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关于”杜甫的诗版“的英语句子49个,句子主体:Du Fu's Poetry Edition。以下是关于杜甫的诗版的考研英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Du Fu's Poetry Edition


1、Among them, Li Bai wrote eight poems hailing land-scape paintings, while Du Fu wrote 22 ones. The paintings inscribed with poems include such subjects like landscape, horse, hawk and pine.

钢琴独奏曲。由克劳德· 德彪西。此版本: DD15739。杜兰德版。软皮。88 页。发表版杜兰。

2、Piano Solo. By Claude Debussy. This edition: DD15739. Editions Durand. Softcover. 88 pages. Published by Editions Durand.

分数。伟业罗素。此版本:DF1260500。版本杜兰德。 127页。出版版本杜兰德。

3、Score. By Albert Roussel. This edition: DF1260500. Editions Durand. 127 pages. Published by Editions Durand.


4、Panggong was a well-known hermit in the late Han Dynasty and Panggong image often appeared in the poems written by Du Fu during the period of his exile to west Gansu and southwest China.


5、Du also possesses leisure sentimentalism.


6、Dufu paid much attention to the form of space and time of "night" in his poems.


7、Baiyan Mountain said in Du Fu's poems in the same with the position of the Chijia Mountain and Baiyan Mountain now.


8、Researchers of Du Fu generally believe that Du Fu was born in Nanyaowan, Gongxian County, Henan province.


9、Three is Du Fu personal subjective effort.


10、This assertion was so closely connected with realism advocated by DU Fu that it had a profound effect on the Xin Yuefu movement.


11、The second part is discussing on DuFu's personal character;


12、The conflict in Du Fu's poems has been reflected by the self-image, and the contrast the self-image and the outer world.


13、Yanguan after Du Fu, the words, wrote a poem described here in the vegetation halogen white, salt officer who smoke light.

钢琴独奏。莫里斯拉威尔。这个版本:DR0965000。杜兰德版本。 16页。杜兰德版本出版。

14、Piano Solo. By Maurice Ravel. This edition: DR0965000. Editions Durand.

16 pages. Published by Editions Durand.


15、In the process, the facts that Huangshangu Society had been learning from Du Fu and Jiangxi Poetry School had regarded Du Fu as its forefather played a significant role.


16、This article points out the necessity and imperative in the study on Du Fu in accordance with the present study situation.


17、Du Fu (712-770A. D. ) was one of the greatest poets of China.


18、Art of composition of Du Fu's metrical verses show different structures because of different materials.


19、DU Fu is a great poet as well as an artistic critic with great ability to appreciate literary and art works.


20、I argue that his poems on landscape paintings incorporate personal memories and thoughts, and often approach the painting from an imaginary visual angle reminiscent of Du Fu's poetic style;

21、The author prudently discusses the reason, contain and aesthetic meaning of Longyou period, in order to exhibit the special feeling course of Du Fu.本文以审慎的态度,探讨陇右诗歌悲苦色彩之形成缘由、蕴涵及其美学意蕴,并进而展现杜甫独特的心路历程。

22、Through a study on the rhyme in DU-Pus Qilu poems, we can find that when he broke the original rhyme structure to create an aberrant Qilu, Du-Pu abided by the traditional formal Qilu poem.通过对杜甫七律的声律研究,可以看出杜甫在注意打破原有的声律结构而创作变体七律的同时,也在遵循传统创作正体七律。

23、During his life time the Tang Dynasty was in decay .杜甫生活得年代,唐朝已经由兴盛走向衰败。

24、Lishangyin's seven-syllable formed another peak after Dufu.李商隐的七律形成了杜甫之后的又一座高峰。

25、"Sanli" and "Sanbie" provided the ancient narrative poems with two narrative patterns-discourse and speaking for others, and vividly demonstrated the author's standpoint, attitude and feelings.“三吏”、“三别”分别给古代叙事诗提供了“对话”、“代言”两种叙事形态,形象地表明了杜甫的叙事立场和情感态度。

英文句子26:,26、The period of Shangyuan is a rest stop for Du Fu in his late years of vagrant life.上元年间,是杜甫晚年漂泊生涯中的一个歇脚期。

27、Here the minor scene was described. Letus read Du Fu′s lines, "In the willows two orioles are singing, in the sky egrets team are Flying. "Who would say that there is not the broad mind of the poet?而读杜甫诗:“两个黄鹂鸣翠柳,一行白鹭上青天”,谁又能说这里没有寄托出诗作者博大的胸怀呢?

28、Du Fu's poetry extends to two dimensions like "sympathizing the people" and "loving all living things", showing a great concern for all the lives.杜甫的诗以“仁民”、“爱物”两个向度展开,表现为对一切生命的关注。

29、Furthermore, it pays attention to the time background and the tremendous influence towards Song poetry rendered by the precedent writers, such as Du Fu, etc.重视创作的时代氛围以及前代作家如杜甫等对宋诗的巨大影响。

30、Piano Solo. By Claude Debussy. This edition: DD15687. Editions Durand. 钢琴独奏曲。由克劳德· 德彪西。此版本: DD15687。杜兰德版。发表版杜兰。

12 pages. Published by Editions Durand.

12 页。

31、Du Fu is an outstanding talent and its wealth of creative practice, so Septasyllabic this verse are reaching a mature state, comparable with other forms.正是杜甫以其杰出的才华和丰富的创作实践,使七律这一诗体臻于成熟的境地,可与其它形式相媲美。

32、However, for various reasons, many Chongqing residents are not familiar with this experience and do not speak highly of his poems in this period.然而由于种种原因,许多重庆人并不熟悉杜甫的这段经历,对杜甫这段时间的诗歌评价也不高。

33、The priest was waiting just outside the mortuary door.神甫和两个唱诗童子等在门前。

34、This article utilizes the special method, points out that the verse mentioned actually means that Du Fu had seen the Xuanzong embarked from Luoyang to make sacrifices on Taishan in his 14th year.而我们运用“诗史互证”的方法可以考辨出,以上诗句应是指杜甫于开元xx年在洛阳亲睹玄宗封禅泰山出发仪仗之事,由此还可以揭示出杜甫早年一直被掩盖和忽略的一段历史。

35、Through different stages of creation, there were inner contacts between poet's vision and horse images.杜甫创作的各个阶段诗人心象与马意象存在内在联系。

36、This article points out the necessity and imperative in the study on Du Fu in accordance with the present study situat…本文就当前杜甫研究界的现状,提出杜甫研究中讲求谨严治学的必要性和迫切性。

37、Du Fu preferred earthy style and vernacular of the common people for his poems.杜甫写诗的时候喜欢用通俗的手法和老百姓 通俗 的语言。

38、Du Fu, whose works are called "the poetry of historical significance", is known as "the Poem Saint" because of his lofty personality charm.杜甫以其崇高人格魅力享有"诗圣"美称,其作品更是因为具有史实价值而被称为"诗史"。

39、Du Fu' s absorbing Fu into poems is mainly showed in two aspects. One is that poems by Du Fu form their style by absorbing Fu, the other is that Du Fu directly used the expression of Fu.杜甫以赋入诗主要表现在两方面:一是杜诗吸收赋的特点形成自己的风格,二是杜甫直接利用赋的表现形式。

40、Poet Du Fu (about 755 AD) after learning that his son was a victim of the famine in his village in western China.诗人杜甫(约公元xx年)获知儿子在位于西部的家乡死于饥荒后写下的。

41、The museum is dedicated to Du Fu, one of China's greatest poets, who wrote 240 poems while living in Chengdu in the Tang Dynasty (AD 618-907).该博物馆是用来纪念唐代(公元618-xx年)中国最伟大的诗人之一杜甫的,他在成都居住期间写了240首诗。

42、Life suffering constantly du fuis final, how to leave the world?终身灾难不时的杜甫最终是怎样分开人世的呢?

43、Main socio-part-time with Member of the Chinese Tang dynasty Literature Association, Du Fu Research Association of China, Chinese literature in teaching Association.主要社会兼职有中国唐代文学学会理事、中国杜甫研究会理事、中华诗教学会理事。

44、Yes. There are Temple of Marquis Wu, Du Fu’s Thatched Cottage,Qingyang Temple and so on.是的有武候祠、杜甫草堂、青羊宫等。

45、Among the poets in the Six Dynasties, Bao Zhao's influence on Du Fu was only second to Yu Xin's.在六朝诗人中,鲍照对杜甫的影响仅次于庚信。

46、From a large quantity of place names in Du Fu s poems about Hunan, we can find the predecessors and modern scholars views are not very accurate.杜甫湖湘诗中的地名甚多,但前人及近人对这些地名的讨论则颇多失察之处。

47、Du Fu has dealings with many of his contemporary poets and holds them in high esteem.杜甫与同时代诗人多有交往,并对他们十分推崇;

48、The double images of the eagle deeply reflect the internal contradiction of Du Fu's character.雕意象的二重性深刻地体现了杜甫人格的内在矛盾。

49、It is important for the study of Du-fu and the construction of the critical history of Chinese literature to construct the critical history of Du-fu.清理和建构一部杜甫批评史,无论对杜甫研究、对了解历代诗学观念的演进,还是对中国批评史学科建设都有重要意义。

50、Furthermore, they made a breakthrough and developed from the historic poems of Du Fu in the aspect of artistic style.而在艺术形式方面,他们对杜甫“诗史”又有了重大的突破和发展。

经典英文句子51:杜甫的诗版,51、The thatched cottage of famed Tang dynasty poet DuFu is a modern re-creation, but charming nonetheless and in beautiful surroundings.唐代著名诗人杜甫的茅屋虽然是一个现代的复制品,但是它坐落在美丽的环境中,依旧很迷人。


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