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关于”雪的短句“的英语句子22个,句子主体:Snow's Short Sentence。以下是关于雪的短句的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Snow's Short Sentence


1、Expected, Harbin, Qiqihar, Jiamusi, Mudanjiang Airport there is a small short-term snow.


2、The Winter Universiade consists of compulsory sports Alpine skiing, nordic skiing composed of jump, cross country & com-bined, ice hockey, short track, speed skating, figure skating, biathlon.


3、Many animals are short of food there, their life becomes more and more miserable on the land where there is nothing but ice and snow, many lives died out in the terrible trail.

麦科斯·费雪(Max Fleischer)工作室制作的动画短片《白雪公主》由卡通明星贝蒂娃娃(Betty Boop)主演,她当然是全世界最美的女人。

4、Max Fleischer's studio produced an animated short version of Snow White featuring Betty Boop, who is of course the fairest in the land.


5、Thus there are times during a snowstorm when the temperature will suddenly drop and the snow will change to sleet and hail.


6、An uncle kua I can learn to ski in such a short time, that's really something!

与其发布家庭录像,他们发布了美式单口相声短剧(“stand up routine”),酒后漫步,从滑雪板掉落后痛苦的表情。

7、Instead of posting their home movies, they posted their stand-up routines and drunken ramblings and painful-looking snowboarding wipeouts.


8、He sent her to the first message of the time, it's snowing outside.


9、Simulate the avalanche circuit in series with PSPICE module, design the high voltage short plus generation circuit by avalanche transistor in series for the sweep deflection circuit of streak camera.

将硅雪崩光电二极管应用于盖革模式下 ,制作出高量子效率、低噪音、短死时间的单光子探测器 。

10、Silicon avalanche photodiodes operating in the Geiger mode are capable of detecting single photon in the near infrared regime.


11、Where the mother let He Ping go home after a good talk with Feng Xue, where father Feng Xue and other daughter-in-law is not the same, he asked where the mother personally do not.


12、Sao Paulo, 8th April - Felipe Massa came back to Brazil for a short holiday between the races at Sepang and in Shanghai.


13、After: The 400 yard stretch of road was cleared in just over an hour, creating a safe route for residents


14、He was pulled out of the Cedar River a short time later.

“我们想推出一种新产品组合,但小雪茄比传统雪茄更重要,因为可以吸烟的地方越来越少,时间也越来越短。” 洛佩兹说。

15、"We're trying to offer a combination of new products, but smaller cigars are more important than in the past because there are fewer places to smoke and less time," said Lopez.


16、However, one can't help but burst into laughter at the sight of these black and white bowling pins shuffling side to side across the ice on their impossibly short legs.


17、That probably means less snow for the wolverine, which may mean less food and fewer chances to disperse to new homes.


18、If your dog will wear booties, by all means, use them when walking the day after a snowstorm or in extremely cold temperatures.


19、Dia Mirza in a short, fetching dress exposing her alabaster legs at a hair oil launch.


20、Tuck a hot-water bottle between your feet or wear a pair of ski socks to bed.

21、Swam: Celebi! Can your time travel ability transport us just the short distance into the Passage of Time ?雪拉比!你能用你的短程时间旅行带我们到时之长廊去么?

22、Autumn is short, in the fingertips not yet been thoroughly warm in winter and snow crystal on the wanted children to my window lattice edges.秋是短暂的,在指尖还没被暖透,冬就想把晶莹的雪花儿送到我的窗棂边。

23、LOEB signed a contract with Citroën in 2002, and after a short time of adjustment, he started his journey of creating a legend.xx年勒布签约雪铁龙,在经历短暂的磨合之后,车神勒布开始书写传奇。

24、The corms could form earlier when cultured in the low temperature (13℃);低温(13℃)可以大大缩短香雪兰试管球茎的诱导时间;

25、'Also, don't bother wearing shorts if you have lily-white legs or some other abnormality showing.当然,如果你的大腿雪白,或者是其他不太正常的特征,那就干脆不要穿短裤了。

英文句子26:,26、Smits and snow had short sweet time, but time paradox still exist, old smits becomes more and more weak.史密特和米雪度过了短暂甜密的时光, , 但时光悖论依旧旧存在,这让史密特的身体愈来愈虚弱。

27、Sepang Goldcoast is a mere 30-minute drive from the airport and just over an hour from the capital.雪邦黄金海岸仅仅是从机场开出30分钟的车程,和从首都驱车短短一个多小时的车程。

28、The Snows of Kilimanjaro will then exist only as a memory — and the title of a short story by Ernest Hemingway.乞力马扎罗山之雪到那时将成为人们永远的记忆——以及欧内斯特·海明威(Ernest Hemingway)一篇短篇小说的名字。

29、Radial velocity products of Doppler weather radar are the important basis for short-term forecast.多普勒天气雷达的径向速度产品是制作“雷打雪”天气短时临近预报的重要依据。

30、Snow melts, will become a spring)雪,冷到极致才温暖(Snow, extreme cold to warm until

31、Scientist says that it is a sign of global warming and cold weather is caused by melting process of iceberg.上周降温,东北降雪,气候反常。有些科学家说是全球变暖信号,冰山融化吸收热量而造成的短期寒流。

32、A wakeboard looks like a snowboard, only shorter and wider.尾波滑水板看起来像是滑雪板,但是它比较短,也更宽一些。

33、Snow cover is a very important physical factor in short-term climate prediction. It has great significance to strengthen research in this area for improving short-term climate forecasting accuracy.积雪被视为我国短期气候预测的一个重要物理因子,继续加强该领域的研究对于提高我国短期气候预测的准确率将有重要意义。

34、However, one can’t help but burst into laughter at the sight of these black and white bowling pins shuffling side to side across the ice on their impossibly short legs.然而,当看到这些黑白相间的“保龄球瓶”拖着短得不能再短的腿,摇摇摆摆地在冰天雪地里穿梭时,任何人都会忍不住发出爆笑。

35、雪的白,让我想起了血的红(Snow white and reminds me of the red blood)

36、Therefore she has bought a new handset number, lets Du Xiaomei disguise the adorer who the white snow flies to him to send the short note.于是她买了一个新的手机号,让杜小梅假装成白雪飞的爱慕者给他发短信。

37、Christian Schmidt, 26, won the event, while a 70-year-old man got the biggest round of applause for stripping down to his long johns.然而,另有一位xx岁的男选手因在冰天雪地里只穿了一条短裤,赢得了观众最热烈的喝彩声。

38、雪对于我们来说,是转瞬而逝的存在(Snow for us, is the existence of a flash dies)

39、Shortages of meat and vegetable in the snow-hit areas caused prices to soar.雪灾地区的肉类和蔬菜的短缺迫使物价飙升。

40、Starting from the block of snow round of the general, the longest, but the shoulder, the shortest not less than ribs.一般由拦雪轮起算,最长不过肩,最短不低于肋下。

41、Sunshine, rain, snow and ice, Xingyue, concentrated into just a few days, see hurried deducing of thousands of years of repeated fairy tale.阳光、风雨、冰雪、星月,都浓缩成短短的昼夜,看匆匆忙忙演绎着千百年重复的童话。

42、Listenned to face the words of breeze, Sung sang snow point to nod, then turned round, later saying a sentence"I looking at", heave a tread to outwardly walk.听了临风的话,宋吟雪点点头,然后转身,在说了句“我去看着”后,提步向外走去。

43、Water repellent windbreaker with taped seams, fold-in hood ant two inside pockets.防风防水短风衣,采用压条拼缝,可折叠风雪帽以及两只侧袋。

44、Each British man was wearing a low sock that ended three or four inches above the ankle, revealing a quantity of snow white leg;所有英国男士都穿着短袜,长度只及脚踝以上


45、She was transitoriness just like snow.她就像雪一样,是短暂的。

46、Giant Schnauzer and a cat check each other out in the eastern German city of Leipzig on August xx月xx日,德国莱比锡的宠物展销会上,雪纳瑞狗与短毛猫对视,似乎在友好地交流。

18, 2010.

47、Snow cover duration was also at a record minimum, going back to since record-keeping began in 1966.积雪覆盖的持续时间也是自xx年开始记录以来最短的。

48、His tail was ticking back and forth. It is cropped so that it is about the size and shape of a half-smoked stogie .他的尾巴来回摇摆,尾巴曾被剪短过所以看起来像廉价的细长雪茄烟一样的大小。

49、There was that time, too, in faraway Kyrgyzstan, gathering juniper branches in the snow for window decorations and exchanging used books wrapped in boxer shorts .还有一次,在遥远的吉尔吉斯斯坦,在雪中收集松枝,装饰窗户,交换用拳击短裤包装的旧书。

50、Moreover, melting glaciers and shrinking snow packs portend severe water shortages in fragile border regions like northern Pakistan.而且,冰川融化和积雪的减缩,预示着中国脆弱的周边地区如巴基斯坦北部的水资源短缺将更加恶化。

经典英文句子51:雪的短句,51、"Panoramic movies and folk performances will showcase Heilongjiang's ecology and environment, as well as its tourist attractions and ice culture, " Li said.“视频短片和民俗表演将全面展示黑龙江的生态环境、旅游胜地和冰雪文化,”李德山说。


标签: 英文 短句

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