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1、In order to raise the interest for our reading center, I asked every teacher to write a new year resolution on a special form.


2、Hunting Horn - One who is fond of high pursuits.


3、Although we were separated physically, it was the connection of hearts and minds that gave me the drive to finish this work.


4、Management is the key to the medium and small enterprises and the main issue of management lies on the management of people. Furthermore, how to incent people is the core of management of people.


5、It was a dramatic and inspiring thing for everyone.


6、With love, patience, and sincerely treat each other, to a deep love of the teachers and encourage them to grow more than a love for the backward students and less of a reprimand.

我让各人听一曲激动人心的旋律 。

7、I'll let you hear a thrilling chould like.


8、I think it’s going to be pretty exciting.


9、Their hearts vibrated to the speaker's stirring appeal.


10、While some might be relieved and thankful, others might be offended.


11、'I'm trying to get CIOs to instill a mindset that you should always be looking beyond the horizon and incent people to bring forth ideas, ' Mr. Gliedman said.


12、So he is fending this trip very exciting.


13、Judging to the moots was really a rewarding and intellectually stimulating experience. It also brings me back to the days of my freshmen and reminded me once again why I practice law.


14、Comolli feels this confidence from the manager in Academy graduates serves as a spur for the club's starlets.


15、Also talking to people about arts an design, about your goals, it motivates and inspires to create a new piece.


16、Hoping to excite student interest in our reading center, I asked each teacher to write a New Year's resolution on a special form and send it to me.


17、A leader builds people's confidence that they can accomplish what they have never accomplished before. The unflagging optimism of a good leader energizes everyone.


18、And this is just fascinating to watch.

该欧贝罗伊水疗中心提供的草药,亚洲和西方疗法, 放松疗法为基础的全面振兴和激励。

19、The Oberoi Spa offers holistic treatments based on Ayurvedic, Asian and Western therapies to relax, rejuvenate and inspire.


20、The basket ball competition is exciting.

21、Instead , Herzberg says that employers should provide adequate financial rewards and then build other motivators like opportunities for achievement and psychological success into their jobs.赫兹伯格说雇主应该提供足够的财政奖励然后把其他激励因素例如实现成就的机会和心理上的成功加入到工作当中。

22、This was an exciting and a humbling experience.这是一种令人激动和震撼人心的经验。

23、First of foremost, they have to be enriched with wisdom and motivation that strikes a chord within you.第一点也是最为重要的一点是,他们都充满智慧和激励,能够扣动你的心弦。

24、I know next-to-nothing but what I do know, excites me.我了解的事情很有限,但是我所知道的都在激励着我。 我将注意力转移到关注内心智慧和成为更有意识的人,这样的生活再适合我不过了。

25、The body views sleep loss as stress, and stress encourages people to want to eat carbs, like pasta, bread, or potato chips.身体认为睡眠不足是压力,压力激励人去吃碳水化合物,比如通心粉,面包,或者薯条。

英文句子26:,26、The volleyball match we watched was very exciting.我们看的那场排球赛非常激动人心。

27、When I made the drawing of the baobabs I was carried beyond myself by the inspiring force of urgent necessity.而当我画猴面包树时,有一种急切的心情在激励着我。

28、The hysterical touting by the merchants echo with the desires and cravings from within your heart.环绕你的四周充斥着歇斯底里的叫卖声和内心欲望的激励声;

29、After the draw at Florence, Milan seem to be a more secure, inspired side as they continue the march with a win over Catania.平了佛罗伦萨之后,米兰似乎更安心了,并且激励他们赢了卡坦尼亚。

30、He was enthralled by the exciting story.那激动人心的故事使他听得入神了。

31、The organizing committee chief said it will act as a reminder of their promise to use the Olympic spirit to inspire everyone and reach out to young people around the world.这个会徽抓住了伦敦二○xx年奥运会的核心理念,即通过体育运动和奥运价值激励全世界的青年人。

32、The Asian Gamess will be very exciting.广州亚运会将非常激动人心。

33、We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.对这些令我们内心重燃的人,我们应心存感激。

34、Academia and business always have paid close attention to the deficient problem of the long-term incentive mechanism in our country.长期激励机制匮乏问题一直是我国理论界和实业界最为关注的核心问题。

35、In this competition time, the employee benefits are an important action in attracting, detaining and motivating the talented person.在这个竞争的时代,员工福利是企业吸引人才、留住人才、激励员工的重要举措。

36、If you're a motivated self-starter -- and you can focus your attention and energy towards the pursuit of your goals -- you likely have a high EQ.如果你能自我激励,并能全心全意追逐目标,那么你很可能拥有高情商。

37、We were trying to make a show that was not just entertaining but inspiring. The evidence of our success is provided by the people I meet whose lives are changed by watching this show.我们一直试图制作一齣戏,不只是娱乐还能激励人心,遇到的人们因收看此剧而使生命有所改变,证明我们已成功办到。

38、How do the absorption of knowledge-based talent, nurturing, motivating and retaining work are particularly important.如何做好知识型人才的吸收、培育、激励和保留工作就显得尤其重要了。

39、Nicodemus inspires us in our journey of faith when our status in the community is in jeopardy because we are willing to speak up for Jesus.当我们因甘心为神大胆发言而危及我们的社会地位时,尼哥底母为我们的信心历程带来了很大的激励。

40、Hence, the incentive structure of working contest should change with the psychological preferences of contesters.因此,对心理偏好不同的员工,应该采取不同激励结构的工作竞赛制度。

41、One of the leaders of the research, Suzanne Chamberlain, said: "This increase in heart rate is a sign that arousal encourages them (the students) to be more alert.苏珊妮张伯伦是该研究的带头人之一,她说道:“心率加速是因学生受到激励从而更加敏锐的特征。

42、We just watched an exciting football match.我们刚看了一场激动人心的足球赛。

43、The technological core consists of three parts: thermal excitation, thermal imaging and real-time image processing.其技术核心包括三个部分:热激励、热成像和实时图像处理。

44、New Year Resolution Hoping to excite student interest in our reading center, I asked each teacher to write a New Year's resolution on a special form and send it to me.新年决心书 为了激励同学们对我们阅览中心的兴趣,我请每位老师在一张特制的表格上写一篇新年决心书交给我。

45、Among them, the performance-oriented income incentive mechanism, and so on from salary payment incentive mechanism top management's share holding are the core.其中以绩效为导向的薪酬激励和中高层管理人员持股是新机制的核心部分内容。

46、You also want to learn something new and exciting.你也想学些激动人心的新东西。

47、Anal is taboo, therefore, exciting.菊花是一项传统禁忌,一项引人入胜、激动人心的禁忌。

48、Make good use of the effective factors of promotion to innovate the developing mechanism of HRM.其四,针对员工的有效激励因素进行人力资源开发利用机制的创新;

49、It is suitable for oily skin and can relieve wrinkles, decompose pigment, relieve pigmented spot, promote to scar over.适合油性皮肤,亦能再生除皱,分解色素,抗斑,促进结疤。激励情绪,净化思绪,释放心灵,身心舒松。

50、Gandhi quotes inspired millions of Indians to act in non-violent protest against British oppression.甘地激励了上百万印度人民以非暴力抵抗运动反对英国的殖民统治。

经典英文句子51:激励人心,51、As a result of actuating device, the centerline velocity distribution shows that the amplitude decreases gradually, which represents the radical characteristic of vorticity development.中心线速度的降幅起伏变化分布是由激励器的激振变化引起的,体现了涡量产生、发展变化的基本特征;

52、Objective To establish an method for psychological nursing intervention based on inspiration, so as to reduce labor pain and promote the spontaneous labor.目的探讨建立一种以激励为核心的心理护理干预方法,以期减轻产痛、促进自然分娩。

53、Mirrlees getting the Nobel Prize of economic said that incentive problem is core problem of all economic area.经济学诺贝尔奖得主莫里斯曾说,激励问题是所有经济面临的一个核心问题。

54、So that we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.在我们终于遇到心宜的人时,便应心存感激。

55、Incentive is a major human resources management, it is a modern human resources management in the most important and most basic functions, but also people-centered management of the core problem.激励是人力资源管理的重要内容,它是现代人力资源管理中最重要、最基本的职能,也是以人为本的管理中的核心问题。

56、Find out in this exciting arcade escapade !找出在这个激动人心的商场越轨行为!


标签: 英文

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