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关于”毕业的句子“的英语句子2个,句子主体:Graduation sentence。以下是关于毕业的句子的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Graduation sentence

1、Looks like postgraduate candidate who in 2009 needs to graduate, either retards graduates or continues to be the post-doctorate, after either graduates, returns to homeland immediately. 看来xx年要毕业的博士生,要么延迟毕业或继续做博士后,要么毕业后马上回国。

2、We must thank my teacher for helping me a lot.      感谢老师,教给了我们知识,让我们成为一个有用的人;

3、Majored in art-related fields. 美术相关专业毕业。

4、Bachelor degree majoring in Electron, Audiology or relevant fields; 电子或听力学等相关专业本科毕业;

5、She is second to none among all the graduates.毕业分配job assignment on graduation一毕业她就被分配任学校的会计。

6、The educator, Neil Postman once said, " "The kids enter schools as question marks and they leave as periods." 教育家Neil,Postman曾经说过,“孩子进校时像问号而毕业时像句号“

7、Fudan University students at their graduation ceremony in Shanghai last month. 上海复旦学子于毕上月毕业礼。

8、From, but not having graduated with, the class of. 出自某一届,但并未同此届毕业生一起毕业。

9、He is determined to devote his life to sicence. 他决心把毕生精力贡献给科学事业。

10、Engineering After Princeton I'm Eric Schmidt, class of 1976. 普林斯顿大学工程学毕业生,我是埃里克·施密特,xx年的毕业生。

11、Look around U,all U see are sympathetic eyes.看看四周,净是同情的目光。

12、Nevertheless Shaler was determined to get his degree. 尽管如此,谢勒还是决定要毕业并拿到学位。

13、Every way U look at it,U lose.无论你怎么考虑,你都会失败。

14、distance does not separate our hands of longing.Wishing you happiness forever! 时间冲不淡友情的酒,距离拉不开思念的手,祝福你,永远永远!

15、Finally the long awaited senior year came and three weeks before graduation, Bill asked Mark if they could talk. 毕业的日子终于临近,毕业前三周,比尔问马克可否见面聊聊。

16、You graduated from high school as valedictorian. 你以优秀毕业生的头衔高中毕业。

17、Efforts To Tackle Climate Change Could Result In …the impact of an emerging global "green economy…" 气候变化将解决数以百万计的“绿色就业”,英语学院应届毕业生毕业…

18、10.If I should meet thee,      After long years,      How should I greet thee?      With silence and tears.                                                                      —〔Britain〕George Gordon Byron 多年离别后,抑或再相逢,相逢何所语?

19、The first graduating class was 62 students in 1892 and the first graduation ceremony was held in 1898. xx年,学校第一个毕业班的62名学生毕业。xx年,学校举行了第一个毕业典礼。

20、Average starting salary for graduates: N/A ($90, 000 three years after graduation) 毕业平均起薪(年薪):未知(毕业xx年后的学生年薪90 000)

21、Now graduated income workers than to the phenomenon of middle school once again so cold in the hearts of college students. 当初大学毕业支出不如初中毕业就打工的景象又一次使大学学子心中发凉。

22、毕业生 The Graduate Benjamin, I haven't even said I'll marry you yet. 班,我还决定要嫁给你呢。

23、I: Which university did you graduate from? A: I graduated from Hebei University. 你是哪个学校毕业的?A:我毕业于河北大学。

24、Principal: And that's our last diploma. That concludes our graduation ceremony. 校长:刚才是最后一张毕业文凭,我们的毕业典礼就到此结束。

25、Dearest graduates, give yourself a pat on the back and treat yourself with a getaway! 亲爱的毕业生童鞋们,来一场毕业旅行犒劳自己吧!


26、Stroll around the grounds until U feel at home.四处走走,直到你感觉舒心。

27、This lad is a college of law graduate. 这个小伙子是法学院的毕业生。

28、For alumna and graduating students, there are significant differences in "business knowledge" and "technology management". 毕业校友与应届毕业生在「商业知识」、「技术管理」方面亦有显著的差异。

29、毕业 graduatefinish school 毕业 bìyè 卒业(そつぎょう)する。

30、My step son graduated college last weekend. 我的继子上周末从大学毕业了。

31、With silence and tears. —[Britain]George Gordon Byron 多年离别后,抑或再相逢,相逢何所语?

32、毕业日 My mother was close to tears in my graduation. 在我的毕业典礼上,母亲差点儿就哭了

33、Among all students who graduated from Hooper University over the past five years, more physical science majors than social science majors found permanent jobs within a year of graduation. 81在过去xx年从Hooper大学毕业的所有学生中,自然科学专业的毕业生在毕业xx年内找到固定工作的人数要多于社会科学的毕业生。

34、All over town, graduates were dancing and toasting the end of their student days. 小城上空萦绕着毕业生们庆祝毕业的欢声笑语,四处都是毕业生们舞蹈狂欢的景象。

35、To promote friendship among students who are to graduate this year, we have decided to publish the 2010 graduation magazine at the end of this academic year. 为了添增毕业生对学校的归属感及联络感情,因而决定出版xx年度毕业特刊。

36、Thesis proposal is the major factor in graduation thesis and it is a decisive factor for graduation project. 开题工作是本科毕业设计的首要环节,在一定程度上决定着毕业设计的质量。

37、Graduates earn more than non-graduates. 毕业生比未毕业的赚的更多。

38、Besides, we must thank the teachers for giving us knowledge to get ourselves well prepared;      感谢老师,教会我知识和做人!

39、Our school the junior college will graduate next year in February. 我们学校的大专毕业生将在明年xx月毕业。

40、I graduated from Qingdao University. My major is electronics. 我毕业于青岛大学电子专业。

41、If I should meet thee, After long years, How should I greet thee? With silence and tears. —[Britain]George Gordon Byron 多年离别后,抑或再相逢,相逢何所语?

42、I passed CET-6, and was named as "outstanding graduate " in the school and the city. 但不管怎样在毕业的时候我还是获得了院级优秀毕业生和市级优秀毕业生的荣誉称号。

43、Hide it in a hiding place where no one ever goes.把它藏在没有人的隐秘处。

44、I don't know when we could get together again .(我不知道何时我们能再聚首。

45、I will never forget those days we stayed together.(我永远也不会忘记我们待在一起的那些日子)

46、the world is a screwy place, it does not play by the rules.这个世界很扭曲, 并没有什么游戏规则。

47、Job certifications used to be the domain of trade and technical school graduates. 过去,职业证书只是在贸易毕业生和技校毕业生中占主导地位。

48、Colleague graduated in Electronic Engineer related field, or technical school with 2 years above related working experience. 电子类相关专业大专院校毕业,或技术专业学校(中专)毕业并具备xx年以上相关工作经验。

49、Responses came in from 1,361 recent grads and 735 alumni. 有1,361名应届毕业生和735名往届毕业生作了回答。

50、A nation turns its lonely eyes U(Woo,woo,woo).世人在用孤寂的眼神看你。


51、Leads: I was a duty high graduate, the graduation nearly 6 years. 我是一名职高毕业生,毕业快xx年了。

52、After the graduation he got married and even had a child. 毕业后,婚娶,一子。

53、Jean-Luc Picard graduates fr Starfleet Acady. 毕凯从星舰学院毕业。

54、In another test, high-school grads were more likely than college grads to accurately determine someone's emotions based on their facial expression. 另一项测试中,学历为高中毕业的人比起大学毕业的人更能准确地根据别人的面部表情判断对方的情绪。

55、And upon graduation, I decided to go into the wine business full time, 毕业后,我决定进入葡萄酒行业从事全职工作。

56、Town-students were higher than country-students in self-evaluation and information-acquisition, which had significant difference(P

57、"The classes of 2009 and 2010 are now competing for the same jobs, " Angulo said. 2009毕业生和2010毕业生正在竞争着同样的工作。

58、Sent transcripts. Graduation phase. Graduation photo. 上翻课室。发毕业相。毕业证。成绩单。

59、Introduce:A batch of graduate are preparing some art university to be illuminated according to graduation. 简介:某艺术大学一批毕业生准备着照毕业照。

60、How should a graduating student decide upon his future career? 毕业的学生应该如何决定他们的未来?

61、She graduated in medicine. 她医科毕业。

62、I graduated from Beijing 102 middle school. I've got the high school diploma. 我毕业于北京102中学,我已经获得了高中毕业文凭。

63、I am a graduate of Hubei University, graduated so far have been engaged in many occupations. 本人毕业于湖北大学,毕业至今从事过许多职业。

64、This austerity has been retained by modern high schools and universities in the caps and growns worn at graduation ceremonies. 这一简朴的颜色被保留至今,并被用于现代高中毕业生和大学毕业生在毕业典礼的着装。 毕业生将帽子的流苏从一边移到另一边,表示他们有了提高。

65、My sister just graduated from high school graduation was held last night. 我妹妹中学毕业了,昨晚举行了毕业典礼。

66、What are the advantages and the disadvantages between before-school and after-school relationships? 毕业前和毕业后结识的朋友优点和缺点是什么?

67、The graduation airborne rides the service specialty with Hunan female university. 毕业与湖南女子大学空中乘务专业。

68、Many of the graduates decided on jobs straight away, but Lin Ying decided to spend a year doing voluntary work. 许多刚毕业的学生决定(毕业后)就直接去工作了,但是林英决定做xx年志愿者的工作。

69、Kyoko finished school three years ago. 恭子xx年前便从已毕业。

70、I am graduating this summer and I am a senior in communications. 我是传媒专业毕业班学生,今年夏季毕业。

71、When does your son graduate? 你儿子啥时候毕业?""

72、University graduate in architectonics , fresh graduate is permitted also. 建筑学本科毕业,应届毕业生也可。


标签: 英文 专业 毕业

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