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关于”表达建议的功能句型“的英语句子58个,句子主体:Expression of suggested functional sentence patterns。以下是关于表达建议的功能句型的八级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Expression of suggested functional sentence patterns


1、The thermal power and efficiency of the heat engine and their relationship are induced, computed and discussed according to the model.


2、Expression trees are a powerful feature in any language.

Rational System Architect 提供了功能以构建能够代表防御架构框架部(DoDAF)的模型。 自动生成的 DoDAF 加工产品以及报告。

3、Rational System Architect provides the capabilities for building models representing Department of Defense (DoD) architectures, auto-generating DoDAF work products and reports.


4、The interactional and expressive functions of a language are restricted by extra linguistic message.


5、Objective:To establish an in vitro human pseudo-epidermis model with epidermis-like water permeation barrier function.


6、Originally, the Process Chart was intended as a diagram to model processes without swimlanes; the Process Map provided swimlane capability.


7、Function of differentia expression gene known: There are

8 kinds.


8、Create a menu.


9、Regular expression parsers are powerful.

业务用例模型, 建模“目前的”业务功能。

10、a business use-case model, modeling the functions of the "as is" business.


11、We constructed a new type gene encoding human TNP-o by using polymerase chain reaction CPCR technique. The gene was highly expressed in E. coli.


12、The third occasion where defining contracts using Boolean expressions raises issues is non-functional contracts.


13、If you follow her sapient advice, you will be sure to succeed.

“ 磨练构建正则表达式模式的技能”(developerWorks,2006 年

14、" Hone your regexp pattern-building skills" (developerWorks, July 2006): This article gives examples of powerful, real-world regular expressions that can increase your office productivity.

7 月):这篇文章提供了功能强大的、实际使用的正则表达式的示例,它们可以提高您的办公工作效率。


15、WTLS protocol is such a typical secure transport protocol, which has the upper functions.


16、Results RAW264.

7 cells show TRAP-negative with monocyte or

2 nucleus, expressing osteoclast phenotypic and functional genes without capability of absorbing bone tissue.

会议中心装修豪华,设施先进,功能齐全,场景壮观,可接纳600 人的大型国际国内会议和各类中小型会议。

17、The superbly decorated conference center, advanced facilities, complete function and grand spectacle, can accommodate 600 people to hold different kinds of meetings.


18、They were listed as follows: Serum amyloid A and Serum amyloid A1. Identified in the study could be associated with the pathogenesis of HBV-related primary hepatic carcinoma.


19、If you do want editing capability, I’d also recommend taking a look at QuickOffice.

此外,他建议FIT应该被用于交叉功能测试(cross-functional test)

20、Instead he recommended that FIT be used for cross-functional testing

21、That the over expression of wild type p 表达野生型p16的H460细胞与对照相比,大部分停滞于G1期,说明表达的P16蛋白具有功能活性。

16 caused G1 arrest suggested the wild type P16 protein expressed in H460 cell line to be a functional protein.

22、Methods Different domains of STAT6 were amplified by PCR technique and ligated respectively into the prokaryotic expression vector.方法:采用PCR技术,体外扩增STAT6分子的不同功能域,扩增后的目的基因分别构建于表达载体。

23、While most of these functions are self explanatory, the Map tab allow dynamic conditions to be built (using the Expression Builder) that dynamically change the display value of a report element.大多数功能都是自说明的,映射标签页允许动态构建(使用表达式构建器),以使得报表元素的显示值可以动态改变。

24、The up regulation of inducible nitric oxide synthase ( iN OS ) often negatively modulates myocardial function.诱导型一氧化氮合酶的诱导表达往往导致心肌的收缩功能下降。

25、Horizontal menus are created with the HTML List feature.横向菜单由HTML列表功能创建。

英文句子26:,26、AIM To express and to purify recombinant tenascin R domains and to study their functions.目的将肌腱蛋白- R不同功能片段在原核中表达、纯化,并研究其初步的生物学功能。

27、Construction of the prokaryotic expression vector provided a foundation for further studying the function of NS1 protein and preparation of NS1 antibody.该表达载体的构建为获得大量NS1蛋白进行功能研究及抗体制备提供了基础。

28、Conclusions— Cardiac-specific oerexpression of A20 improves cardiac function and inhibits cardiac remodeling, apoptosis, inflammation, and fibrosis after acute myocardial infarction.结论:心脏特异型过表达A20改善心脏功能,抑制急型心肌梗死后的心脏重建、凋亡、炎症和间质纤维化。

29、MQL provides a powerful expression ability to query data from complex models, such as a left inner joint query against model objects.MQL 提供一个功能强大的表达能力用于从复杂模型中查询数据,例如一个基于模型对象的左内联查询。

30、It is concluded that the translators' habitus could affect their instructive functions, which in turn act on the effects of the target discourse.研究发现,译者们的思维习惯影响他们对信息表达功能的使用,而信息表达功能的使用又会进一步对整个目的语篇的效果产生影响。

31、The mansion is intended to perform representative functions.这座宅邸意在表现代议制功能。

32、The hotel exclusively provides multi-function meeting rooms and projection and audio & video equipments for small meetings.酒店还专为小型会议配套有多功能型会议室,投影音像设备齐全。

33、Your surgeon may advise you about means to help your bowel function postoperatively.医生可能建议你一些方法,以帮助你术后肠功能的恢复。

34、Objective: To offer some suggestions about how to diagnose and treat the early stage of hypothyroidism combined with chronic renal failure.目的:提出一些关于早期诊治甲状腺功能减退症合并慢性肾功能不全的建议。

35、The functional expression of DNA binding domain of Zif268 will greatly facilitate the development of in vivo genetic selection assay for the study of Zinc fingers-DNA interaction.锌指DNA结合区在大肠杆菌中的功能性表达成功为锌指蛋白DNA相互作用的胞内遗传筛选模型的建立奠定了基础。

36、They say he may have advised Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan.他们说,他可能建议陆军少校尼达尔马利克哈桑。

37、Its expressive function is closely connected with the time feature.其表达功能与重叠式的时间特征有密切关系。

38、Objective To construct recombinant Mycobacterium smegmatis expressing ESAT-6 of the human pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis.目的构建表达结核分枝杆菌ESAT-6基因的重组耻垢分枝杆菌并对其免疫功能进行研究。

39、Tomato structural-functional model was set up to investigate the effect of different light environment on tomato morphology structure.为研究不同光截获对番茄植株形态结构的影响,基于结构-功能互反馈建模原理建立了番茄结构-功能模型。

40、The primer was designed based on consensus sequence from RRM RNA binding protein gene family. The results showed that there were stable expressed fragments among the different mRNA samples.不同材料间具有稳定表达的组成型RRM RNA结合蛋白基因,同时具有丰富的差异表达的具调控功能的RRM RNA结合蛋白基因。

41、Creates a new list of feature providers associated with the feature connector, based on the provided type.会根据所提供的型别,建立与功能连接器相关联之功能提供者的新清单。

42、Conclusion: A stable cell line expressing P37 regularly was established, which provides a good cell model for studying p37 function and its molecular mechanism.结论已建立受四环素调控的P37高效表达细胞系,为进一步研究p37的功能和作用机制提供了实验细胞模型。

43、We have function meeting room with projection and sound equipments for you.酒店还专为小型会议配套有多功能型会议室,投影音像设备齐全。

44、Thirdly, stake holders and users who occasionally suggest new terminology may need an even smaller subset of capabilities.偶尔建议新词汇的其他相关人员和用户需要的功能可能更少。

45、Objective To investigate the functional expression of a truncated VEGF-C gene in mammalian cells.目的研究人血管内皮生长因子C(VEGF- C)基因功能片段的表达功能及表达活性。

46、UML(Unified Modeling Language)is a Modeling Language which is well-defined, easy-expressed, powerful and widely-applicable. Firstly, the article introduces essential terms of UML .UML( 标准建模语言)是一种定义良好、易于表达、功能强大且普遍适用的建模语言。

47、Function types are indeed the natural way to represent the type of a lambda expression, but unfortunately they interact badly with an existing language "feature": erasure.函数类型确实是表现 lambda 表达式类型的一种自然方法,但遗憾的是它们无法与现有语言功能 “擦除 (erasure)” 很好地进行交换。

48、According to Buhler's classification of the language function, the English translator, translation theorist Newmark has divided texts into three types, namely expressive, informative and vocative.英国翻译家,翻译理论家纽马克根据布勒对语言功能的分类将文本分成了三种类型,即表达型,信息型和号召型。

49、Overexpression of TLR2 and TLR4 may induce structural and functional damage to organs.过度表达的TLR2、TLR4可能造成组织、器官结构和功能损害。

50、Meeting and Business Center The great hotel holds business center, big and small meeting room, multi-function auditorium which can hold more than 400 persons.大酒店拥有商务中心、大小型会议厅、多功能会议厅能容纳400人。

经典英文句子51:表达建议的功能句型,51、Remarks: suggest to use with Edge Sensor Device.建议搭配电眼检知之功能装置功能使用。

52、} expressions, such as deferred evaluation and the option to set the value of an EL expression.} 表达式的其他功能,比如延迟求值和设置 EL 表达式的值。

53、These commands will create a fully functional conference application.这些命令将创建一个功能齐全的会议应用程序。

54、This model describes the managed object classes and their properties for the performance monitoring function, as defined in Recommendation G. 784 and as related to SDH Network Elements.这个模型描述了适用于性能监视功能的被管理对象类别及其特性,建议G.784给出了与SDH网络单元相关的性能监视功能。

55、Meanwhile, the mass media completes the agenda setting work with "media events", and reach the aquirement of patriotic education by "cultivation".小英雄形象通过构建“媒介事件”等方式,实现议程设置功能,并通过“涵化”达到爱国主义教育的目的。

56、Therefore, recombinant gH proteins can be expressed in vitro in E. coli, which helped for further research on gH function and DEV detecting method.鸭瘟病毒gH蛋白的成功表达,将有助于开展该基因功能的研究和血清学检测方法的建立。

57、Objective To construct eukaryotic expression vector of antisense MBD1 gene fragment and to provide a tool for studying MBD1 gene function.目的构建反义MBD1基因片段真核表达载体,为研究MBD1基因功能提供工具。

58、Therefore, we propose to establish governance functions in SOA engagements.因此,我们建议在 SOA 项目中建立治理功能。

59、The thesis shows a detailed model building process of the compression strength neural networks for CFRC with BP algorithms adopted. The result shows that the BP networks can be succ…阐述了采用BP算法建立碳纤维混凝土抗压强度神经网络模型的过程,仿真结果表明,BP网络可成功地建立非线性的强度模型,预测强度可达到较高精度。

60、Ciwujia capsule can protect the colon tissue of depressed rats by changing the levels of MDA, SOD and the expression of COX 刺五加胶囊可能通过改变抑郁模型大鼠结肠组织MDA ,SOD和COX 2的表达来改善其结肠的功能。


61、Firstly, the undirected graph model in product structure domain, the directed graph model in product function domain, and the vector table model in customer requirement domain were constructed.分别构建了产品结构域无向图模型、功能域有向图模型和需求域向量表模型。

62、The medium multi-purpose hall(YIZHENGTING), located on the 12th floor, has reception capacity of 40 persons for conference.中型多功能厅(议政厅)位于酒店十二楼,容纳40 人的会议。

63、A thermoelastic model of functionally gradient material plates is developed.建立了梯度功能材料板的热弹性分析模型。

64、The regular expression .*MSIE.* accomplishes this.正则表达式 .*MSIE.* 实现了此功能。

65、The EcmaScript component offers only the core language features -- the primitive data types, expression evaluation, flow control, etc.EcmaScript 组件只提供核心语言功能 -- 原始数据类型、表达式赋值和流量控制等等。

66、A lot of the Visual Studio functionality requires an expression evaluator.许多Visual Studio功能需要一个表达式运算器。

67、In this method, the object oriented model of the equipment is built based on the function and dynamical model. This model describes the structural and functional character of equipment completely.这种方法在现有的设备定义方法的基础上,通过建立设备的功能模型、动态模型,建立起面向对象的设备模型,全面描述设备的结构特性及其功能特性。

68、There were objections from Latin America on trade-related issues.代表们几近不能达成最终协议,(因为)有来自拉丁美洲关于贸易相关事务的异议。


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