连锁反应用英语怎么说 英语

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连锁反应的英语是"chain reaction",还经常被译作 ripple effect,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到89个与连锁反应相关的翻译和例句。


1. chain reaction

连锁反应翻译为chain reaction。

示例:你可以让原子粉碎原子,产生连锁反应,产生能量,那是一个非常惊人的发明。 You can get atoms to smash atoms and create a chain reaction and create power, that's a pretty amazing invention.


2. ripple effect

连锁反应翻译为 ripple effect 。

示例:这一事件在国际金融市场上引起了连锁反应。 It set off a chain reaction in the international money markets.


3. Chain Reaction

连锁反应翻译为 Chain Reaction 。

示例:他的辞职将会在整个部门中引起连锁反应。 His resignation will have a ripple effect on the whole department.


4. chain effect

连锁反应翻译为 chain effect 。

示例:Look, they did this with a bicycle chain. they did this with a bicycle chain.



1. nonchain reaction(非连锁反应)

2. open sequence reaction(非连锁反应)

3. runaway chain reaction(失控连锁反应)

4. rippling effect(n. 连锁反应)

5. trigger chain reaction(引发物连锁反应)

英语短语&俚语, nuclear chain reaction ( 核连锁反应 )

Chin Rection ( 连锁反应汉化版 )

Flower Reaction ( 花朵连锁反应 )

cheri cheri lady ( 连锁反应英文版 )

chain-react react ( 产生连锁反应 )

Spinky Zoologic ( 食物连锁反应 )

Polymerase Chain Reaction PCR reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction ( 聚合酶连锁反应 )

Polygonal Fury ( 狂热连锁反应 )


1. That's reaction of the joints


2. - Cait, the chain reaction,

译文:凯特 那个连锁反应。

3. A chain reaction is set in motion.

译文:连锁反应 设置在运动。。

4. There will be a chain reaction that leads to the end of the world

译文:之后可能引起连锁反应 导致世界末日。

5. Rift under iceland that caused a chain reaction earthquakes

译文:根据冰岛裂谷造成 连锁反应地震。

6. it's a domino effect in a trauma of a gunshot wound.


7. Law number three: power compounds.


三:权力会引发连锁反应 。

8. The chain reaction takes out an entire swarm.


9. They're spread too wide for a chain reaction.

译文:他们太散 无法引发连锁反应。

10. The polar shift triggered chain reactions.

译文:两极的变化引起了 连锁反应。。

11. A precise hit will start a chain reaction... which should destroy the station.

译文:若打个正着,将引发连锁反应 基地就应可摧毁。

12. We need the missiles to create a chain reaction to stop this thing.


一 连锁反应阻止它。

13. Without nike requin these shoes your wardrobe is incomplete.

译文:这是这个世上最强劲的连锁反应之 。

14. it's the release of underground gasses that can increase combustion and cause a chain reaction.

译文:但地下储气 可以引起连锁反应。。

15. Being alive after we were supposed to die, it caused an outward ripple.

译文:我们应该死却活下来 造成连锁反应。



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