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关于”保持健康“的英语句子35个,句子主体:keep healthy。以下是关于保持健康的高二英语句子。

英文句子模板1:keep healthy


1、The best advice to stay healthy while flying: wash hands often and drink lots of bottled water.


2、Traditional Chinese doctors believe we need a balance of Yin and Yang to be healthy.


3、This fluid helps protect the nerve tissue, keep it healthy, and remove waste products.


4、However, the report highlights that drinking plenty of water is still essential to good health.


5、Trying to keep the current balance of enterprises' innovation and regulation ability is the basic guarantee for them to healthily develop.


6、A slow conversion to a "natural" diet will go a long way in keeping your tortoise healthy.


7、The job range is also from the clinical nursing to the recovering and the health protection .


8、Yes, it’s a great way to stay healthy, meet new people and have fun.


9、The truth is, we all have enough time to do enough exercise to stay healthy.


10、When people want to get fit, sometimes the mix up spending a lot of money = weight lost.


11、A firefighter from Thailand says he eats a live worm every day to stay healthy.


12、Eat whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables as much as possible to keep your mind and body sharp.


13、To motivate you to stay young and healthy, think about what prevention can provide.

14、So, it will enable us to maintain a healthy culture. 拥有健康的心理,要从不屈不挠开始说起!


15、Let healthy is our good friend forever, let the partners around the us, forever!

16、It's turned out to be a crocodile tears. 犯了错误就应该正确的去面对!


17、Recently, Dr. Edward Fujimoto, Wellness Program Manager at CastleHospital, was on a TV program to explain this health hazard.

And drink more water, eat more fruit. 拥有健康的文化,应该从自我控制力做起!

18、And to do exercise every day!

它们能保持结肠和心脏健康,并能够使发炎的组织恢复正常。 这些发炎的组织可能会导致脚肿类似的健康问题。

19、They help keep the colon# and heart healthy and also calm inflamed tissues that can cause health problems like swollen feet.


20、Meridian therapy Machine service aims to the clients who is health or sub-health, which improve the physical, health, care skin, relieve fatigue, health-keeping do not limit time.

21、Combining proper nutrition with exercise is the best way to maintain good health and stay in shape .保持身体健康和维持体型的最好办法就是将正确营养摄取于运动进行有机结合。

22、You should actively show themselves to bole. In this way, you will have good results.我们现在是少年时代的学生,应该以学为主,不能去少年不能去的地方,如:网吧、游戏厅等!

23、Stick to a healthy, balanced diet for lots of energy, and have a light, healthy snack before a scheduled workout so that you don't feel hungry.坚持一个富含能量的健康平衡饮食,在进行规定的锻炼前吃少量健康的点心,确保你不会感到饥饿。

24、Health is to the body, heart disease, fully developed good! 健康,也是整整陪伴我们十几年得好伙伴,好朋友,我们可以说是形影不离!

25、Suck the essence, reasonably to absorb! So, it will enable us to maintain a healthy culture. 拥有健康的心理,要从不屈不挠开始说起!

英文句子26:,26、But your tears flow can't again, also often teach not to change! It's turned out to be a crocodile tears. 犯了错误就应该正确的去面对!

27、it's turned out to be a crocodile tears. 犯了错误就应该正确的去面对!

28、Civilian-based; brand strategy; differentiation strategy; sustainable development; green health; environmental protection entertainment;平民化; 品牌战略; 差异化战略; 可持续发展; 绿色健康环保娱乐;

29、Job growth remains healthy except in the energy and trade-sensitive manufacturing sectors.除了能源和贸易敏感的制造部门,其他领域就业增长保持健康。

30、Let’s hope that he remains healthy, free and at large for a long time! Fly Colton, Fly!让我们希望他长期保持健康、自由的生活。 飞吧,科尔顿,飞吧!

31、Cheese can enhance the ability of the human body with low resistance to disease, promote metabolism, enhance the vitality, protect your eyes and keep skin healthy fit;奶酪能增进人体低抗疾病的能力,促进代谢,增强活力,保护眼睛健康并保持肌肤健美;

32、To make sure you stay on top form, you gulp down a little extra health insurance, in the form of a vitamin pill.为了确保能保持最佳状态,吞服维生素药丸获取一些额外的健康保险。

33、It serves as make-up remover. Enriched with beauty ingredients, it restores skin's elasticity and firmness. Healthy, perfect skin is resulted.蕴含滋润美肌成分,滋养肌肤同时使肌肤紧缴有弹力,呈现健康完美的肤质,是兼具保持肌肤健康及美颜效果的洁面粉。

34、Patrick Reynolds, one of my most admired fitness gurus, calls them ‘health-potato‘ equipment, a reference to couch potatoes who want to get fit but are too lazy to do it properly.Patrick Reynolds是我喜欢的一位健康指导老师,他把这些叫做“健康土豆”的运动器材,和想保持健康的但又懒得运动的“沙发土豆“有异曲同工之妙。

35、Asked on BBC Radio 布朗在接受英国广播电台BBC Radio ”

5 Live whether he might quit for health reasons, the prime minister replied: "I am healthy and I am very fit. I run a lot to keep fit and I will continue to keep fit.

5 Live的采访时,被问到他是否会因为健康的原因辞职,首相回答说:“我很健康,经常跑步保持身材,我也要继续坚持跑下去保持身材。

36、According to ancient classic the Book of Changes, maintaining a balance between the mind and the body is vital for health.根据《易经》记载,保持身心平衡是健康的要素。

37、It is the basic request of the improvement of the human being welfare to keep and raise the level of health and the food security is the basic of human being health.保持和提高健康水平是提高人类福利的基本要求,而食物安全则是健康的基础。

38、Turnip cabbage soup, Yishou health.白菜萝卜汤,益寿保健康。

39、Balanced nutrition is good for our health.营养持衡有利于身体健康。

40、Traditional Chinese doctors believe we need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy.传统中医认为,保持身体健康需要体内阴阳二气的平衡。

41、Boasts heart healthy levels of plant sterols to help maintain healthy cholesterol levels.拥有心脏健康水平的植物固醇,以帮助维持健康的胆固醇水平。

42、Eucerin Promise: High quality ingredients and clinically-proven formulas that help keep your skin healthy.Eucerin承诺: 高品质的原料和临床验证的公式,帮助保持皮肤健康。

43、His ongoing health might be the primary variable affecting the Heat’s chances of breaking the 72-win, single-season record.他能否持续保持健康可能会影响热火队打破七十二连胜纪录的可能性。

44、The central question is whether there should be a health insurance “mandate” — a requirement that everyone sign up for health insurance, even if they don’t think they need it.问题的关键在于是否应该有健康保险“命令”-要求每一个人签字同意健康保险,即使他们不认为他们需要健康保险。

45、I may never realize perfect health - but I certainly am grateful to enjoy good health.作为一个血液病患者,保持身体健康对我来说是很重要的。 我从不认为我的身体状况很理想——但我很享受这种健康的状态。

46、It's turned out to be a crocodile tears.犯了错误就应该正确的去面对!

47、Regular brisk walking can almost do the same amount of good to your health as going to a keep fit studio can.有规律的保持快步走几乎可以给你的健康带来跟去健身房一样的好处。

48、You get sick and then you die, suggesting that sleeping is good to keep you healthy.而是慢慢地生病死去,这表明睡眠对保持健康非常重要。

49、This is perhaps the ultimate downfall for many people trying to eat healthily — free food!白食—-对努力保持饮食健康的人来说,这也许是他们致命的弱点。

50、And drink more water, eat more fruit.拥有健康的文化,应该从自我控制力做起!

经典英文句子51:保持健康,51、Spinach is another good source for keeping your eyes healthy, the large amounts of vitamin a and beta-carotene help keep your eyes in shape.菠菜也是保持眼睛健康的好东西,大量的维生素和β胡萝卜素可以保持眼球的形状。

52、And the only group that stayed well within the boundaries of a healthy weight was the vegan group -- people who avoided animal products and based their diets on healthier fare.唯一能保持在健康体重范围内的只有素食那一组 - 这些人不沾动物产品,基本以健康食物为主。

53、So, it will enable us to maintain a healthy culture.拥有健康的心理,要从不屈不挠开始说起!

54、It is recorded in Ancient Egyptian history that Cleopatra used royal jelly to help her remain so health and beautiful.据记录,古埃及艳后也用蜂王浆来保持健康和美丽。

55、Protecting the regional ecological environment, keeping birds' feeding of Handan developing in a healthy way, it is primary concerned question.保护区域生态环境,保持邯郸市畜禽养殖业健康发展,是首要关注的问题。

56、Swimming is a good work-out, it keeps me healthy and fit, and gives me fun, too.游泳是一项很好的训练。既保持健康和体形,还有乐趣。

57、You need love and belongingness. You need self esteem.你需要健康的食物、阳光、干净的空气和水保持健康的身体;你需要合理程度的安全;你需要爱和归属感;你需要自尊;你需要发挥自己的创造力。

58、However so long as they maintain the healths , nobody is willing to meet them in the playoff.不过只要他们保持健康,没有人愿意在季后赛碰见他们。

59、It leaves the skin soft, protected and perfumed for a feeling of well-being all day long.柔软滋润肌肤,清爽芬芳,保持一整天的清新健康感觉。

60、Meditation is one of the best lifelong skills you can give yourself for your longterm happiness and health.冥想是使自己保持长期健康快乐最好的终生技能。

61、Removing skin from chicken can reduce the intake of saturated fat, and maintain heartiness of the heart.鸡肉去皮,能大大减少饱和脂肪的摄取,保持心脏健康。

62、let healthy is our good friend forever, let the partners around the us, forever! 让健康永远伴随我们成长!

63、Exercise, eat nutritiously, maintain a healthy body weight and see your doctor on a routine basis .运动、吃营养,保持健康的体重,看看你的医生在变化无常。

64、LORRIE: Even my health insurance?罗莉:我的健康保险也是?

65、God's Word teaches us eight habits that can keep us spiritually healthy until death.《圣经》中教了我们八个习惯,使我们能够保持精神健康直到死亡。

66、Not to mention all the money you will save on health care costs.更不用提省下健康保健的费用。

67、but your tears flow can't again, also often teach not to change! it's turned out to be a crocodile tears. 犯了错误就应该正确的去面对!

68、Part 第五部分:健康保险的总保费。

5: The total premium of health insurance.

69、Four: Stay fit - When you're 600 years old, someone may ask you to do something really big.第四,保持健康——当你xx岁的时候,有人会请你做大事。

70、In order to keep fit, you have to eat well, sleep well and generally feel good about yourself.保持身体健康还需要吃好、睡好和良好的自我感觉。

71、Staying healthy with things like olive oil, red wine, and dark chocolate – sounds good to me!吃橄榄油、红酒和黑巧克力就能保持健康–听起来正合我意!

72、And drink more water, eat more fruit. 拥有健康的文化,应该从自我控制力做起!

73、Whether a fish absorbs or loses water is based on the fact that all fish must maintain a certain amount of salt in their bodies to stay healthy.鱼要保持健康就需要在体内保持一定数量的盐分,这决定了它是排水还是吸水。

74、Can people stay healthy all the time?人能常保健康的状态吗?

75、A brisk half hour walk a day will keep you healthy – and sane – say researchers.研究人员说,每天轻快步行半小时将是你保持健康和理智。

英文句子模板76:keep healthy,76、We need water keep heath, need water to comes and produce food, traffic, irrigating and industry.我们需要水来保持健康,需要水来生产食品、交通、灌溉和工业。

77、So what can we do, how can we make sure we get all the vitamins we need to stay healthy?那我们该怎么做呢,我们怎么样才能保证不缺乏维生素,保持身体健康呢?


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