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关于”一问一答“的英语句子35个,句子主体:Ask and Answer。以下是关于一问一答的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Ask and Answer


1、This is a question of fact to which there may be many different answers such as those exemplified above.

2、On each of the

20 sides is an answer to a yes-or-no question.

20 个面的每一面上都是一个问题的答案,答案只有是或否两种。

3、You want to go home or stay here 诚心为您解答每一个问题!


4、She couldn't answer a solitary question correctly.


5、Stop stalling and answer my question.


6、Here are some answers to common questions about the issue.



8 That's a tough question to answer.


8、He was asking questions. I was answering them.

答复: 这是一个好问题。 在两个不同的条款解释中答复了此问题。

9、Answer: Design and fabrication questions which are consulting in nature cannot be answered by ASME.


10、You don't need a laundry list of perfectly synchronized answers.


11、Emily asked me a question, but I already answered her.


12、We have questions to answer.


13、For details please go to the FAQ section.


14、Siyu asked a few more questions, and Hanfeng replied.


15、Hmmm. This is a tough question.


16、Ask and answer about people in the pictures.


17、The queen said that was but an idle answer.


18、I put the questions, and she answered them placidly .


19、The answer of some problems is unskillful.


20、I will ask you, and you do.

21、Answer: There are numerous issues, which I can hardly begin enumerating答: 这里有许多问题,我很难一一列举

22、I cannot even answer this question with the textbook.她连一个问题都答不对。

23、Pretend you're in a junket and answer these questions.想象一下,回答我的问题。

24、Let's listen to the tape.听课文第一段录音。学生回答问题。

25、Convergent questions have one correct answer.聚合型问题只有一个正确答案。

英文句子26:,26、A: Some delegations mentioned this issue.答:有些代表团提到了这一问题。

27、The teacher asked them a question. The answer was on the tip of his tongue, but another student raised her hand and said it first.老师问了一个问题,答案就在他嘴边,但是另外一个学生举手抢先一步回答了这个问题。

28、Listen again, and answer the questions.再昕一遍,回答问题。

29、I read your Q&A between u and a trader. and find that you Answer the Q like a person whose native language is not Chinese…我看了你和一个商人之间的一问一答的对话。我发现你回答问题时不像一个母语为汉语的人…

30、If the answer is "yes," keep asking the questions.如果答案是“是的”,那么继续检查下一个问题,如果所有的问题的答案都是肯定的,这个候选词就是一个类。

31、We can only hope that we answered some of your questions and maybe posed some new questions to answer.我们只能希望自己已经回答了一些问题,也可能提出了一些需要回答的新问题。

32、I didn’t say much; I would just ask a new question when Faubus finished answering the previous one.我说得不多;福伯斯刚刚回答完前一个问题,我就会提出一个新的问题要他回答。

33、Finally a question I am willing to answer. The answer is zero. Zip, nil. One minus one.终于问了一个我愿意回答的问题。答案是零。什么都没有,零蛋。一减

34、Let’s have questions and answers. 来一问一答。

35、Let's have someone we haven't had before.我们来问一下之前没回答过问题的人

36、I will answer your question for once for all.我回答你的问题仅此一次。

37、Who can answer this question ? 谁能回答一下这个问题呢?

38、Please answer the question one by one.请一个一个回答问题.

39、Asked he. "Yes, " replied a gendarme .他问。 “是的。”一个士兵回答。

40、Question question answer me . How many questions? One two three.我有问题,回答我。几个问题?一二


41、Later, Dennis liked to tell the story that he had asked that question of everybody and that Curtis Faith had replied "ninety-nine" and Liz Cheval had replied "one.随后,丹尼斯讲了一个故事,问了个问题,对于问题的答案,柯蒂斯·费思回答“99”,莉斯·雪娃回答“1”。

42、A famous mathematician once said "Every question must have a correct answer " for every question one answer."一位著名的数学家曾说过,“每一个问题都必定有一个正确的答案,每一个人们所回答的问题“

43、We often work in pairs to answer questions.我们经常一问一答。

44、Answer: Design questions which are consulting in nature cannot be answered by ASME.答复: 这是一个好问题。 在两个不同的条款解释中答复了此问题。

45、Here are some questions and answers regarding the issue.以下是有关人民币汇率问题的一些问答

46、One distinguishes questions and replies.我们能分辨出一些问话和一些答话。

47、I can't even dignify that with a response.我甚至不能给出一个确认的回答;我不屑回答这个问题。

48、A sling is the perfect answer to this problem.一吊索是一个完美的回答了这个问题。

49、Before new users can post a question, for example, they must take a quiz on what makes an "appropriate" style for a question on Quora.比如,在新用户发布一个问题前,他们必须做一个问答测试,回答什么是Quora上合乎风格的问题。

50、Zhang and the host declined to answer, promising that a public forum would address such concerns.张贺主持人拒绝回答,答应说会有一个公共论坛回答有关问题。

经典英文句子51:一问一答,51、Please listen to 核对答案。也可请两名一问一答。

2 and answer the questions.

52、Everything that can answer me is a big "Qustion Mark".每一个问题的答案仍然是个大问号。

53、Ask a question CASL's FR, thank scores, bother you help.问一个CASL的FR的问题,高分答谢,烦各位帮忙。

54、When you ask a question, there is a strong social pressure to answer the question.一旦你问了一个问题,被问者就会有强烈的社会压力要回答这个问题。

55、Have (Make) a guess at the answer.猜一猜这个问题的答案。

56、The examination shall consist of an identification section and a selection of essay questions from a list distributed one week prior to the test date.考试由一个「确认」部分和「问答题」组成。问答题会从考试前一周分发的清单选考。

57、Qq Question question answer me. How many questions ?One two three.我有问题,回答我。几个问题? 一二


58、Somebody, for answering some modding questions.一个人,回答一些改装的问题。

59、Tammet is doing well at answering my questions, even the indirect ones.Tammet对我的问题一一作答,包括一些非直接的问题。

60、Ask the students to introduce their family.找两名较好的学生示范,一问一答。

61、Limbert: It’s a question on both sides.答:这是一个双方都存在的问题。

62、The question permits of only one answer.那个问题只许有一个答案。

63、Ask yourself a dozen questions and answer them.先问自己一打问题,然后回答它们。

64、After you have answered questions for each part of the OODA loop, the last question to ask is.在您回答了 OODA 循环中每个部分的问题后,还有最后一个问题有待解答

65、One answer points out the next question.一个答案又引出了下步的问题。

66、Question question, answer me. How many questions? One, two, three.问题问题,回答我。有多少问题呢? 一二


67、Answer: This is a good question with no truly great answer.答:这是一个很好的问题,没有真正很好的答案。

68、I asked you a question and you didn't answer.我问了你一个问题, 但你没有回答。

69、就可以回答Very much,即I like it very much 的简略形式.而What do you think of China?



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