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关于”表示重要性的句型“的英语句子24个,句子主体:Sentence patterns indicating importance。以下是关于表示重要性的句型的高中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Sentence patterns indicating importance


1、Michael Essien has told skysports. com how important Chelsea's win over Liverpool was.


2、It's important to remember that "asynchronous" does not imply "instantaneous".


3、They tried to protect crops family by family. I understood this and worked to establish a culture that emphasized community.


4、However, remember to offer it up gently and with respect.


5、Dr. Rogers said he was pleased with the new cells’ flexibility and thinness but said that they offered another even more critical advantage.

质粒电泳图谱显示重组株中存在被转移的外源质粒。 重组株的生化特性和毒力表型与受体相同。

6、The biochemical and virulent characteristics of the strain S7COB were similar to those of the vector.


7、The main factors which make pupils identify themselves with his idolatrous significant others are the values which represent the typical trends of a certain era.


8、The conformable rate in discriminant matrix of atrophic gastritis was 51 %, and 75.8% in superficial gastritis, but only 13% in superficial-atrophic gastritis.


1 highlights the major features of these products.

1 突出显示了这些产品的主要特性。

该示例显示了 db2look 命令中 -m 选项的重要性。

10、This example shows the importance of the -m option in the db2look command.


11、Their big insight was that the importance of a page—how relevant it is—was best understood in terms of the number and importance of the pages linking to it.


12、Chi agrees. She thinks it is not important whether the test is compulsory; instead, awareness about the importance of check-ups is key, she said.


13、Permeability, compactibility and mould compaction are important performance characteristics of green sand and mould.

HTTP 内容协商使用短浮点数来表示各种可协商参数的相对重要性(或权重)。

14、HTTP content negotiation uses short floating point numbers to indicate the relative importance, or weight, of various negotiable parameters.

“你需要拥有充足的灵活性。” 维尼特表示。

15、“You need to have immense flexiblity, ” said Vineet.

为了通过泛型类型支持 mixin,我们 需要获得泛型类型实例化的运行时表示。

16、To support mixins through generic types, we need to have run-time representations of the generic type instantiations available.


17、The findings suggest that sleep is a crucial determinant of productivity and wages, "rivaling ability and human capital in importance, " the researchers write.


18、Experts said the findings in Archives of Internal Medicine reinforced the importance that older people exercise regularly.


19、Missing data is indicative of its lack of importance or lack of integrity checks to enforce defaulting.


20、In Chinese traditional culture, green has doubleness , it still expresses wild evil besides expressing justice swordsman.

21、O'Sullivan also said correlations between equity sectors are coming down, giving more importance to stock pickings.O'Sullivan同时表示,各类股间的关联性下滑,让选股显得更为重要.

22、The performance of electrophoretic imaging display(EPID) was determined by electrophoretic inks, and the stability is one of the most important parameters of the suspension.电泳显示型电子纸的主要性能由电子墨水的性能决定,电子墨水的稳定性又是影响图像显示的重要参数。

23、We should do our utmost in doing sth.We should solve the problems that we are confronted (faced) with. 表示重要、必要、困难、方便、可能

24、These results indicate that progression of enzootic bovine leucosis is closely related to expression of P53 protein in tumorous tissues.提示,流行性牛白血病的发生与肿瘤组织中P53蛋白表达有重要关系。

25、This tells your spouse that you notice who your spouse really is and do not take him or her for granted.这句话表示你发现你配偶的真实性格,也表示你不认为你们的关系是理所当然的。

英文句子26:,26、Under regular expression URL rewriting, every rewritten URI has at least one denotative twin.通过使用正则表达式 URL 重写,每个重写的 URI 至少有一个对应的表示性(denotative)形式。

27、The steel reinforcement is represented by a bilinear strain hardening model.钢筋以双线性应变硬化模型表示。

28、The harmonic series formula of the Earths disturbing potential is the most extensive applicable expression for the Earths gravity field model.地球扰动位的球谐展开式表示是地球重力场模型应用最广泛的一种表示方法。

29、The following table shows some important differences between variables and properties.下表会显示变数和属性间的一些重要差异点。

30、Another said the news media wrongly portrays that Nicklaus’ record is the most important thing to Woods.另一位球员表示,新闻媒体们高估了尼克劳斯的记录对伍兹的重要性了。

31、The importance and representations of the reliabilities of optical fiber communication lines are discussed.本文叙述通信线路可靠性的重要性和各种表示方法。

32、At the same time, be respectful of clerks' efforts.同时,还是要对店员的努力表示尊重。

33、To verify that the passthrough feature with CONDITIONAL mode works, execute the SQL statements on solidDB as shown below.要验证 CONDITIONAL 模式的 passthrough 特性的有效性,在 solidDB 上执行 SQL 语句,如下所示。

34、Results: type A character among hyperthyroidism patients was remarkably higher than that in control group, and scores of…提示:甲亢病人中A型性格者较多,急躁和时间感可能是应激因素中重要的危险因素。

35、The important thing to notice here is that while working inside WebSphere Business Modeler, the underlying models are represented as a modeler specific business object model (BOM) process model.这里有一点非常重要,需要注意,即虽然是工作在 WebSphere Business Modeler 内,但底层的那些模型还是表示为一个特定于 Modeler 的 BOM(业务对象模型)流程模型。

36、Dr. Fauci says this finding is very important.弗契表示,该项发现非常重要。

37、This showcases a second important aspect of bindings.这展示了绑定的第二个重要性质。

38、To gain the maximum benefit from visual model presentation, you should consider not only the content of the model, but also the presentation of the information.为了尽可能从可视模型表示获得最大好处,不仅应该考虑模型的内容,还要考虑信息的表示。

39、Egocentricity is a basic feature of deixis. It is very important in getting deictic information.自我中心特性是指示语的基本特性,是理解指示信息的重要出发点。

40、type (represented as a string property) - Holds the type value for a machine.type(表示为 string 属性)—— 保存机器的类型值。

41、This definition follows, with key characteristics bolded.定义如下,其中重要部分用粗体字表示。

42、The diagram below shows all the components of the model with the line marked 'reasoning' representing the slow, serial processing.下面的图表显示模型中的所有元素,包括标有“reasoning”的线条表示了一个缓慢的,系列性的过程。

43、Li says the drought has served as a reality check on the importance of water conservation.他表示,旱情真实地验证了节约用水的重要性。

44、UserRegistration.user.age represents a value-binding property that is of type int.age表示一个值绑定属性,它的类型为 int。

45、Conclusion Halosign or air crescent sign, the specific manifestation on CT images, is of clinical significance in the early diagnosis of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis.结论晕征、空气半月征是侵袭型肺曲霉菌病的CT特征性表现,结合原发病史,对侵袭型肺曲霉菌病诊断或早期提示性具有重要意义。

46、The re-constructed adaptive model is shown to be able to well match the actual engine.仿真结果表明,重构的自适应模型能够满足精度及实时性要求。

47、Results: type A character among hyperthyroidism patients was remarkably higher than that in control group, a…提示:甲亢病人中A型性格者较多,急躁和时间感可能是应激因素中重要的危险因素。

48、Cloud model is used to express the linguistic assessment information given by each decision maker. The power of attribute and decision maker is calculated by the mood arithmetic of cloud.首先采用云模型表示决策者给出的自然语言评价信息,而属性和决策者权重大小则用云的语气运算表示;

49、Substitution rate is an important index for intake.替代率是表示食入量的重要指标。

50、“It underscores the importance of subglacial methanogenesis,” Skidmore said.他表示:“这一发现凸显了冰川下产甲烷菌的重要性。”

经典英文句子51:表示重要性的句型,51、Almost every language (if not every language) recognizes the importance of reading, parsing, and creating XML documents for data representation.几乎每种语言都认识到为数据表示读取、解析和创建 XML 文档的重要性。

52、《The Apprentice》(translated also as《Have rapid promotion》) is an unscripted Reality TV series manufactured by Mark Benett Production Corporation and Trump Production Corporation.《学徒》代表了一种电视真人秀的重要类型,也预示了电视真人秀的一个发展方向。

53、Objective To explore the cause of serious exudative and erythema multiforme, clinical manifestation, treatment and prognosis.目的探讨重型渗出性多型性红斑的病因、临床表现、治疗及预后。

54、Juliet: But to be frank, and give it thee again.茱丽叶:为表示我的慷慨,我要把它重新给你。

55、Importantly, this neoplastic profile was evident in nonneoplastic mucosa, suggesting that the identified genes may represent markers preceding cancer.重要的是,在非肿瘤性的胃粘膜上的明显的肿瘤性变异,显示了被标识的基因可能是前期胃癌的代表性标记。

56、This must include not only the representation of individual field values, but also type information for each value.这必须不仅包含每个字段值的表示,还要包含每个值的类型信息的表示。

57、Designers of the statue say that doesnt matter.雕像的设计师表示,这些都不重要。

58、The reliability and validity coefficients of the performance appraisal checklist indicated its applicability and suitability.本研究依据重要事例法编制的工作考核表,根据信效度分析均显示其可用性与适用性。

59、On a reussi a deceler l'importance des variables dans le modele C'est puissant. C'est tres tres important. Ok?我们成功弄懂了,模型中变量的重要性,非常重要,非常重要,对吧?

60、“It underscores the importance of subglacial methanogenesis, ” Skidmore said.他表示:“这一发现凸显了冰川下产甲烷菌的重要性。”

61、"However, there is a misperception of the importance of human capital," he says.他表示:“然而,人们对人力资本的重要性存在误解。”

62、Pieper said that China is an important partner of Germany.皮珀尔表示,中国是德国的重要伙伴。

63、The firm, Desire Petroleum, said it would carry out further tests to assess the significance of the discovery.英国迪塞尔石油公司表示将进行进一步测试,以评估该发现的重要性。

64、When asked to rate its importance for these issues on a scale where 当问及这些问题的重要性时,在量度上1表示“影响极深”,10表示“无影响”,答卷人都把企业文化排在

1 equals "greatly affects" and

10 means "no effect", the respondents ranked corporate culture at



65、We should solve the problems that we are confronted (faced) with. 表示重要、必要、困难、方便、可能

66、More importantly, Yesawich said, on average consumers spend 40% more on celebration vacations than on their other travels.Yesawich表示,更重要的是用户在庆祝型度假的平均花费比其它旅行高出40%。



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