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关于”语调规律“的英语句子27个,句子主体:intonation law。以下是关于语调规律的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:intonation law


1、Integrate word pronouciation alteration principle is an exploration of the basic rules of rhythm alteration of vocal Chinese in the dynamic word stream process.

这种密码语言是什么那肯定是有规律的 。

2、There are almost rules to whatever language this is.


3、Asian number-words (Chinese, Korean and Japanese) follow a regular pattern. "Eleven" is written as ten/one.


4、Furthermore, there're co-matching adaptability laws for developing harmoniously;


5、A people's mediation committee shall conduct mediation in accordance with the provisions of the law and based on the principle of voluntariness.


6、Overemphasis of the objectivity, inevitability and certainty of the educational laws is against the education practice.


7、The author states that"one divided into three" coincides with the rule of dialectical materialism.


8、Emphasizing balance is the general rule of performance appraisal for enterprises.


9、The regular patterns of cooking skill teaching include cognition rule, maintenance rule, migration rule, individual condition rule and external condition rule.


10、These laws include planning development law, technological innovation law, syncretic law of employees and enterprise, capital accumulation law.


11、The new science of epigenetics rewrites the rules of disease, heredity, and identity.


12、Three rules of the migration of rural labor are: the dynamic, the limited-scale and the interaction of pull-push.


13、Thesame old favourites recur year in year out with monotonous regularity.


14、The special translation demands not only the conversion of languages hut also the adjustment, coordination and connection of legal conceptions.


15、A people's mediation committee shall mediate in accordance with the provisions of law and on the basis of the principle of voluntary participation.


16、A peoples conciliation committee shall conduct conciliation in accordance with legal provisions and the principle of voluntariness.


17、Japanese advertisement management relies on self-discipline and external discipline that includes three levels: industrial self-discipline control, administrative guiding and legal regulation.


18、The content of the settlement agreement shall not contravene the law.


19、A Comparison Study of Politeness Principle between English and Chinese Language and Cultural Differences;


20、From innovation to idiomatization, denominal verbs have gone through stages, which shows how language changes.

21、Humor expressed by linguistic method is unalienable to the inherent principles of the language itself.借助语言手段表达的幽默的产生离不开语言本身的内在规律。

22、However, foreign trade English has its special language features and expressions, courtesy for one.外贸英语有其自身的语言表达规律和特点,礼貌原则就是其中一大原则。

23、Introduce the history and background of speech synthesis and the current research work in Chinese speech synthesis and the prosodic rules.介绍了语音合成的历史与背景,并介绍了汉语语音合成的发展及汉语韵律规则的研究现状。

24、The key regularly changes from A-minor to C-minor and back again, the music becomes ever broader and harder to play.曲调有规律地变换于A小调和C小调之间,音域变得更广更难演奏。

25、The People's Conciliation Committees shall conduct all mediations according to legal provisions and the principle of voluntariness.人民调解委员会依照法律规定,根据自愿原则进行调解。

英文句子26:,26、Attention is drawn to School of Foreign Languages policy and regulations on attendance and to the disciplinary guidelines and procedures applicable to breaches of such policy and regulations.注意查看外语学院关于考勤的政策和规定,纪律指导方针和违反相关纪律和规定的处理方法。

27、Therefore, the idioms in advertisements should be regularized, in accordance with not only the language law, but also the social ethical requirement.所以,对广告中成语化用要加以规范,做到既符合语言自身规律,又符合社会道德规范的要求。

28、That conforms neither to the facts, nor to the basic law of scientific investigation.这既与事实不符,也违背科学调查的基本规律。

29、Legal provisions can be divided into three types: provisions of rights, provisions of obligations and provisions of duties.法律规范可以划分为权利性法律规范、义务性法律规范和职务性法律规范三种类型。

30、As is known, the language in the standard legal amanuensis is generally called legislation language. It is one of the behavior criterions which are ascertained in the format of language and words.规范性法律文书的语言通常被称为立法语言,它是以语言文字的形式确定的人们的行为规范。

31、We should not only make Chinese teaching conform the rules, but also exert the rules to design the teaching schemes to improve the teaching method. This is scientific that Chinese teaching realize.要使我们的语文教学符合规律,并且运用规律去设计教学方案,来改进教学方法,这就是实现语文教学的科学化。

32、Knitting slubby yarn is divided into regular distribution and irregular distribution, and regular distribution slubby yarn consists of a group regular parameters and groups of regular parameters.针织竹节纱分为有规律分布竹节纱和无规律分布竹节纱。有规律分布竹节纱包括一组参数有规律和多组参数有规律。

33、Conclusion Early melodic intonation speech training can improve the speech and reading in patients with Broca aphasia.结论早期旋律语调言语治疗能改善构音功能和阅读能力。

34、Making full use of the modern information technology, corpus-driven learning emphasizes the active learning process to discover language rules from authentic contexts.基于信息技术的语料驱动学习强调学习者在真实语境中主动探索语言事实、发现语言规律的过程。

35、This individual case reflects the universal law of the semantic extension of military terms.考察“兵”的语义扩展可以为认识军语语义扩展的普遍规律提供启示。

36、As a language learning method, scientific reading must follow the principles of language formation, developing and children′s perceivable process.作为一种语言学习方式,科学认读必须遵循汉语言生成、发展的规律和儿童认知发展规律。

37、His tone on the air is serious and scripted.他在电视上的语调是严肃而中规中矩的。

38、The fourth part is comparison on some important phonetic laws.第四部分新田双方言几个重要语音规律的比较;

39、Because of undefined of legal text, immeasurable of value and variable of legal ideology, legal rules embody a character of disintegrated and inharmonious , which we named "the gap of law".站在分析法学的立场,由于语言的不确定性、抽象价值的不可衡量性、法律意识形态的多元性,使实证法律规范不可避免地出现不圆满和不协调,此即为法律漏洞。

40、Seeking for the structural rules of the beautiful rhyme and rhythm in .探寻汉语声韵美的构成规律,有利于充分发挥汉语的表达功能的作用。

41、The principles of bi-syllable tone length: the front neutral tone is longer than entering tone and the latter one Yingping is the shortest one;姜堰方言双字调的调长规律是:双字调的前字中舒声调长大于促声调长,双字调的后字中阴平最短;

42、In China, the legal basis of the administrative incidental civil mediation is found in many existent laws and regulations.在我国,行政附带民事调处的法律依据,已包括在现行许多法律、法规之中。

43、This article carries out a follow-up study to investigate the changes in causal attribution of non-English majors by means of a questionnaire.笔者以问卷调查的方式,对非英语专业学生的学习行为归因倾向进行了追踪调查,旨在探索其归因变化的趋势与规律。

44、What's the pattern here? What's the pattern here?规律是什么呢,有规律可循吗

45、Males and educated laborers had much higher rate in taking part in sports than females and under-educated ones (P<0.001).的调查对象没有规律性运动行为,男性和高学历人员进行有规律运动的比例较高(P<0.001)。

46、Meanwhile, by using real data in our corpus, we attempt to investigate the gestural and symbolic usage of this and that in situational context and anaphora and cataphora in linguistic context.同时以大量真实文本为语料,详细探讨“这”、“那”指代词在情景语境中的手势和非手势指示、上下文语境中回指、预指等现象的规律或倾向性规律。

47、Because these sound changes were so strikingly regular and law-like, they became collectively as Grimm's Law.因为这些语音变化的规则如此显著,象定律一般,所以这些变化统称格林定律。

48、We want to investigate the facts of "old word with new meaning" and probe the law among them to enrich the context of modern Chinese lexicology.旨在通过调查旧词产生新义的事实,并探索其中的规律,以丰富现代汉语词汇学的内容。

49、I published my first Chinese article in Hong Kong in October 1979, on “One Thousand Rules, Ten Thousand Rules, in Economics There is Only One Rule.一九七九我发表第一篇中语文章,题为《千规律,万规律,经济规律仅一条》。

50、Avoid cliches and legalese.避免陈词滥调和法律术语。

经典英文句子51:语调规律,51、The introduction of loan words follow certain principles and rules.外来语的进入遵循一定的原则和规律。



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