深厚的文化底蕴用英语怎么说 深厚的文化底蕴英语翻译

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深厚的文化底蕴用英语怎么说 深厚的文化底蕴英语翻译

深厚的文化底蕴翻译为英语的说法为:cultural,还可以翻译为different culture,在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到97个与深厚的文化底蕴相关的释义和例句。


1. cultural


示例:Some cultural attache you are. 你还真是个文化专员啊 Some cultural attaché you are.


2. different culture

深厚的文化底蕴翻译为different culture。

示例:a much different culture, much different religion. 他们的文化


3. thick description

深厚的文化底蕴翻译为thick description。

示例:Did i lay it on a little thick? Did I lay it on a little thick?


4. thick interpretation

深厚的文化底蕴翻译为thick interpretation。

示例:Spread it thick and lay the biggest lies Spread it thick and lay the biggest lies



1. thick context(深厚情境)

2. thick interpretation(深厚解释)


3. thick description(深厚描述, 深厚描述;


4. cultural(文化的


5. different culture( 文化;


1. Third is without any culture detail, bumptious child.

译文:第三是毫无文化底蕴,又自以为是的孩子。 。

2. Fenyang has a long history and deep culture.

译文:汾阳历史悠久,文化底蕴深厚。 。

3. The culture of Pingxiang City is characterized by a distinctive local style and a solid foundation.

译文:萍乡城市文化具有鲜明的特色和深厚的基础。 。

4. Nanzhang District has a special geographical position, and it also has glorious history and profound culture.


5. The art design must rely on the concrete culture environment. it can only be feeble not having the Smriti's culture connotation.


6. The bandit culture has deep culture relations with Mohism.


7. Jiangxi has a long history, rich cultural, known as "China-Tianbao, Renjiediling"in the world.


8. As one of the traditional Mongolian sports, BOKE enjoys profound cultural deposits and public preference in inner Mongolia.


9. However, Contemporary communication of Art Classics also whittles its deep-seated cultural signification.

译文:但美术经典的当代传播也淡化了美术经典的文化底蕴。 。

10. Cultural History: Tongli is a town with a profound cultural background and achievement.

译文:文化历史:同里是一个具有深厚的文化底蕴镇和成就的古镇。 。

11. Aihui is an old city with rich history and culture conception, and it has the unique tourist resources.

译文:瑷珲是历史文化底蕴深厚的古城,具有独特的旅游资源。 。

12. Anhua dark tea has a rich culture background in the long tea history.

译文:安化黑茶文化底蕴深厚,千年茶史可圈可点。 。

13. By studying Updike's parodic works, the readers can learn not only the art of his parodic narration, but also the cultural connotations in different times between the two writers.

译文:通过研读厄普代克的戏仿作品,读者既领略到戏仿策略的艺术,又了解了两位作家所彰显的不同时代的文化底蕴。 。

14. our opening ceremony is a joke, unorganized, highly unco-ordinated and certainly not cultural or spectacular at all.


15. Ejin Banner, locating in the west tip of inner Mongolia, is a place of long history and ancient culture.

译文:额济纳旗位于内蒙古最西面,是一个具有悠久历史和文化底蕴厚重的地方。 。


标签: 翻译 文化

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