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1、Poetry and complement each other, similar paintings that good poetry in the contemporary art world is also not uncommon.


2、The important contribution of "Nine Leaves" poetic school is the unique modernism poetic theory construction.


3、There are 37 kinds of monk-poets extra corpora and

4 monks poems entire corpora in Collected log of Sikuguanshuzongmu, which has a brief appraisal to these monk-poets character and their works.


4、Yan Jun, Sound artist and poet.


5、Vacillation." The poem was written following a series of poems called the "Crazy Jane" poems, written as a kind of summary of them, a kind of resolution of the debates that go on in them.


6、Although the studies of Pre-Qin scattered poems has more than 2000 years, it is subject to the investigation of the Book of Songs comparing with the studies of the Book of Songs before 20th century.


7、Does she still write new-style poetry?


8、Textual Research on Geography in The Book of Songs is the main representative works as a result of studying The Book of Songs by Wang Yinglin, who was a scholar in Nansong Dynasty.


9、Zhu Yizun described a poetry school, with Li Mengyang as a major role and his followers as a subsidiary, and expounded the inheritance of poetry between them.


10、Fang Dong-shu s poetical criticism with the text is an obvious character in poetics critical practice.


11、Fushi, to some extent, is characteristic of enigmatic language and metaphor from the phenomenon of explaining the poem after Fushi and the true idea being beyond the poem itself.


12、The enigmatic languages in the Book of Odes about the things and words, has hided many secrets. The old interpretation had given of the Book of Odes in wrong explanation, which caused the mistake.


13、We can know every aspects of life in Pre-Qin times with the Book of Songs.


14、Chinese Peacock Dance By Yang …


15、Beginning to write in the early 1990s, the writer has already published dozens of poems, essays and reportage. She is a young member of May Poem Institute in Shaoguan.


16、The article explores the history of "Korean Jiangxi poetic school", as well as its nature, scope and significance in comparison with China's "Jiangxi poetic school".


17、Just listen to the language, the poetry!


18、This discrepancy is reflected in two aspects: institutionalization of " noumenal hindrance" in poetry and introspective nature of poetry.


19、What line comes last in the poem?


20、I croon this poem in delight.

21、Wordsworth enters St John's, and publishes his first poem. He later became Poet Laureate.华滋华斯进入圣约翰学院,并发表了他第一首诗。随后他成为了桂冠诗人。

22、The Island of Poems! Now that I am on the Island of Poems, I should bring into play my talent too.诗之岛!既然来到了诗之岛,我怎么也得发挥一下我的特长。

23、Hlderlin, a mysterious and rarely seen poet, has written some complex poems which are difficult to understand .荷尔德林,作为一位神秘的、罕见的诗人。他的诗作也艰难费解。

24、Barracuda Point, Sipadan, Malaysia.马来西亚诗巴丹岛梭鱼点。

25、In the early part of the 20th century, scholars studied The Book of Songs from the literary viewpoint and drew a conclusion that traditional study of The Book of Songs have no literary scholarship.二十世纪初期,《诗经》研究者从文学视角审视传统《诗经》学,得出的基本结论是传统《诗经》学里没有文学性研究。

英文句子26:,26、The concept of "harmony of poetry and painting" is closely related with the rise of modem-styled poetry and landscape painting.“诗画一律”的提出与近体诗和山水画的兴起有密切关系。

27、George Santayana, [Three Philosophical Poets]桑塔亚那,(三位哲学诗人)

28、From C. S. Lewis' Epic Masterpiece.刘易斯史诗巨制。

29、History developed in "the Book of Songs" is also that of the role development of relationship between rites and poetry, Yue.两种不同的存在状态体现出《诗》的角色由“乐”之附庸向“礼”之附庸的转变。《诗经》发展的历史也是礼与诗、乐关系角色演变的历史。

30、Secondly , the process of the Mao Poems'classic .《毛诗》经学化的过程。

31、The laurels and the myrtles that he addresses here are, of course, the traditional plants classically associated with great poets; but for Milton in this passage, importantly these plants simply aren't ripe yet.诗中提到的月桂树和常青藤,传统上常常与伟大诗人相联系;,但在弥尔顿的这首诗,重要的是这些植物尚未成熟。

32、Yeats is a poet who asks questions.叶芝在诗中问问题。

33、For flaubert, kafka "no poetic" hatred, exactly is rooted in "poetic" this layer "curtain" worship.对福楼拜、卡夫卡“无诗性”的憎恨,恰恰源自对“诗性”这层“帷幕”的顶礼膜拜。

34、A study of Qin Zihao's modernist poetry.覃子豪现代诗研究。

35、The third kind is poems of complimentary copy;第三类是寄赠诗;

36、If we look at Shijing at the angle of narrative literature, Da-Ya and Xiao-Ya includes the most narrative materials, and Da-Ya even contains a number of heroic poetry.若以叙事文学的角度来看待《诗经》,则大小〈雅〉所含的叙事材料最多,其中的〈大雅〉更含有不少史诗性质的叙事诗。

37、India produced epic literature.印度创立了叙事诗文学。

38、9-Scrollsof Kungfu Revelations evolves Kungfu into poetry, and attack into creation.《功夫诗?九卷》是一部将功夫演化成诗、将攻击性转化成创造性的艺术功夫剧。

39、Using the creative methods of reflections on seasons and beings in Shi Jing, scholars created works by the artistic conception of Shi Jing to reflect that Shi…士人们借鉴《诗经》感时感物的创作方法,化用《诗经》的意境进行创作,反映出《诗经》作为文学“基因”之一对后世文学创作的影响。

40、But we have to remember that King himself was a poet, or thought of himself as a poet.但我们得知道金自己也是个诗人,最起码自认为是一个诗人。

41、The second kind is Yong Huai Poetry;第二类是咏怀诗;

42、"Thinking purely" came from "The Book of Songs". Confucius quoted it Out of contest to express its social function.“思无邪”出自《诗经》,孔子断章取义地引用,表达了《诗经》的社会功用。

43、The attitude to Homer' s epics directly influenced the poetics of Plato and Aristotle.对荷马史诗的态度与柏拉图和亚理士多德的诗学思想有直接的勾连。

44、With the method of comparative literature research, this dissertation discusses in detail and deeply for the first time the relationship between Mu Dan, a distinguished Chinese modernism poet, and T.本文运用比较文学的研究方法,首次对杰出的现代主义诗人穆旦(查良铮)和作为其重要诗学资源的英国大诗人T。

45、To Hu, Da Li, Zhen Yuan is also a poet. Hanyang seclusion, try the various governments involved. Poetry volume.于鹄,大历、贞元间诗人也。隐居汉阳,尝为诸府从事。诗一卷。

46、Both Fengzhi and Rainer Maria Rilke are poets with the temperament of introspection.冯至与里尔克同为内省型精神气质的诗人,后期创作方向同为主知型诗。

47、Poets in the generation of Misty poetry, such as Bei Dao, Jianghe, Yang Lian, we had not talked much.朦胧诗那一代诗人们,如北岛、江河、杨炼等,我们谈得不多。

48、To divert interest from the poet to the poetry is a laudable aim: for it would conduce to a juster estimation of actual poetry, good and bad.将兴趣由诗人身上转移到诗上是一件值得称赞的企图:因为这样一来,批评真正的诗,不论好坏,可以得到一个较为公正的评价。

49、One of the Characteristics of the landscape poetry of the Xie's clan in the Six Dynasties is that they are graphic.六朝陈郡谢氏家族的山水诗,具有“诗中有画”的艺术特点。

50、匈牙利诗人裴多菲 Life of course should be cherished

经典英文句子51:诗,51、This is how Homer prepared himself to be the greatest and the first of all epic poets.荷马就是这样来让自己成为最伟大的,并且是第一个史诗诗人。

52、Epic Unit Scale mod here…史诗股级改进型这里…

53、How the explanation to it has directly reflected the knowledge to DuFu's poetry and even to poetry and history of recipient.对它的解释直接反映了学者对杜诗乃至对诗和史的认识。

54、By reciting Han Wei's intercourse with other poets, we outline Han Wei's changes in his poetic viewpoints, which reflect the evolution of the North Song Dynasty poetry, too.本章通过探寻韩维与诗坛中其他文人的交游,概括其诗学观点的变迁,也从一定程度上描画了北宋诗坛的演变历程。

55、"Equal dialogue" is the fundamental principle comparativists must stick to when having a "poetic dialogue".“平等对话”是比较诗学研究者进行“诗学对话”时必须坚持的基本原则。

56、One of the fathers in great severity called poesy vinum daenwnwn; because it filleth the imagination and yet it is but with me shadow of a lie.早期的耶教著作家中有一位曾经很严厉地把诗叫做“魔鬼底酒”,因为诗能占据人底想象,然而诗不过是伪说底影子罢了。

57、"true meanings" are the contents of the poems; and "true interest" is the natural demonstration of his poems' expression.“真意”是就其诗之内容而言,“真趣”是其诗之神态上的自然表现。

58、His summary prosifies the poem.他的摘要把诗散文化了。

59、First, A study on Zhaoyin poems and Anti-Zhaoyin poems will discover the law of the Poems' emergence, development and extinction.招隐诗与反招隐诗研究,探讨其产生、发展以及消亡的规律;

60、It's lightness, elegant as poem and painting.轻盈,飘逸,如诗如画。

61、Chaucer is the father of English poetry.乔叟是英诗的鼻祖。


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