of soils at every confining pressure.

实验结果表明,以该 模型分析得到的对比度相似性为95.3634%;

17、Experimental results show that similarity between image estimated by NSA model and target image is 95.3634%.


18、Objective: To evaluate the nephrotoxic effects of ionic contrast media (ICM)and nonionic contrast media (NCM).


19、By comparing the results, it is proved that the "streamlined" flame holder has a better drag feature than the "non-streamlined" flame holder, but its reverse flow zone is smaller.

前言: 概述了凹凸棒土在高颜基比溶剂型涂料中的应用与对比,结果表明可改善溶剂型涂料的储存沉淀性,并对油漆光泽和粘度影响也不大。

20、The result of the study is: precipitation in storage was improved, less influence on the viscosity of the coatings and gloss of the film.

21、According to correlations of oils and source rocks in Linnan area, it shows that there are three types of oils, namely Es_3, Es_4, and mixed one.从油油对比、油源对比等方面对临南地区沙四段进行了深入研究,提出临南地区存在沙三型、沙四型和混合型三种原油;

22、Some researchers have pointed out the key to the regional correlation of the upper Pre-cambrian in South Liaoning is how to link and correlate with Jixian and Xiadong stratotypes.辽南上元古界的区域对比的关键是如何与蓟县层型、峡东层型的衔接或对比。

23、That the over expression of wild type p 表达野生型p16的H460细胞与对照相比,大部分停滞于G1期,说明表达的P16蛋白具有功能活性。

16 caused G1 arrest suggested the wild type P16 protein expressed in H460 cell line to be a functional protein.

24、But parents are not too happy with the change and worry it might lead girls to get tattoos.但是对芭比焕然一新的造型,许多家长表示反对,并担心这会诱导女孩子们去纹身。

25、Compare sides. The feet normally perform less well than the hands.对比手与脚,脚通常表现的比手差些。

英文句子26:,26、Note that this statement specifies the table spaces for the table, index, and large objects (LOBs).注意,这个语句为表、索引和大对象(LOB)指定了表空间。

27、These types of tasks are related to creating and managing objects in the database, such as tables and indexes.这些类型的任务与在数据库中创建并管理对象相关,比如表和索引。

28、Compared with the Econometric Model. This model has higher prediction precise with relative error of 0.69%.结果表明,与计量经济模型相比,神经网络模型具有更高的测试(预测)精度,平均相对误差为0.69%。

29、After a discussion about strongly typed objects versus list-based data structures, Andrej moves on to definitions verses variables.Andrej在比较了强类型对象与基于列表的数据结构后,又转向对变量定义的讨论。

30、There's a chance that he has more dimes than a parking meter.现在他有机会去拥有比泊车咪表更多的硬币(内涵句)。

31、For example: He was hamming it up with his Professor Liu impression. He had us all laughing.例句:他对于刘教授表情的夸张表演让我们都大笑起来。

32、It suggested that the liver of tree shrews respond more rapidly to cold exposure then BAT and the ability of thermogensis of BAT is better than that of liver.表明中缅树鼠句肝脏对急性冷暴露的反应要比BAT快,但其BAT的产热能力强于肝脏。

33、Methods The features of B-mode ultrasound and the grading and staging of liver pathology were evaluated in 280 patients with CHB.方法对280例慢性乙型肝炎患者B超表现与病理分级分期进行对比分析。

34、It shows that the modal shape and mode frequency are highly coupled with the VIV response of a marine riser with low mass ratio.该模型的计算结果表明,立管的模态振型、 模态频率与涡激振动响应高度耦合,并且对于低质量比的情况尤为明显。

35、My watch is more expensive because it's a chronometer.我的手表是精密型的,要比你的贵。

36、Transgenic plants were more insensitive to endogenous gibberellic acid (GA) levels than the wild type.过量表达植株比野生型对内源赤霉素更不敏感。

37、Alternatively, you could redefine ASSIGN_OP to recognize other types of "alignables," such as comment introducers or column markers, and align them instead.另一种选择是,可以重新定义 ASSIGN_OP 来识别其他 “可对齐的” 类型,比如注释导入器或列表及,并对齐它们。

38、The study shows that the precision of the improved model is better than the stepwise regression model.实例分析表明,该模型的精度要比逐步回归模型高。

39、Numerical trials show that this model is more sparse than the standard one.经实验表明新提出的该模型比标准模型更为稀疏。

40、I like singing while she likes dancing. 考察表示对比的掌握,but和while都有两者对比的意思 如有不懂的,欢迎咨询。

41、As rows in a table (a typed table) whose columns are defined by the attributes of the structured type.对于表(类型化表)中的行,其中的列是根据结构化类型的属性定义的。

42、A comparison between measured and predicted pavement temperature indicates that the prediction model has comprehensive applicability and excellent accuracy.路面温度实测值和预测值的对比表明,预估模型具有广泛的适应性和较高的预测精度。

43、That is, user-defined distinct types can never depend on any other DDL object, and tables (excluding constraints) depend only on distinct types.比如,用户定义的类型不能依赖于其他 DDL 对象,而且表(不包括约束)只依赖于不同的类型。

44、Figure 图片

1: The traditional model for web applications (left) compared to the Ajax model (right).


45、Think, IQ test scores, grades, comparison between different types of students, good looks, etc..想想看,智力测试,年级,在不同类型的学生之中进行对比,俏丽的外表,等等都是因素之

46、They have little idea of the theoretical knowledge of sports, and most of them show the indifferent attitudes to sports tournaments (mainly national and international large-scale sports tournaments) .大多数大学生对体育比赛(主要指国际、国内大型体育比赛)表现出不关心的态度等现状。

47、My watch is more expensive because its a chronometer.我的手表是精密型的,所以要比你的贵。

48、The IL-4 of the asthmatic rats was lower than of the normal saline group which showed the treatment could restrain expression of IL-4.而肺俞穴自血注射对哮喘大鼠外周血IL-4含量明显比哮喘模型组低,表明对IL-4的表达有抑制作用。

49、In other words, this group shows strong "keeping up with the Joneses" behavior.换句话说,这组会员表现出强烈的攀比行为。

50、According to Beall, the pride expression accentuates typically masculine physical features, such as upper body size and muscularity.在比尔看来,骄傲的表情典型突出了男性的身体特征,比如说上半身的体型和发达的肌肉。

经典英文句子51:表对比的句型,51、A comparison of the calculated data with the test data indicates that this model has the merits of less parameters, accurate prediction and wide application.对该模型得到的理论预测值与实验实测值进行了对比检验,结果表明,该模型具有模型参数少、预测精度高、适用范围广的特点。

52、The comparison of four-layer beam model with two-layer beam model, reveals that the influence of gold-layer and chrome-layer on nanomechanical deflection of gene chip can not be neglected.同时四层梁模型和两层梁模型的比较表明,金层和铬层对芯片纳米挠度的影响不可忽略。

53、Vegas-style illusions may be hot, but among prestidigitators, micromagic remains the truest test of skill.虽然拉斯维加斯风格的迷幻表演比较火热,但对魔术师们来讲,微型魔术依然是对技能的真实考验。

54、IFN-gamma production and cytolytic activity were expressed less efficiently by HCV-specific than by non-HCV specific CD8 cells derived from the same CH-C patients.对于同一慢性丙型肝炎病毒患者,非丙型肝炎病毒特异反应性CD8细胞介导的IFN- γ产量和溶细胞活动的表达比丙型肝炎病毒高效。

55、I regret the quality problem.对质量重难点型我深表遗憾。

56、The result constract of simulation and test shows:the new developed model has good applicability and reliability.典型工况下模拟结果与实验结果的对比表明,该方法具有适用性广及可靠性高的优点。

57、Gets or sets the provider for the Component Object Model (COM) type information for the target component.获取由目标组件表示的组件对象模型 (COM) 对象的类型。

58、The comparisons between the results of simulation and that of real vehicle field tests show that the model has relatively high simulation accuracy.仿真与实车道路试验结果的对比表明该悬架模型具有较高的仿真精度。

59、I like singing while she likes dancing.考察表示对比的掌握,but和while都有两者对比的意思

60、This artical shows a short-channel thermal noise model of good fit by theoretical calculation and simulation results are compared.通过理论的计算值与仿真结果的对比,表现出了短沟道热噪声模型具有良好拟合性。

61、A DataObject represents any object in a model.DataObject 表示模型中的任何对象。

62、By comparing Shanghai with Chinese typical provinces as well as cities such as Beijing, the author comes to the result that there is nothing exceptional of the housing price-income ratio in Shanghai.通过上海市房价收入比相对值研究,即上海房价收入比的历史对比及与全国、东中西部代表省份、典型城市北京的比较,得出上海房价收入比并无异常的结论。

63、The table compares the proportion of people from each household type living in poverty in Australia in the year of 1999.这个表格对比了xx年澳大利亚不同类型贫困家庭的人口比例。

64、The comparison of the calculated values for the model with the experimental data indicated that this model is reliable for diffusion controlled crystal growth.模型计算与实验数据比较表明,湍流传质模型对扩散传质控制的晶体生长过程是可靠的。

65、They performed the worst than the control group.他们的表现比对照组差。

66、In comparison with the maximum likelihood classification by field survey data, the classification precision of this model heightens 16%.结合实地调查数据与最大似然分类算法进行对比实验,表明该模型比最大似然总体分类精度高16%。



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