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关于”国外的励志名人名言“的英语句子44个,句子主体:Foreign inspirational celebrity quotes。以下是关于国外的励志名人名言的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Foreign inspirational celebrity quotes


1、Also more than 240 Chinese venders were detained for alleged violation including overstaying their visas .


2、Volunteers at the Hongqiao Station greet international visitors in foreign tongues.

3、The boat's crew included four south koreans and three chinese. 船上的船员包括四名韩国人和三名中国人。


4、Wang Rongpei is not only a renowned linguist and educator in China's foreign language circle, but also an eminent translator.

5、the boat's crew included four south koreans and three chinese. 船上的船员包括四名韩国人和三名中国人。


6、One hundred and thirty-eight Indians were killed in the attacks, and 28 foreign nationals lost their lives as well.

省长发言人Sharafuddin Majedi透露,冲突中三名叛乱分子和一名国民军成员被打死。

7、Three insurgents and a militia member were killed in the encounter, said Sharafuddin Majedi, a spokesman for the provincial governor. (REUTERS/ Mohammad Shoiab)


8、To most foreigners, all of these are labeled simply as Chinese food and usually served together without additional information.


9、The school has more than

1,400 international students among its undergraduate population of



1,400 名外国学生。


10、He said the results confirmed his suspicions about ugly British women and said their behaviour abroad left a lot to be desired.

有关官员说,在星期天的坠机中, 34 名泰国人和55 名外国人丧生。

11、Officials say 34 Thais and 55 foreigners were killed in Sunday's crash.


12、"painting as the person" is the maxim.


13、Amongst the 68.5-million Hunanese there are only about

4, 000 resident foreigners.



14、Zhaozhong Xiang is the famous T. V. program moderator in China, particularly noted for being a host for the quize show.


15、Locally dubbed "heaven on earth" for its classical gardens and parks, Suzhou boasts the fifth-largest local GDP in China.


16、Eventually, information on the nationality of the passengers of flight 447 was released by Air France: 61 French citizens, 58 Brazilians, 26 Germans …


17、Zhang Zhijian, spokesman of the Chinese Mountaineering Team, announced Tuesday the squad to carry the Olympic flame to the top of Mount Qomolangma.


18、Mark "Dashan" Rowswell, a Canadian television celebrity in China who gained fame through cross talk, rarely performs anymore.


19、The vessel's crew includes

11 Burmese nationals, eight South Koreans, and two Indonesians.


20、The foreigner's name is Dr Marcel LOYER. He is French. 65 years old, Veterinary surgeon, French senior volunteers.

21、A JLR spokesman said: "We employ 美洲豹的一名发言人称:“我们雇佣了17000名员工,但我们在英国的员工数量将会在xx年达到2万人。

17,000, but our UK payroll number should increase to

20,000 by 2013.

22、He is a great teacher whose wise sayings have influenced many people in different countries.他是一位伟大的先师,他的至理名言影响各国许多人。

23、Jimmy Lin is a famous singer and professional race driver in China.林志颖是中国的著名歌手和专业赛车手。

24、Besides, some foreigners here have Chinese names that see and raise any English names locals have chosen for themselves.另外,一些在这里的外国人,给自己取的中文名也带有本来自己英文名的一点痕迹。

25、His poor health condition is a great barrier for him to finish school.尽管有语言障隘,二名外国学生成为了很要好的朋友。

英文句子26:,26、During the time of adversity in Yongzhou County, Liu Zongyuan cherished the memory of Emperor Shun, voicing his ambition by borrowing the name of Shun.柳宗元在永州身处逆境,怀念舜帝,借圣人之名而言志。

27、Zhao used to be a famous TV host, particularly well-knowned for quiz shows.赵忠祥同志曾是中国赫赫有名的电视节目主持人,尤以主持智力竞赛节目出名。

28、Lee is shown bursting with Chinese pride in a trailer shown at the news conference, bellowing "I am Chinese" to spectators after defeating a foreign opponent.在新闻发布会上播放的电影预告片中,李充满了做为一名中国人的自豪,他在击败一名外国对手后向观众高呼“我是一名中国人”。

29、My name is Qiying Zhang.外国的话是名在前,姓在后。

30、Their books that intellectuals is no exception.言路这名知识分子也不例外。

31、We try to be a bridge between building material markets in China and outside China while we are importing world-known brands.我们在引进国际知名品牌建材的同时也立志于成为沟通中国与海外建材市场的桥梁。

32、Volunteers ride through the country to collect signatures from supporters .志愿者骑车走遍全国收集支持者的签名。

33、To many Chinese, "Chinas number one sister" is a maverick.对许多中国人而言,“中国一姐”是一名特立独行者。

34、A spokesman for Rosoboronexport, the state-owned arms exporter that oversees Russia's foreign arms sales, could not be reached for comment Oct. 俄罗斯国防出口公司的一名负责监督俄对外军售的国有发言人,xx月xx日没有对此事发表任何评论。


35、Not only that, but most Chinese people pick English names during their high school language lessons and use them for dealings with foreigners.不仅仅如此,中国人还在高中的英语课上给自己取英文名字,而且用这些名字和外国人打交道。

36、Zhai Zhigang is famous as the first man who walked in space in China.翟志刚作为中国太空行走第一人而闻名。

37、Sun Zhigang s death resulted in the execution of a detention facility official and prison terms for several others.孙志刚的死亡事件导致一名收容所工作人员被处死,另外数人被判徒刑。

38、The Pennsylvania Dutch are actually from Germany, aka Deutschland.宾夕法尼亚荷兰人实际上来自德意志,又名德国。

39、Can you think of famous characters from the history of other countries?伱能想起外国历史中侑哪些名人吗?。

40、China has been no exception to the world-wide celebrity of Susan Boyle.世界名人苏姗波义耳对中国也不例外。

41、Also, Yingli IFC was recently nominated as Chongqing 2010 Top 此外,英利国际金融公司最近被提名为重庆的重庆晨报xx年十大标志性建筑。

10 landmark building by Chongqing Morning Post.

42、In addition, the blue sky often as names, song names and other proper nouns.此外,蓝天也常作为人名、歌曲名等专有名词。

43、Comrade Zhao Zhongxiang was once a TV programme host of great renown reputation, especially famous for holding quiz programmes.赵忠祥同志曾是中国赫赫有名的电视节目主持人,尤以主持智力竞赛节目出名。

44、Of the 而在1,520名儿童中,910人能说两种语言,380人只能说英语,而230人只会其本国语言。

1, 520 with Asian ancestry, 910 were bilingual, 380 spoke only English, and 230 spoke only a foreign language.

45、Aiming at identifying word-level Chinese place names, Chinese place name candidates are generated with statistics information and internal characteristics of place names.中国地方名候选人的针对在确定字级中国人名,地名,生成统计信息和内部特征的地名。

46、Outside of China, even staff have trouble pronouncing its name.在中国以外,工作人员甚至为公司名称的发音犯难。

47、Additionally, the lowest ranked member of the Chinese top 25 was 315th overall;此外,中国的25家大银行在排名中最低的是第315名;

48、Register a domain name with your name and redirect to your blog.注册一个国际域名并且指向你的网志。

49、30 is charged from per foreign applicant.外籍报名者,每人报名费30美元。

50、Protection for domestic industry is admittedly discriminatory .保护本国工业是种名正言顺的歧视。

经典英文句子51:国外的励志名人名言,51、It was only Nietzsche's notoriety abroad that belatedly secured the attention of his people .只有当尼采在国外的名声,才过晚地获得他国人的注意。

52、A Japanese foreign ministry spokesman, Hidenobu Sobashima, said the two officials discussed the disputed territory, but in general terms.日本外务省一名发言人侧岛秀展说,两国外长曾经谈到有关这项领土争论的问题,但仅止于一般性的讨论。

53、A famous poet Xin Qiji(1140-1207 A. D. ) who lived in Southern Song Dynasty was always full of ambition .南宋著名爱国词人辛弃疾(1140-1207)一贯志向远大。

54、This study mainly deals with a special kind of abstract nouns—"shell nouns"and their linguistic environments.本文主要研究一类特殊的抽象名词—“外壳名词”及其周围的语言环境。

55、France is also sending an extra 300 soldiers to Ivory Coast, military spokesman Thierry Burkhard told AFP.法国也派出300名士兵到一个额外的象牙海岸,军方发言人告诉法新社蒂埃里布克哈德。

56、Early risers perform traditional morning exercises on the Bund, Shanghai's famous riverfront boulevard. Stretching and low-impact exercise have been staples in Chinese culture for centuries.早起的人们在外滩进行传统的晨练活动,外滩是上海著名的河边大街。伸展和慢动作是几个世纪以来中国文化的标志。

57、Jean-Do was a well-known French journalist and author and editor of the French fashion magazine ELLE.让-多是法国时尚杂志ELLE的知名记者、撰稿人和编辑。

58、Shanghai Foreign Language School Affiliated To Shanghai International Studies University is one of the most famous foreign language schools in China.上海外国语大学附属外国语学校,中国最知名的具有外国教学语言优势的中学之

59、Cameron said, "I thought they were foreigners. They said they had to learn our language. And they talked funny. ""卡默伦说:“我当他们是外国人。他们说的,要学我们的语言。而且他们说的话莫名其妙。”

60、Many od the world ' s top designer names are French .良多外径世界最顶尖的设计师的名字是法国人。

61、The Italian Foreign Ministry said a 22-year-old Italian woman was killed while another Italian was injured.意大利国外部门表示有一名xx岁的意大利女士死亡,另一名意大利人受伤。

62、As of Tuesday, 170 vessels, and nearly 截至星期二,有170艘船只,近7500名工作人员参与清理工作,另外还有2000名志愿者协助。

7,500 personnel are involved in the cleanup efforts, with an additional

2,000 volunteers assisting.

63、He was writing to a foreign--a French--correspondent.在写给一名外国,一名法国记者的信中

64、In addition, 30 drivers proudly featured the Autism Speaks logo on their cars during the race.此外,有三十名赛车手在赛程中把“孤独症代言人”的标志自豪地贴在自己的车身上。

65、Zhao Zhongxiang was a famous TV presenters in China, especially famous in chairing for brains Quiz.赵忠祥同志曾是中国赫赫有名的电视节目主持人,尤以主持智力竞赛节目出名。

66、In terms of relative ranking, there is no change except the swapping of adjacent positions between Sarah Liao and York Chow, and between Patrick Ho and Arthur Li.至于相对排名方面,除了廖秀冬和周一岳,及何志平和李国章的邻接名次互调外,其馀都没有什麽变化。

67、The Russian spokesman said the Chinese sailor fell overboard during the collision between the two ships.这名俄罗斯发言人表示,那名落海的中国船员是在两船相撞时落海的。

68、'Our aim is to drive people back in to Britain's libraries whether they are reading chick-lit, science fiction or a celebrity autobiography. '我们的目的是鼓励英国人重拾阅读的习惯,不论是读通俗言情( 趟过女人河小说言情)、科幻小说还是名人自传,都很不错!

69、He is nationally renowned for its rural Technology iron man.他就是全国闻名的身残志坚的农村科技铁人姜德明。

70、There will be about 300 participants, including 260 foreign delegates and 40 Chinese delegates.出席会议人数约300人,其中260名国外代表,40名中方代表。

71、Here, Chinese and foreigners get to choose their own appellations in each other's languages.但是现在中国人要取洋名字,外国人也要取中文名字。


标签: 英文 励志 名人 名言

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