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关于”各种时态的概念和句型结构“的英语句子42个,句子主体:Concepts and sentence structures in various tenses。以下是关于各种时态的概念和句型结构的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Concepts and sentence structures in various tenses


1、Single concept and Universal Concept, made up of perceptual images and conceptual images, are generalized and characterized with pyramid-like solid structure .


2、According to this view, meaning is based on conventionalized conceptual structures.


3、QCD isomeric compounds and a tetra-quark state with the square-like color structure based on a color string model and the similarity between string and chemical bond are proposed and studied.


4、The thesis introduces concepts and present research status about data mining, semi-structured data mining and XML, and produces an oriented-XML treelike object model named TOM.


5、The concepts of "dynamic substructure method"and "virtual constraint"are applied to get the dynamic response of this kind of mechanic model.


6、The concept of dynamic digital terrain model(DDTM) is proposed.


7、And we generalize the basic knowledge of the structure and properties on the solids, conceptions of EOS and some thermodynamic parameters.


8、CLO consists of a series of ALOs and CLOs, it represents the course conceptual structure and the relationship between knowledge points.


9、Aiming at difficult sorting and retrieving complicated structure parts in part lib, a method for part design by using conceptual part structure qualitative models is presented.


10、The conceptual model of the discipline architecture is represented through an extended entity-relationship approach.


11、Information architectures use their data abstractions and concepts.


12、Firstly, the concept and category and 3-layer idea of components are summarized.


13、We use the concept of conservation of states and the Aufbau Principle.


14、The three-member ring structure transition region and structure transition state were found out.


15、The execution result shows that CEM can discover the the faults of CMMS in its structure and logic.


16、It advances the concepts of "random map", which could simulate all kinds of representative fighting circumscriptions .


17、Based on the concept, geometric characteristics, stress condition and border bearing condition of cable nets, a discussion is made on structure select ion and application of cable nets to a gymnasium.


18、A type playing the role of copy-constructible-type in the CopyConstructible concept.

在概念模型中,实体类型是以 属性建构而成的,用于描述最上层概念的结构,例如商务应用程式中的客户和订单。

19、In a conceptual model, entity types are constructed from properties and describe the structure of top-level concepts, such as a customers and orders in a business application.


20、The formation of these conceptual types is related to many kinds of discursive events which form related fields of the formation of concepts and objects in the blockbuster exhibition discourse.

21、All factors affecting the structure of PCN are introduced.介绍了影响PCN结构形态的各种因素;

22、We’ll discuss organization of files and packages, importing other types, variable declarations, miscellaneous syntax conventions and a few other concepts.我们会讨论文件和包的组织结构,导入其他的类型和变量声明,一些语法习惯和概念。

23、Third, carving out conceptual domains involved in Double Object Construction and present their content in form of conceptual frames.划分与双宾结构相关的概念域,用概念框架的形式表征其概念内容。

24、Construct validity – is there a correspondence between your measurements and the concepts (constructs) under study.结构有效性——你的度量方式和所研究的概念(结构)是否相一致。

25、It also builds upon the concept of externally described data structures, a way of soft coding the host variables used by fixed-list dynamic SQL.它还构建在外部描述的数据结构的概念之上,这是固定列表动态 SQL 使用的主机变量的一种软编码方法。

英文句子26:,26、Figure 图11展示了TPS的概念结构,有时也叫做“TPS之屋(TPS House)”。

11 shows the conceptual structure of TPS, sometimes called "TPS House".

27、Based on the conception of the discrete modal filter, a force identification model is proposed to emend the classical modal model method.基于模态滤波器概念提出了对载荷识别模态模型法的原理性校正方案,构造了动载荷识别的离散模态滤波器模型。

28、First, we introduce a definition of temporal type and the interrelate conception.首先,我们引入了时态型的定义以及相关的概念。

29、The dynamic general order and its construction method are introduced.引入动态全序概念,说明动态全序构造方法。

30、To the people-oriented concept, ecological concepts, the concept of environmental protection, landscape concepts, health concepts, the concept of a green residential stunts.以人为本的概念、生态概念、环保概念、山水概念、健康概念、绿色住宅概念等令人目不暇接。

31、Besides, in order to facilitate applications to check affectivity and consistency of this model, a formal concept model based on hyper-graph data structure is proposed.同时,为使高层应用易于对模型进行有效性和一致性检查,采用超图数据结构形式化地定义了上述模型的概念模型。

32、The concept of damage variable is extended from material to member and structure.表示结构损伤的损伤变量的概念来自于材料顉域,并推广到了构件和结构;

33、Coordination Chemistry: Characterization of the electronic structure and the bonding characteristic of nonplanar metalloporphyrins in different oxidation and spin states.配位化学:探讨非平面金属在各种不同氧化态和自旋态之电子结构和键结特性。

34、The results of people's conceptualization on those complex and abstract comparable relationships are various kinds of non-prototypical comparison concepts.人们对这种抽象的、复杂的可比关系进行概念化的结果就是各种非原型的比较概念。

35、The construction of basic concepts in various principles is the result from social community behaviour and from the mixed forces from multiple elements both synchronic and diachronic.学科基本概念的建构是群体的社会性行为的结果,是历时的和共时的多种因素合力的产物。

36、A new and more advantageous lattice structure for concept-interconnection is proposed based on the theory of concept lattice and description of concept.基于概念格理论和概念描述,提出了一种新的更适合于概念联通的概念格结构;

37、Many modern teachers rely heavily on learning techniques like concept or mind mapping to help students retain the most from the texts they read, the study said.该研究称,现在许多教师极度依赖各种学习技巧,如应用概念或思维图谱帮助学生记住课文内容,如用各种复杂图表,展现词句、概念和问题之间的关系。

38、The first two chapters ("Concepts and Tools" and "System Architecture") lay the foundation with terms and concepts used throughout the rest of the book.头两章(“概念和工具”和“体系结构”)奠定了术语的基础和惯穿使用在本书其余部分的概念。

39、Based on the concept of dynamic sub-structures, the synthesis method in step-by-step is put forward.基于动态子结构的概念,提出了逐步模态综合法。

40、The concept space-based cloud model validity is verified by using static and dynamic two different methods.用静态和动态两种不同的方法来验证基于云模型的概念空间的有效性。

41、Time-grating is a true new conception, which is a new circular graduator that combining machine, electronics and microcomputer.时栅是一种全新概念,它是机械、电子和微处理器相结合的新型圆分度器件。

42、The present study justified the role of feature types of sub-concepts in category effect of combined concept by using feature listing experiment and path model.本研究通过特征列举实验和建构路径模型,检验概念的特征类型在组合概念范畴效应中的作用。

43、Part One, "Arched Structure and Its Evolution: An Analysis", in three chapters, focuses on this structure's application to different genres and its forms in different historical periods.上篇“对拱形结构形态及演变的分析”共有三章,主要论述拱形结构在各种体裁音乐作品以及各历史时期的体现形态。

44、The concept of deconstruction implies criticism, negative, subversion, opening, motivation, which reject structure, Logos centralism, naturalism, rationalism and the presence.“解构”概念意味着批刹、否定、颠及、开放、动态,意指对结构主义、逻各斯中心主义、本质主义、理性主义、在场主义的批判、否定。

45、This article makes a statement on the definition, constituting elements and types of the crime of over - defending.本文深入系统地论述了作为一种特殊犯罪形态的过当犯的概念界定、构成特征与类型划分;

46、Constrained concept lattice, with characteristics of higher constructing efficiency, practicability and pertinency, is a new concept lattice structure.约束概念格是一种新的概念格结构,具有构造效率高、提取知识针对性和实用性强等特点。

47、AimTo study the notions of topological subalgebras, topological ideals and topological homomorphisms in topological BCI-algebras.目的为研究拓扑BCI 代数的拓扑子代数、拓扑理想和拓扑同态的概念。 试图在代数结构中嵌入拓扑结构。

48、Based on these results, anew concept of dynamic plant type structure for South China double cropping super rice breeding was suggested.并在此基础上提出了华南双季超级稻“动态株型结构”育种的新概念。

49、Figure 图

11 TPS Concept Structure

11 TPS概念结构

50、Similarly, the eco-factory helps to tie in an image-sensitive client.同时生态工厂概念的炒作使形象敏感型客户更加关注该厂。

经典英文句子51:各种时态的概念和句型结构,51、On the basis of the fuzzy set theory and the concept of Euclid approach degree, a fuzzy matter-element model for assessment of regional eco-environmental quality is established.基于生态环境质量概念的模糊性和评价指标的不相容性,在模糊物元分析的基础上,结合模糊集理论和欧氏贴近度概念,建立了区域生态环境评价的模糊物元模型。

52、Using the inherent general-special relation between concepts in sublattice, the horizontal union algorithm of multiple concept lattices to construct the concept lattice is also presented.最后结合子概念格中概念间固有的泛化-特化关系,提出一种多概念格的横向合并算法来构造概念格。

53、I think of the Internet as a quintessential sponge. It absorbs good ideas, no matter where it comes from. Its architecture invites that. Everyone is able to contribute.我认为网际网路是块典型的海棉。它吸收来自各地不错的观念。其结构诱引概念思想。每个人都能有所贡献。

54、Based on the DB, an idea of studying routing through transmission matrix and structure matrix is put forward.从DB型光交换结构出发,提出了传输矩阵和结构矩阵的概念。

55、For P-note, the power focuses on the detection of similarity between concepts, between concepts and metaphorical expressions, and between concepts and symbols.创造P型笔记法时,该能力侧重于寻求概念和概念、概念和隐喻表达式、概念和符号之间的相似性。

56、Based on the calculation results, the effects of bifurcate structure on local flow and hydraulic loss are summarized.根据计算结果,总结了各种多通接头的分叉结构对局部流动状态和水力损失的影响,分析了最优模型。

57、The authors try to use conceptual model, mathematical model and computer model to reconstruct the formation and evolution of dynamic geomorphic features of tectonic gulches.尝试从概念模型、数学模型、计算机模型等多个层次构建构造成因的沟谷形成、演变的动态地貌模型。

58、When describing information architecture, the diagram should emphasize conceptual structure and organization of content.在描述信息结构时,图表应当着重于项目概念的结构和内容的组织。

59、The LINEA R46 grinding machine, concentrates 40 years of experience in grinding technology, offers new structural concepts and a heavy cast iron structure.凌特公司拥有四十多年的磨削技术经验,其R46磨床的研发展示了新的结构概念和重型的铸铁结构方法。

60、These model structure guidelines are primarily about how to structure the artifacts and contents of conceptual models.这些模型结构指导方针主要是关于如何构造概念模型的产品和内容的。

61、It automatically identifies the concepts structuring the texts.它可以自动识别文本的概念结构。


标签: 概念

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