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关于”不可否认的是句型“的英语句子44个,句子主体:It is undeniable that sentence patterns。以下是关于不可否认的是句型的高三英语句子。

英文句子模板1:It is undeniable that sentence patterns


1、It questioned whether it's possible to translate all values into a single uniform measure of value. It asks, in other words, whether all values are commensurable.


2、She always denied that her protagonists weremodeled on any actual people, and in particular was adamant that Roark was nota fictionalized Frank Lloyd Wright.


3、But didn't disown the bird.


4、Or should end users be informed about their unavailability, and as a consequence, should the coverage of the dimensional model be reduced?


5、Given the vicissitudes of life, this is pretty much to be expected; it could hardly be otherwise.


6、So there's a layer of respect, admittedly, for your truthfulness, but it's peppered with hate.

has become the biggest concern of the present-day world.英语作文网) 不可否认的是,…已成了当今世界最令人关注的问题。

7、It is undeniable that …


8、There's no getting around it: parenting is tough work.

而且,数字时间戳是PKI 的重要组成部分,是支持不可否认服务的关键因素。

9、Digital time-stamping is important component of PKI and support un-repudiation.


10、So we make two types of errors: a type I error, or false positive, is believing a pattern is real when it is not; a type II error, or false negative, is not believing a pattern is real when it is.


11、There is no denying that coffee is not for everyone.


12、Can't deny what I say a trifle and disgusting, but wear is all my heartfelt words.


13、Whether the lore of the sandwich is fact or fiction, there's no denying that even the most serendipitous invention can have big repercussions.


14、The second group holds that all translation is possible and totally denies the existence of untranslatability.

不可否认, 斯宾塞是英国文学史上最伟大的诗人之

15、No one denies the fact that Spenser is among the greatest English poets.


16、Undoubtedly, there are a lot of delicious dishes, but all the year round, they are the same.

但是,不能否认。 孩子所面临的挑战仍旧很多,而且不可逾越。

17、To be sure, the challenges facing the children in both groups were still insurmountable to many.


18、If I did not trust the infallibility of mine own eyes, I would not believe it!

这里 你要确认是否接受了这个最终封印的任务. (译注:其实我并没翻译这一句。)

19、There, you are to confirm whether the final seal is doing its job.


20、Whatever his sources may have been, the immense popularity of Geoffrey's Historia Regum Britanniae cannot be denied.

21、The Rembrandt painting was the museum's major acquisition.无可否认地,那是真的伦布兰特(的画)。

22、Yet the charms of tropical China are undeniable, and plenty of visitors succumb.不过,“中国热带天堂”的魅力是不可否认的,很多游客都深深地陶醉其中。

23、The effect of customer participation with social media on brands is undeniable.社交媒体对品牌宣传中,顾客参与所带来的影响是不可否认的。

24、It denies that contradiction is the unity of opposites and thinks negative is absolute.认为否定是不包含任何肯定因素的绝对否定,是否定一切的全盘否定。

25、Admittedly, some implementations are quite complex -- more so than they need be.不可否认,一些执行是相当复杂的——超过他们所要求的。

英文句子26:,26、There was no denying that she had compromised herself irretrievably .她已经无可挽救地跟他妥协,那是不能否认的了。

27、Beyond gainsay it is a genuine Rembrandt.无可否认地,那是真的伦布兰特(的画)。

28、I don't know whether you like flowers. 我不知道你是否喜欢花 希望能帮到您

29、Certainly Scotland is a great place to source water from – it always rains!不可否认,从苏格兰是个采水的好地方,因为这里经常下雨!

30、The tax code makes provisions for such practices, though, admittedly, they can be tough to enforce.不可否认的是他们可以按照税法条文针对这种做法强硬执行。

31、There’s no denying that the iPad has been a mega-hit.不可否认,ipad已经是一个百万级的成功产品了。

32、A mannequin Do or die, no reply, don't deny that you're synthetic.一个人体模型生存还是死亡, 没有回应, 不要否认了你是人工合成的。

33、It is undeniable that we share a great deal in common with pigs, though people have been reluctant to acknowledge the similarities.不可否认的是,我们和猪有很多相似之处,虽然人们一直不愿意承认这相似之处。

34、I assume participants didn't know the slang 'chunder', or these results might have been different!(我觉得被试不知道有句粗话叫“chunder”,否则结果可能又不一样了)。

35、Admittedly, InOut parameters are not seen that often because returning multiple values is normally handled by returning complex data types, but it is a good technique to be aware of.不可否认,InOut 参数不那么常见,因为返回多个值通常是通过返回复杂数据类型来处理的,但这仍是个值得注意的好方法。

36、Does self-love mean the same as selfishness on my view? Oh, no no no. That was the ambiguity. Ok.我是否认为自爱等同于自私?,不不不,这就是其模棱两可之处,好的。

37、Insisting otherwise is imprudent and impractical.一味否认这一点是轻率和不切实际的。

38、There's no denying that the Magic looked completely outmatched against the Heat.不可否认魔术看起来完全优于热火。

39、Modern agnosticism denied that subjective cognition could attain to objective existence by stressing the primacy of subject.近代不可知论则通过强调认识的主体性,而否定认识可以达到客观存在。

40、Yet there was something undeniably riveting and enlightening about watching the artist at work.但不可否认的是,观看工作中的艺术家是引人入胜的、给人启发的。

41、Undeniably high in sugar, but preserves have an unexpected health benefit.不可否认果酱含糖量很高,不过它有你想不到的健康益处。

42、Taboo or not these people are part of our society and their contributions over the years cannot be denied.无论禁忌与否,这些人都是我们这个社会的一部分,在过去的这些年里,他们的贡献是不可否认的。

43、Of course, these vehicles, we can not deny the appearance Teng -speed and stable performance of the air is most prominent.当然这几车中,我们不能否认速腾外型大气稳重表现是最为突出的。

44、No matter the ending is prefect or not , you can not dissappear from my world .这句话是我想对你说的不管结果是否完满。

45、I was wondering if I can have a roommate who is not a Chinese. 这样说更好些

46、The new-think says, rich or not, you may need a prenuptial agreement.有一种较新的想法认为,不管是否富裕,你可能都需要婚前协议。

47、It tis undeniable that … has become the biggest concern of the present-day world.不可否认的是,…已成了当 今世界最令人关注的问题。

48、WORD OF THE DAY - repudiate: to reject; to deny. The gangsters repudiated all accusations of unlawful activity.否认,否定;驳斥,批驳这些帮派份子,否认他们被起诉的不法勾当。

49、'Yes - moral enough; I don't deny that.是的—一很道德;我不否认这一点。

50、Theinfluence of Persian miniature painting and Rococo art are undeniable in Laurencin'sworks.影响波斯语的缩影绘画及洛可可艺术是不可否认的在洛朗桑的作品。

经典英文句子51:不可否认的是句型,51、Undeniably, more and more people begin to care about this mysterious object—UFO.不可否认的是,越来越多的人们开始关心UFO这个神秘的物体。

52、No one can deny that these changes are the result of all the Beijingers' efforts.不可否认,这些变化是所有北京人同努力的结果。

53、Styles of fathering can affect whether their children get along with others at work, have an entreprenurial spirit, worry too much about their career, burn out or become the boss, Poulter writes.波尔特指出,不同类型的父亲可以对自己的孩子在工作中产生不同的影响,影响他们是否能与同事相处好,是否具备创业精神,是否为工作担忧过多,是否玩命的工作,以及是否能够成为老板等。

54、A denial of God seems so much more intelligible than a denial of the world.大家总是觉得否认上帝远较否认世界为更可以理解。

55、Gets the current, formatted value of the cell, regardless of whether the cell is in edit mode and the value has not been committed.取得目前已格式化的储存格值,不管储存格是否处于编辑模式,而值是否尚未认可。

56、Admittedly though, lending through Kiva doesn't revolve around economic efficiency.不过,不可否认。 从 Kiva借贷并不会一经济效率为重心。

57、Do you think the lesion could be an abscess?你是否认为那损伤有可能是脓肿?

58、Can the candidate request a re-mark if they think their marks are not accurate?如果考生认为成绩不准确,是否可以要求重新判卷?

59、There is no gainsaying her ability.她的能力是无可否认的。

60、But the influence of their thought on Confucians can not be denied.但孟子和荀子的思想对汉儒的影响是不可否认的。

61、So, like it or not, he says he thought the beef deal was unavoidable.因此不论喜欢与否,他认为这项自由贸易协议是不可避免的。

62、Although Mom had never bothered with books, our physical similarities, apart from my tallness, were undeniable.虽然妈妈从不读书,但是我们的身高和外形的相似,是不可否认的。

63、You can also see if the processor type cannot be determined or is not supported.您也可以查看是否处理器的类型不能被确定,或者不被支持。

64、Undeniably this scandal made her better known, but Zhai had to taste the bitterness of fame.不可否认的是这个丑闻使她被更多人所认识,但是她也要品尝到成名的辛酸。

65、Now Lycidas, and this is undeniable, is ostensibly, and maybe more than ostensibly, an elegy.利西达斯》,不可否认,显而易见,或许不止是显而易见,是一首悼亡诗。

66、She always denied that her protagonists were modeled on any actual people, and in particular was adamant that Roark was not a fictionalized Frank Lloyd Wright.她始终否认自己的主角以任何现实人物为原型,尤其是坚决否认罗克是小说化的弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特。

67、Admittedly, a lot of the problems are my fault.无可否认,有一部分问题是我的错。

68、Is not the colored glaze semi-annular jade pendant?不色的釉是否是半环型玉下垂?

69、Do you think I am trusty and faithful?你是否认为我是一个忠实可靠的人?

70、Undoubtedly, the emergence of such a craze is the manifestation of our growing overall national strength.不可否认,汉语热的出现是我国综合国力不断增强的表现。



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