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1、Yes. The weather forecast says it will turn from sunny to cloudy tomorrow.


2、a. How is the weather today?


3、Which color do you like best?


4、It's a nice day today, sunny day!


5、. What's the weather like to day?


6、You: How's the weather today?


7、High air pressure usually means fair weather.


8、Based on the characteristics of carbon isotope and components of gas in this field, it is believed that the gas is unlikely a mixture of biogas and the lower thermogenesis natural gas.

天气—— 超级本地实时的天气信息,包括您当前的位置或通过搜索找到的任何城市的未来

9、Weather – hyper-local real-time weather information including a 4-day forecast for your current location or any city found via search.

4 天天气预测。


10、Today bright two days, whole town remains cloudy weather, will suffer the effect of southwest warm wet air current the day after tomorrow, whole town has spit weather.


11、What's the weather going to be tomorrow?


12、220. What a nice day it is!


13、Thanks, Weather.


14、The weather centre keeps a record of the weather.


15、As the day went on, the weather got worse.


16、Natural Gas Natural gas transmission pipeline between Xi'an and Weinan, Xianyang and Baoji has been built.


17、The weather is ver pleasant today.


18、Today is Sunday. The weather is very good.


19、What’s the weather like today? -It is fine.


20、It has also ceased sending its oil through Russian pipelines.

21、it is warmer today than it was yesterday. 今天的天气比昨天暖和。

22、On the other hand, the primary functionality of Weather is to display a city's current conditions and 6-day forecast.另一方面,天气的主要功能是显示城市当前天气情况以及xx日内的天气预测。

23、最近天气转凉,请注意保暖 The weather is getting cold recently, please keep warm.

24、A depression usually brings bad weather.低气压通常带来坏天气。

25、It's beautiful today. It's nice today.今天的天气真好!

英文句子26:,26、Bad weather makes great pictures.恶劣的天气能成就非凡的影像,最好是风雨交加的天气。

27、The weatherman says it will be mostly sunny and fairly warm.气象员说今天大部份时间天睛,气温和暖。

28、Errr…How will the weather be tomorrow?恩,明天天气怎么样?

29、Oct. 27-30, Sichuan Kitagawa weather for the next five days are mainly rain, the daily average temperature of xx月xx日至xx日,四川北川地区未来五天天气均以阴雨天气为主,日均气温13度。

13 degrees.

30、What do you like to do in the weekend?你周末喜欢做什么?

31、What a beautiful glorious day! Have you ever seen such a lovely sunshiny day, huntsman?今天的天气多好啊! 你可曾见过这么风和日丽的好天气,猎人?

32、In 2008, Chongqing had 297 days with good air quality, compared with 187 days in 2000.xx年重庆良好空气质量天数为297天,而xx年良好空气天数仅为187天。

33、The weather changed suddenly.天气陡变。

34、The weather will be fair today.今天天气会很晴朗。

35、severe weather 恶劣的天气 severe weather immobilized the rescue team. 恶劣的天气使救援队丧失了机动性。

36、What's the weather like today.Susan?苏珊,今天天气怎样?

37、The weather's often cold in north and windy in the east. 北部的天气常常寒冷,东部的天气常常刮风。

38、The utility model relates to a dust storm sampler, which is used for collecting grains in dust storm whether, sand blowing whether and floating whether.本实用新型涉及一种用于采集沙尘暴天气、扬沙天气、浮尘天气空气中颗粒物的沙尘暴采样器。

39、A: It’s such a nice day today!A:今天天气真不错!

40、It is a fine day today.今天是个好天气

41、Rough weather!天气真坏!

42、In general, two types of dustfall are mainly composed of silt, but the dustfall collected under dust weather is poor sorting and more courser than that under non-dust weather.总体上看沙尘天气和非沙尘天气降尘都以粉砂为主,但沙尘天气降尘粒度比非沙尘天气降尘偏粗,分选更差。

43、Forecasters said the tides are expected to subside in the next few days as the weather improves.天气预报称随着天气转好,潮水将在几天内退去。

44、How many books do you have?你有几本书?

45、Co-gasifying coal and natural gas is a new process bas ed on methane steam reforming and coal gasification.煤与天然气共气化是基于天然气蒸汽转化和煤气化工艺耦合的一种新工艺。

46、Weather forecasts predict more hot weather, gusty winds and lightning strikes.天气预报预测高温、大风和雷电天气将继续。 。

47、Besides the second long-distance pipeline, expansion of Dazhangtuo Underground Gas Storage Project and other new underground gas storage projects will be constructed as well.建设天然气进京第二条长输管线工程、大张坨天然气地下储气库扩建工程及其他的天然气地下储气库工程。

48、Which color do you like best?你最喜欢什么

49、The WeatherForecast Web service provides the weather information to service requesters.天气预报 Web 服务为服务请求者提供天气信息。

50、Weather Reports ( rssweather.com).天气预报( rssweather.com)。

经典英文句子51:天气,51、What’s the weather like to day?今天天气怎麽样?

52、Tianjin: cloudy, mist, airworthiness weather;天津:多云,轻雾,适航天气;

53、inches of snow and sleet last week.上个星期下了三英寸的雪和冰雹.

54、These mooncakes are very delicious ! 今天的天气真好啊!

55、The weatherman's forecast for today's weather certainly came true .气象播报员对今天的天气所做的预十分准确。

56、dim anumber as integer 这行代码的意思是要使用一个名为 anumber 的变量,并且希望它所存储的值的数据类型为整数 (integer)。

57、How is the weather like today?今天天气怎么样?

58、It's cold today, the lowest temperature was 今天的天气可以用冷来形容了,最低气温2℃。

2 degrees Celsius with strong wind.

59、What will the weather be like tomorrow? 明天天气怎么样?

60、163. What a nice day it is! 今天天气真好!

61、It was cloudy and chilly yesterday .昨天的天气又阴又冷。

62、Such weather!这种鬼天气!


标签: 天气

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