离异翻译为英语通常说作: [古生] divergence,在日常中也可以翻译为" divorce",在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到47个与离异相关的翻译和例句。
1. [古生] divergence
离异翻译为 [古生] divergence 。
1、She owned and operated three McDonald's shops in Illinois, but as a divorced mother of three boys, she yearned for a business that would provide for her children and let her spend more time with them.
2. divorce
离异翻译为 divorce 。
示例:对离异的人来说,圣诞节是个令人沮丧的节日。 For divorced people, Christmas can be a downer.
3. porced
离异翻译为 porced 。
示例:超过半数以上父母离异的孩子不能时常见到无监护权的家长。 More than half the children of divorce did not see the noncustodial parent on a regular basis.
4. dissociaton
1. divorsion( 离异)
2. Exody( 离异)
3. divorced cementite(离异渗碳体)
4. divorcible( 离异的)
5. dissociaton([计] 分解, 离散, 离异)
英语短语&俚语, Cardboard Box Assembler ( 逃离异次元杀阵 )
Out of This Worl Another World Outer World ( 逃离异世界 )
divorced cementite ( 离异渗碳体 )
divorce from bed and board ( 桌床离异 )
divorced ( 离异的 )
quantum contract ( 数量离异 )
divorced families the single parent family divorce family ( 离异家庭 )
Divorced Eutectoid Transformation ( 离异共析 )
1. i come from a broken home.
2. And i know other divorced people think about this.
3. You do know about her parents' divorce, right?
4. i'm a divorced man. i have two children.
5. He was 44, divorced, his backyard overrun with crabgrass.
译文:他xx岁,离异,后院长满了杂草。 。
6. if you put 39, put divorced or widowed.
译文:如果你填xx岁 就必须加上"丧偶"或者"离异"。
7. Four sisters, parents divorced, her father's here in L.A.
8. See, my parents were divorced
20 years ago.
9. He came from Michigan. Broken home, alcoholic mother.
译文:他来自密歇根州的离异家庭 母亲酗酒。
10. Kids don't like it when their parents get divorced.
11. The Psychological Defects of Singl-parent Family Children
12. Maybe Cody's a divorced dad, kid's in the class.
译文:可能Cody是个离异老爸 孩子在那堂课上。
13. i mean, as a child of divorce, i just...
译文:我是说 对离异家庭的孩子 我...。
14. Shortly after, my parents got separated, and i came to Turkey with my mom.
译文:不久后,我父母离异, 我与母亲来到土耳其。。
15. They're like divorced parents, and i'm the kid stuck in the middle.
译文:他们像离异父母 我是夹在中间的小孩。
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