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关于”暗示表白“的英语句子34个,句子主体:implied confession。以下是关于暗示表白的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:implied confession


1、But the studies are not necessarily a death knell for lightweight dark matter particles, says Hooper.


2、This will launch a pattern where gray-market handsets continue to decrease in unit shipments for the next four years, IHS indicated.


3、He's lying. Now I call out his target is actually Lorton, and watch it again. Concealed scorn.


4、There is a blankness in his gaze that hints at the scars his childhood and Guantánamo have left on him.

5、Second, that a region that publicly welcomes China's soft power is also quietly tooling up for the hard version.



6、We're not insinuating anything.


7、The reporter intimated to me that he would publish the story.


8、Ragged clothing infers poverty.


9、The pictures clearly show a vast white city floating eerily in the blackness of space.


10、For the first 60km going north, schools, brick houses and tin roofs suggest greater prosperity.


11、Tones to the left are dark and to the right are light.


12、He clearly hinted that he wanted me not to get in.


13、And the Tantric Love practice is also hinted at by the presence of white and red bodhis.


14、Where there is great love, there are always miracles。


15、One represents a disheartening long-term pattern, the other an encouraging recent trend.

16、I will graduate in next year. 表示我应该是来年毕业,暗含一种我想,如果不出意外,应该是的意思。


17、The dark red to grey infarcted bowel contrasts with the pale pink normal bowel at the bottom.


18、That was an implication.


19、"There shouldn't be light behind you, because it will darken your face, " Rosenthal says.

史比洛普鲁表示, 高能物理学是统计学的游戏,某一事件只是逗人的暗示。

20、Electromagnetic radiation used to raise atoms or molecules to a higher energy level.

21、Other officials suggested the term implies debtholders agreeing on a voluntary basis to accept later repayment.其他官员暗示,这暗示债权人同意在自愿基础上接受延迟偿债.

22、Don't ever suggest that you are perfect. It gives me a great shock when I discover that you are not.别老暗示您是白璧无瑕的。假如我发明您并非如斯,我会极为震惊。

23、On behalf of the American people, I express my deepest condolences to the families of the victims.我代表好国人仄易远背遇易者家属暗示最深切的慰唁。

24、Your blank expression and far-away look in your eyes are the cues that betray.你的茫然的表情和望向远方的眼神正暗示了这一点。

25、The earth tone brown in dreams is suggestive of all things unsullied and innocent.梦里的土褐色基调暗示着一切事物是清白无辜的。

英文句子26:,26、When the words “I love you” were said by you for the first time, my world blossoms。第一次听到你对我说“我爱你”,我的世界一瞬间鲜花绽开。

27、Menezes said he liked the team’s performance against Ecuador and hinted he will keep Robinho in the team for Sunday’s match.梅内塞斯表示满意球队与厄瓜多尔的表现,并暗示会让罗比尼奥在与巴拉圭的1/4决赛中首发。

28、“It was the darkest time for Chinese cartoonists, ” Xia said.夏达表示:“那是中国漫画家最黑暗的时期。

29、It also represents being caught off guard, suggesting there is something happening in your life that you are unprepared for.这种梦也表示猝不及防,暗示着你遇到了一些始料未及的事。

30、The depth of the ocean is shown in blue, with darker colors representing deeper water.图上蓝色的深浅显示着海洋的深度,而暗黑色则表示海水更深。

31、Change your auto-response “I don’t know” to “I’ll figure it out.”把你的自我暗示由“我不知道”改为“我会明白”吧。

32、A white rhinoceros may be sent later, Escobar said.Escobar表示,随后有可能会运送一只白色犀牛。

33、"History suggests unilateral intervention doesn't seem to work," McCormick said."历史经验暗示,单边干预行动似乎没用." McCormick表示.

34、Fast, loud sounds indicate anxiety, while slow, quieter sounds convey confidence.如果又快又响亮,则暗示着不安; 如果又慢声又小,则表示自信。

35、Still, historical data suggests strong performance for the following month after such high signs of an overextended market in the previous month, Hickey said.尽管如此,Hickey表示,历史数据暗示,当市场呈现涨势过度的上述迹象后,其后的一个月会有强劲表现.

36、A strong hint of how they work comes from the npr-1 gene, which makes a protein that responds to neuropeptides.中性蛋白酶-1基因发出的强烈工作暗示使得蛋白质对神经肽产生反应。

37、Others say the light pools may be more of a threat.有人表示白池带来的威胁可能更大。

38、I hinted at his imprudence.我曾暗示他的不谨慎。

39、Function: Whitening, clarifies dark spot, lighten pigment.美白,澄清暗点,减轻色素。

40、White is associated with hospitals, doctors, and sterility, so you can use white to suggest safety when promoting medical products.白色与医院、医生和不育联系在一起,所以在推销医疗产品时,可以使用白色来暗示安全。

41、Dull tongue, thin white tongue, thin pulse.舌暗淡,苔薄白,脉细涩。

42、But the latest data suggested that the economy had touched bottom, said Wang Hu, an economist with Guotai & Junan Securities in Shanghai.但国泰君安证券分析师Wang Hu表示,最新数据暗示经济已然触底.

43、Why does she imply that she ought to know his college schedule?为什么她要暗示她该知道他的大学日程表呢?

44、The lower area displays column details for a highlighted table.下半部则会针对反白显示的资料表显示资料行详细资料。

45、His new film, he says, reflects a darker world view.他表示,他的新片反映了一种更加灰暗的世界观。

46、Verbal Cues: If you catch your child daydreaming or fidgeting with school supplies, gently remind them to return to the task of completing their homework.口头暗示:如果你发现孩子在做白日梦,或者对于学校作业表现出心不在焉,那么要温和的提醒他们回神专心完成作业。

47、You can use white to suggest simplicity in high-tech products.你可以使用白色来暗示高科技产品的简洁性。

48、I'll be yours through all the years, till the end of time。请告诉我你是我的。

49、Whitens and swallows its dull stars.变白,吞没了暗淡的星。

50、Note the dark red congested regions that represent accumulation of RBC's in centrilobular regions.暗红色淤血区表示肝小叶中心区的红细胞积聚。

经典英文句子51:暗示表白,51、Hint expert----I don't like to be straightforward. You should understand my implications.暗示专家---“我就是不直说,但你应该明白我的意思。” (这种貌似女生居多。

52、Mr Carker took his cue, and smiled the more.卡克先生明白他的暗示,更加高兴地微笑着。

53、Ynthil is an Elven town that had been historically sympathetic to its Dark Elven brethren.禁暗苑历来是一个对黑暗精灵同胞表示同情和支持的精灵城。

54、The tongue's appearance (e. g. , coated or red) can give clues to disease elsewhere.舌的外表(例如覆有舌苔或发红)可暗示身体它处的疾病。

55、It took Teacher Fei a moment to grasp what the man was hinting at.过了好久费老师才明白男人在暗示什么。

56、I wish I could translate the hints about the dead young men and women.我希望我能够翻译出那些暗示,那些关于死去的青年男女们的暗示。

57、Those observations, Conselice says, only hinted that many of the galaxies were smooth and therefore dark-matter dominated.Conselice说,这些观察只能暗示这些星系是如此光滑因此表明它们受到暗物质的控制。

58、Water, usually dark blue in this type of image, is silvery white from reflected sunlight.水在图中通常呈暗蓝色,只有在有阳光反射的部分显示为银白色。

59、As the term 'clean-shaven' implies, 'people find it cleaner,' she says.她说,正如“白面无须”这一词所暗示的那样,“人们觉得没胡子的人比较干净。”

60、Among whites in general, more disapprove than approve of his comments by a 2-1 margin.总体上看,白人对他的评论表示不赞成的与表示赞成的相比,要占2对1的优势。

61、The silver white land frequently hint can not drink liquor, so as not to expose mami.陆银频频暗示陆白不能喝白酒,以免露出真身。

62、The person you disgusted with?The "TA" who you are always having a crush on?你讨厌的人?那个你一直暗恋着却始终没勇气表白的TA?

63、But like bow ties and white loafers, facial hair is fraught with negative connotations.但与系蝴蝶结领结和穿白色懒汉鞋一样,留胡子也富含各种负面的暗示。

64、Dieng also said the WFP is monitoring reports filtering out of Eritrea suggesting food shortages there as well.迪昂也表示,世界粮食计划署是过滤厄立特里亚暗示粮食短缺以及监测报告。

65、Inreaction, the company suggested the ruling was unjustified and indicated thatit will lodge an appeal.作为回应,该公司暗示说这项裁决是不公平的,并表示将提出申诉。

66、downcast expression of shame is an appeasement gesture that hints at a need for略带羞愧的悲哀表情是一种暗示着自己需要同情的安抚姿势。

67、AnZha hao tian said little white history.浩天吩咐暗查少白来历。 。

68、They should show dark eyes and skin, and black nose, lips, pads and nails.他们应该表示黑暗的眼和皮肤 , 和黑色的鼻,唇,腕趾和甲。

69、Mitch Rubin, chief investment officer of RiverPark Advisors in New York, said the day's earnings suggested volatility in the near term.纽约RiverPark Advisors的首席投资长Mitch Rubin表示,今日的业绩暗示市场短期走势震荡.


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