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关于”表示原因的句型“的英语句子32个,句子主体:a sentence pattern indicating the reason。以下是关于表示原因的句型的高考英语句子。

英文句子模板1:a sentence pattern indicating the reason

Working in Beijing is the best choice I have made so far. (is与一般的动词不同,用原型就可表示状态,= has been)

1、That cinema has extended their opening time recently.


2、The reasons for the seizure "are not very clear", she said.


3、Form a table listing the causes and their frequency as a percentage.


4、Representing and specifying those universally applicable entities is only a stepping stone in applying archetypes.


5、The team said diets change because each partner tries to please the other.

原因在于大多数标记都是 表示性的 。

6、The reason is that most of these tags are presentational.


7、Means that all applied stereotypes will be listed in the guillemets in the front of the elementâ ™s name.


8、Plot (on the same graph) a bar graph with causes on x-axis and percent frequency on y-axis.


9、This article proposed a new 3D graphic representation with non-degeneration on the basis of studying gene sequences representation model.


10、That's the reason why we always used radians in math.


11、One possible reason for the rapid drift was a lack of ice, she suggested.

UML 类图将用户目标表示为UserGoal 原型化类,每个都拥有一组Measure 原型的度量属性。

12、A UML class diagram representing the User Goals as UserGoal prototyped classes, each having a set of Measure prototyped measure attributes.


13、"It's one of the Number One reasons that people invest in alternative investments," Burstein said.



14、Different types of representations can be returned based on business logic, such as the type of consumer.

15、The top box in Figure

2 shows the original abstract table model.

2 中最上方的方框显示了原来的抽象表模型。

右下角的面板显示来自选定的 WSDL 文档 WS-I 遵从性报告的错误和警告消息,通过错误代码表示类型、消息和不遵从的原因。

16、The lower right panel displays the error and warning messages from the selected WSDL document WS-I compliance report, with type, message, and reason for non-compliance via the error code.


17、The reason for the snake decline is not entirely clear, says Reading.


18、Meteorologist Zhou Yuehua said La Nina was to blame for the drought.


19、TeamSite only stores raw data in the database; therefore, no information about presentation is included.


20、An undo unit represents a single unit of undoable work.

21、The present factor alternation method shows that its theory is weak but also illogical.现有因素替换法在原理揭示和表述上存在一定的缺陷。

22、"A detailed reading of that response, using gene expression data, reveals what type of pathogen the person is reacting to, " Zaas explained in a news release from the university.泽滋在大学发表一则新闻中解释道:“仔细阅读反应,应用基因表达数据揭示与人起反应的病原型。”

23、That statement came hours after Roemer formally announced his resignation, citing "personal reasons."在发表上述声明之前几个小时,罗默表示,因“个人原因”将辞去大使职位。

24、Implied terms are included, for various reasons to be discussed in this chapter, even though they have not been expressly stated in words.默示条款则指因本单元将要讨论的因各种原因而不能清楚地用语言表达出来的条款。

25、In this regard, seamless experts said the main reason is that raw material costs too much.对此,无缝管专家表示最主要的原因就是原材料成本太大。

英文句子26:,26、It serves to acknowledge plainly our ignorance of the cause of each particular variation.这也明显地表示出,我们对于每一特殊 变异的 原因是茫然无知的。

27、The Pentagon said the delay is a matter of logistics because the report includes several volumes of material.五角大楼表示,由于后勤方面的原因而推延了报告的发表时间,因为有关报告包括的资料多达数册。

28、Elon Musk said there was too much pressure in a liquid oxygen tank on the rocket.马斯克表示,爆炸原因是火箭液氧罐压力过大。

29、Initial reports said the cause was a heart attack, but now the network says it's not sure. Tim Russert was 58.最初报道称Tim的死亡原因是心脏病突发,不过随后又表示真正原因尚不确定。

30、The source spectrum of small-moderate earthquake can be represented by theoretical "Brune" model, the geometric attenuation factor of whole path can be represented by three-segment geometric model.中小地震的震源谱可以用“布龙”理论模型表示,传播路径中的几何衰减因子可以用三段几何衰减模型表示。

31、Objective To explore the causes, clinical features and appropriate therapies of drug-induced bullosa epidermolysis.目的探讨大疱性表皮坏死松解型药疹的发病原因、临床表现及治疗经验。

32、Mr. Everson said he was leaving 'for personal and family reasons.艾佛森则表示他的离开是由于“个人与家庭原因”。

33、The stree5ts are even more beautiful with all the lights on.华灯齐放,大街更加漂亮了。(表示原因)

34、They soon fell asleep, exhausted (for they were exhausted) by the long journey.由于旅途劳顿,他们很快就睡着了。(作状语,表示原因)

35、The photo shows the prototype of Harrier.上图显示了鹞的原型机。

36、Note that because files are used to represent other types of objects, such as devices or memory, inodes are used to represent them also.注意,因为文件用于表示其他类型的对象(比如设备或内存),所以也使用 inode 来表示它们。

37、The third reason to be mistrustful of the inflation picture? Simple. Economics.第三个对通货膨胀情况表示怀疑的原因是什么?很简单,经济。

38、The example model shows the difference between the stereotyped association and the stereotyped association class.范例模型显示了原型关联与原型关联类之间的不同。

39、you'd better take him to hospital at once. would better后面直接加动词原型,表示“最好怎样怎样”的意思

40、Immunohistochemical staining showed increased expression of new formed, type I procollagen in keloid tissue.免疫组化染色显示瘢痕疙瘩中成纤维细胞有丰富的I型前胶原表达。

41、This also helps to reduce memory usage, since the type information represents variables in native machine representation.这还有助于减少内存使用量,因为类型信息以本机机器表示法表示变量。

42、The oil giant explained that the price adjustment was due to the high international oil price.中石化表示,这次调价的原因是国际油价持续处于高位。

43、The message format string identifies the original type of message sent.消息格式字符串表示了消息发送的原始类型。

44、There are 配型涉及10组蛋白,或者标志基因;越多标志基因可以成列,则表示配型越是接近。

10 different proteins, or markers, involved; the more markers that line up, the closer the match.

45、The expression for reductibility and some dynamic factors influencing on thereductibility such as mineralogical constitution and the structure of iron ore are discussed.讨论还原性的表示方法和影响矿石还原性的矿物组成和结构等动力学因素。

46、Step into the Groove: Engineered Transcription Factors as Modulators of Gene Expression;走进槽沟︰ 设计抄写原素作为基因表示的调制器;

47、Normally, the native toString() method prints a representation of the array just like the original representation of the object, without really showing the contents.通常,原生 toString() 方法输出的数组表示就像对象的原始表示一样,并不真正显示内容。

48、After range finding, "0000" displayed on displayer on the upside of right eyepiece indicates no laser, reasons may.当测距之后,左目镜上排显示器显示“0000” ,表示无激光。产生无激光原因是。

49、Macquarie said the earnings growth was driven by its wealth management and retail banking operations.麦夸里表示,财富管理和零售银行业是其收入增长的主要原因。

50、Here, OSROOT2 means the original sda2 and OSROOT1 means the original sda1.在这里,OSROOT2 表示原来的 sda2,OSROOT1 表示原来的 sda1。

经典英文句子51:表示原因的句型,51、The generic type arguments of a SingularAttribute denote the class that declares the original persistent attribute and the type of the persistent attribute itself.SingularAttribute的泛型参数表示该类声明原来的持久化属性和持久化属性本身的类型。

52、Failure type and select the reason for the failure from the list.“失败类型”旁边的下拉箭头,然后从列表中选择未通过的原因。

53、It was observed that both the normal oils and the inclusion oils show generally similar TSF fingerprints with only one spectral peak, suggesting close genetic relationship of the oils.分析表明,原油与包裹烃的TSF指纹特征总体相似,均为单峰型,指示油气成因具有内在的联系。

54、David Shaff, administrator of the city water bureau, said, the yuck factor was the primary reason for the decision.波特兰水务局官员大卫•沙夫表示,做出这个决定的主要原因是因为感到恶心。

55、The prototype included a dashboard that visually displayed GIDC efficiency metrics.此原型包括直观显示 GIDC 能效指标的仪表板。

56、The electroluminescent phosphors are the important materials of new type cabin signal display EL screen used for displaying the data of the main battle aircraft.新型主战飞机用电致发光屏是一种新型的飞机座舱仪表信号显示屏,是基于电致发光(EL)原理而制作的,用于飞机座舱仪表照明显示。

57、This extended use of the execution flow notation is motivated by the need to provide a hierarchy of data representation, which is necessary for large-scale, distributed traces.这种扩展的主要原因是在大型分布式应用程序的跟踪时需要提供分层次的数据表示形式。

58、Mr Ameyaw says there are several reasons for this difference.阿米约先生表示,这种差异有多种原因。

59、Li Mingshun said there are reasons for parents` active involvement in their children`s quest for marriage partners.李铭顺表示,父母积极帮孩子寻觅婚姻伴侣是有原因的。

60、Ten percent of thosequestioned said they needed to be contactable at all times because of work.有百分之十的受访者表示因为工作原因需要随时保持手机畅通。


1 means single phase,

3 means three-phase, G means using in tableland area.

62、The author's son, in a statement from the author's literary representative, says Salinger died of natural causes.在塞林格的文学代理公司发表的一项声明中,作家之子表示,父亲死于自然原因。

63、"Large, global, multinational, multi-product companies will (do well) because they're self-financing," she said.她表示,"大型、全球化、跨国和多元化产品企业的股票将(表现良好),因他们可自筹资金."

64、She suggests, however, it's for different reasons.然而,她表示这些高收入男性不忠的原因又有所不同。

65、Working in Beijing is the best choice I have made so far. (is与一般的动词不同,用原型就可表示状态,= has been)

66、Capps said there are both historical and geographic reasons for this.卡普斯表示,这其中有历史和地理的原因。


标签: 原因

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