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关于”句子的基本类型“的英语句子5个,句子主体:Basic types of sentences。以下是关于句子的基本类型的高二英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Basic types of sentences

1、Strings, numbers (floating point only), booleans, and the special nil type are basic types. number(只有浮点数)、boolean 和特殊的 nil 类型都是基本类型。

2、Authoring the basic ASN.1 data types 生成基本 ASN.1 数据类型

3、With those six primitives, you can do it. 用六个基本类型你能做的。

4、Open types like CompositeData can represent complex (that is, non-primitive or structured) data in terms of the more fundamental types. 像 CompositeData 这样的开放类型可以用更基本的类型来代表复杂的(即非基本的或结构化的)数据。

5、DITA includes three information types derived from the base topic type: task, concept, and reference. DITA 包括三种从基本主题类型派生的信息类型:任务、概念和参考。

6、The elastic foundation beam is a familiar component in civil engineering and different fundamental equations of which are corresponded to different foundation models. 在弹性基础梁模型的基础上,通过引入一损伤因子,提出一类基于损伤本构的基础梁模型,并在一定条件下对该模型进行了求解和对比分析。

7、DBC identifies three basic types of assertions DBC 识别三种基本的断言类型

8、In syntax level, we classify the question into four categories by C4.5 algorithm, such as yes-or-no interrogative, specially related interrogative, and so on. 在语法层面,本文采用C4.5决策树算法将问题分类为是非问句、正反问句、特选问句和特指问句四种类型;

9、Although diverse in kind, sign advertisement in ancient China mainly consists of three sorts:image sign, mark sign and written word sign. 中国古代幌子广告类型众多,但概括起来,主要分为形象幌子、标志幌和文字幌三种基本类型。

10、We discuss the syntheses, structural pattern and electron counting of six molybdenum-iron mixed metal carbonyl clusters. 本文总结了六种钼—铁混合金属羰基原子簇化合物的合成、结构类型和电子计数。

11、By introducing damage factor into the model of elastic base beam, the non-elastic base beam model based on damage constitutive relation is proposed. 在弹性基础梁模型的基础上,通过引入一损伤因子,提出一类基于损伤本构的基础梁模型,并在一定条件下对该模型进行了求解和对比分析。

12、The model consists of five sub-sets: basic classes model, context model, organization model, resource model, and process model. 这个模型由基本本体类、上下文本体类、组织本体类、资源本体类和过程本体类组成。

13、The intonations of other sentence types are materialized on the Fo contours of the sentence-final syllables. 其他句子类型的语调形式主要是透过句末的最后一个音节的基频去表现出来。

14、The breeding values ( BV ) were divided into two categories for the seed models. 基于上述模型,本研究将种子性状育种值定义为两类。

15、These basic types can themselves be subtyped to define new kinds of content, and it’s typical to define subtypes of a document for a specific kind of business. 这些基础类型自身可以用作子类型来定义一种新的内容,最典型的是为某种特定业务定义一个文档的子类型。

16、It can also be a data structure of a type that is fitting to the SELECT clause. 也可以是类型与 SELECT 子句相匹配的数据结构。

17、In other words, the compiler generates pretty much the same code you would have written by hand without generics, casts and all, after checking the type-safety of your program. 换句话说,编译器生成的代码与您手工编写的不用泛型、检查程序的类型安全后进行强制类型转换所得到的代码基本相同。

18、To retrieve structured type data from a table, there must be some way to convert that type into a single scalar value whose type, in turn, must be based on one of the built-in DB2 data types. 为了从表中检索结构化类型数据,必须有一些将类型转换成一个标量值,换句话说,这些值的类型必须基于某种内置的 DB2 数据类型。

19、The base ADIEU tool comes with an assortment of useful card types. 基本的 ADIEU 工具提供对有用卡片类型的分类功能。

20、Representation of basic data type, extended data type and 3D entities in R2000 DWG file are illustrated. 在具体数据类型方面还包括基本数据类型,扩展数据类型和三维信息等的内部表示方法。

21、The causative verbs and their sentence patterns are one of the English basic characteristics. 使役动词及其句型结构是英语的基本特色之一。

22、Explains the concepts behind clauses and operators used in queries. 说明在查询中所使用之子句和运算子的基本概念。

23、A subtype can also add more element and attribute declarations to the base type. 子类型也可以向基类型增加更多的元素和属性声明。

24、Since type parameters are erased to their bounds and the bounds can't be primitive types, there is no way that an instantiation with primitive types would make sense once the types are erased. 既然类型参数被擦除为它们的界限,而界限不能是基本类型,所以一旦类型被擦除,则对基本类型的实例化会完全没有意义。

25、Imperative sentences are an essential sentence pattern in Lao-Qi-Da and Piao-Tong-Shi, two textbooks meant for teaching Chinese to Koreans in the late Yuan and early Ming dynasties. 祈使句是《老乞大》和《朴通事》中的一种基本句类,类型多,分布广,本身又积淀了丰富的历史语言信息。


26、基本数据类型 是由 C 和 C++ 语言规范所定义的所有数据类型。 Base data types are all data types defined by the C and C++ language specification.

27、The attribute types can be basic (for example, Integer, String) or complex data types (for example, the user-defined types like Order and CreditCard) 可以将属性类型定为基本类型(例如,Integer 或 String)或复杂数据类型(例如,用户定义的类型,如 Order 和 CreditCard)。

28、The procedure-based handler is best used for result set consumption or "one and done" type SQL statements such as MERGE. 基于语句的 Handler 程序最适合使用结果集或 MERGE 之类的 “一气呵成”型 SQL 语句。

29、A rule cannot be bound to a user-defined data type whose base data type is image or text. 不能将规则绑定到基本数据类型为图像或文本的用户定义数据类型。

30、It also makes thorough and careful research into SunZi's compound sentences and sentence groups, including their structure gradations, semantic relations, conjunctive means and their differences. 本文对《孙子》的复句和句群作了较为深入细致的研究,对每一类型的结构层次、语义关系、连接手段都作了细致描写,并揭示了复句与句群之间的差异。

31、A collection of fundamental type implementations, such as integers, doubles, enums and structured types, to name a few. 一个基本类型的实现集,如整型,枚举型和结构型等。

32、A broader set of primitives, but nonetheless the same fundamental thing holds. 一些广阔的基本类型,但还是同样的基本东西。

33、The three types are format, statement or procedure-based handlers. 这三种类型是基于记录格式、语句和过程的 Handler 程序。

34、Your design can sometimes dictate which choice you make; for example, extending base types with subtypes is clearly a more object-oriented approach. 您的设计有时可以支配您的选择,例如,以子类型扩展基本类型则更加趋向于面向对象方法。

35、Subrange types maintain the ordinalities of their base types. 子界类型保留了其基类型的序号。

36、More complex sentence types featured advanced-level dialogues. 高年级课程中的对话以句子类型更为复杂为特点。

37、In other words, the Basic Dynamic Load Rating provides a basis of Life Calculations based on the size and type of ball screws. 换句话说,基本额定动载荷提供了一个基于丝杠类型和尺寸来计算寿命的基础。

38、Base data types are all data types defined by the C and C++ language specification. 基本数据类型 是由 C 和 C++ 语言规范所定义的所有数据类型。

39、Also note that the first two types in the class clause are LongWritable and Text, which are the byte count and line of text, respectively. 还要注意,class 子句的前两个类型是 LongWritable 和 Text,分别是字节数和文本行数。

40、The REF USING INTEGER clause specifies that the INTEGER data type will be used to represent the REFERENCE type of this structured type and all of its subtypes. REF USING INTEGER 子句指定了 INTEGER 数据类型,将使用这个数据类型表示该结构化类型及其所有子类型的 REFERENCE 类型。

41、They tend to use basic words and short sentences, repeat target words and sentence patterns with high frequency and use Chinese translation and self-repetition as discourse modification. 实习教师倾向于使用基本词汇和简短的句子,目标词汇和句型的重复率较高;

42、A derived data type is a derivative or structure of existing base types or other derived types. 派生数据类型是已有的基本类型或其他派生类型的一个派生物或结构。

43、Merlin features seven specific Buffer types, one for each primitive data type (except boolean) Merlin 具有 7 种特定的 Buffer 类型,每种类型对应着一个基本数据类型(不包括 boolean)

44、The data type for the function return type can be specified directly or using the REFERENCES clause. 函数返回类型的数据类型可以直接指定,或使用 REFERENCES 子句指定。

45、The next basic structure is the subtype or ROW type. 接下来的一种基本结构是子类型或 ROW 类型。

46、Now, take a look at how to access basic and derived data types of arguments. 现在,看看如何访问基本数据类型和派生数据类型的参数。

47、Sequences may contain elements of all types whether fundamental types or user-defined. 序列可以包含所有类型的元素,不管是基本类型还是用户定义的类型。

48、Mainly on basic grammar, such as nouns, basic sentence structure, pronouns , etc. etc. 主要讲解基本语法知识,如名词,句子基本 结构,代词等。

49、The more specific types -- like text, elements, and attributes -- extend from this basic node type. 更特定的类型,比如文本、元素和属性,都继承自这个基本的节点类型。

50、In general, configurations of spatial units fall into two types, regular-lattice and irregular area. 面状资料之基本空间单元型态可分为规则格子型与不规则区域型两类。


51、It is benevolent to look after "Sth"(Sb) 这里的Sth可以是事物, Sb可以指人。

52、The basic control flow is the same for both types. 两种类型的基本控制流是相同的。

53、Primitive types from the imported model libraries 基本类型,在导入的模型库中

54、Condensing is one important type of redundancy elimination. We first consider the decidability and complexity of this problem, and then gives a polynomial algorithm of its sub-problem. 压缩是消除子句中文字冗余的一种重要类型,除对这种类型的问题的可判定性以及复杂性结果进行讨论外,本文还给出了压缩问题的一个子问题的多项式算法。

55、Nouns and verbs is the main in notional words and the two words is the most basic terms in human language, and also is the fundamental factor of the composition of the sentence. 实词中名词和动词为主,说明这两种词在人类语言中是最基本的词,也是组成句子的最基本因素。

56、Other types of shielding can pump at up basic foundation through change and improvement have been. 其它各种类型的屏蔽泵都可以在基本型的基础上,经过变型和改进而得到。


标签: 高二 类型

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