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关于”鼓励孩子的短句“的英语句子42个,句子主体:Short sentences to encourage children。以下是关于鼓励孩子的短句的初二英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Short sentences to encourage children


1、Mumford, at first encouraging, became the rudest, calling her "Mother Jacobs" and comparing her to a quack.


2、He says it is unfair that girls can change into skirts during the hot weather, while boys have to swelter in long trousers.

羭 考试中的作弊,不少孩子发短信都可以盲打。


5, the exam cheating, many children can be to send a message.


4、Dressed in a boys striped shirt and short pants held up by suspenders, she stepped to the front.


5、His faithful father was always in the stands, always with words of encouragement for him.


6、Are you constantly going through your child's belongings - cupboard, books, online profile, SMSes, etc?


7、For another example, some parents and teachers, in order to improve children's academic performance in a short time, tend to put too heavy burden on children .


8、That is changing, however, and Chinese courts are increasingly granting moral damages.


9、My name is Ding Muzi. I am

12 years old now. I am a girl with a short hair.


10、Its fluffy head and short trunk are completely automatic.

冯德尔莱恩女士提议的目的是为了激励女性放弃此前规定的xx年产假,同时也鼓励男性分担照看孩子的责任。 从前,休产假的女性既需要部分得到公司允许,在休假期间又几乎毫无收入,这通常被视作女性职业生涯中的一大障碍。

11、Her aim was to give incentive to women to forgo part of thepermitted, barely paid three-year maternity leave, often seen as an impedimentto a career, and to encourage men to share in child care.


12、He said it is unfair that girls can change into skirts during the hot weather, while boys have to swelter in long trousers.


13、For those of us with shorter hair, clip-in extensions are a good quick fix.


14、Li Xia learned that xiaowen and relationship of puma, praise for puma is bloody man, feelings for xiaowen and Anne also encourage more.


15、Mr. Su managed to recover his children after only a matter of days at the kiln, but many other parents have been less fortunate, losing contact with children for months or years.


16、One of them is standing playing a flute. The other is sitting on top of the cloud, depicting the flute player's mood, basking in his own physical body.


17、That girl with short hair?


18、The regulation outlaws snooping into their emails, text messages, web chats, and browser history.


19、Any shorter, and the reading and maths skills of the older child dipped .


20、The book is divided into 365 chapters (each chapter is page-long and it contains a motivational quote and a lesson).

21、A mother describes her child's hastily made table as "Perfect"! even thought it wobbles on uneven legs.一位母亲用“完美无缺”来形容她孩子匆忙做成的桌子,尽管桌子的腿长短不一,摇摇晃晃。

22、The problem is that most parents are not even aware when it happens, yet studies show the battery begins to cause severe damage within just two hours of ingestion.事情发生时,大多数孩子的家长还蒙在鼓里,然而研究表明,孩子误食电池后仅仅两个小时,便会对他们的身体造成严重损害。

23、Ear plugs: Lecturing and threatening may only motivate your child short - term .耳塞: 教训和威吓只能短期地促动孩子。

24、Let them have their own spot in the garden to dig for worms, catch bugs, or just dig in the dirt.让孩子们在花园里拥有专供他们在地里挖蚯蚓、找虫子和捣鼓泥巴的区域。

25、Another child, just as it is with a child instead of the same, have a clean hair, black sweater shows on the way, a few bright white cool, and a little bit this time of children is nifty and lovely.另一个孩子,就好像是与前一个孩子相反的一样,有干净利落的短发,黑色的衣裤上闪过几道亮白,酷酷的,又有一点这个时候孩子的俏皮可爱。

英文句子26:,26、School Environments: How Schools are Short-Changing Girls…and Boys.学校环境: 学校是如何短期改变女孩…和男孩的。

27、When his boysstart playing bagpipes and snare, he practices with them, whomping a bass.他的孩子们开始练习风笛和行军鼓时,他也会和他们一起练,弹他的贝斯。

28、By almost all standards, it's been a miserable failure, encouraging only the proliferation of "dumb boxes" that are haphazardly nailed together.根据几乎所有的标准,这都是低劣的失败,它只鼓励扩散增生胡乱钉在一起的“哑巴盒子”。

29、Reporter: Are there any other ways that Disney institutionalizes an environment for creativity?记者:迪士尼是否有其他的方法营造鼓 励创造的环境?

30、You might think a gentle nudge from a loving partner would help you stick to your plan to redecorate the house or get in shape.你可能认为你伴侣的温柔鼓励会帮助你更坚定地执行你的计划,如重修房子或健身。

31、The kids are meant to roll and pound and make all sorts of interesting animals and shapes.我本来想孩子们可以捏捏,卷卷,捣鼓着玩橡皮泥,捏出各种有趣的动物和形状。

32、There were short letters full of tiny compliments that only a seven-year-old would notice.一些短信里充满了一个年仅xx岁的孩子的小小问候。

33、Always require that your child wear a bike helmet, no matter how long or short the ride is.通常规定不管骑车时间长短,你的孩子都要戴上头盔。

34、Meanwhile, a gang of muggers heard the boy's drumming.与此同时,一伙强盗听到了男孩的鼓声。

35、If you notice your child has a bulging eyeball , it may be due to infection of the sinuses.如果您发现您的孩子有一个鼓胀的眼球,这可能是由于感染的鼻窦。

36、Plus, of course, it's a fail-safe way to encourage children to don wellies and head outside, even when it's chucking it down: an essential bit of kit, then, on any walking holiday. Ages 7+当然除此之外,鼓励孩子在外面穿上雨靴、雨帽也是一种预防措施,即使是在倾盆大雨的时候:它们在任何徒步旅行中都是必备之物。

37、However, with the rapid development of EC, worldwide tax-free policies has made Electronic Commerce "vacuum" and "collapsar" of taxation.但其蒸蒸日上的同时,各国长期免税的鼓励政策也使电子商务渐渐成为税收“真空”与“黑洞”。

38、Some elderly and children are wide and short and straight eustachian tube, nasal secretions easier to otitis media caused by this route.一些老人和孩子由于咽鼓管宽短而平直,鼻内分泌物更容易经此途径引起中耳炎。

39、Things- car, bus, truck, boat, train, bed, desk, doll, bell, drum, table, book, spoon, knife, fork, door, clock, chair, bench, stool, brush, comb, sock, shoe.物体- 小汽车,公共汽车,卡车,轮船,火车,床,桌子,娃娃,铃,鼓,桌子,书,匙,小刀,叉子,门,钟,椅子,长椅,工具,刷子,梳子,短袜,鞋。

40、The over-optimism that has encouraged us to use our Aquarian technological brilliance to find ways to expand, consume and speculate to death is in its very end days.过度乐观,鼓励我们用水瓶的技术华晨设法扩大,消费和推测死亡中,它的最后日子。

41、Children courage, life force continues to move forward the last tour … go … the captain finally found that black children have disappeared.…船长终于发现那个黑人小孩失踪了。


42、In it a young woman, hair bobbed and face in shadows, stood with a toddler.照片上,一个年轻的女子留着短发,脸部有阴影,和一个小孩站在一起。

43、The other posters in this thread encouraged you to film specific market events which are confusing, and bring the footage online for interpretation.有些帖子鼓励你把具体的市场特性拍成电影,并把片段在网上解释,哪怕是混乱不清的。

44、While Maria Glickman says she urges her daughter not to work so hard and that 'getting a B is OK, ' she also has been encouraging her to look at Ivy League schools including Columbia and Princeton.虽然玛丽亚•格利克曼说,她叫孩子不要那么拼命,“拿个'B'也没关系”,不过她也一直鼓励女儿考虑上哥伦比亚、普林斯顿这样的常春藤盟校。

45、Later in the study, the children expressed dislike for the foods they had been rewarded for eating.后来在研究过程中,孩子们表示并不喜欢因为奖励而去吃的食物。

46、Being a positive leader, you would like to encourage him to pursue his dream.作为一个乐观的领导者,你会鼓励他追寻他的梦想。

47、Taekwondo Class will start in April. Parents please encourage your children to join the class. The details are as follow.本校积极推行课外活动,并将于xx月开办跆拳道班,请家长鼓励贵子弟参加。跆拳道班详情如下。

48、Canada could use its position to encourage important discussions about NATO nuclear policies and establishing an Arctic nuclear weapons free zone.加国可以利用本身的地位,鼓励各国讨论有关北约核子政策及建立

一 个北极圈无核区的重要。

49、You can encourage your child to start job searching and stress the importance of it, but don't overdo the financial support.你可以鼓励你的子女开始找工作,并告诉他们这有多重要,但是不要在经济上给予过多的支持。

50、Encourage their appreciation for healthy food by serving nourishing meals regularly.通过定期提供有营养的食物来鼓励他们欣赏健康的食物。

经典英文句子51:鼓励孩子的短句,51、Teaching boys early on to distance themselves from these images and encouraging them to find the lies in the messages can help, said Lamb.拉姆博士标示,引导男孩们远离这一类型的影视作品,鼓励他们发现这些信息中所隐藏的谎言,对他们会有所助益。

52、And the marriage was short and unhappy, and you never married again, and the child, if there is one, is in boarding school.这次婚姻既短暂又不幸福,你从没再婚,那个孩子,如果有个孩子的话,是在寄宿学校。

53、The child had spina bifida and had already endured a dozen operations in her short life.孩子患有先天性脊柱裂,在她短暂的生命中已承受了十多次手术。

54、Her short brown hair was curled in a puffy bouffant hairdo.她棕色的卷卷的短发蓬松鼓起。

55、I am an English teacher in a middle school. I had a short marriage.我是一名中学英语教师,有过一短暂的婚史,没有孩子。

56、This policy applies to all the employees of Dragon Pharmaceutical Inc. and its subsidiaries. Third parties are encouraged to report concerns as well.本制度适用于凯龙药业及其子公司的全部员工,并鼓励其它第三方进行举报。

57、2011-01-22 Closely-spaced pregnancies are linked to a higher risk of autism in the second-born child, according to a new study.xx年xx月xx日 据一项最新研究发现,如果母亲生第二个孩子的时间与生第一个孩子的时间相隔太短,第二个孩子患自闭症的风险会有所提高。

58、Just a quick smooch can give this to your partner or even your children.只短暂的一个亲吻就可能把病毒传染给你的伴侣,甚至是你的孩子。

59、Due to countless such parenting epiphanies that occur on the show, many wives are encouraging their spouses to tune into "Where Are We Going, Dad?""由于节目中出现了无数次类似的感悟,许多妻子鼓励她们的配偶去看《爸爸去哪儿》。

60、From the Easter Bunny to spinach to death, we lie about all sorts of things to give our kids a sense of wonder, encourage them to try different foods and protect them from harsh reality.从神奇的复活节兔子、到为什么要多吃菠菜、再大到生老病死,我们编造各种各样的谎言,让孩子们相信美好和奇迹,鼓励他们尝试不同的食物,保护他们过早的受到残酷的现实的伤害。

61、Parents who find older children bullying younger brothers and sisters might do well to replace shouting and punishment by rewarding and giving more attention to the injured ones.发现年长的孩子欺负弟弟或妹妹的家长,可能通过奖励和更加关心受伤害的孩子代替斥责和惩罚伤害者的方法,效果会更好。

62、Every week it's children being carried out of playgrounds with serious head injuries while we all laugh and clap.每周都有小孩子在游戏场上受到严重的头外伤,但我们却边笑便鼓掌。

63、Make puppets with the children and put on a puppet show for family and friends, or help children put on a skit about what they experienced.和孩子们一起做木偶并为亲友上演木偶剧,或者帮助孩子上演关于自己所经历事情的短喜剧。

64、"He would act out skits for the children to break the walls between them, " she said.她说,“他会给孩子表演滑稽的短剧来拉近他们之间的距离。”

65、To encourage you toward a slow and delicious path, allow me share the wise words of my father, who often told me: ”Slow down, kid, or you’re gonna fall and hit your head.为了鼓励你走进一个放慢了而有滋有味的途径,这里我想分享一下我父亲曾讲过的一些话,他经常讲给我说:“孩子啊,你要慢一点,否则你就会摔倒,撞到你的头。”

66、The times of parental frustration should be used as times to re-group, re-think, and re-evaluate.家长应在烦恼的时间重整旗鼓,调整自己的认识,重新评价孩子。

67、In the same exhibition hall, a skinless drum and laser harp also catch the children's attention.在同一个展览厅里,一个无皮鼓和激光竖琴也吸引了孩子们的注意。

68、The film also stars a boy who plays the son.短片的主演还包括一位扮演儿子的男孩。

69、For the first time in his short life, Rhys was able to start mixing with other children and playing outdoors.在里斯短短的生命历程中,他第一次能与别的孩子交往并到户外游戏。

70、Bored by her tight lecture schedule, the young girl befriends an aging pilot next door and becomes fascinated by his story of the little prince and the asteroids.厌倦了紧锣密鼓的课程安排,小女孩和一位年老的飞行员邻居成为了好朋友,老人对女孩讲述了小王子的故事,便开启了小女孩追寻小王子的探索世界之旅。

71、Mr. Tharp said the younger couples he counseled often thought too hard about the financial cost of children in the short term and the amount of attention that younger ones needed.撒普说,找他咨询的年轻夫妻,往往会对抚养孩子的短期财务成本以及小孩子所需要的关注考虑得太多。

72、Today, I was texting a girl that I've liked for some time.今天,我和一个喜欢了一段时间的女孩子发短消息。

73、And now I'm like baby, baby , baby noo.我现在就像个孩子,孩子,孩子,不。


标签: 英文 孩子 短句

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