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关于”中的结构“的英语句子51个,句子主体:Structure in。以下是关于中的结构的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Structure in


1、Under the overall planning, three types of research and after production; planting, breeding and processing; hard technology and soft technology and the subject at different levels.


2、In matrix, medium-coarse grains, fine grains and micrographic texture are the main texture.

以流程为中心的体系结构—— 现有的体系结构模型和实践往往是以程序为中心的。

3、Process-centric architecture -- The existing architecture models and practices tend to be program-centric.


4、Design, manufacture and construction of steelwork in film-work buildings;


5、The internal force redistribution in statically indeterminate structures will be created by axial deformation difference, and the stress performance of structure would be changed.


6、Construction columns are required in frame-supported brick building of anti-seismic structure, which has an effect on the load-bearing capacity of the masonry.

7、This is a pretty flower, whose name I don't know. 这是一种很美的花,我不知道它叫什么名字.


8、It generally refers to the carbon structural steel and medium carbon alloy steel.

架 是口前轻钢结构中应用最广泛的一种钢结构形式。

9、As a popular form of light steel structures, gabled frame is widely used at present.

10、Mike is confident that he will arrive in time. (迈克相信他会及时到达。


11、Hence an endocentric construction is also known as a headed construction.

12、The girl in red is his sister. 穿红衣服的那个女孩是他妹妹。


13、Most of all, cooperation with substructure needs to be considered in designing because of having great effect on seismic response of BSS.


14、In recent years, the steel- concrete hybrid structure is widely adopted in super high-rise building in china.


15、Compared with other architectures, it has advantages of high parallelism, and no intermediate buffer.


16、Flitch plate structures are widely used in the steel structures of construction machinery and construction structures.

17、I am waiting for your reply. (我在等你答复) your就是形容词性物主代词作前置定语。

18、He is a business is –business man.(他是一个公事公办的人) business is –business 就是合成词作前置定语。


19、There were plenty of structures in RSM toxic GS which exited in common in one sample.

SOA 世界中的 PROBIT 体系结构

20、The PROBIT architecture in an SOA world

21、Construct a diorama for any section in the book.构建这本书中任何一章节的结构图。

22、However, zero IF architecture suffers from greater RF impairment comparing with classical heterodyne architectures.但是相对于经典的超外差结构,在零中频结构的接收机中射频损伤将更为严重。

23、Before death, 64% of anatomic malformations but only 13% of nonstructural cardiac conditions were diagnosed.在64%结构异常案例中,仅13%的非结构性心脏病得到确诊。

24、Memory structure is the most complicated component of the IDS architecture.内存结构是 IDS 体系结构中最为复杂的组件。

25、A cone-cylinder joint transition structure is widely applied in design of modern underwater vehicle′s hull structure.在现代潜器的耐压船体结构设计中,广泛采用了锥柱结合壳过渡结构形式。

英文句子26:,26、Mastabas are rectangular ceremonial structures often found above Egyptian tombs.石室坟墓具有长方形的礼仪结构,这种结构在以往的埃及坟墓中也经常发现。

27、It contains a set of artifacts organized in a directory hierarchy.它包含在目录层次结构中组织的一组构件。

28、The breeze has died away.( 微风渐渐止住了.)

29、In this example, we’ll organize the project by releases, R10 and R11, as Figure 在本例中,我们将会根据版本,R10 和 R11 来组织结构,如图

3. Reflect the project organization in the package structure).

3 所示,“在包结构中反映项目的组织结构”。

30、There are many helixes of dihedral angle, and the whole skeleton forms a large helix in the structure of the rotatory isomer.其结构中包含许多二面角螺旋,而且具有旋光性的异构体,其结构的整体骨架也构成一个大的螺旋。

31、He had the ability to push aside all difficulties 他有能力排除一切困难。

32、Organization of the test cases into a rigid hierarchical structure of nested folders makes it difficult to take the test cases out of those structures and reuse them.将测试用例组织到一个僵硬的层级结构的文件夹结构中,将会使得从结构中取出它们变得十分困难,也不方便再使用。

33、Beams and columns are main load-bearing structure of tall frames in high buildings.高层建筑中的高层框架结构体系采用梁、柱作为建筑的承重结构。

34、The UIMA components bridge from the unstructured data fields in the source data to structured extracted data.UIMA 组件从源数据中的非结构化数据字段中提取出结构化的数据。

35、In the same time the study of nonlinear theory of the folded plate type latticed shell was imperfect.折板式网壳结构是其中应用的结构形式之

36、By subtly reshaping the cross-sectional topography of the site, the lower level and the intermediate level are both located on grade.通过巧妙重塑场地的横向剖面结构,低层结构和中层结构被加以突显。

37、The heterogenous 8-shaped knot is formed by changing one of two X-shaped cross structures at the middle part of the standardized 8-shaped knot into Chinese doughnut-shaped twisted structure.异型8字结是将规范的8字结中部的两个X形交叉结构中的

一 个,变换成麻花状绞纽结构的一种结扣形式。

38、He lives in the house which is opposite ours. 他住在我们对面的那栋房子里。

39、Listing 清单

2 shows the result of printing the user structure, which in Ruby is a Hashie::Mash.

2 展示了打印用户结构的结果,该结构在 Ruby 中为一个 Hashie::Mash。

40、Secondly, China continental crust has not only trisection structure but also dichotomy structure.中国陆壳既有三分结构也存在二分结构;

41、I am glad to see you again.(我很高兴再次见到你。

42、Geobelt is the main strengthening component in reinforced structure.拉筋带是加筋土结构中关键受力构件。

43、Honeycomb sandwich has become an important material in designing radomes instruction.蜂窝夹层结构已成为雷达罩结构设计中广泛应用的重要材料。

44、The syntactic form of a specified genitive construction is "N1N2", and it can be omitted when the construction gets into combination with another language plank.领属结构单说时的结构形式是“N1的N2“,与其他结构组合时其中的“的”有时可以隐去。

45、A structural crosspiece; a transom.横梁结构物中的横档;

46、There is a a baby girl in the cradle. (摇篮里有一个女婴)baby就是名词作前置定语。

47、The six-membered ring of each kind of metals is the most stable.三种元素的六员环短-长键交替结构都是各自环簇中最稳定的结构。

48、In the structure of academic title, the senior, intermediate and junior develop in proportion, as 职称结构中,高级、中级、初级职称数量结构接近合理比例,为





49、Two building structures neighboring each other are linked with actuators, and one of them is isolated, then a new pattern of structure, a combination of isolated structures, is formed.用作动器将相距很近的两结构连为一体,并对其中一个结构施加隔震,形成一种新的结构体系-组合隔震结构体系。

50、I hopped into a taxi standing at the door. 我跳进一辆停在旅馆门口的出租车。

经典英文句子51:中的结构,51、Pre-stressed steel structure a new kind of structure in which combined pre-stress with steel structure, can take full advantage of the elastic strength of steel.预应力钢结构是一种将预应力与钢结构相结合的新型结构,在结构中引入预应力以充分利用钢材弹性范围内强度。

52、she remained serene and in control.( 她依旧泰然自若。

53、Tubular structure is widely used for offshore structures, because in such structures, multiplanar joints are unavoidable.圆管结构大量应用于海上或近海结构,在这种结构中,多平面节点是不可避免的。

54、It deals not only with the influence of environment on structures, but also with types, functions and importance of structures based on the theory of life cycle cost(LCC).混凝土结构耐久性环境区划标准在结构全寿命周期成本原理基础上考虑了环境对结构的影响,并将结构的重要性、结构形式和功能等多方面因素一并纳入考虑之中。

55、The socket structure in Linux is struct sock, which is defined in linux/include/net/sock.h.Linux 中的 socket 结构是 struct sock,这个结构是在 linux/include/net/sock.h 中定义的。

56、Fine structure of martensite in M-A constituents is twin sub structure.组元中马氏体的精细结构为孪晶亚结构。

57、In the structure refinement process, we give the method of mapping SOZRSL hierachical structures into concrete program codes;结构求精中给出了SOZRSL的分层逐步分解的结构到具体目标语言能够支持的整体结构的对应方法;

58、Proteins have three dimensional structures in solution and their structure determines what they do.在溶液中,蛋白质以三维结构存在,它的结构决定功能

59、Bracings are widely used to increase the stability of steel structures.在钢结构中通常利用支撑提高结构或构件的稳定性。

60、Suspend dome is a kind of prestressed structure which is very sensitive with the variation of prestressing force in the cables.弦支穹顶结构是一种预应力结构,它对于结构中索的预应力水平极为敏感。

61、The key issues and relevant construction methods were summarized, which could be used as reference in the similar engineering.从中归纳、总结了弦支穹顶屋盖结构设计中应注意的关键问题及应采取的结构措施,可供同类工程参考。

62、Can you store semi-structured data in relational structures?能够在关系结构中存储半结构化数据吗?

63、The popular words must have symmetrical characteristic of the structure of Chinese as a sub-structure of Chinese.汉语结构中普遍存在着对称规律,它分布于各级语言结构单位之中。

64、Building of biomimetic nano-micro structure in polymer films;聚合物薄膜中仿生纳米微结构的构筑;

65、Then, energy of Chinese personality structure that had once can be kept as well as new personality structure can be constructed.这样,既可保证中国人格结构应有的活力,又可以建构出完善的新型中国人格结构。

66、You can use construct where switch-case is used in other languages.可以使用这种结构实现其他语言中 switch-case 结构的效果。

67、Diachronic and synchronic structures exist in the activies of art cognition.在艺术认识活动中存在着历时性结构和共时性复合结构。

68、Dislocation structures in FCC and HCP metals are described in some detail.面心立方(FCC)及六方最密(HCP)结构金属中的差排结构将有较详细的描述。

69、Methods for identifying carcinogenic dyes by chemical structures of dyes, intermediates and allotropes of intermediates are introduced.论述了从染料、中间体化学结构和中间体同素异构体化学结构识别染料致癌性的方法;

70、The study on the Mandarin segmental structure and the syllable structure is central in the thesis.对普通话的音段结构和音节结构的研究是本文讨论的中心。

71、He is a man rude but henpecked.他是一个粗暴而惧内的男人。



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