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关于”邀请信“的英语句子25个,句子主体:Invitation Letter。以下是关于邀请信的高中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Invitation Letter


1、Have you already received your invitation?


2、Our website is starts and invites for registration, please fill in the invitation code!


3、Yes. I have the program description(with signature), C's invitation letter and recommendation letter .


4、When someone invites you to a party, dinner or social gathering, say yes.


5、If invited to a meal at a restaurant, the person extending the invitation usually pays. Do not argue about the check; simply reciprocate at a later time.


6、The UI dialog to accept or reject an invitation from a peer contact also indicates that that the inviter is trusted.


7、Please help Kitty write an invitation to her parents.


8、Your invitation code appears to be invalid. Codes only last for seven days; it's possible that yours is older.


9、I'm writing is to invite you to stay.


10、Iff you could invite a famous person over for dinner, who would it be?


11、She writes a letter to Tommy and Annika inviting them to the party.

12、to give a rain check 改天的邀请


13、B: Well, if you invite Alice, you should invite Frank, too.


14、Invitation - based bidding refers to the bid tendering of specified entities and individuals invited by means of letters of invitation for tendering bids.

15、rain check (比赛因雨改期时作为入场凭证的)入场券票根 take a rain check on (因被邀请者不能应邀时)保留改日邀请的表示


16、This invitation contains

2 ICBs, 53pages, please get received.

2 个招标邀请,53页内容,请收悉。


17、This invitation contains

2 ICBs, 37 pages, please get received.

2 个招标邀请,37页内容,请收悉。


18、This invitation contains

4 ICBs, 73pages, please get received.

4 个招标邀请,73页内容,请收悉。


19、The minister invites the people to the Lord's table and then gives thanks to God.


20、Please answer the invitation as soon as possible.

21、This invitation contains 本邀请书共

2 ICBs,

5 kits, 106pages, please get received.

2 个招标邀请,

5 套医药设备,106页内容,请收悉。

22、A man got an invitation to a party which said 'Red Tie Only'.一个男人收到聚会的邀请信,上面写着:只能系红色领带。

23、I'm writing in response to your invitation to guests who have recently stayed at your hotel to suggest ways in which you could further improve your service.我是看过你们给最近落脚贵宾馆的客人的邀请函后写此信的,你们在信中邀请客人做些提议,以便你们可以进一步改善服务。

24、Pastor Wang will be preaching this coming Sunday, please pray for the sermon and join us.下主日将由王蓝田牧师传讲信息请代祷,并邀请朋友参加。

25、Letters of invitation should be brief, clear, and sincere.邀请信的语言应简洁明了,而且真诚。

英文句子26:,26、Both the postcards and Ocean Engineering invitation cards do not have envelopes.静思语明信片及海洋工程系邀请柬都没有信封。

27、accept an invitation ;接受邀请用的是accept这个词,千万不要用get an invitation,用get是指收到邀请。

28、To apply for a WAO Invited Lecturer in 2007, please fill out the online application.如需邀请xx年度WAO特邀讲者,请填写在线申请表。

29、邀请朋友参加博览会邀请函 Invite friends to participate in the Expo

30、I invited him to dine, but he declined my invitation with thanks.我邀请他吃饭,但他婉言谢绝了我的邀请。

31、If the inviter is studying in Canada, a letter of acceptance from the school.如果邀请人在加学习,校方出具的录取信。

32、To arrange the invitation letter from the related parly ;联系相关的境外邀请信;

33、Once the deposit received, confirmation letter, invoice and invitation letter (for visa purposes) will be emailed.学校确认后,我们将寄出确认信、收据及学校邀请信(以作签证用途)。

34、That invitation was to a dinner party hosted by one of Jordans royals.一封来自约旦皇室家族邀请参加晚宴的邀请信。

35、My wife was still receiving credit card offers at her mom’s house, so they took advantage of the offers and of my wife’s excellent credit.由于仍有邀请寄到我岳母家邀请妻子开信用卡,她们便利用这些邀请和妻子良好的资信开启了信用卡.

36、Never ask to bring a guest unless the invitation states "Mr. Louis Winthorp and Guest".如果邀请函上没有说明“邀请某某先生和朋友,就不能向邀请方要求带客人。

37、Design and print purchaser invitation for inviting purchasers to exhibition.设计印刷采购商邀请函,邀请采购商前来采购。

38、Dear Manager, I'm writing in response to your invitation to guests who have recently stayed at your hotel to suggest ways in which you could further improve your service.我是看过你们给最近落脚贵宾馆的客人的邀请函后写此信的,你们在信中邀请客人做些提议,以便你们可以进一步改善服务。

39、Tommy and Annika are so happy when they find the letter.托米和阿妮卡看到邀请信后非常高兴。

40、One day a messenger arrived at Cinderella’s home with an invitation.一天,一个信使带着一份邀请到达了灰姑娘家。

41、I received a letter of invitation, but I didn't accept.我收到了一封邀请信,但是我没有接受。

42、We have an invitation.有人邀请我们。

43、ALI: It takes too long to invite people by mail. I got lost.因为写信邀请人太慢。 我迷路了。

44、 We look forward to seeing you in China very soon。 Yours sincerely, 邀请人姓名 邀请人职务 邀请人公司名称 邀请人公司签证。

45、Important: When applying for a visa you will be asked for a letter of invitation from the ABK Stuttgart.重要提示:当您为将的邀请从ABK信息斯图加特信要求申请签证。

46、G. joint doctoral training in the invitation letter should indicate the level of foreign language to be invited to meet the person receiving the request.联合培养博士生应在邀请信中注明被邀请人外语水平符合接受方要求。

47、Would you mind helping me fax out these letters?可否劳烦你帮我用传真发出这些邀请信?

48、Glen: And please invite Rumei and Yunbo, too.格伦:请邀请如梅、云波一起来。

49、The inviter's birth certificate.邀请人的出生证明。

50、I received his invitation letter to the party but I didn't.我收到了他的聚会邀请信,但是我没接受邀请。

经典英文句子51:邀请信,51、I've been thinking of asking Sue, but then again, I thought I might ask Ann.我在想着邀请苏,但过一会儿我又觉得我该邀请安。

52、Through a regrettable oversight I failed to send you an invitation.十分抱歉,由于我的疏忽,我没有给你发邀请信。

53、Call new contacts to invite them to events, or to pass on information.通过联系新人来邀请他们参加活动,或者传递信息。

54、Here is my passport and invitation letter.这是我的护照和邀请信。

55、Thank you for the allurement.感激你的邀请。

56、However, you have not provided an invitation letter from either son.但是,你没有提供你两个儿子任意一个的邀请信。

57、Get your invation card at church's counter and invite your friend.在教会柜台索取你的邀请卡并邀请你的朋友。

58、He invited her to sit at his table. “I have a message for you, ” he said.他邀请她坐到他那一桌,然后说∶“我有信息要给你。”

59、An invitational tender means that a tenderer, in the form of invitation for submission of bid, invites specified legal persons or other specified organizations to submit their bids.邀请招标,是指招标人以投标邀请书的方式邀请特定的法人或者其他组织投标。


标签: 万能 邀请信 邀请

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