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关于”上册书的表“的英语句子33个,句子主体:the table of the first book。以下是关于上册书的表的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:the table of the first book


1、He had taken these lists from the drawer of the prisoner's desk.


2、You can make an album with this book.


3、Participants are required to return those forms to the secretariat before the respective deadlines.


4、Ten thousand copies of the book were sold.


5、You can bring your work in the form of a hardcopy portfolio, a book or digital format.

新书的 第一册繁体版现已推出,全书出版共四册,英文版亦将于稍后面世。

6、The first of a total of four volumes is now available in a traditional Chinese version. English version will follow.


7、The encyclopedia has been published in parts.


8、Professor Hunter has a library of about five thousand books.


9、The number of the books in our library is about 45,000.

应您的要求,我们还寄上了一册 本社最新出版的书。

10、We also send, at your desire, a copy of our latest book.


11、After studying the two volumes, level

5 or

6 of HSK can be expected to reach.


12、Publication fascicule book, best can indicate respectively price.


13、All this is subtext, though, and for four books Rowling is content to allow Ginny to hide in the wings behind a veneer of docile shyness.


14、At the event, the Provincial Library also presented 600 books to the provincial special education secondary school.

注册 DB2 代理的 X.509 证书

15、To register a DB2 agent's certificates

我们可以使用一个称为 Microsoft 管理控制台 (MMC) 的工具管理 Windows 证书注册表。

16、We can manage the Windows certificate registry using a tool called the Microsoft Management Console (MMC).


17、In total, there are 250.000 books in the library.


18、We plan to get off

20,000 copies of the book.

它还可以包含证书、GAC组件和注册表设置(registry settings)等。

19、It can also include certificates, GAC components, and registry settings.


20、His first book, City of Fantasy, came out soon after the contest and went on to sell more than

1.5million copies.

21、You can inspect and modify the contents of various registers using the registers view.您可以使用注册表视图,来检查和编辑不同注册表的内容。

22、Two books" is a "Residential Quality Guarantee" and "Residential Manual.两本书“是”住宅质量保证书“和”住宅手册。

23、The students each have a new book.学生们人手一册新书。

24、VOLUME】Our school has a library of 100,000 volumes.我们学校拥有一所藏书十万册的图书馆。

25、In the volumes of black history, much remains unwritten.在黑人的史册中,有很多篇章尚未书写。

英文句子26:,26、The application shall be accompanied by the original Application for Assignment of a Registered Trademark or Application for Renewal of Trademark Registration as well as the Notice of Rejection.同时附送原《转让注册商标申请书》或者《商标续展注册申请书》和《驳回通知书》。

27、This certificate has been executed by Selina O'Neal as Registered Agent for Falcon Investments Development Ltd.注册代理人?法定代理人?原文为公证书,即海外注册公证。

28、This book is in six volumes.这部书一共6册。

29、Was like the conscious being of the book.就像那书册中有意识的生命。

30、I enjoyed as always reading my favorite book and switched to surf the internet afterwards.我一如既往地翻阅我心爱的书册,后来又上网。

31、Calligraphy markers soften and dry up faster than the nibs for calligraphy pens.书法软化和干燥注册标记比书法笔的笔尖更快。

32、Please provide copy of Certificate of Incorporation and Business Registration Certificate for application purpose.请附上公司注册证书及商业登记证副本,以供申请之用。

33、That book forms a companion to the present volume.那本书与现有的一册成为姐妹篇。

34、Thousands of pages from one of the world's biggest collections of historic books, pamphlets and periodicals are to be made available on the internet.世界最大图书馆之一收藏的数千页的历史书籍、小册子和剘刊将会在互联网上提供。

35、那本书卖了1万册。Ten thousand copies of the book were sold.

36、Jan. 17th: Sleeping till noon, then heading for library for some bank's material reading.日:睡到日上三竿,然后决定去图书馆“研读”银行法的小册子。

37、His specialty was the art of Magic, so much so that he had actually written and published a little booklet on it, the front page of which bore his name with the title of Professor.他的特长是魔术。 他很精于此,甚至发表了一本关于魔术的小册子,在书的封面上他的名字旁边加上了个教授的头衔。

38、I kept all my pictures in neatly organized albums on the bottom shelf of my bookcase.我还把照片整理成相册,整整齐齐地放在书架的底层上。

39、Professor Hunter have a library of about five thousand book.汉特教授约有五千册藏书。

40、Working fields: package design, poster, pamphlet; biding, and various tables and forms.工作项目:设计包装、报、传册;制作标书、种表格。

41、Greatest have the library with giant dimensions , built 1756 , collect books many 850莫大有规模庞大的图书馆,建于xx年,藏书850多万册。

42、These stories were handpicked in the book.本书中的故事是精选而编辑成册的。

43、The pamphlet was in my desk, in the top drawer—the most obvious place imaginable!小册子就在我书桌里,在上层的抽屉里——那是最容易想得到的地方!

44、Today, our Book Search index contains over 如今,我们的图书搜索索引中包含了超过了10万册的图书。

10 million books.

45、The first in the series is weak, but “House on the Cliff” is a good opener.丛书的第一册情节相对薄弱,但是《悬崖上的屋子》是一个很好的开头。

46、Reading materials will be distributed every Friday and returned every Monday.图书及记录册已放于图书袋,逢星期五派发,星期一收回。

47、Student couples who give birth will be issued certificates after they registered their baby with colleges, and the information on the certificate will be recorded on the students' personnel files.生孩子的学生夫妻要在孩子注册后和学校联并受之于证书。证书上的信息都将在学生的个人档案上记录。

48、There are many books in this library.在那里是许多账册在这图书馆。

49、I have some such reference books as dictionaries and handbooks .我有几本像词典、手册之类的参考书。

50、It occupies the theme of the middle three books books III through VI.它是本书中段三册的主题,从第,III,到第,VI,册。

经典英文句子51:上册书的表,51、Run Registry Editor by typing "regedit" in Start Search or command prompt.运行注册表编辑器键入“注册表”开始搜寻或命令提示符。

52、Copies of 《Registration Certificate of Consignors and Consignees of Imports and Exports》 or 《Registration Certificate of Declaring Units》;申请设立出口监管仓库企业《进出口货物收发货人注册登记证书》或者《报关企业注册登记证书》复印件;

53、Manual layout, product packaging and album design.产品说明书排版,产品包装和画册设计。

54、Registry changes are flushed to disk when the registry uses its lazy flusher.注册表使用其惰性刷新器时,将注册表更改刷新到磁盘。

55、It is the space defined by perfect printed volumes that exist in thousands of identical copies.这是一个由成千上万册印刷精美的相同书卷所确立的空间。

56、It also offered online email, contacts and calendar, online photo galleries, syncing of Web bookmarks and 该公司还推出了网上电子邮件、联系人和日程表、网上相册、网络书签同步功能以及20G的网上存储空间。

20 gigabytes of online storage.

57、Specialized accounting degrees include Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Certified Internal Auditor (CIA), and Certified Management Accountant (CMA).会计专业能取得的认证证书包括注册会计师、全国注册审计师和注册管理审计师。

58、Other traditional guide book publishers such as Frommers and Michelin are also available but with fewer volumes – 21 and 其他传统的旅游指导图书出版商,如Frommers 和Michelin也在Kindle发布了电子书,分别有21册和16册。

16 respectively.

59、We have eight thousand books, many of them are rare and valuable.我们的图书馆有八千册图书,很多都是善本和珍本。

60、Every John Grisham title sells on average 70-80, 000 copies there.在印度,约翰·格里沙姆的书平均是每本7万册到8万册的销量。

61、I have a CPA license, that's a certified public accountant license.我已经取得了CPA证书,也就是注册会计师证书。

62、Each Registration Form is for ONE person only. Please fill-in this Registration Form clearly.本注册表格应只填写一人资料。敬请清楚填写本注册表格。

63、Read and understand repair schedules, machine manuals, performance specifications, wiring diagrams, and schematics of machining equipment.阅读和理解检修计划,机器手册,性能说明书,线路图,及加工设备图表。

64、Furthermore, he basically has no written contract with the club with which heis registered12.而且,他实质上不与注册的俱乐部签订书面合同[4]。

65、Every day without you is like a book without pages.没有你的日子就像一本没有册页的书。

66、There is also money to be made delivering catalogues and brochures.投递图书商品目录册或者有插图的小册子也能赚钱。

67、He dignified a small collection of books by calling it a library.他把寥寥几册藏书美其名曰图书馆。

68、This Instruction Manual should be retained as proof of warranty.本手册视为保证书的证据而应保留。

69、June 24, 1994 CunMu epitaphs series of the first book published .《四库全书存目丛书》首册出版。

70、admittedly, knowledge gained from books is also valuable and the more the better.诚然,来自书册上的常识也是名贵的,并且越多越好。

71、The pocket book in the leaflet, if you look outside you will find the leaflet and see the reading list..那本口袋书在宣传册里,如果你们出去,会看到宣传册里面的阅读列表。

72、The shelves hold books, files, photo albums, a projector, records . . . all sorts of things!这个架子上有书,文件,相册,一个投影仪,唱片等等各类物品。

73、Super-wide registry of Tibetan Gong Lue ugly development of a network to share e-books!注册表超级全攻略是藏陋网 开发的一本共享电子书籍!


标签: 上册

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