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关于”我正在读书“的英语句子47个,句子主体:I am reading a book。以下是关于我正在读书的初一英语句子。

英文句子模板1:I am reading a book


1、His sister is reading under the tree.


2、However because I wanted her to be a reader I allowed her to make the choices and she became a reader.


3、While reading he looked out of the window once in a while.


4、Kitty is reading a history book in the library.


5、I was reading a story book when my mother came back.

你们在图书馆里做什么? 我们阅读故事书。

6、What do you do in the library? We read storybooks.


7、Yang Xiaojie is reading a book.


8、I'd rather stay at home, reading.


9、Thisis what I read in my revisionist history book. Kinzo wantanabe.


10、When I find an interesting book, I can sit and read it for several hours.


11、We should read books of real worth.


12、P: Yes, I would read psychological books at the moment; I used to enjoy reading biography.


13、Someone said "we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite".

14、We are in the same class. 我们在同一个班级读书。


15、Mary is reading the final chapter of the book.


16、He was reading the plays of Shakespeare when I met him in the library the other day.


17、Or maybe it happens when you're reading a book: "I know I just read that page, but I have no idea what it said.


18、The incident itself happened to me the spring semester of 1993 while I was a student at the University of Wyoming.


19、I'm in Hongmei Xincun Primary School .


20、I was just reading his book right now about, you know, the rise of Facebook and how it all started.

21、We are reading the first 我们正在读一本书的第一章第一行,这本书的页数是无限的……

1)verse of the first chapter of a book whose pages are


22、We are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book whose pages are infinite……我们正在读一本书的第一章第一行,这本是的页数是无限的……

23、Why was Carlos reading the book?为什么卡罗斯正在读这本书?。

24、I'm going to try to slot in some reading on my holiday.我正设法趁假期拨些时间出来读点书。

25、The students are reading when the teacher came in?教员出来时,教死正正在读书。

英文句子26:,26、Would you like to do some reading?我想我将呆在家里读一些书。

27、I read this book in 9th grade, and it was one of my favorites.我读这本书时正上xx年级,而它也曾是我的最爱之

28、I am at the Affiliated High School of Peking University.我现在在 北大附中读书。

29、I always read or study at night.我总是在夜里读书或学习。

30、The little girl appears to be reading cartoon books.这个小女孩好像正在读卡通书。

31、I'm reading a story-book.我正在读一本故事书。

32、I study at Guangdong Country Garden School.我在广东碧桂园学校读书。

33、Yes, I would read psychological books at the moment; I used to enjoy reading biography.对,我现在读心理学的书,我以前读传记。

34、I stood at a bookstand reading comic books.我站在一个书摊旁读着小人书。

35、I like reading books there.我喜欢在那里读书。

36、I try read.我有用功在读书。

37、My father is reading in the study now.我的爸爸现在正在书房里读书

38、Madeleine dog-eared the page she was reading.玛德琳把她正在读的那页书折了一角。

39、I like reading verymuch, so I often read books in the library.我非常喜欢阅读,所以我经常在图书馆里看书。

40、He was reading a book, which he had bought from London. 他正在读一本书, 这本书是从伦敦买回来的。

41、Kerri: I'm reading two books now.我现在读的有两本书。

42、I'm studying at Yu Cai Senior Middle school.我在育才中学读书。

43、SIMON: P.J. O'Rourke reading from his new book, "Don't Vote."西蒙:奥罗克正在阅读他的新书,“不要去投票。”

44、No matter how much one has experienced, he can’t enrich his knowledge without reading books.在宁静悠闲的时间,我就去读文字的书,在忧郁沉闷的时候,我就去读大自然的书。

45、Kerri: I'm reading two books now.我现在正在读两本书。

46、I have taken courses on office administration,typing,reports and correspondence writing.我曾修读办公室管理、打字、报告及书信写作等课程,此外我正在学习中文打字。

47、I try 我有用功在读书。

2 read.

48、I republishing (republishing) a tinge textbook yesterday evening.昨晚我在读一本故事书。

49、He was reading a book, which was about war. 他正在读一本关于战争的书。

50、Janice: : I am reading the book on patent and I think it will be helpful for my work.贾尼斯:我正在读一本有关专利的书,而且我认为这对我以后的工作有益。 习。

经典英文句子51:我正在读书,51、I think I'll stay home and do some reading.我想我将呆在家里读一些书。

52、And it was in this room where I read my Bible and books and letters, and prayed for strength and guidance all through 1998.正是在这个房间里我诵读我的《圣经》,阅读图书和来信,在整个xx年祈祷主赐予我力量和指示。

53、I am reading a book that my room-mate borrowed from the library.我正在读一本我室友从图书馆借来的书。

54、As I wondered, I saw a girl near me reading a book. I felt brave enough to speak to her, since I too liked reading.我正想着,看到旁边一个女孩儿在读书。我也喜欢读书,于是壮着胆子和她搭话。

55、We are teaching at Hongik University.我们在弘益大学读书。

56、What are you doing? I am reading.你真在做什么?我正在读书。

57、And then there are those reading the readers, imagining their story lines.还有人观察着地铁里的读书人,想象着他们正在读的故事。

58、Prosecutor is to read a 73-page indictment.公诉人正在宣读一份长达73页的起诉书。

59、The heading comes from Daniel Willingham’s book that I’ve quoted above (yes, it’s what I’m reading at the moment).上面这个标题是我从Daniel Willingham的书中所引用的(没错,我此时此刻正在读着的这本书)

60、Daniel is reading in the spacious classroom.丹尼尔正在宽敞的教室里读书。

61、Now she's teaching her less fortunate older sisters to read.现在他正教那些没那么幸运的姐姐们读书。

62、Book return service will be in operation as usual during this period.在此期间,还书服务正常进行,读者亦可入馆查询及阅读馆藏。

63、I see you pegging away at your books, no, I mean studying hard.我看到你在啃书本--不,我是指用功读书。

64、Besides, I might be reading books in your father's bookcase instead. (p11)另外,我也许在你父亲的书橱里读书。

65、I am reading a book about ghosts and other supernatural sightings.我正在读的这本书讲的是鬼怪和其他一些超自然的事。

66、I'm reading a book about feminism .我在读关于女权主义的书。

67、She was studying English so that she might read English books.她正在学习英语,以便能阅读英代书籍。

68、As what I said at the beginning, "we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite".正如我在前面所说的,“我们正在读一本书的第一章的第一节,无穷的。

69、We are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book whose…我们正在阅读的一本书的页数是无限的,其第一章第一段---“ 我们是在…

70、I am studying in No. 我现在在第三中学读书。

3 Middle School.



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