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1、Katahdin: last winter I learned this name the first time.


2、In winter, white snow covers the whole earth.


3、"It has been a hard winter, " Grandpa said to the turtle.


4、This all over the sky snow, against the snow only farewell.


5、We often have bad fogs on the southern coast during winter.


6、People catch all kinds of infections in the winter.


7、Who can tell me Does it snow in winter in Beijin?


8、One winter night,the Luck Fairy visited them.


9、That winter was a hard time for most property developers.


10、Global Warming hasgiven us our coldest winter of our history.


11、He boggled at the thought of swimming in winter.


12、We had a lot of rain this winter though.


13、He still owes for what he brought last summer.


14、Just remember in the winter, far beneath the bitter snows.


15、I never liked long walks, especially in winter.


16、Some cold-blooded animals sleep all through the winter.

我喜欢冬天,因为, 它是很冷和下雪。

17、I like winter, because it is very cold and snowy.

艾凡 :我比较想买手织的冬天服饰。

18、E :I prefer to buy the hand-knitted winter wear.


19、As a result, winter temperatures average above freezing and summers are mild.

20、They went to town at times during the cold winter.在寒冷的冬天,他们有时候进城去。

21、Because it is warm in south in the winter.你知道为什么鸟类冬天往南方飞吗?。

22、Hotels usually cut their prices in winter and about 200 yuan a night is enough.许多酒店通常冬天降价。每天晚上200元就够了。

23、The vaccine was used to protect the whole population against infection.冬天人们易患多种传染病。

24、Before rushing off to the next meeting, he tells them: “We may see you again in Quetta this winter—but not before.”在他离开奔赴另一个会议前,他告诉他们:“我们也许会在冬天在奎塔重逢,但在冬天之前不会了。”

25、Every winter he has a problem with dandruff in his hair.每年冬天头皮屑都困扰着他。

英文句子26:,26、Only in winter, and people get myself full force.只有冬天,才让人浑身充满力量。

27、The farmers in the northeast stay at home during the winter.东北的农民们在冬天都猫东了。

28、This winter is not only cold, but also windy.这儿的冬天不仅很冷,而且风也很大。

29、L-aspartic acid has been used as raw material and polyaspartic acid has been synthesized by 以L-天冬氨酸为原料,采用热缩聚合、液相聚合和改性聚合三种方法合成了热缩聚天冬氨酸。

3 methods: pyrocondensation polymerization, liquid phase polymerization and modification polymerization.

30、Predictably the winter will be snowy, sleety and slushy.估计今年冬天将雨雪纷飞、泥泞不堪。

31、Then switch back to your regular stuff for winter.然后在冬天再重新穿皮普通的皮衣。

32、It's just because he's been cooped up all winter.只不过整个冬天关在屋里憋坏了。

33、Hugh got engaged to her when traveling last winter.在去年冬天的旅行中休与她订了婚。

34、You see mixing clouds when you "see your breath" on a cold winter day.冬天天冷时,你会发现呼出的气体,变成了“混合云”。

35、The winter here is very cold,'said the Luck Fairy. 这里的冬天非常冷,”幸运仙女说道。

36、Waist to protect from winter cold is the best protector.冬天保护腰不受冷是最好的护具。

37、Did you know? Although chipmunks hibernate, they do not store fat. Instead they slowly gnaw away at their summer bounty throughout the winter.你知道吗? 虽然花栗鼠会冬眠,它们不会储存脂肪。而是在整个冬天把夏天给它们带来的慷慨食物慢慢啃光。

38、It was the dead of winter, severely cold. Dense clouds covered the sky.时值隆冬,天气严寒,彤云密布。

39、Winter is almost here and I have an entire village to feed!冬天临近了我还得喂饱全村人!

40、I mean it's winter and it's really hot right now.现在都已是冬天了,但还是很温暖。

41、The winter here is very cold,'said the Luck Fairy.这里的冬天非常冷,”幸运仙女说道。

42、Every summer, mother puts up a large quantity of vegetables for us to eat during the winter.每年夏天母亲都要腌大量咸菜到冬天食用。

43、ALWAYS have this silver around in Winter.在一整个冬天,我总是备有胶性银的产品。

44、When he was young, he would go skating every winter.他年轻时每年冬天都要去滑冰。

45、One winter, I came to this pier. Ruby Pier.xx年冬天,我来到了这里,‘红宝石码头’。

46、L aspartic acid was the optimal amino donor.天冬氨酸是转氨反应的最适氨基供体;

47、When I was younger I took a cold bath every morning even in winter.我年轻时,每天早上洗冷水浴,即使在冬天也是这样。

48、There may be a period of food rationing this winter.今年冬天可能定量配给食物。

49、L asparaginase is a very effective anti tumor agent.天冬酰胺酶具有显著的抗肿瘤作用。

50、In winter, I built snow tunnels and went sledding.冬天的时候,我挖完冰道又去滑雪橇。

经典英文句子51:冬天,51、Despite the hard winter, the rose is still alive.尽管冬天严寒,玫瑰丛仍然傲立风霜。

52、It's winter time. It's supposed to be cold in here.现在是冬天,这里照理应该很冷。

53、It is pleasant to enjoy the orange flesh toads in winter.冬天我享用美味橘肉癞皮瓜。

54、When winter comes, we get sleet and frost.冬天来到时我们这儿会有雨夹雪和霜冻。

55、He is very strong and he needn't wear cotton-padded jacket.他壮实的在冬天不需要穿棉袄。

56、Be managed commonly by brother two people then in winter.冬天,则由兄弟二人共同经营。

57、1% asparagine can inhibit nonenzymatic brown of Jujube pulp.天冬氨酸可抑制枣浆非酶褐变。

58、She collected lots of snow water in winter so as to reduce the heat in summer.她在冬天收集了许多雪水,准备夏天用来降暑。

59、He prophesied that there would be a bad winter.他预言,将会有一个气候恶劣的冬天。

60、Perhaps I’ll pay a visit to England this winter.今年冬天我可能要去一趟英国。

61、Some people swear they gain more weight in the wintertime.有些人抱怨他们在冬天里更易长肉。


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