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关于”春节的诗“的英语句子37个,句子主体:Poems of Spring Festival。以下是关于春节的诗的四级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Poems of Spring Festival


1、The period celebration extremely is Spring Festival bountiful, has the lion dance, to play the dragon, also has walks on stilts, the row-boat dance.


2、Instead of doing that work all in one or two classes, I propose we spend 10-15 minutes in each class meeting for several months, to read section-by-section closely.


3、If you had the chance to spend the festival in China, I believe it would be a never-to-be-forgotten memory in your mind!


4、In this way, if we can simply understand one book, or one sloka, the perfection is there.


5、Today is Spring Festival , the first day of this year. I gone to the park with my parents. We have a dood time.


6、The most impressive thing for me during the Spring festival is to provide sacrifices in the Spring Festival eve to worship our ancestors.


7、Events to celebrate Chinese New Year period is extremely rich and diverse, has a lion, playing long, and it has, the.


8、There are also a series of activities such as lion dancing, dragon lantern dancing, lantern festivals and temple fairs will be held for days.


9、This photo was taken in Beijing Road during the Spring Festival and every shop has one national flag in front it.


10、There are more people involved in the street heading for the organization in the park, "the vernal equinox sunrise" Folk Festival.


11、This is helpful for research and prediction of the agrometeorological drought during the spring and early summer in this area.


12、Subscribers residing outside British Columbia, Ontario & Montreal, please adjust the broadcast time to your own local time.


13、People can also see what Chinatown has to offer –not just during Chinese New Year, but all year round'.


14、We miss you, with our soberest minds recalling you – spring gets in, season of cultivation has arrived, you have gone!


15、Once upon a time, there was a monster. When Spring Festival came, it would come out to hurt people and eat their cattles.

泰山的每个季节都有独特的魅力。 春天,绿茵茵的山坡上,争奇斗妍的花朵到处可见。

16、Each season here has its beauty: bright flowers in full bloom covering the green slopes in spring

这是属于太阳系的节庆,庆祝昼夜平分 (xx年两次,春份与秋份)。

17、It is a solar festival, celebrated when the length of the day and the night are equal (this happens twice a year, at Spring and Autumn Equinox).

一些“不幸”的公司老板们在春节后的几 周内可能要收到

18、Some unfortunate bosses can expect to receive a hoard of resignation letters in the next few weeks following the Spring Festival holiday.

一 大摞辞职 报告。


19、In the latitudes where the zodiac evolved, Arians are born into the first flush of Spring, late March to late April.


20、From the first verse of Psalm 22, it is clearly evident that this is a Messianic prophecy.

21、Psalm 51:10-13 "Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me."《诗篇第51节10-13》神啊,求你为我造洁净的心,使我里面重新有正直的灵。

22、The festive spirit of the Chinese new year is spreading around the world. Overseas Chinese are celebrating from Bangkok and Rio de Janeiro to North America.华侨的春节庆祝从曼谷,里约热内卢到北美,遍布全球。

23、I arrived one evening in January, just before the Spring Festival, and was put up in the Shaoyuan, the residential area for foreign students.我是在春节前的xx月份的一个晚上到的,被安排在勺园外国学生公寓。

24、When the release socket is driven closer to the spring socket, a stress is exerted on the bellows expansion joint (当释放套接字驱动接近春天插座,一个是施加压力的波纹膨胀节(6,




25、During this period of time on the Spring Festival, walking can see various honey sesame candies packed inside every emporium of Tangshan.在春节的这段时间里,走在唐山的各大商场里面都能看到各种包装的蜂蜜麻糖。

英文句子26:,26、One dark spring tree, autumn such as leaf such as leaf, continue different dreams because the space is different from time every season.一树春深,叶叶秋,每一个季节因为空间和时间的不同而继续不同的梦。

27、He graduated from St John's College, Oxford. His works include The Whitsun Weddings (1964), High Windows (1974), etc.毕业于牛津大学圣约翰学院,著有诗集《降灵节婚礼》,《高窗》等。

28、Cultivating grass is a effective means to solve the Problem that there is not enough food for animal in winter spring season.人工草地是解决草地畜牧业冬春季节草畜供求矛盾的有效途径。

29、I also through these poems aloud to ease his homesickness. The stars of its brought me a lot of emotion and enrich my life.我也通过大声地朗读这些诗来缓解自己的乡愁。《繁星春水》给我带来了很多情感,丰富了我的生活。

30、Around the times of Chinese New Year festival, you can see Chinese knot decorations hanging on walls, doors of homes and as shop decorations to add some festival feel.在中国的春节期间,你可以看到中国结被挂在墙上、门上做装饰品,也会挂在店铺里增添一些节日的气氛。

31、Sincethen, a new tradition came into Beijing. At Spring Festival Eve, thewhole family will have dinner together and watch Spring Festival Party.从那以后,除夕夜全家人吃着年夜饭,看春节联欢晚会,成了一个新的习俗。

32、With God we will gain the victory, and he will trample down our enemies. (Psalms 60:我们倚靠神才得施展大能,因为践踏我们敌人的就是他。(诗篇60篇12节)


33、Granth (the Sikh Holy Book) and sermons by the priest, are held every Sunday morning.该庙逢星期日早上举行崇拜,节目包括唱诗、读经、祭司讲道等。

34、Psalm 66:诗篇六十六篇18节说:「我若心里注重罪孽,主必不听。」

18 says, "If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened."

35、One time, during Chinese New Year when they get about one week's off and another time during October, when they get four-five days off.一次是春节的一周假期,另一次是xx月份的国庆有四五天的假期。

36、The Gala is the most-watched TV program on Earth, with about 700 million viewers, and an invite to the show is seen not just as an honor but a significant opportunity to make mountains of money.春晚拥有近7亿的观众,可以说是全球收视率最高的节目。 能接到春晚抛出的橄榄枝,不仅是一种荣誉,更有机会赚得盆满钵满。

37、We also give them samples wrapped in red envelopes to say thank you and celebrate the festival with them.我们还赠送大红信封包着的试用品,以此来感谢他们,与他们一起庆祝春节。

38、Most of people view this gala as an annual staple on the traditional Chinese Spring Festival Eve.大部分的人在传统的中国春天节日上视这一个祭日为一个年度主要产物前夕。

39、It showed that the age of puberty had dropped by three and a half months over 结果表明,男童的青春期年龄在过去xx年已经下降了xx年半,再一次印证了对唱诗班男童的研究。

15 years, reinforcing the results of the choirboy study.

40、Behind all the 在当今新年盛大华丽的春节庆典背后的是几千年不变的价值观和传统。

7)pomp and

8)pageantry of the Lunar New Year celebrations today are values and traditions that have remained unchanged for centuries.

41、I have no intention to contend with others for spring scenery but stand at the undistinguished turn of summer and autumn and bear a treeful excellent fruits.更不去争春,只在夏末秋初,立身不耀眼的季节,结满一树的佳果。

42、The campus is always rich in love, youth season, some strange things in the bottom of my heart surging.校园历来是盛产爱情的地方,青春的季节里,总有些莫名的东西在心底涌动。

43、The walk water-saving irrigation technology effectively resolves several problems, including sowing in good time and keeping seedling in seedling stage, in Northern drought area in China.行走式节水灌溉技术是一项有效解决我国北方干旱地区春旱情况下,适时播种、苗期保苗难的节水灌溉技术。

44、Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. —Psalm 90:12「求你指教我们怎样数算自己的日子,好叫我们得著智慧的心。」(诗篇90篇12节)

45、Spring Festival Chinese Traditional Calendar New Year 传统的中国农历新年 不过一般前一个次大部分外国人都懂了

46、Spring gis a green season. Look at the green grass, green leaves, it is feast for the eyes.春天还是个绿意盎然的季节。看那绿色的草、绿色的树叶,实在令人感到赏心悦目。 。

47、But there is 60.4 percent migrant workers return home normally, which means they can go back to work as usual after the Spring Festival holiday.在返乡的农民工中间,有60.4%的农民工是正常的春节回家探亲,即他在城市的工作仍然是保留着的,节后他会回去正常上班。

48、When the Spring Festival is coming, each village organizes the youth to learn and rehearse, guided by prestigious artists.春节前各村即组织青年参加学习和排练,并请有名望的老艺人指导。 收藏。

49、like, "What's your favorite television show?", or information you wouldn't think to ask poets, necessarily.例如,“你最喜欢看的电视节目是什么?”,还有一些你根本不会拿来采访诗人的问题。

50、In a sense, this verse was the "mission statement" of a dedicated and selfless kirtaneer of your stature.某种意义上讲,这节诗就是像你这样专注、无私的克依坦高手的宗旨。

经典英文句子51:春节的诗,51、My days are like a shadow that lengthens, and I wither away like grass. Psalms 102:我的年日如日影偏斜,我也如草枯干。《诗篇》第102章:第11节(NKJV)

11 (NKJV)

52、On New Year's Eve the whole family had a sumptuous feast of reunion. 一家人围着大圆桌,吃着热气腾腾的团圆饭,看着精彩的春节联欢晚会,等待着新年的到来。

53、Lighting firecrackers was once the most typical custom during the Spring Festival. people thought the banging and popping could help drive away evil spirits.在过去,放爆竹是春节最典型的习俗,人们认为鞭炮齐鸣能驱赶邪气。

54、Model can explain the Spring Festival cultural symbols dynamic process, but also to re-design the direction of guidance.模型可以解释春节文化符号的动态变化过程,同时,也为再设计提供了方向的指导。

55、In spring, the cherry trees along the banks would blossom, and I'd put my son on the back of my bike and we'd go off to watch the Giants' Triple A team in spring training.春暖季节,沿岸的樱桃树会盛花怒放,而我也常在单车后座载了儿子,一起兴致勃勃地观看巨人“3A”级棒球队的春季集训。

56、Chinese New Year is a form unique to China in the form of ever-changing content, it will always have a different form.春节是一种形式,中国特有的形式,千变万化的内容,总得有一种形式。

57、During Spring Festival time, you can see kinds of decorations. you can go to temple fairs and enjoy superb performances of the dances, stilt-walking and amazing acrobatic shows.在春节的时候,你可以看到各种各样的节日装饰。你可以去庙会,享受华丽的舞蹈表演,踩高跷和惊人的杂技表演。

58、No heat, no drought can parch that river, “the streams whereof make glad the city of God.”没有热,没有旱能叫那道“使神的城欢喜”(诗四十六篇四节)的河干涸。

59、That is, we have divided each line into several feet. Each foot consists of a strong syllable, indicated by ( ), and a weak syllable shown by ( ).也就是说,我们已把每一行诗分成好几「音步」,每一「音步」由一个用( ’)标示的强音节及以( )显示的弱音节所构成。

60、I still remember last time before spring festival, Fr. Peter Woo invited us to have supper together for celebrating Chinese New Year.我还记得春节以前,吴神父邀请我们共进晚餐来庆祝这中国新年的到来。

61、Prompts the childhood immunizations success ratio not to reach the request, the end of spring, beginning of summer prevents and controls measles' essential season.提示儿童免疫成功率未达要求,春末夏初是防控麻疹的关键时节。

62、Furthermore, I like to draw your attention to the continuation of our Country Nights, which will re-commence after the Lunar New Year break.此外,我希望您关注我们在春节假期之后继续举办的欧盟国之夜。

63、As we celebrate the spring and coming Easter season, let's encourage each other in anticipation of that day!当我们欢庆春天和即将来临的复活节期时,让我们彼此鼓励,期待那xx日的到来!

64、I'm so glad to come to Shanghai to attend China-New Zealand Free Trade Area (FTA) Workshop in such amazing season.很高兴在暮春时节来到美丽的上海,参加“中国-新西兰自由贸易区研讨会”。

65、The Lakers have tried to reestablish a defensive presence in recent weeks. They also might have rediscovered Ron Artest.这几周的比赛中湖人队试图尽力找到防守的节奏,这同样让阿泰焕发了他的二春。

66、Over the past year we have cooperated with each other are all very happy, thank you for your care, I wish you a happy Spring Festival!过去的xx年我们合作得都很愉快,谢谢您的关照,祝您春节快乐!

67、That day in the evening, the person that we pass the Spring Festival twice in foreign land talked a lot of, also talk very congenially .那天晚上,我们两个在异乡过春节的人谈了很多,也谈得很投机。

68、In understanding Spring Morning by Meng Haoran, the reader should pay attention to the figures of speech of both metonymies and metaphors to enjoy the inexhaustible beauty in the poem.对孟浩然《春晓》一诗的解读,转喻层面与隐喻层面都应予以重视,才能产生穷之不尽的美感。

69、Psalm 44 concludes in v23-26 with a plea – "Awake … arise … arise … redeem us for thy mercies ' sake".诗篇44篇在23-26节用恳求做了总结-‘睡醒…兴起…凭你的慈爱救赎我们’。

70、Spring is the season I like best, the green grassland, a wide variety of flowers, red, purple, yellow, white and so on.春天是我最喜欢的季节,绿油油的草地,各种各样的花儿,红的,紫的,黄的,白的等等。

71、Its Spring Festival gala, an inoffensive variety show broadcast every Lunar New Year, is one of the world's most-watched broadcasts every year, with 750 million tuning in this year.每年农历新年播出的央视春节联欢晚会是每年全球观众人数最多的节目之一,今年吸引了


72、We need to pray, "Teach me Your way, O Lord; I will walk in Your truth" ( Ps. 86:我们要祷告,求上帝「将你的道指教我,我要照你的真理行」(诗篇86篇11节)。


73、The mountain fir, in its rustling, modulates the memory of its fights with the storm into a hymn of peace.山上的仁魃成车响,把它与风暴战斗的回忆调节成和平?赞美诗。

74、Career and money luck are at their best in beginning fou the year: spring and early summer.年初时,属羊人的事业运和金钱运将会达到最高峰,尤其是春季和初夏时节。

75、And while the generous may experience difficulties, such is the case inthe end.虽然慷慨大方的人会遇到困难,比如 诗篇一百一十二章最后这一节说到的。

英文句子模板76:Poems of Spring Festival,76、Before the Spring Festival People clean their houses, put red couplets on their gates, and set off firecrackers to drive away the legendary monster "Nian".春节来临之前,人们要扫尘、贴对联、放鞭炮来驱赶传说中的怪兽“年”。

77、Another tradition that has become an integral part of the modern Eisteddfod is the Gorsedd of Bards.与现代艺术节息息相关的另一传统组成部分是吟唱诗人协会。

78、I feel very proud and honored to have such a distinguished group of guests with us, in our celebration of our Spring Festival.有如此杰出的贵宾与我们一起共同欢度春节,我深感自豪与荣幸。

79、Each season here has its own beauty: bright flowers in full bloom covering the green slopes in spring;这里,每个季节都有它独特的魅力:春天,绿茵茵的山坡上,争奇斗艳的花朵到处可见。


标签: 春节

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