关于”建议信“的英语句子57个,句子主体:Recommendation Letter。以下是关于建议信的小升初英语句子。
英文句子模板1:Recommendation Letter
1、Test that can realize the user information and advice of entry;
2、Finally, tentative suggestion was put forward in order to build the long-term mechanisms of information sharing and linkage.
3、I have written him a letter and suggested his giving the plan up.
4、We suggest you seek the advice of your business adviser or an intellectual property expert before acting on any information contained in this publication.
5、We note with interest the suggestion contained in your letter of…
6、Valuable information can be yours if you listen to those with experience.
7、Contrapose various demand of information, we table a proposals of different VSAT network construction precept and suggestion.
8、Talk to somebody you believe if you need counsel about broaching the person.
9、This Recommendation provides the guidance on the nominal amplitude of picture signals .
在使用 LotusScript 时,我们推荐以下设计建议以避免信号量问题。
10、We make the following recommendations for designing to avoid semaphore issues when using LotusScript.
将利用与数据提供者 servlet 的异步通信动态显示建议。
11、The suggestions are dynamically displayed using asynchronous communication with a data provider servlet.
12、Consumers can improve services by selecting a different modem channel, they advised.
13、He wrote, suggesting that Mr. Wang (should) come to Beijing.
14、Thus the author suggests building up a comprehensive network academic information-exchanging platform that is open to deposit and withdrawal.
15、The details and recommendations for each option are presented in this order.
16、Talk to someone you trust if you need advice about broaching the subject.
17、Does anyone have any good tips to help someone starting out with no credit history?
18、Information and resources: Places that employees can go for further information or for specific advice or counsel.
19、Depending on the domains of ideas (information), they will be routed, reviewed, and worked by different people (processes, people).
20、Your ability to bring the components together will earn you the status of trusted adviser.
21、Are you a credible source of advice on the issue?在这个对象上,你是一个可信赖的建议者吗?
22、I personally recommend Info-Zip unzip but you can use what you want .我个人建议信息邮编解压缩,但你可以使用你想要的:)。
23、This aligns well with recommendations from the Commission on Information and Accountability.这非常符合信息和问责制委员会的建议。
24、It also suggests that children who are taught to value privacy are less likely to disclose sensitive information on-line.它也建议被教育重视私人信息的儿童少一些在网上披露私人信息。
25、The XInclude recommendation specifies two somewhat different ways to include external informationXInclude 建议为包含外部信息指定了两种不同的方法
英文句子26:,26、If you’ve struggled with confidence does this advice help?如果你是个努力找回自信的人,这里的建议对你有用吗?
27、I hereby make you a counter-proposal, which I believe you will accept.我在此给你一个反建议,我相信你一定会接受。
28、I suggest a hand-written thank you note to follow up from an interview.我建议在面试结束后手写一封感谢信。
29、Raja announced closure on the applications for spectrum even though TRAI had recommended 'no cap' in the number of licences.拉贾无视印度电信管理局提出的对电信牌照不设上限的建议,宣布关闭对于电信频率的申请。
30、Follow the instructions given in the chapter on FAITH.遵行讲述信心那一章所给你的建议。
31、This Recommendation also deals with all levels of PDH signals transported within SDH containers.本建议也涉及在SDH容器中传送的各级PDH信号。
32、You might also ask for more information about the job, Ms. Renz said.她还建议说,你也可以多询问一些关于这个工作的信息。
33、Ask Ss to read the letter again quickly and try to retell the passage in their own words;再读文章,通过复述使学生掌握建议信的书写方法和该信函的内容;
34、This makes it specious to suggest that we should ban deliberate messages on the grounds that they would be more powerful than our leaked signals.这就使得这个建议变成似是而非地建议我们应该禁止有意地泄露信息,理由是:它们可能将来会比我们的漏信号更为强大。
35、King got the advice to cut down his texts by 金从一位拒绝信中得到的建议是将他的原文删除10%,随后的数xx年他都一直遵守这个建议。
10 percent from an old rejection-letter and has followed this advice for decades.
36、When dealing with sensitive information, it is strongly recommended that you use HTTPS protocol with SSL encryption.当处理敏感信息时,强烈建议使用具有 SSL 加密的 HTTPS 协议。
37、It includes product information, trouble shooting, and suggestions for working with Minx clients.它包括产品信息,故障排除,和建议客户与疯丫头。
38、First, she suggests, create two e-mail accounts, and use them only to write to each other.首先,她是这么建议的:创建2个只用来给对方写信的电子邮件账号。
39、As with Andersen, a key email suggested that employees "catch up on file cleaning".同安达信一样,一封关键的邮件建议员工“抓紧清理文件”。
40、So what advice can you give writers on how to boost their confidence levels?那么,对于如何提升信心水平,你对写作者们有什么建议?
41、We suggested that your preference scale chain-like, is worth trusting.我们建议您选择规模连锁,值得信赖。
42、I thought I'd write to you and ask for your advice.我想我最好就是写信给你,向你要一些建议。
43、Without his trust and confidence in the proposed approach, we would still stay at conceptual phase.在建议的方法中,如果没有他的信任和信心,我们仍将停留在概念阶段。
44、I have here three letters from you, each of which recommends an article I should never dream of putting in.我手边有你的三封信,每一封信里都来上一条我决计梦想不到的建议。
45、Yes. You have mentioned it in your letters. Do you now have anything specific?李:是的,你在信中提到了。现在你方有什么具体建议呢?
46、I suggested ignoring it, and letting it go to voicemail.我建议她不用管它,一会儿就会转到留言信箱。
47、He'd handed me his card, suggesting I email him for more information.他给了我他的名片,建议我给他发邮件了解更多的信息。
48、Applicants are encouraged to pay by credit cards, EPS or cheques, if possible.本局建议申请者以信用咭、易办事或支票缴交学费。
49、There might be specific recommendations for your error messages.那里可能会有针对你的错误信息的特定建议.
50、Lincoln suggests Si Tan pauses, the letter that writes acrimonious of a content retaliates that fellow.林肯建议斯坦顿,写一封内容尖刻的信回敬那家伙。
经典英文句子51:建议信,51、This study attempts to give some suggestions of the representation of such information from the perspective of second language learning.本研究从二语习得角度提出了对于词汇扩建信息处理的一些建议。
52、Subscribe to ConsumerReports.org for expert Ratings, buying advice and reliability on hundreds of products.订购 ConsumerReports.org 上的专家评论,有对过百件产品有建议和信誉.
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