利大于弊英语怎么说 英语

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利大于弊翻译为英语通常说作:advantages outweigh disadvantages,还网络中常译为" do more good than harm",在《实用英语词典》中,共找到99个与利大于弊相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. advantages outweigh disadvantages

利大于弊翻译为advantages outweigh disadvantages。

示例:适度饮酒,利大于弊。 Benefits of Moderate Drinking May Still Outweigh risks.


2. do more good than harm

利大于弊翻译为 do more good than harm 。

示例:献血利大于弊,因此应该在科学指导下鼓励人们献血。 Blood donation does more good than harm, so it should be encouraged under scientific instructions.


3. do more good than harm

利大于弊翻译为do more good than harm。


1、Personally I believe that RFID, and Internet of Things in general (RFID is just an enabling technology), will bring more good than bad.


4. gains outweigh los ses

利大于弊翻译为 gains outweigh los ses 。

示例:in North Wolfen, a collection of prefab apartment buildings put up in the 1960s, the losses seem to outweigh the gains.




1. larger than(大于)

2. Hymenachne assamica( 弊草)

3. greater than([计] 大于)

4. unmixed blessing(有利无弊的事)

5. greater than condition([计] 大于条件)

英语短语&俚语, So more good than harm ( 所以利大于弊 )

the advantages far outweighthe disadvantages the advantages far outweigh the the advantages far ( 利远远大于弊 )

The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages ( 利远宏大于弊 )


1. Tomorrow is the 17th. - Glenda?


2. Your eyes are more slanted


3. - Fuck, there's a seam opening!

译文:弊 缝线破开了。

4. "Do the consequences of attacking America... outweigh the potential benefits?"

译文:攻击美国所带来的后果 真的是利大于弊吗?。

5. Aber od neb aber, Bastet? Are we cheating or not, Bastet?


6. Microsoft first fought off the hacks, but then shifted course when it realized that actively supporting the community came with benefits.

译文:微软起初极力遏制黑客,后来却反其道而行之 因为它意识到主动支持这些家伙 利大于弊 。

7. We could do more harm than good.


8. Aber, Anubis, aber. We're cheating, Anubis, we're cheating

译文:我们在做弊,阿努比斯, 我们在做弊。

9. The advantages of this deal largely outweigh the disadvantages.

译文:这笔交易的利远大于弊。 。

10. For many, it was difficult to see how bringing controversial speakers to campus could be valuable, when they caused harm.

译文:对很多人来说,遇到冲突时, 很难认识到将有争议的 演讲者带进校园, 其实是利大于弊。 。

11. But then Linda laid out all the pros, and they clearly outweigh the cons.

译文:可当Linda提出了所有可行方案时... 它们显然利大于弊。

12. But i should warn you, you may experience some mood swings... some irrational thinking here and there... but it is nothing compared to the long-term effects.

译文:但吃了有可能情绪不稳... 会胡思乱想... 但是利大于弊。

13. ideas... they can do more good than harm.

译文:思想... 虽然利大于弊。

14. - Got to cheat a little, Sam.

译文:- 得做点弊,山姆。

15. Of course, you have to take the good with the bad.




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