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关于”经典的诗歌“的英语句子31个,句子主体:classic poetry。以下是关于经典的诗歌的托福英语句子。

英文句子模板1:classic poetry


1、On the basis of deconstruction theory and Skopos theory, this thesis attempts to probe into the translation of Chinese classical poetry into English from the perspective of translator's subjectivity.


2、One classic collaboration was between the singing duo Simon & Garfunkel and the filmmaker Mike Nichols.


3、Catherine Johnson's witty and ingenious script weaves the famous ABBA songs around characters you care about.

一个音乐播客,主要分享一些好听的歌曲! 包括欧美的经典、最新流行歌曲,还有日本流行歌曲!

4、This is a blog about all sorts of good music, which includes pop, rock, hiphop and japanese pop music!


5、He won an Oscar for the original song score to the classic film "Purple Rain."


6、I'm a lifelong fan of "Japlish, " English prose translated from the Japanese by someone whose sole qualification is owning a Japanese-to-English dictionary.


7、The building of the classic lets thought can concretion, being the song to sink with legend already, it is as of old return at tell to say.

沙河 的诗具有典范的现实主义特色。

8、Liu Shahe's poems possess the features of realism.


9、The European and American classics popular song reorganization's piano music, plays by Chinese renowned piano male servant sea Mr. Wu!


10、There are hundreds of other free, out of circulation classics available here.


11、Broad prairie, with the typical features of Hulun Buir music, is the classic of long melody folk.


12、Janet Samuel's soft and snuggly art accompanies this warm adaptation of the lyrics to the classic lullaby.


13、The subsequent Chapter Three illustrates with examples from Eliot"s poems the different forms of the allusion and the various functions they perform."


14、The varying of these kinds of typical images, has shown Shu Ting's poem development and change course from a side.


15、1976 - R&B singer Stevie Wonder releases the classic double album Songs in the Key of Life.


16、The European and American classics popular song reorganization's piano music, plays by Chinese renowned piano…


17、Finally, I decided to do the singer, had a classical music education, I am also a trained soprano Oh.

"诗中“巧智”、“奇喻”等典型玄学派艺术技巧的运用,不仅丰富了传统“破晓歌”这一文学形式的艺术 …

18、John Donne is the representative poet of this school and becomes well-known in the literary arena for his subtle use of "conceits …


19、Although is was revised by Kongzi, the Book of Songs still reflected the current social reality, people's life style and ideological emotions, and the earliest poetry style in our country.

是的,这首歌是改编自经典的'70s hit Stayin',但是也许你根本识别不出来。

20、Yes, this song is adapted from the classic '70s hit Stayin' Alive, but you may barely recognize it.

21、The Wozzeck by Alban Berg was a classics opera in 20th Century.阿尔班·贝尔格的歌剧《沃采克》是20世纪歌剧中的一部经典之作。

22、Mei's songs have always been classics, enjoyed it! Top.阿妹的歌一直都是经典曲目,蛮喜欢的!顶。

23、Under the condition of classical artistic spirits and in the context of national salvation, modern Chinese city poetry is always being pressed.中国现代诗歌都市话语在古典艺术精神和现实的救亡语境的制约下,一直处于被压制的状态。

24、In his anthology, representative Chinese classics from various genres, such as poetry, prose, T'ang tales, letters, traditional literary theories, and dramas are translated into English.他编译的中国文学选集摘译并编选了中国几千年以来的经典著作,其中包括诗歌、散文、唐传奇、信件、中国传统文学理论和戏剧等。

25、Someone even pieces up a love song from other classic English songs for the Cowboy and the Weaving Maid.有好事者用经典英文歌曲为牛郎织女组织了一次情歌对唱,非常有创意。

英文句子26:,26、Karaoke crowds can’t get enough of treasured ’80s songs, and who can resist singing along when this Def Leppard classic comes on?K歌的人群总是无法找到足够的xx年代的经典金曲,所以在Def Leppard的经典曲目响起时又有谁会拒绝跟着吟唱? 那么,唱吧!

27、There’s old classics like “Fly Me to the Moon” by Frank Sinatra, or modern hits like “iris” by the Goo Goo Dolls.歌曲内容丰富,从弗兰克·西纳特拉(Frank Sinatra)的经典歌曲“带我飞到月亮上”,到咕咕娃娃(Goo Goo Dolls)的当代热曲《天使之城》。

28、Liao Song is a strong clan classic folk song of the culture, and the Third Younger Sister Liao is the incarnation or Liao Song.壮族《麽经布洛陀》中的嘹三妹是壮族的歌神与爱神,嘹歌是壮族歌谣文化的经典,嘹三妹是嘹歌的化身。

29、Twinkle twinkle, little star"—we can all sing the old nursery classic.“一闪一闪小星星”......我们都会唱这首古老的经典儿歌。

30、Pingguo's Liao Song. Collection of Long Songs is a classical work of Zhuang's oral literature in Youjiang Basin.平果嘹歌·歌集》是右江流域的壮族民间口碑文学的经典之作。

31、Zan Yuen has become the most representative operatic classic in China.该剧已成为中国最具有代表性的一部歌剧经典。

32、The following poems set to now-forgotten tunes are examples of the popular literature of that period.下面的诗歌系现今已经佚忘的曲牌,它们代表了那一时期的大众文学的范本。

33、Needs a bit more fruit on the midpalate to be a classic Margaux, but clearly outstanding.品尝中若果味能够更加丰富则不失为一瓶经典的玛歌,但已经足够出众。

34、We perform a wide range of repertoires , from English oldies to Canton pops, and from Classical music to contemporary Jazz pieces.我们曾演唱各类型的音乐,当中包括了广东流行歌曲、中西经典歌曲、爵士音乐甚至古典音乐。

35、A wedding and movie classic, this great song about finding love says it best: “I’ve been searching a long time for someone exactly like you.”它是婚礼和电影中的经典歌曲,这首美好的歌将寻找真爱的主题诠释得最好:我一直在寻找与你一模一样的人。

36、The feeling of language is the center ability essence of Chinese learning , the ra ising of the feeling of language is the bridge to the humane culture and literality .古典诗歌作为语文教学的一个重要部分,对于语感培养有着重要的意义。

37、I like world music.I like folk music.I like oldies, I like opera.我喜欢流行音乐、乡村音乐、经典老歌,我还喜欢歌剧。

38、Opera "The Marriage of Figaro" and "The Barber of Seville" the two most classical works in comic opera, and there are just some links between them.歌剧《费加罗的婚礼》和《塞维利亚理发师》是喜歌剧中最为经典的两部作品,它们之间又恰好存在一定的联系。

39、Lyona Ostricker would assume the stage and sing Russian classics and then coarsen his voice and do an imitation of a famous black jazz singer.莱昂纳·奥斯特里克将上台,先唱首俄罗斯经典老歌,然后再把声音变低,模仿一位著名的黑人爵士歌手。

40、The Theory of "Language Does Not Give The Fullness of The Concept In The Mind"has an directly effect on the artistic traits of Chinese classical poems.“言不尽意”论直接影响到国古典诗歌含蓄隽永、意境深远的艺术特征的形成。

41、希望现在不会太晚 经典的HIP HOP歌曲就有很多了 wade robsonit was all in your mind

42、Our Golden Ages is a classic album of new folk music bringing together four new folk music songs all composed by Gong Ming during years of devotion.《盛世中国》是一张经典新民歌专辑,收录了龚铭多年潜心创作的四首新民歌。

43、He also worked on Nico's Chelsea Girl, both by playing guitar and penning the classic song "These Days".他还致力于尼科的切尔西女孩,都是由玩吉他和潘宁的经典歌曲,这些天。

44、" The singing prodigy explained that another Joplin classic, "Piece of My Heart, " had been done before and she was really feeling "Cry Baby.这位歌唱神童解释说,乔普林的经典作品“我的心”之前已经完成了。

45、In the first half of the concert he will sing the overture for "Carmen" and "La Donna E Mobile" from Giuseppe Verdi's Rigoletto.他将于节目上半场演唱《卡门》序曲、威尔第歌剧《弄臣》中的〈善变的女人〉等经典歌剧选曲。

46、A new generation is now growing up singing some of musical theater's favorite songs.新一代的听众已成为传唱音乐剧的经典歌曲了。

47、Mike: Which one was that? Hmm. Oh, I remember, "Iron Horse" by Motorhead. A true classic if ever there was one.迈克:哪首歌?嗯,哦,我想起来了,是摩托赫德的“火车”。那是相当经典的一首歌啊。

48、This is a blog about all sorts of music, which includes pop, rock, hiphop and japanese pop music!一个音乐播客,主要分享一些自己喜欢的歌曲!包括欧美的经典、最新流行歌曲,还有日本流行歌曲!

49、Many critics have explored various aspects of Song of Solomon (1977), one of the most acclaimed books by Toni Morrison.《所罗门之歌》是托妮·莫里森的经典之作,近年来一直受到广泛的关注。

50、I have decided to right that wrong by uploading and posting the entirety of this classic song.我已决定正确的,错误的上传和发布本经典歌曲的全部。

经典英文句子51:经典的诗歌,51、An Shifang Songs which was used for ancestor worship, Jiaosi Songs which was used for Taiyi worship, the earth god festival rural ceremony.《安世房中歌》是用于祭祀祖先的宗庙祀典,《郊祀歌》是用于郊祀太


52、In the process of formation and development, the narrative fork songs hadabsorbed non-verbal narrative arts and the narrative f.叙事民歌是具有科尔沁地域文化特征的口头叙事经典。

53、In Mr. Yeh Chiaying's opinion, the aesthetic quality of Chinese classical poetry should be understood in the "un-separated" world in which the mind and matter can not be separated.在叶嘉莹先生看来,中国古典诗歌的审美特质,应该从超越心物二分的“不隔”世界去体会。

54、The legendary Gotheborg made three voyages from Gothenburg to southern Chinese city of Guangzhou between 1743 and 1745, pioneering trade between Sweden and China.历史上拥有传奇色彩的歌德堡号在1743 到1745期间曾经3次从瑞典的歌德堡出发到达中国南方城市广州开拓中国和瑞典之间的国际贸易。

55、Oddly enough, to this day, I can still repeat the Saturday morning classic "Conjunction Junction."非常奇怪,直到今天我仍然能重复周六早上的经典歌曲“Conjunction Junction”。

56、Those more familiar know its contents more deeply. First is the Pentateuch (the five books of Moses), followed by the histories, the poetic books, and the prophets.对圣经稍微熟悉的人知道圣经的第一部分是摩西五经,然后是历史书,诗歌,以及先知书。

57、The natural singing style originated from the "bioplast" life environment, the simplicity of the singing mentality is the main cause of the forming of the classics of her singing.“原生态”生活环境生成的歌唱风格的天然性,歌唱心理的淳朴性,是形成其歌唱艺术经典性的主要原因。

58、Ressler described the patriotic standards performed by Marine Corps musicians, naming several of the classics that Hasse cited.雷斯勒介绍了海军陆战队军乐队经常演奏的爱国歌曲,其中有哈塞提到的几首经典曲目。

59、She was honored for work that, "with the concentration of poetry and the frankness of prose, depicts the landscape of the dispossessed, " the Swedish Academy said.瑞典文学院在颁奖决定中说,米勒的作品兼具诗歌的凝练和散文的率直,描绘了无所寄托者的境况。

60、Many new singers go through a period when they mainly cover famous songs from other singers.许多新出道的歌手都要经历以翻唱别人的经典歌曲为主的阶段。

61、In Persian poetry, in our classical ghazal in particular, and because in Persian we do not have gender-specific pronouns, the figure of "the beloved" is as much hetero-erotic as it is homoerotic."在波斯语诗歌,特别是古典的格扎尔歌乐中,由于波斯语的人称代词不区分性别,所以‘心爱之人’既代表异性恋对象也代表同性恋对象。

62、Then, under the guidance of the two basic principles, it suggests some translation methods for CCP translation, especially in treating untranslatable factors.再次,提出中国古典诗歌的翻译方法,这些方法主要是在两个原则指导下,对不可译性问题的处理方法。

63、Our Golden Ages is a classic album of new folk music, bringing together four new folk music songs, all composed by Gong Ming during years of devotion.《盛世中国》是一张经典新民歌专辑,收录了龚铭多年潜心创作的四首新民歌。

64、The characteristics of the classic verse itself determines its personality education is a kind of permeating art that is like the rain moistening the crops gently and silently.古典诗歌自身的特点决定了其人格教育是一种“润物细无声”的渗透艺术。

65、Recomposing and remixing the rhythms of old classic songs into new ones has become a trend in music circles.对经典的歌曲进行重新的演绎和混音已经成为音乐圈里的潮流。

66、The world famous Jingle Cats are back for the Holidays, meowing Christmas favorites like "Silent Night" and "Waltz of the Flowers. " We'll leave you with these images. Goodbye.世界有名的猫狗唱耶诞歌大受欢迎,现在牠们还要唱更多的耶诞歌曲;一起来看看加上电脑特效的耶诞经典歌曲,感恩收看,再会。

67、Nonetheless, The Faerie Queenecan be said, however strangely, to be the first great poetic celebration in English of the institution of marriage.然而无论《仙后》多么与众不同,它仍可被称为,第一部伟大的有关婚姻的,英文诗歌体盛典。

68、A classic melody I hope you like, like Wong Ka Kui's song!一首经典的旋律希望大家能喜欢,很喜欢黄家驹的歌!

69、In the first half of the concert, he will sing the classic opera arias, such as "Admire, Respect, Honor"/ Macbeth and "Chanson de Toreador"/ Carmen.本场独唱音乐会的上半场将为大家带来经典歌剧选段,有彰显男中音功力的歌剧《麦克白》咏叹调《怜悯尊敬荣光》,更有脍炙人口的歌剧《卡门》经典唱段《斗牛士之歌》等;

70、Liuyang River, as the Chinese classic folk song since creation, which is widely circulated.《浏阳河》作为中国经典民歌,自创作以来,广为流传。

71、Want to buy a blues harmonica, but which key should I choose to play pop some music or classic music?想买个布鲁斯不知道买什么调的,想吹点流行歌曲,经典老曲什么的。

72、The writer is a gifted British musician, who has given the classic Opera Cats.言论Voice:曲作者是英国天才音乐家,歌剧《猫》就是他奉献的经典大作。

73、Works performed include Chinese and foreign folk songs, classical vocal pieces, musicals and pop songs.演出的声乐作品包括中外民歌、古典艺术歌曲、音乐剧及经典流行曲等。

74、Like classic Hollywood Westerns before it, “True Grit” in all its iterations has an elegiac lilt.与之前的好莱坞经典西部片一样,《大地惊雷》反复吟唱着一首轻快的挽歌。

75、Now, Let's invite young singer of Orient Song and Dance Company, Ms Youqing with the famous song-LiuYang River.下面有请来自东方歌舞团的娄底妹子游晴为大家演唱经典民歌——浏阳河。

英文句子模板76:classic poetry,76、She lifted her voice during her rendition of the classic opera song.表演古典歌剧时, 她提高了嗓门放声歌唱。


标签: 英文 经典 诗歌

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