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关于”八大时态每种形式的例句“的英语句子39个,句子主体:Example sentences for each of the eight tenses。以下是关于八大时态每种形式的例句的初三英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Example sentences for each of the eight tenses


1、There are different ways of changing energy from one form into another.

标题 中国伞形科八个属的花粉形态研究。

2、Pollen morphology of

8 genera of Chinese Umbelliferae (Apiaceae).


3、The gdined hairpin comes in the shapes of squares, rectways, diamonds, hexagons, octagons, fantasticd etc.


4、Tense is not only a syntax rule, mostly, how to use it is decided by the whole context of discourse, and serves for communicational aims.

每当我的代码需要某种形式的数据缓存机制时,我总是倾向于“自己动手丰衣足食” 这句俗语所说的那样做。

5、Whenever my code needed some sort of data-caching mechanism, I’ve tended to “roll my own,” as the saying goes.


6、The corridors are decorated by windows of every shape: spuare, round , hexagonal and octagonal.

Clojure还提供了不同风格的运行期多态,例如用 multimethods的形式。

7、Clojure does offer different styles of runtime polymorphism, for instance in the form of multimethods.


8、The shape and content of the phenomenon not only differ according to dimensions of space but also according to dimensions of time: Each époque and each group has its own forms of anti-Americanism.


9、In all its forms of dynamic alliance, R & D-type dynamic alliance is the one of the most important dynamic alliance forms.


10、The goal of the polymorphous initiative was to “institute a paradigm shift from static open loop to reactive closed-loop mission algorithms, application software, and hardware implementation.


11、Employees tend to exaggerate the importance of anything the CEO says.


12、Each aspect of them has an ideology.


13、They were giant, sometimes

8 feet long, and many of them lived in the swampy pools in which our coal seam, or layer formed.


14、Three actual forms constitute the image alienation: animal or quasi-animal human nature;


15、Ladder anadiplosis is a non-basic format, while chain anadiplosis is the special form of the basic format.


16、Coagulants have several solution forms in water, which effect on the coagulation processes with different manners, so their influence on streaming current is also different.


17、Each type of reflection configuration corresponds to a special form of a fan.


18、The construction of the graphs formed by eight-circuit and its secants is obtained.


19、The eight of clubs, for instance, represented a huge tree bearing eight enormous trefoil leaves, a sort of fantastic personification of the forest.


20、On the other, it links these concepts to everyday realities in a manner which is parallel to the links journalists forge on a daily basis as they cover and comment on the news.

21、We show a scheme for remote preparation of three types of multipartite pure states, general multipartite pure state and two special cases of it.我们提出了一个远程制备三种形式的多粒子纯态的方案,远程制备一般形式的多粒子纯态及两种特殊情况下的多粒子纯态。

22、There are three modes of administrative judgment. The first one is a formal legal norm which is called administrative case law.行政判决有三种形态第一种表现为正式的法源,是一种正式的法律规范,称之为“行政判例法”;

23、State of matter is only one kind of artistic form.物态化只是艺术的一种形式。

24、Note that you can specify functional software requirements in one of two formats: declarative and use case.注意你可以用两种格式之一指定功能性软件需求:声明形式和用例形式。

25、And the very idea reeks of the 20th-century ideologies that the model is vaunted as replacing: a time when two superpowers clashed and an ideological dichotomy reigned.这种理念恰恰散发出了那种(该模式被吹嘘所要替代的)二十世纪意识形态的味道:两个超级大国冲突之时,意识形态对立主宰之日。

英文句子26:,26、For example, y is of the form ax^2 bx c.例如,y=ax^2+bx+c这种形式的。

27、In Korean, "new" has many kinds of correspondence forms, which have clear formation features.“新”在韩国语中有多种片应形式,这些形式具有明显的形态特征。

28、The intramuscular nerve branches were rich in the clavicular part of pectoralis major, where the conjunctive forms of muscle spindle have more appearance a.胸大肌锁骨部肌内神经分支丰富,肌梭密度较高,形态复杂,以联合体形式存在的比例较高。

29、Django - Usecases for Formset and Inline Formset?用例形态层组和内联形态层组吗?。

30、Sunshine Extra-weekend is a residential model that allows you to live with full ease;阳光星期八是一种居住形态, 让你尽享休闲。

31、Modals have only one form.情态动词只有一种形式。

32、Every moment some form grows perfect in hand or face;每一刻,双手之中、面容之上的某种形态渐现完美;

33、In Korean, "new"has many kinds of correspondence forms, which have clear formation features.“新”在韩国语中有多种对应形式,这些形式具有明显的形态特征。

34、After all, totalitarian power has been fed and weaned and to this day is imbued with the intolerant spirit of this ideology, which sees plurality only as a necessary evil, or as a formality.毕竟,极权靠着汲取着这意识形态的唯我独尊的精神长大成年,时至今日已经每个毛孔都浸透着这种唯我独尊,把多元化仅仅看作是一种没法完全避免的祸害,或者一种形式而已。

35、Signal estimation can be a special form of state estimation, such as ARMA signal being estimated as the component of a state.信号估计可作为状态估计的一种特殊形式,例如ARMA信号估计可转化成一个状态分量的估计问题。

36、Some vitamin E enthusiasts object that the clinical studies used what they consider the wrong form of the vitamin, saying that each of the vitamin’s eight forms has its own biological activity.一些热心研究维生素E的人不赞成这个临床研究,他们认为该临床研究对维生素使用了错误的形式,他们说每种维生素的八种形式都有自己的生物活性。

37、Ammonium existed in soils for a longer time when DCD used, and the ammonium peak raised when DCD concentration increased.双氰胺使尿素氮更长时间地以铵态氮形式存在于土壤,且浓度越大铵态氮峰值越大。

38、Although vanadium in soils has several speciations, the soluble and the replaceable statuses are of bio-availability.钒的化学结合形态有多种,但只有以可溶态和可置换态形式存在的钒才具有生物可给性。

39、I think"tense" is a certain form of a verb. It changes according to the time of the action.我想“时态”是动词的某种形式, 它随动作的时间而发生变化。

40、The narration of the female existence in the 1990s teleplays has gone through four stages with two models: besiegement and breakthrough.xx年代电视剧女性形象的叙事演变大致经历了四个阶段,呈现为两种相对而生的叙事形态:围困式与突围式。

41、The time will come when everthing of life will be evolved unto the state of perfect man.第八节:‘将来,每一种生命形态都会进化为完美的人!’

42、Large-size and open green lands with water views have multiplied in downtown areas, enlivening the city with new form of green scenes.大型的、放式的、水的绿地大量在市中心区出现,形成一种新的城市园林形态。

43、The grotesquery is mainly represented in the form of time and space.这种怪诞性主要表现在空间形式与时间形式两大层面。

44、Corridors are dotted by windows of various shapes—square, round, hexagonal and octagonal.形态各异的窗户点缀在走廊上,有方形,有圆形,有六角形,也有八角形。

45、In relationships, different parties hold different forms of power, each of which is differently valued at different times.在关系中,每一方都掌握着不同形式的权力,每一种形式在不同的时代有着不同的意义。 权力的平衡可能有时会改变,但也有可能保持稳定。

46、Resting State Networks (RSNs), sometimes called the "dark energy of the brain", are patterns of low-frequency brain activity that are constantly active, even when a person is asleep.静息状态网络,又是也被称为“大脑的暗能量”,指的是一种低频率的大脑活动形式,这种活动形式一直保持着活跃状态,即使在人睡觉时也不例外。

47、Further evidence that the days of ideological cross-pollination are over now arrives in the form of the trans-Atlantic debate about education.进一步事实证明,意识形态交流的时代已经结束,如今教育界呈现出一种跨大西洋辩论的形式。

48、This consciousness will directly affect translators'selection of the target text, which in turn will influence the translational eco-environment slightly and gradually.这种意识直接影响着译者对译文形式的选择,而每个译文的形成也会引起翻译生态环境的细微变化。

49、Taking drugs that alter our state of mind is a form of sorcery, as are some forms of New Age healing/energy work.吃药改变思想状态是巫术的一种形式,和一些新时期的康复治疗∕ 恢复能力是同样的形式。

50、Methods that exist in .NET assemblies are available in IronRuby in two forms: familiar ruby lowercase form (controls.add) and traditional C# camelcase form (ToString).NET程序集的方法可以以两种形式在IronRuby中表示:熟悉的ruby小写形式(例如controls.add)和传统的C#驼峰形式(例如ToString)。

经典英文句子51:八大时态每种形式的例句,51、In a number of cases, as they absorbed new forms of Northern origin, they retained etymologically identical forms from earlier periods.有大量的例子说明,闽语在吸收北方话新的语言形式的同时,也保留了早期词源相同的形式。



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