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关于”季节的诗“的英语句子4个,句子主体:Seasonal Poetry。以下是关于季节的诗的初一英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Seasonal Poetry

1、For nature, it is a time of sowing, of scattering abroad. (Edwin Teale) 对于自然来说,这就是播种的季节,散布的季节。

2、We all have good days and bad days, good seasons and bad seasons. 我们都有开心的日子和糟糕的日子,美好的季节和不美好的季节。

3、The summer autumn for the main morbidity season, other seasons also has disperses in the occurrence. 夏秋季为主要发病季节,其他季节也有散在发生。

4、She employs a wide range of stanza from three - line stanzas to twelve - line stanzas, and the variation of the rhyme scheme makes her poems ease and graceful. 从三行诗节到十二行诗节在她的诗中都有运用,各种韵式变化使诗歌显得自然流畅。

5、Let's read Psalms 39:12-13 and 126:1-6. 我们来朗读《诗篇》第39篇12节和13节,以及《诗篇》126篇第1节至第6节。

6、青涩的季节又已离我远去莲的心事 诗/,就是, Who knows the mind of a lotus flower。

7、Why do you number the 1st stanza as the 3rd and the ending stanza as the 788th while there are factually only 13 stanzas in "The Manufacture of Negative Experience" in With Strings? 在您的诗集《带着弦乐》中有一首诗《否定性经验的制造》,这首诗共13节,您却把第1节标注为第3节,而第13节标注为第788节,这是为什么?

8、The peak of the incidence was in summer. 夏季为本病的发病高峰季节。

9、Cool autumn, yellow leaves, the season of harvest, poem. 凉爽的秋天,金黄的落叶,丰收的季节,如诗如画。

10、This year, the kapok blooming season is the most I want to your season, is also our most distant distance of one year season. 今年,木棉花开的季节是我最想你的季节、也是我们距离一零年最远的季节。

11、A short closing stanza in certain verse forms, such as the ballade or sestina, dedicating the poem to a patron or summarizing its main ideas. 结尾诗节:在一些特定诗体,如民谣体或六节六行体结尾处的短节,一般为向保护人的献辞或全诗的总结。

12、Her first collection of poetry, The Unlooked - for Season, published in 1960, won her a Gregory Award. 她的首部诗集《 不期而遇的季节》出版于xx年, 为她赢得了格雷戈里奖。

13、Flowering Season: Summer, Fall (early). 开花季节: 夏,秋季(早期) 。

14、Habitat-haul Harvest time Harvest time was the best time of the year. 收割季节 收割季节是xx年中的最好时间。

15、In the Season Fragrant with Durians consists of three parts: part I "poems" includes 20 short poems, 12 quatrains , and 28 minipoems; 《在榴莲飘香的季节》分为三辑:第一辑“诗”,包括短诗20首、极短诗12首、微型诗28首;

16、His verse has the sing-song rhythm of a poetaster . 他的诗句有着蹩脚诗人的单调的节律。

17、Winter could be beautiful even without snow, it is the season of trees who write poems upon sky. 无雪的冬天依然美丽,冬天是树以大自然的语言在天空写诗的季节。

18、Autumns and winters were High-occurrence seasons for the flu. 秋季和冬季是流感的高发季节。

19、Autumn is the harvest season. 秋是收获的季节。

20、If spring is the season for love, is summer the season for divorce? 如果说春天是恋爱的季节,那夏天就是离婚的季节?

21、Autumn is a very warm waves of poetic golden harvest season, is also a new beginning. 秋是一个充满浪温诗情的金色丰收季节,也是一个新故事的开始。

22、This is gossamer season. 这是游丝的季节。

23、Places and seasons play an integral role in your poetry, both lyrically and theatrically. 地点和季节在你的诗歌中扮演了一个不可或缺的角色,作用于抒情和戏剧化。

24、This poem has five stanzas. 这首诗有五小节。

25、When Spring. Flower to flower. 春暖花开的季节。


26、The intraseasonal change of summer monsoon played an important role in the climatic anomaly of the rainfall in China. It is still very difficult to pr… 夏季风的季节内变化对夏季降水异常具有重要影响,而短期气候预测对夏季风季节内变化的预测还是一个难点。

27、Spring is planting season for the sows, and training time for the boars. 春季,对于母猪来说是播种季节,对于公猪则是练兵时节。

28、Spring , summer , fall and winter are four seasons. 我喜欢的季节是春、夏、秋、冬四个季节。

29、There's a rhyme and reason to the wild outdoors, when the heart of this star-crossed voyager beats in time with yours. 当这迷茫浪者的心和你一起跳动时,这就是诗样的韵律,一个野外的季节.。

30、There are four seasons in a year. My favorite season is。 xx年有四个季节,我最喜欢的季节是。

31、It's also Poet's Day. 它也是诗人节。

32、Autumn is spider breeding season. 秋季是蜘蛛繁殖的季节。

33、Therefore, thinking of spring… Ahhh… this is the season among the four seasons of the year which I feel ashamed! 因此,说起春天…啊…这个季节是xx年四季中我感到羞愧的季节。

34、Summer is the season of BBQs, bathing suits… and the blues? 夏天是享受烧烤、日光浴的季节,也是忧伤的季节?

35、The length of menstruation also show a seasonal variation from 22-25 days in reproductive season to 45-46 days in non-reproductive season. 月经周期长度季节性变化显著,繁殖季节月经周期(22一25天)显著短于非繁殖季节(45一46天)。

36、So autumn is a blatantly vital season, contrary to the allegations of sorrowful poets who misconstrue the message of dying leaves. 因此秋天是一个喧嚣重要的季节,和误会垂死树叶的信息的悲伤诗人的断言相反。

37、Whenever you come, you will find Hunan a Chinese painting of landscape and an eclogue of the East. 无论什么季节,湖南都是一幅中国山水画,一首东方田园诗。

38、Frost's Descent is the last solar term in autumn, and it is also the transition period from autumn to winter. 霜降是秋季的最后一个节气,也是秋季到冬季的过渡节气。

39、P. gutturosa seasonal migration result in seasonal distribution. 黄羊季节性的迁徙,导致了分布的季节性。

40、My favourite season is definitely winter, because I was born in winter. 瘿我最喜欢的季节是冬季,因为我是在冬季出生的。

41、Plus, in spring and summertime –silkworm time –we made about 4,000 Yuan. 除此之外,在春季和夏季,养蚕的季节,我们赚到4,000元。

42、Each plate signifies a different season - Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer. 每个板标志着不同的季节 - 秋季,冬季,春季和夏季。

43、Her first collection of poetry, The Unlooked -for Season, published in 1960, won her a Gregory Award. 她的首部诗集《不期而遇的季节》出版于xx年,为她赢得了格雷戈里奖。

44、Selvam: My favorite season is winter. 我最喜爱的季节是冬季。

45、Villanelle: An intricate verse form of French origin, consisting of several three-line stanzas and a concluding four-line stanza. 维拉内拉诗:起源于法国的一种精美的诗歌形式,它由若干个三行诗节和结尾的一个四行诗节组成。

46、Mars's seasons last roughly two seasons on Earth; it is now summertime in the southern Martian hemisphere. 火星的季节可粗略地分成地球上的两个季节;它的南半球此时处于夏季。

47、It's the best season. 这是最美的季节。

48、The rhythmic pattern of a stanza, determined by the kind and number of lines. 韵律一个诗节的韵律格式,由诗节中诗行的类型和数量而定。

49、Spenserian stanza: A nine-line stanza with the following rhyme scheme: ababbabcc. 斯宾塞诗节:斯宾塞诗节是有九行组成的诗节,其押韵形式通常为ababbabcc。

50、I love all the seasons and don't want the others to get jealous. 我热爱每一个季节,我不希望其它的季节觉得我厚此薄彼。


51、Spring is a fantastic time for birding as many seasonal migrants return and nesting season begins. 春季是观鸟的绝佳时候,因为很多季节性的候鸟飞回来了,鸟儿营巢的季节也开始了。

52、Today I learned three verses of a poem at school. 今天我在学校里学了诗的三个诗节。

53、Autumns and winters were high-occurrence seasons for the flu. 秋冬季是流感的高发季节。

54、The verse form of Shelley's "Ode to the West Wind" has five strophes, and each strophe is exactly the same in form. 《西风颂》,有五个诗节,每一个诗节的形式相同。

55、The seasonal variation index (SVI) is used to fit the seasonal trend of power load. 季节变动指数(SVI)用来拟合电力负荷的季节性趋势。

56、Ah! ! Spring is a colourful season, I like the season of hope. 啊!春天真是一个多姿多彩的季节,我喜欢这充满希望的季节。 镣。

57、Graduate season is a sad and busy season. 毕业季是一个忧伤和忙碌的季节。


标签: 初一 季节

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