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关于”句型有几种“的英语句子56个,句子主体:There are several sentence patterns。以下是关于句型有几种的四级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:There are several sentence patterns


1、Several different kinds of immobilized photocatalysts were prepared using firebrick granules as carrier.


2、Several kinds of typical application are listed by taking the BM70A radar level gauge as example.


3、Several types of stem cutting are used, differentiated by the ripeness of the wood.

证书包含几种类型的标识信息,其中一项就是专有名称,即 DN。

4、A certificate contains several types of identity information, one of which is known as the Distinguished Name, or DN.


5、You should note that a mask may represent several event sub-types.


6、Produced in both a sweet and dry, bitter( Irish) version, this style of beer is typically full-bodied, dark in color and brewed using roasted, unmalted barley.


7、Lactoferrin is an iron-binding protein that has been reported to inhibit several other types of cancer.


8、The deformation mechanism of thermoplastic elastomer, such as inhomogeneous deformation, finite element method and microcellular model, was discussed on emphases.


9、Some typical figures of streamline and isotherm are given.


10、Does anyone what kind of clients is our guest?


11、What do you have for dessert?


12、There are methods for almost every datatype.


13、I cannot tell you how much your letter delighted(relieved)(amused)(enchanted)me.

至今已经有好几种型号的FCL 被推荐使用。

14、Several types of FCL have been proposed so far.


15、Over the years I have worked with many of these challenging personality types.

这几种新型的玩具汽车投放市场后,几家生产 老型号的 工厂被挤垮了。

16、When the new toy cars appeared on the market, several manufacturers of the old types went to the wall.


17、And it's even possible one or more of them will eventually evolve into a useful front-line warplane.


18、There are several types of rabbits and each has their own whacked -out characteristics.


19、There are several different types of echocardiograms, including a stress echocardiogram .


20、There are several types of orthopedic diseases that can occur in foals and young horses.

21、Owing to the influence of various complex factors, it is possible for the heterozygote of autosomal dominant inheritance to appear in different phenotypes.由于各种复杂因素的影响,常染色体显性遗传的杂合子有可能出现不同的表现型,本文阐述了常染色体显性遗传的几种类型。

22、There are many types and forms of interchange, such as trumpet type, rhombus type, ring type, alfalfa leaf type, partly directional form, directional form, compound form and so on.互通立交的型式很多,有喇叭型、菱形、环形、苜蓿叶型、半定向式、定向式及复合式等几种基本形式。

23、Freshwater giant stingrays are among the largest of the approximately 200 species of rays.淡水巨型黄貂鱼是大约200种鳐鱼中最大的几种之

24、Several new ways of dyeing and finishing were introduced, too.同时还介绍了几种新型染整技术。

25、Several kinds of irreversible Carnot heat engine models are reviewed and a new irreversible Carnot heat engine model is proposed.对几种不可逆卡诺热机模型作了述评,并提出一种新的不可逆卡诺热机模型。

英文句子26:,26、The breeds in the Non-Sporting Group are a varied collection in terms of size, coat, personality and overall appearance.家庭犬集中了各种不同的体型、被毛、性格和几乎所有的相貌。

27、为了使我去纽约的旅游有趣(愉快)(大有收获),您做了 so much to the pleasure of our stay in 。

28、In the South there are several types of Hagoromo, from off-white to light pink to dark brown.在南方却有几种羽衣类型,从灰白色到浅红色到深褐色。

29、You can have as many debug configurations for a single project as you wish.对一个项目,您希望有几种调试配置就可以有几种。

30、Comparative studies on karyotypes of some species of Hemerocallis (Liliaceae).标题 几种萱草核型的比较研究。

31、Some of the statements are fine but overall it is over the top.其中有几句还说得不错,但总体而言太过矫饰了。

32、Child cough distributes which a few kinds of kinds, how divisional ?小孩咳嗽分哪几种类型,怎么区分?。

33、Several hepatitis A vaccines are available internationally.国际上有几种甲型肝炎疫苗。

34、There are several types of ancient characters which are popular in Buyi nationality.布依族中流行着几种古文字类型。

35、different types of mood stabilizers are available.有几种不同类型的心境稳定剂可用。

36、There are few different types of associations available.有几种不同的关联类型可供使用。

37、When shopping for a watch winder, you will soon discover that there are several different types of these mechanisms.当商场的手表上链盒,你很快就会发现,有几种不同类型的这些机制。

38、Return rollers: conveyor belt for the next support, with parallel, V-type, anti-V-several;回程托辊: 用于下支撑输送带,有平行、V型、反V型几种;

39、Radiation detectors come as hand-held devices, wrist watches and pager-size gadgets that hang from the belt.辐射探测器有几种型号,有的是手持设备,有的腕式手表一样,有的像寻呼机一样挂在皮带上。

40、Thank you for doing so much to make my trip to New York interesting (pleasant)(resultful).为了使我去纽约的旅游有趣(愉快)(大有收获),您做了 so much to the pleasure of our stay in 。

41、A little beauty, and a few smiles, and a few compliments to the navy, and I am a lost man.但凡有点姿色,有几分笑容,对海军能说几句恭维话,那我就算是被俘虏了。

42、Arrays are a common type in almost any programming language, but the implementation of the array from one language to the next is usually different.数组几乎是所有编程语言所共有的类型,但一种语言的数组与另一种语言的数组实现通常是不同的。

43、A few different kinds of domain wall may occur.磁区壁可设计成几种不同类型。

44、There are dozens of different models that attempt to explain human behavioral change.有几十种不同的模型来试图解释人类行为的改变。

45、Cobweb models on times scales are established and discussed.提出时标下的蛛网模型,讨论模型的几种特殊珠情况。

46、Your letters are so much fun (comfort) (entertainment) (company).您的来信充满了乐趣(给了很大安慰)(带来了欢乐)(使我不感寂寞)。

47、Several kinds are offered.那紧逼有几种呢?

48、These days, in spite of all those missteps, there is little sign that financiers are falling out of love with those models.但尽管有种种行差踏错之处,现如今却几乎没有迹象显示,金融家正抛弃对这些模型的喜爱。

49、I have the Entity Model pretty much finished.我有实体模型几乎完成。

50、There are two main types of wormholes: Lorentzian wormholes and Euclidean wormholes.有二种主要类型的虫孔:洛伦兹虫孔和欧几里得虫孔。

经典英文句子51:句型有几种,51、Almost every large organization has a number of silos that exist for a variety of reasons including几乎所有的巨型组织都有很多筒仓,成因多种多样

52、There were but few attempts at conversation and no jests or singing.很少有人想聊几句的,更没有人说笑或唱歌。

53、Through using these features, cavity's geometry model based on three-dimensional pattern can be built rapidly, handily and exactly, design of shaped parts of cavity mould can be realized.利用这几种特征,可以根据制品的三维模型快速、简便、准确地建立模腔的几何模型,可以实现型腔模具成型零件的设计。

54、Several different types of locks are available, some of them are listed below.锁具有几种不同的类型,下面列出了其中一些。

55、We have several PC models for you to choose from.我们有好几种计算机型供你从中挑选。

56、Imagine a small latex bead filled with a combination of quantum dots.试著想像有个小型的乳胶珠粒,里头携带了几种量子点。

57、You couldn't have given me anything that I wanted (would enjoy) more.再没有比您的礼物更为我所想要的了。

58、Nim and Ardythe had exchanged a few stilted words, but that was all.尼姆和阿黛丝拘谨地交谈了几句,没有别的。

59、Thus, a series of cycloids are obtain. ed, which include almost a package of cycloids known so far, and therefore, it has the theoretical and practical value.我们获得一种系列型线,几乎能包括所有已知型线,具有理论和实际价值。

60、Type comes in several weights, from extra-light to extra-bold.每种类型都有几种粗度,从最轻到最重。

61、The factory has come out with several new models of radio-recorders this year.工厂今年生产了几种新型收录机。

62、At almost every period of the various types of landscape gardening has many classic pine.在几乎各个造园时期的各种园林类型中均有多处经典松景。

63、Although they are usually smaller, this type of galaxy can be large. Most have only a few thousand stars, but some can have billions of stars.虽然它们通常规模较小,这种类型的星系可能会很大。大多数人只有几千名星,但有些可以有几十亿的明星。

64、And now, there’s someone else who’d like to say a few words.现在,还有一位想对你们说几句话。

65、The formulas for prediction of activity interaction coefficients have been dirtyed by ues of a general solution model.评价了几种三元系几何模型,利用统一溶液模型推导出新的预测活度相互作用系数公式。

66、Several kinds of secreting cells are distributed in the epithelium and the connective tissue.上皮细胞与结缔组织中分布有几种不同类型的粘液分泌细胞。

67、Expected gifts are a pleasure to receive, but unexpected remembrances are an even greater joy.意中之礼物果然可喜,而意外中之礼物更使人喜出望外。

68、Rather, the model's inadequacies precisely parallel several core points I hope to make in this book.确切地说,这个模型所具有的种种不充分性,恰好跟我想在本书提出的几个核心论点相对应。

69、This is the kind of thing where having a sense of the actual language is completely necessary to determine the tone of a sentence, or to decide what bits to translate and what bits not to.这种情况下,要决定一句话的语气,或者哪几个字不用翻译出来而那几个需要,就必须对这种语言有一种很切实的感觉。

70、Stalkers come in several types.潜行者有几个种类。

71、All should carry typical white Collie markings to a greater or lesser degree.以上几种都带有不定量的典型的柯利犬白色斑纹。

72、And we will give some examples of typical cross-section .并给出了几种典型的构造序列的演化过程。

73、Any of several small, often edible marine snails, especially of the genus Littorina, having thick, cone-shaped, whorled shells.滨螺任何几种小型的,常可食用的海生蜗牛,尤指滨螺属,有。



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