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关于”情短句“的英语句子46个,句子主体:Emotional Short Sentences。以下是关于情短句的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Emotional Short Sentences


1、Today is responsible for business matters, including the company's messaging business.


2、Life is too short, the way it is, can not posthaste. ?


3、In these cases, you need a way to "short-circuit" the resolution.


4、One in seven respondents admitted to ending their last relationship by text, while 28 per cent of men and

16 per cent of women said they had simply ignored the person they were dumping.


5、A lot of people are only just beginning to twig that this could go on longer than was thought only a few weeks ago.

帮我翻译 …无论如何,我都得劝你一句,别信那个梦,行吗? …任何情况…

6、In any case, we would advise one, please do not believe t…

专题讲座,个人MV, 剧情短片, 生日宴会。

7、Seminar, personal MV, the plot clips, a birthday party.


8、Horizontal inclined piccolo heartily Be taking captive the pleasant breeze of April.


9、I remember watching you intently, as you took off your hat and loosely shook your short dark hair with your fingers.


10、The short term, you first need is implementation of cotton-planting area of concern.


11、Life is too short to do anything but celebrate all the time.


12、Greet your candidates warmly and chat with them briefly to help them relax.


13、Maximum duration for a documentary or drama shorts may not exceed 30 minutes;


14、Just a moment, I quietly to enjoy, this one for blowing and the graceful dance, melodious lyrical and soft, can reach the heart.


15、With vitamins but without water, survival time is sharply reduced.


16、"And that, " says Ekman, "was the discovery of microexpressions: very fast, intense expressions of concealed emotion."


17、In that case i am use following method to decrease the nail head.


18、It's only when we wake up that we realize how things are actually strange.


19、But there was also something comic in her chosen image for man’s transience—the indestructible trope of the doomed mayfly.


20、Integral probability of compensation efficiency Strehl ratio is given in the sense of short exposure.

21、It\'s something that sets off a brief episode of powerlessness.这些事情是引爆让你无能为力的一段简短插曲。

22、The need to change a laptop battery every few hours may soon be an annoyance of the past.短短几小时就要给笔记本电池充一次电的情况将成为可厌的过去。

23、The service called Clickatell SMS Receipts notifies banking customers of account activity via SMS alerts.这个项服务被称为Clickatell短信收据,它可以通过短信提醒消费者银行账号的活动情况。

24、Avoid using general terms like 'large' or 'most of' without qualification.避免在没有界定的情况下使用“大的”或者“大多数”这样的短语。

25、His hair was cut short, and his face appeared, in the gloom, to be hard and expressionless.短发,露出了脸,在黑暗中,难以看清表情。

英文句子26:,26、Thank you for your last letter asking about our library…的要求,写一封短信介绍你校图书馆的基本情况……

27、In this case, if necessary, turn the tonometer ON, pressing the OPERATION button momentarily.这种情况下,如需开眼压仪,短按OPERATION按钮。

28、I will abbreviate this bleak description by saying that you will be totally destroyed.我用“完全消失”这个短语来略称上面描述的这种情况。

29、A microexpression is a brief, involuntary facial expression shown on the face of humans when one is trying to conceal or repress an emotion.微表情是人在试图隐藏或者控制某种情绪时不自觉地表现出来、且持续时间很短的一种面部表情。

30、As we know, happy emotion is apt to disappear, it is the relaxed transient experience.欢乐情感外张易散,是轻快短暂的体验;

31、I didn't try to tell her the truth, sms.我没逞能,短信悉数告诉她实情。

32、The short stories in Lizi Qing also reflect the realities of life.《荔子情》里的短篇故事也反映现实生活。

33、Some even carry four wedges, depending on the course they are playing.根据球场的情况,有些人甚至会带四支短铁杆。

34、During his time at the hospital, Dr Au not only benefited from the medical experience he gained but also from the precious friendship of his patients.在短短三个月间,欧耀佳医生除了得到很多医疗上的新经验外,亦赢得病人的友情。

35、This is the premise of Franz Kafka's short novel The Metamorphosis .卡夫卡的短篇小说《变形记》就是以这样的情节为前提。

36、The same is true for a movie "pitch, " a brief story summary that grabs attention.而电影推销(movie pitch)也有着同样的作用,剧作者需要通过短短地一份剧情大纲来吸引 别人的注意力。

37、Second point: the short-term technical pressure increases markedly , the reasonable adjustment.看点


38、However is the survival of the GuChangLiDuan, add a little color. Love PM.然而是家长里短的生存,再加一点儿点情意色彩。

39、Another proverb is "Blood is thicker than water". This means family ties are stronger than other relationships.另一句是“血浓于水”,意思是亲情比其他关系更重要。

40、At a pressure/density ratio of just -1.5, this scenario could unfold over a mere 22 billion years.当暗能量的压力/密度比达到-1.5,这种情形将在短短220亿年内发生。

41、The baseball pitcher had a brief affair with her.那个棒球投手和她有段短暂恋情。

42、Normally, and as mentioned, secret keys are protected by a passphrase.正常情况下,正如前面提到的,机密密钥受密码短语的保护。

43、In this example, the long method has been broken into smaller methods that each do one thing and do it well.在这个示例中,将一个很长的方法分解为几个短方法,并且让每个短方法负责一件事情。

44、Its fluffy head and short trunk are completely automatic.它毛茸茸的脑袋和短短的躯干是全自动的,通过腹部触摸屏向孩子们解释手术过程,还能做出面部表情,与人进行眼神交流。

45、"I have learned a lot already in a short time, " Wolfowitz said.沃尔福威茨说:“在很短的时间里我已经了解到很多情况。

46、Results Young or short occupational tenure nurses had higher affective commitment, while old or high educational background nurses was lower.结果年轻或护龄短的护士情感承诺高;护龄长或学历高的护士情感承诺降低;

47、Their coats can be long or short, but are dense in both cases.他们的大衣可长或短,但都是密集在这两种情况下。

48、"Depression is pretty serious and should not be gossiped about," she said.她说“抑郁症是很严肃的事情,不应该被说长道短。”

49、Marvin Boggs: I remember the CIA being tougher.马文·博格斯:“我记得中情局的手段长短常强硬的。”

50、In this case the short circuit level is way above the existing interruptive capacity.在这种情况下,短路水平大大高于现有的中断能力。

经典英文句子51:情短句,51、On Mars, argon 36 is similarly depleted relative to argon 38.在火星上,氩36相对于氩38的比率也有类似的短少情形。

52、Infm the Income Audit of any maj cashier overage shtages on a daily basis.每天需向收入审计上报收银员长短款的情况。

53、"Life is short and you never know what's going to happen, " Bon Jovi said.“生命是短暂的,你永远不知道什么事情发生,”邦乔维说。

54、Real island Xiu and makes friends carelessly, this is a short note sentiment reason story.真岛秀和交友不慎,这是一部短信情缘的故事。

55、If life lasted but a day I would emit all my fragrance.如果生命只有短暂的一昼夜,我要尽情吐露芬芳。

56、Performance speciality and using condition of HY742 short fiber double twister is also introduced.介绍了HY742型短纤倍捻机的性能特点及生产使用情况。

57、Please sit down, the old housekeeper broadcast video for you, introduce sincere team.请入座,老寷管家为您播放短片,介绍顾问团队真心情怀。

58、In these cases, defects could be dealt with in small batches and short cycles.在这种情况下,可以小批次在短的周期内处理缺陷。


标签: 大全 短句

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