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关于”时间的诗句“的英语句子4个,句子主体:Poetry of time。以下是关于时间的诗句的雅思英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Poetry of time

1、In two years) out two this personal poetry anthology, totaling more than 300 first prose poetry. 在两年地时间里编印出两本小我诗集,共计300余首散文诗。

2、Take 45 seconds to savor a single haiku, or read over your favorite sonnet. 花上45秒的时间来品味一首俳句,或者细细品读你最喜欢的十四行诗。

3、Ashu could discern resemblances between many of my poems and old French poems he knew. 阿苏能够指出我的很多诗歌和他所知道的法国古诗之间的相似之处。

4、When in eternal line to time thou grow'st. 当你在永恒的诗行里与时间同久长;

5、The time in the famous poem July of Binfeng in the Book of Songs orders changes in direction and transverse direction, and such a kind of change forms a kind of structure of time. 《诗经》中著名的《豳风•xx月》一诗中的时间在纵向与横向上都存在着一种有序的变化,这样一种形式变化在诗中形成了一种时间结构。诗歌当中的这种时间结构很好地体现了上古先民的时间意识。

6、When in eternal lines to time thou growest. 你将在不朽的诗中与时间同在;

7、There are some similarities between the two poets. 那两位诗人之间有些相似之处。

8、(光阴去如飞) Time is a file that wears and makes no noise.

9、(和时间携起手来,一人抵两人) Time is life and when the idle man kills time, he kills himself.

10、The difference between the satirical poetrys characteristics and the standard from lyric poetry is the main reason causing the satirical poetrys sub-poetic state. 讽刺诗独特的风韵格调与潜在的抒情诗标准之间所存在的差异是造成讽刺诗“亚诗歌”状态的主要原因。

11、Disciple Hong Fu spent 3 days to write up the request attached for these two poems. 弟子虹福花了三天的时间写了附呈之两首诗的提请文。

12、Now most rhymed poems in Milton's day were end-stopped lines of verse. 弥尔顿时期的大部分押韵诗都使用孤联诗句。

13、Accordingly, traditional Western poetry pays more attention to the development of linear structures, whereas classical Chinese poetry emphasizes simultaneity apposition. 与此相一致,西方传统诗歌注重时间的线性发展,古典汉语诗歌则倾向于同时并置。

14、Narrative poems in female script are the poems spreaded orally far and wide among Jiangyong women which are recorded by female script. 女书叙事诗是在江永女性之间口头流传的民间叙事诗歌。

15、The relationship of Poetry and Painting had changed from Similarity to Dissimilarity in quality, and Poetry is an art of time, Painting is an art of space. 诗画关系经历了从“诗画一律”到“诗画异质”的变化,其中,诗是时间的艺术,画是空间的艺术。

16、Song Dynasty is Six-character poem's heyday time, also is Six-character poem's syntax and the skill's newly changes period. 宋代是六言诗的极盛时期,也是六言诗句法和技巧的新变期。

17、all time is no time when it is past 光阴一去不复返。

18、His poetry collections include: Poetry Extract and the Stream of Time. 著有诗集《海外诗抄》及《时间之流》。

19、Qiyan Poems in the development, has been given the body of literature, and poetry such as the three poems, Five Characters poetry, folk songs such as the impact of cultural style. 刘宋时期文学的发展与文体融合之间的关系紧密。 以七言诗的发展来看,其受到了赋体文学,以及诗歌内部如三言诗、五言诗、民歌等诸多文体样式的影响。

20、You wouldn’t believe how many 500 word articles took hours to write as I did choirs every other sentence. 当我每写一句后关注一下唱诗班,你不会相信,500字的文章需要写那么长时间。

21、或时间就是生命,节省时间,就是延长生命) Time spent in vice or folly is doubly lost.

22、Finally with Marina as a prelude, Four Quartets displays a perfect form of time in the paradise, thus ending the poet′s exploration of time. 《玛丽娜》是诗人的天堂时间的前奏曲,《四个四重奏》则演奏出完美的天堂时间,诗人以完美的音符结束了对时间的探索。

23、The perfect harmony of the poet and the moon means their understanding, and the embodiment of Li's exploring the philosophy of history and time. 李白之人月相得体现的是诗人与月之精神契合,以及诗人与天地万象共享历史哲学与时间哲学的精神探索。

24、Each poem comprises a series of organically interwoven images, each of which is a relatively independent poetic sp… 由此观之,诗歌的空间叙事实质上就是诗歌意象的空间叙事。

25、There was no time for flowers, song, and love poems. 没有时间考虑鲜花、情歌和情诗。


26、I'd spent so much time perfecting the rhymes, and counting the beats, that I knew the poem by heart. 我甚至不必费神看我的诗稿,因为这首诗我花了很多时间完善韵律、对齐音步,所以我对这首诗了熟于胸。

27、When in eternal lines to time thou growest 你将在不朽的诗中与时间同长

28、to save time is to lengthen life 节省时间就是延长生命。

29、The poet attempted to transcend reality and reconstruct the order of time by returning to the primal chaos before time, underlying with which he alleviated the anxiety and perplexity of life. 诗人试图以一种诗性的想象超越现实时间之网的缧绁,回到时间发生之前的原始混沌,重建理想的时间秩序,并藉此释解生命的焦虑与困惑。

30、The choir entered singing, "He came down to earth from heaven, who is God and Lord of all." 诗班进场时唱出:「祂从天上降到世间,祂是神和万有之主。」

31、At present, Qin Guans poetry is stepping into the academic field of the researchers, so discussing the stylistic change of Qinguan s poetry creation by stages is significant. 鉴于此,本文旨在重新划分奥登创作时期的基础上,研究奥登各时期的诗歌风格特征及其诗风转变与思想转变之间的关系。

32、They highlighted the ontological features of poem by way of distinguishing poems from articles, poems from non-poems and poems in different times. 通过辨诗文之别、诗与非诗之别,以及诗歌的时代之别,突现了诗歌的本体特征;

33、Between the poem and God's yellow eye. 在诗歌和神的黄眼睛之间。

34、"Brilliance, one day watching as horseshoe disease from tang chang flower", is a poet fortune turnes the sentence, god of brilliance. “春风得意马蹄疾,xx日看尽长安花”取自唐诗名句,是诗人时来运转,春风得意之神作。

35、On the other hand, he explores the life-giving and poetic contents of Augustinian time, i. e. , to bestow them on the people and things in his poems through their experiences of time. 另一方面挖掘奥古斯丁时间的生命和诗学 内涵,通过对时间的体验,将时间的心灵和生命的属性赋予诗歌中的人和 物。

36、If poetry is infatuated with time and space, I wondered why most poetry makes such poor use of both to make its message. 如果说诗是由时间和空间组成的,那我想知道为什么大部分诗都不好好利用这两者来表达其内涵呢。

37、It took me all day to frame up the poem. 我写这首诗花了整整一天时间。

38、(光阴如锉,细磨无声) Time stays not the fool's leisure.

39、Homeric epics were transmitted orally among the rhapsodes. However, they had been written down probably in Homer's age. 荷马史诗最初在颂诗人之间口头流传,但在荷马时代可能就已经有写本了。

40、These lines belong in a poem about 1,500 years older, contemporary with our St Augustine. 这两句诗的作者是大约xx年之前的一位诗人,他与我们的圣奥古斯丁(St Augustine)处于同一时代。

41、或莫说年纪小人生容易老) Time and tide wait for no man.

42、What could we do, in the brave new world of the Internet, to make better use of time and space, in poetic ways? 在当今这个互联网新时代,我们怎样才能在作诗时更好的利用时间和空间呢?

43、The end of an era makes the soul of poets' melancholy and mournful, the psychology of the poets fragile and the aesthetic standard changed a lot. 时代之暮使诗人的心灵忧郁悲怆,时代之暮使诗人的心态趋于弱质内敛,时代之暮使诗人的审美追求发生了变化。

44、The major themes into modern poetry, and published in the first time, it is the poet poetry art test. 而以现代重大题材入诗,且要在第一时间发表,正是对诗人诗艺的考验。

45、And I wove the thing to a random rhyme, For the Rose is Beauty, the Gardener, Time. (我聊将此事写一首小诗,因为玫瑰虽美,园丁却是时间) 本诗…

46、By subverting the essence of epic, Ulysses has drawn a curtain of the times of heroism, as well as the times of epic. 通过对史诗这一概念的颠覆,《尤利西斯》为英雄时代画上了句号,也为史诗时代画上了句号。

47、The poet ranted his humorous verses before a big crowd. 这位诗人在大庭广众之下大声朗诵他的幽默诗句。

48、The Dream of a Yi Nationality and Time. 代表作有诗集《初恋的歌》、《一个彝人的梦想》、《时间》等。

49、A classical Greek poem modeled on the choric ode and usually having a three-part structure consisting of a strophe, an antistrophe, and an epode. 诗歌:以便唱歌曲为模式的古希腊诗歌,具有三部分结构,包括向左舞动时唱的诗句,向右舞动时唱的诗句以及抒情诗等三部分。

50、time waits for no man 岁月无情;岁月易逝;岁月不待人


51、How many bards gild the lapses of time! 有多少诗人把黄金镀上流逝的时间!

52、When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st. 你将在不朽的诗中与时间同长; ;

53、no one can back yesterday 昨日不复来。

54、"Responsory" between the poets is the typical form in poetry transmission. 诗人之间的“唱和”,是人际诗歌传播的典型形式。

55、In a word, Yunjian poetic school drew full stop of weight extremely for the end of poem of Ming Dynasty and its various artistic orientation still exerts a great influence on the poem of Qing Dynasty. 总之,云间诗派为明诗的终结划下一个极具分量的句号,其多样的艺术取向还对清诗的发展产生重大影响。

56、The poetry of Ezra Pound is at whens difficult to understor since it contains so a lot obscure references. 艾兹拉·庞德的诗有具体时间难以理解,因该诗词中含有许多令人费解的典故。

57、The time in narrative poem is obviously fictitious. 叙事诗在时间的把握上体现出更明显的虚构性。

58、There were eight schools on The Book of Songs Researching in the Qing Dynasty. In this article, their success and failure had been discussed in turn. 有清一代诗经研究略分八派,兹逐一论述其得失,以时间为序,大致勾勒曼殊十朝“诗经学”之成就。

59、Mock epic, romance, satire and epigram were popular forms adopted by poets of the time. 僧侣史诗,浪漫主义,讽刺和警句成为被那个时代的诗人所普遍采用的形式。

60、When I first read this line by England's Poet Laureate, it startled me. 第一次读到英国桂冠诗人梅斯菲尔德的这句诗时,我感到十分震惊。

61、The perfect harmony of the poet and the moon means their understanding, and the embodiment of Li s exploring the philosophy of . 李白之人月相得体现的是诗人与月之精神契合,以及诗人与天地万象共享历史哲学与时间哲学的精神探索。

62、In Lamia Keats exhibited the conflict between poetry and philosophy by wrestling with the conflicts among the characters. 在叙事诗《拉弥亚》中,济慈以戏剧性和梦幻般的情节,通过人物之间的冲突展现出诗歌与哲学之间的矛盾关系。

63、The author tries to demonstrate artistic relationship between poems and paintings from Wang Wei's artistic works. 文章以王维诗为切入点,论证诗与画之间的审美关系;

64、(时间不等闲逛的傻瓜) Time and I against any two.

65、We always have time enough, if we will but use it aright. (Johan Wolfgang von Goethe, German poet ) 只要我们能善用时间,就永远不愁时间不够用。(德国诗人歌德。 罯J.W。)

66、In the authors opinion, the poet denied the circulating time and linear time, while affirm the instantaneous time and current time. 本文认为,诗人否定了循环时间和线性时间,但肯定了作为“瞬时性”与“当下性”的时间。

67、She spent her spare time composing poetry. 她利用业余时间作诗。

68、This is why he's continually placing the imaginative origin of the poem back to the very dawn of time, perhaps even back before if you can imagine such a time -- before the very dawn of time. 这就是为什么弥尔顿总是试图把想象中的这首诗的起源,推至时间开始的时候,甚至更早,-如果你们能想象这样一个时间--在时间开始之前。

69、In the "Shi Seng" dignity, also between the poet and the monk, Wenxiang wrote his own poems. 在“诗僧”这一独特身份下,在诗人与僧人之间,文珦创作了属于他自己的诗篇。

70、In "Historical Records", Sima Qian quoted the historical materials from "Book of Songs" directly and indirectly. 《史记》主要采用间接引用与直接引用《诗经》的方法,前者据《诗经》诗句写史,从《诗经》中摄取史料;


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