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关于”赞美食物美味“的英语句子41个,句子主体:Praise the delicious food。以下是关于赞美食物美味的高考英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Praise the delicious food

法国烹调虽然也追求美味, 但同时还坚持“营养”这一大前提, 一味舍营养而求美味的做法是他们不赞成的。

1、Pursuing the good taste though, French cuisine also sticks to the major premise of nutrition. It disapproves of purchasing the good taste by abandoning nutrition.


2、The Chef, You Gyoung Ae and the owner, Joo Hea Youn, with the delicious yet traditional homemade dishes.


3、Yes, chinese food is delicious. And it is popular in the world.


4、Mr Green cooked a lot of delicious food at the camp last week.


5、These artificial things will be blended so skillfully by food chemists that the food of the future probably will be delicious.


6、Such delicacy food suspends in front of you, you also in and so on what?


7、In Myeongdong, there also have many delicious food and fun things.


8、Finally , we went to Wangfujing Street where we tasted much delicious food.


9、Now let's learn how Armenian bee-keepers get one of the most tasty and healthy products on Earth – honey.

我们都很开心, 俐妈妈经常给我们做许多美味的食物。

10、We are all very happy. Mother always cook a lot of delicious food for us.


11、Food cooked with "Stem Cooker", does not become tough, burnt, turbid and they taste more delicious.


12、A gastronome looks at how fresh the food is, how it is prepared, which flavours are used, and how it is presented.


13、The finding could explain why even the most tempting-smelling in-flight meals taste bland and have the texture of cardboard.

(如果想翻译的更地道一点的话,可以把 delicious 改为 yummy :

14、I love Chinese food because it is delicious and tasty.


15、I want to learn how to cook nice food.


16、Everyone is opening up its big mouth and waiting for the delicious food.


17、Others like their chilies red. Both give color, taste and differing amounts of heat to salads, soups , salsa and other foods.


18、Your very own palace, Charley! You’ll have servants, eat fancy foods and ice cream. . . .


19、My hometown has different foodthe food is excellent and quit cheap It's doesn't pollute. In the restaurantyou can enjoy good service and delicious food .


20、In terms of food, most can be satiated with a little Tabasco.

21、The finding could explain why even the most tempting-smelling in-flight meals taste bland and have the texture of cardboard.这项研究结果解释了为什么即使飞机上的食物色、香俱全,我们也始终感受不到食物的美味,觉得飞机餐“味如嚼蜡”。

22、There’s no classier food than shellfish, except maybe steak soaked in champagne.没有比贝类食物跟美味的了,当然浇上香槟的牛排也不错。

23、And the food is going to be great. It's on a Saturday.食物会特别美味。派对安排在周


24、With 30 years' experiences, here's bak kut teh is delicious and the boss's requirement is high.xx年的老字号,肉骨茶不但美味,老板对食物的要求也很高。

25、We ate the food all up because they are really good.我们把食物都吃的清光因为它们真的很美味可口。

英文句子26:,26、Savor. Slow down and savor everything you eat, everything you do. Breathe before you take each bite, and enjoy each bite.品味。放慢节奏,细细品味你的食物,回味你做的一切。


27、Foods from West Africa to Asia mean that there is something for everyone to enjoy.这些美食来自天南地北,从西非到亚洲,意味著每个人都可以分享自己喜欢的食物。

28、Use Amway's cooker make dishes not only delicious but also healthy.安利皇后牌不锈钢锅煮出来的食物不仅美味而且健康。

29、The smell can make your mouth water.希望对您的学习有帮助

30、Before you complain about the teste of your food.在抱怨食物不够美味前。

31、Pamper yourself with sumptuous buffet at Level One . Indulge in a huge variety of seafood delights, along with tantalizing desserts.壹阶层丰盛美味的自助大餐让您尽情享用各式海鲜,美味的甜点,尽情沉醉在这美食天堂吧!

32、Food tastes better, I have more fun with my family, even work becomes more enjoyable.食物更美味了,和家人相处也更有趣,就连工作都变得令人愉悦。

33、The on-site café and gift shop offer delicate food, souvenirs, and breathtaking views.那的餐厅和礼品店为游客提供美味的食物、纪念品,还有动人的美景。

34、Not only that when we take that food it will digest easily and we can also enjoy the real deliciousness of the food.不但使食物会消化得容易,而且会让人享受到食物的真正美味。

35、Delicious chicken with rice and rawhide. Chewing on it may clean your dogs' teeth.为你的爱犬提供美味的零食。美味的鸡肉加米饭和牛皮。

36、She lights one match. Then she sees much delicious food. She dances with the food. When the flame of the match fades , the food has gone.她划燃了一根火柴。接着她看到了许多美味的食物。她跟食物跳起了舞。但当火柴灭了,事物都消失了。

37、Jane: Yes, chinese food is delicious. And it is popular in the world.是的,中国的食物是美味的。而且它正在流行于世界。

38、Offering Pomme's delicious snacks to your beloved Pets.为你的爱犬提供美味的零食。

39、The food was incredible, and the settings were like nothing I had ever seen.食物无比美味,周围环境布置是我从来没见识过的。

40、All foods can be better with a little bit of salt and pepper.加上一点胡椒,所有的食物都可以变得更加美味。

41、The foods we buy signal to others that we don't just subscribe to Gourmet;we ingest its message of seeking out the finest ingredients.我们买的食物是一个信号,这个信号会传达给其他人,但这并不表示我们就赞同这些食物就是美食;我们吸收了这些食物的信息,而这些信息就是从这些食物中寻找出来的最好的成分。

42、At Quinta Real Acapulco, guests enjoy savory food with a view that's second to none.在阿卡普尔科的客人享受美味的食物,一种观点认为,第二没有。

43、THANK GOD and thanks to Pharmanex . I am now able to smell and taste the food that I eat.我非常感恩上苍和华茂公司,让我能再度享受食物的美味!

44、Another really yummy Romanian treat…it's a hollow dough with sugar &cinnamon coating. It's so good when freshly baked!另一美味罗国小食, 外裹砂糖和肉桂粉的中空面包, 刚出炉热呼呼超赞!

45、By reheating "Stem Cooker" meat becomes more tender and tasty while soup and other dishes become more delicious.用“原味锅”再次加热,可使食物肉质保持香纯美味、好汤好菜更加美味可口。

46、But while the findings could lead to tastier treats, they will disturb food traditionalists by paving the way for an increased number of genetically modified fruits and snacks.尽管这些发现会使美味的食物更美味,但由于它们将引发更多基因改良水果和食品的出现,可能会引起饮食传统主义者的不安。

47、Amercians hold very different attitudes towards taste and nutrition of food.在对待食物的味道和营养上中美两国有很大的差异。

48、Unit 第十二单元赞美 你的品味真不错。

12 Compliments

1. You have really good taste.


49、Gourmands who swore by New York strip are now singing the praises of the more quotidian hanger steak.那些被纽约区咀咒的美食家正在高度赞扬越来越美味的刀切牛排。

50、Herbal cuisine is a special dietary cuisine which combines the effect of medicines and de taste of foods.药膳是一种兼有药物功效和食品美味的特殊膳食。

经典英文句子51:赞美食物美味,51、But, but it's beautiful cuisine and, and so healthy and nourishes you from the inside-out, so.但这些食物真的很美味、健康、还富有营养。

52、Not only was the look of the food fabulous, but also the taste was to die for.婚宴上的食物不仅看起来让人垂涎欲滴,吃起来也是美味异常。

53、Thus they passed many hours, drinking tea, conversing, and eating the good things they had gathered from their field.就这样,他们喝着茶、聊聊天,吃着从地里搜集的美味食物,度过很多美好的时光。

54、A cabinet could be opened at home and a variety of tasty foods are readily available.在家里橱门随时都可以打开,里面各种美味食物信手可拈;

55、Steamed broccoli –crunchy and sweet….You can’t get any better than that!煮的花椰菜,吃起来脆脆的而且甜甜的……你不可能找到比这更美味的食物了!

56、Just really, really tasty food like salami and cheeses and stuff like that.非常非常美味的食物,比如意大利腊肠和芝士这一类的东西。

57、Go back to China! The Indians can cook betterspicy food.回到中国去吧!印度人有能力煮出更美味的辛辣食物。

58、With an ability to cater to gourmands of all budgets with gorgeous local cuisine and produce, Lyon has much to boast about.里昂的厨师们能够用他们精湛的厨艺和当地的食材烹饪出让不同消费群体的美食家们都赞不绝口的食物。

59、My grandma's sister is a cook, she cook very delicious food for us.我姨奶奶是个厨师,她做给我们吃美味的食物。

60、Let 's eat some sea-food. it 's very delicious.让我们吃海食品。它非常美味。

61、If you can eat a good meal today, just remember that many people can’t.如果今天你有美味的食物可以吃,记住还有好多人吃不上饭呢。

62、Delicious street food is ulimately a reflection of the loving care that goes into its preparation.美味的街头食物是一种精心准备的亲切关怀。

63、Get loads of, you can sample the food which is nice.还会得到很多东西,你可以试吃那些美味的食物。

64、I was so hungry that i gobbled the delicious food.我饿极了,所以狼吞虎咽地吃着美味的食物。

65、I will prepare some delicious food and cakes and you are welcome to bring your favorate drinks and side dishes.界时我会准备美味的食物和蛋糕与大家分享。

66、They tend to stay stable during deep frying and then the palatability goes up and the foods taste better, at least according to the food industry.它们还能在油炸中保持稳定,这使得食物口味更佳,吃起来更加美味,至少食品业是这样认为的

67、Tf someone's treating you to dinner, you have no problem with ordering lots of good stuff!如果有别人请客,你一定会毫不客气地点很多美味的食物!

68、The pleasant odour of the savoury and greasy mess blended with the smell of smoke.沾了油荤的美味食物的香味混合着烟味。

69、Other delicacies include marinated reindeer meat and semi-frozen slices of raw river fish – a sort of Yakutian sushi.其它美味食物有卤汁鹿肉和半冰冻的生河鱼片。

70、Okay, who thinks the food is delicious and a little pretension never hurt anyone?好的,有谁觉得食物是很美味的而一点点做作是没关系的?

71、There will be hot showers and hot meals at night with plenty of delicious and nutritious food.将有阵雨,高温热饭,晚上和充沛美味营养的食物。

72、If you want to eat the delicious food, please come to our resturant.如果你想吃到美味的食物,请来我们餐馆。

73、So, you see - healthy foods can be fun and delicious.现在 你知道了吧 健康的食物也可以是美味的 并且很有趣.。

74、How do you make fruit salad Fruit salad is a kind of tasting and healthy food.如何做水果沙拉水果沙拉是一种美味和健康的食物。

75、Upon his arrival in Beijing, he tried many exquisite dishes, Beijing roast duck, lamb kebabs, roast eggplant etc, which he named to be the tastiest foods on earth.刚到北京,他品尝了中国美食—北京烤鸭、羊肉串以及烧茄子等,他称赞为“人间美味”。

英文句子模板76:Praise the delicious food,76、Salt and pepper add flavor to food.盐巴和胡椒为食物增添美味。


标签: 美食

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