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关于”听写的软件“的英语句子26个,句子主体:Dictation software。以下是关于听写的软件的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Dictation software


1、If our outputted software solves customers' problems, it is a sense of accomplishments to us.


2、Listen to interesting and offbeat interviews and discussions with software innovators.


3、If writing software were like manufacturing, you would need far less communication overhead.


4、It includes instruction in software design. low- and high-level languages and program writing;


5、The rest of this series will discuss how to document these five artifacts in a software architecture.

不仅是“浏览邮件”, 而且“要写出有创见的小说章节” ,或“发人深省的博客,”或“编写新的软件程序”等。

6、Not just “check email” but “write chapter in my novel” or “write that kick-ass blog post I’ve been planning” or “write that new Android app”.


7、Prior to training as an accountant, Allan worked for

3 years as a software developer, designing and writing accounting and management reporting software.

FC:我记得听到过Tim Bray,XML的联合发明者,在xx年鼓动了一大群软件开发者写出他们应用中所需要的任何的XML格式。

8、FC: I remember hearing Tim Bray, co-inventor of XML, extolling a large group of software developers in 2005 to go out and write whatever XML formats they needed for their applications.


9、We software developers have a tendency to create dead-end acronyms.


10、Programmers write code, hide it behind binaries, charge customers to use the software--then charge them more to fix it when it breaks.


11、In this project, we design the image reconstruction software in PICT.


12、The drop-down menu control use C language and it's process software are stated.


13、The programmer is controlled with a dedicated software, written in C language.


14、The solution to malware is closer, and easier, than you probably realize.


15、In 1970, his father rented a computer and he precociously rewrote its software.

我喜欢 Wordpress.com,主要因为我对它所使用的业界标准的 Wordpress 软件更加熟悉。 在平常写作时用到的多个站点,都采用了同样的软件。

16、I prefer WordPress.com, mainly because I’m familiar with the industry-standard WordPress software that’s used on most of the sites I write for.


17、Our plan was to write software that would let end users build online stores.


18、The way to defeat malware writers, and to get them to stop doing what they do, is to take steps to eliminate our vulnerability to their malware.

如果您曾编写过一些重要软件,您可能涉及过未知之未知 问题 — 软件设计中最大的一个问题。

19、If you have written any nontrivial software, you can relate to the unknown unknowns problem — one of the biggest problems in software design.


20、Chap 5deals with the development of test software.

21、While it may sound obvious, the best way to learn to develop software is to develop software -- something many students really haven't done.这可能听起来是显然的,学习开发软件的最好方法就是亲自开发软件——这也正是许多学生没有真正做过的事情。

22、To help us achieve our goal of writing a song we'll be using hardware and software.为了达到写首歌的目的,我们要用用电脑软件、硬件。

23、Aspiration rewrites software to better localize educational content created as OER.志向(Aspiration)重新编写软件,使OER创建的教育内容更加具有地方色彩。

24、At various times over the past several years, I’ve tested the use of voice recognition software for dictating text, such as Dragon Naturally Speaking.在过去的几年中,我几次测试过语音识别软件听写口述文本的作用,比如Dragon Naturally Speaking。

25、One way to make this happen is to use the Worldwide Lexicon (WWL), a series of interlocking pieces of free software created by Brian McConnell, a software developer based in San Francisco.“全毬词典”(Worldwide Lexicon,缩写为WWL)这款软件就可以使远程繙译成为可能,它是由一系列相互关联的免费软件组成的,其创始人是旧金山的软件开发员布莱恩·麦康奈尒。

英文句子26:,26、Today, the principals developed over the last 35 years have been taken and re-written to provide one of the most up to date and accurate simulators on the market.今天,进行了xx年的连续研发已经重写了软件,使得该软件成为市场上最准确的水力模拟器。

27、Would I offend the programmer if I sent in $20?如果我给20美元,这会冒犯软件的编写者吗?

28、Fred Brooks wrote about this in No Silver Bullet -- since software is "easy" to change (relatively speaking), people will find reasons to change it.Fred Brooks写到软件没有银弹——既然软件“易于”变化(相对而言),因此人们总会找到理由提出变化。

29、I don't often run across developers who tell me they like writing documentation for their software-development projects.很少有软件开发人员愿意为他们的软件开发项目编写文档。

30、Chances are, if you’re a blogger, you’ve heard about Microsoft’s free blogging tool, Windows Live Writer (WLW).如果你经常写博客的话,那么你一定听说过微软的免费博客工具“ Windows Live Writer”(WLW)。

31、It can provide experimental environment of hardware for study software compiling and program debugging about temperature measure and control.为学习温度测量与控制的软件编写和程序调试提供了硬件实验环境。

32、I hear nothing, not even a sound on the streets of New York, just the beat of my own heart. I have mail, from you.我什么都听不见了,甚至连纽约街上的嘈杂也听不见,我只听见自己的心跳声。我收到了邮件,你写来的。

33、Frequency changer hardware design as well as control software compilation test.变频器硬件设计以及控制软件编写测试。

34、The founder authored and published the first Reasonable software, NoClone, in xx年, 创始人编写并发布了第一款思齐软件—— 无双。

35、Using Edgecam software to make CNC lathe and CNC milling machine program.使用Edgecam软件编写数控车床和数控铣床的程序。

36、Through this software, you can use fingers, on mobile phones play beautiful piano concertos.通过本软件,您可用手指,在手机上弹奏出动听的钢琴曲目。

37、The program for the pure green software, does not write the registry, without Dll files and configuration files.该程序为纯绿色软件,不写注册表,无需Dll文件和配置文件。

38、A software copyright registration form filled out in accordance with the regulations;按规定填写的软件著作权登记表;

39、Three-quarters of the new mobile listeners are new to Pandora, as opposed to long-time Web listeners downloading the mobile app.与长期使用网络软件的听众来说,四分之三的手机听众首次接触潘多拉。

40、He co-founded the arc42 portal for software architects and authored numerous articles and books, primarily on software architecture.他参与建立了面向软件架构师的 arc42 portal,并撰写了大量关于软件架构的文章和书籍。

41、Simulation on C platform is done and Verilog coding verified on FPGA is finished as well.通过软件平台上的仿真,并编写硬件代码,综合后经FPGA验证。

42、Students learn how to enter data and text into computers using a variety of software. Topics of study include keyboarding, dictation, form reading, and more.数据录入应用专业学习利用各种软件把数据和文本录入计算机中。课程包括键盘输入,听写等。

43、1975 - The name Micro-soft (for microcomputer software) is first used in a letter from Bill Gates to Paul Allen.xx年,微-软(取自微型电脑软件)这一名称首次在比尔·盖茨写给保罗·艾伦的信中被用到。

44、SOUNDHOUND(FREE AND $5) You’ve probably heard of Shazam, the app that identifies songs.SOUNDHOUND(免费版和$5)你也许听过Shazam,这款软件可以鉴别歌曲。

45、A software company might give bonuses to programmers who create the fewest bugs .一个软件公司可以加发奖励给写出最少臭虫的程序员。

46、It is also useful as a skeleton for writing multitrack HD-recording software.对刻写多磁道HD记录软件来说,它也是一个很有用的骨架。

47、The software chiefly consists of the major programme of hard-disk-writing protection and its programme of unlocker.整个软件主要包括硬盘写保护主程序和硬盘写保护解锁程序。

48、He has been consistently pushing software craftsmanship since 2005 when he blogged about the Next Big Thing.自xx年以来,Bob大叔一直在推动着软件工艺运动,还写了一篇 下一件大事的博客。

49、Typical FOSS software is created by somebody who looks around, doesn't find any pre-existing software he likes, and so writes his own.典型的FOSS 软件的作者往往因为对现存软件的不满,于是想到自己来写一个。

50、If the software does not allow this, install it first, then apply the write-protected tabs.安装新软件前在所有的程序盘上贴写保护标签。如果贴不上标签,程序安装后再贴写保护标签。

经典英文句子51:听写的软件,51、A RAM-ROM hybrid that can be erased and rewritten under software control.一种RAM-ROM的混血儿,它能在软件的控制下被擦除和重写。

52、The move will enable developers to write additional software, programs and plug-ins for the online, real-time collaboration tool, which is in beta and has 600, 000 users worldwide.这一举措将允许开发者为这个还处在测试中 拥有60万用户的即时在线通讯软件编写软件 程序以及插件.

53、Roller's software compels the user to log in and compose a blog entry.Roller的软件强迫用户登录并撰写博客文章。

54、Less documentation and more high-quality working software should be the order of the day.较少地撰写文档和更高质量的工作软件应该成为工作的方式。

55、If the software enterprises all follow the certain code rule in the code compilation period, this will do well to our software product quality.如果软件企业在代码编写的阶段都能遵循一定的代码规则,这对软件产品的质量的提高将会大有益处。

56、Some venues will also install wireless hearing aid equipment, some audio-visual media will provide sign language translation software.部分场馆还将安装无线助听设备,部分视听媒体将提供手语翻译软件。

57、The first step in any new CodeIgniter project is to download the latest package (在构建任何 CodeIgniter 新项目时,第一步都是下载最新软件包(在本文撰写时,最新软件包是

1.6.2 as of this writing; see the Resources section).

1.6.2,请参见 参考资料 小节)。

58、At age xx岁时就有来自俄罗斯的软件工程师为他写代码。

12. And he had software developers coding for him from Russia.

59、At the moment, the software exists as a computer application but the scientists plan to have it re-written, when complete, as an application for mobile phones.目前这款软件只是一个计算机应用,但科学家打算把它重新编写称一个手机软件。

60、Mr Trott had written some software to make it easier for his wife to update her blog, and they realised that other people might find it useful too.为便于妻子更新博客,Trott先生编写了一款软件。 他们意识到其他人也会觉得这款软件有用。

61、2 - Information technology - - Coding of visual objects -- Part 勘误表2--- 信息技术--- 视听对象的编码---第5部分: 基准软件。

5: Reference software.

62、2a.Listen.Write down the school subjects you hear.听录音。 写下你听到的学科。

63、Industry: software company Quality Assurance: Software Testing Engineer Main duties: 所属行业:软件公司 质量保证部:软件测试工程师 主要职责: 对产品,编写测试数据和测试用例;

1. Of products, preparation of test data and test cases;



64、Write add-ons for the major free browsers (Mozilla, Webkit, …) that implement the Stallman’s solution.为主流自由浏览器(Mozilla,Webkit,……)编写实现Stallman的方案的附加软件。

65、For devices with SD card the program can write the content of the logbook to SD.若有SD卡,该软件还可以把日志写到SD卡上保存。

66、Spyware community, we have all heard about it.我们都听说过预防间谍软件社区。

67、Translation, Transcription, Editing, Proofreading, Swedish - English, English - Swedish, Native speaker, Danish - English, Norwegian - English.文案撰写, 编辑, 口译, 校对, 研究, 字幕翻译, 语言教学, 技术文件撰写, 听写记录, 翻译。

68、This article written by the leading idea is that hardware and software combined with hardware-based, to the preparation of various functional modules.本文撰写的主导思想是软、硬件相结合,以硬件为基础,来进行各功能模块的编写。

69、Have you ever heard of the Kingsoft company?你听说过金山软件公司吗?

70、Apple won’t admit that it’s using a version of Dragon Dictation, the free iPhone app, but there doesn’t seem to be much doubt; it works and behaves identically.苹果公司一定不会承认在新款iphone中植入了“声龙听写”软件Dragon Dictation(一款曾经的免费软件),但这确实让人怀疑;因为这两块软件的工作原理和表现几乎一样的出色。

71、They are fighting to maintain control of their computers by writing their own software.通过编写自己的软件,他们一直在为维护电脑的管理权而战斗着。

72、In the time when Booch became IBM Chief Scientist for software engineering he also started efforts to write a Handbook of Software Architecture which is still an ongoing project.在其成为IBM软件工程首席科学家的同时,他还开始了 软件架构手 册 (Handbook of Software Architecture)的编写,这是一个正在行中的项目。

73、The hardware is based on 89C51 MCU, while the software is written in C51.本方案硬件设计的核心是89C51单片机,软件使用C51编写。

74、Less software means you write fewer lines of code to implement your application.更小的软件意味着实现应用程序所需编写的代码行更少。

75、In software protection, a program written by a software publisher that will invoke a penalty if unauthorized use of a program is detected.在软件保护中,由软件发行者编写的、一旦发现非法使用即进行惩罚的程序。

英文句子模板76:Dictation software,76、The real challenge lies in writing software that can run across all these chips.真正的挑战是写出能够在所有这些芯片中运行的软件。



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