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保护环境的英语是"to protect the environment",还网络中常译为" environmental protection",在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到26个与保护环境相关的译文和例句。


1. to protect the environment

保护环境翻译为to protect the environment。

示例:我们有道义责任保护环境。 We have a moral obligation to protect the environment.


2. environmental protection

保护环境翻译为 environmental protection 。

示例:保护环境是最重要的。 The care of the environment is of prime importance.


3. conserving energy -

保护环境翻译为 conserving energy - 。

示例:我们需要建立一个法律体制来保护环境。 We need to establish a legal framework for the protection of the environment.


4. the protection of the environment -

保护环境翻译为 the protection of the environment - 。

示例:Hydropower development and environment protection in Panan 磐安县水电开发规划与环境保护问题初探



1. protect environment( 保护环境;

2. protect the environment([体]保护环境)

3. tree hugger(环境保护狂, 致力于保护环境的人)


4. green lobby(呼吁保护环境的游说团;

5. protecting ring(保护环)

英语短语&俚语, basic state policy of resource conservation and environmental protection the basic state policy of ( 节约资源和保护环境的基本国策 )

conserve resources and the environment ( 坚持节约资源和保护环境 )

environmental protection

1. to protect the environment

2. environmental protection ( 环境保护 )

the Law on Environmental Protection Environmental Protection Act ( 环境保护法 )

environmental protection tax ( 环境保护税 )

Environmental Protection Department Environmental Protection Agency USEPA EPA ( 环境保护署 )

urban environmental protection city environmen-tal protection urban environment protection city env( 城市环境保护 )

system for protecting the environment ( 环境保护制度 )

environmental protection ( 生态环境保护 )


1. Even when they're thinking they're just working on protecting the environment.

译文:他们的想法可能是他们只是在努力保护环境。 。

2. Staples, committed to the environment, committed to you.

译文:Staples 致力于保护环境 回馈个人。

3. This lawnmower had the advantages of energy saving and environmental protection and was beneficial to the health.


4. There's nothing for the grandkid if you don't save up.

译文:如果现在不保护环境 我们的子孙将一无所有。

5. Even when they're thinking they're just working on protecting the environment.


6. For instance, that's why i believe in protecting the environment.


7. in many people's minds, conservation is still associated with self denial.

译文:在许多人的心目中,保护环境仍然与自我否定联系在一起。 。

8. China's ministry of commerce said the purpose of the restrictions was to protect the environment by raising the cost of resource extraction.


9. Which one do you choose if you want to do the right thing by the environment?

译文:若是从保护环境的角度出发 你会选择哪种呢? 。

10. Helping one's neighbors includes many other things such as treating the environment with respect.

译文:这其中包括很多其他的事 例如保护环境。

11. For instance, that's why i believe in protecting the environment.

译文:比如,这也是为什么我相信要保护环境。 。

12. That little girl is, in fact, the hero of the environment.

译文:这个小女孩,事实上, 是保护环境的英雄。 。

13. lution. She has also been very active in protecting the environment.


14. i've had a passion for protecting the environment and its creatures since i was little.

译文:从小开始,我就有 保护环境和生活在其中的 小小生物的热情。 。

15. There's nothing for the grandkid if you don't save up.

译文:如果现在不保护环境 我们的子孙将一无所有 。


标签: 环境 保护

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