雨夹雪用英语翻译为" [气象] sleet",还网络中常译为" Rain and Snow",在《现代英语词典》中,共找到32个与雨夹雪相关的译文和例句。
1. [气象] sleet
雨夹雪翻译为 [气象] sleet 。
示例:当他们到达山顶上的时候,雨夹雪已经变成了柔软的雪花。 By the time they reached the mountaintop, the sleet had changed to fluffy snow.
2. Rain and Snow
雨夹雪翻译为 Rain and Snow 。
示例:中国西北、内蒙古、华北和东北部分地区将有小到中雪或雨夹雪。 Parts of Northwest China, Inner Mongolia, North and Northeast China will see small to moderate snow or sleet.
3. sleet
示例:任何时候我都可能会碰到下雨、下雨夹雪、下雪或是酷暑天。 At any time I could run into rain, sleet, snow, or scorching heat.
4. snow and rain
雨夹雪翻译为 snow and rain 。
示例:♪ Let it rain, let it snow ♪ 任雨雪
1. sleet(雨夹雪
2. rain and snow(雨夹雪)
3. sleety(雨夹雪的
4. rain with snow( 雨夹雪)
5. sludd( 下雨夹雪)
英语短语&俚语, Rain shower and snow mixed ( 阵雨夹雪 )
recent rain and snow ( 观测时雨夹雪 )
Snow / Rain Icy Mix Snow ( 冰雨夹雪 )
a blast of sleet ( 一阵雨夹雪 )
Rain with snow ( 夹雨雪 )
1. Significant sleet and rain.
2. Millions of homes are without power or phone contact as a sleety snow billows down;
3. By the time they reached the mountaintop, the sleet had changed to fluffy snow.
译文:当他们到达山顶上的时候,雨夹雪已经变成了柔软的雪花。 。
4. i saw the weather gods, in a passive aggressive mood, pelt San Francisco with sleet right at the time i go for my early morning walk.
5. A nice, big bowl of sleet!
译文:- 一大碗晶莹剔透的雨夹雪。。
6. Evening temperatures drop to below freezing point in Yushu, and there was a little snow and sleet on Monday afternoon.
7. First, i'd like to thank you all for coming out to this fine theater despite the bad weather and the sleet that's been falling all day.
译文:首先,我很感谢大家 尽管天气恶劣, 雨夹雪下了整整一天。
8. [Tray Narrating] Loc Dog didn't have the flyest ride in the hood, but it was reliable in rain, sleet or snow.
译文:[纸盘叙事]禄狗不 有flyest搭在引擎盖, 但它是可靠 在雨,雨夹雪或雪。。
9. Parts of Northwest China, inner Mongolia, North and Northeast China will see small to moderate snow or sleet.
译文:中国西北、内蒙古、华北和东北部分地区将有小到中雪或雨夹雪。 。
10. it sleeted/snowed with rain.
译文:今天雨夹雪。 。
11. At any time i could run into rain, sleet, snow, or scorching heat.
译文:任何时候我都可能会碰到下雨、下雨夹雪、下雪或是酷暑天。 。
12. The forecast... cloudy skies with flurries today.
译文:天气预报 - - 多云, 雨夹雪。
13. NEMA
3 - Outdoor use with some protection against windblown dust, rain or sleet.
译文:符合NEMA 3—室外,具有一些针对扬尘,雨或雨夹雪的保护利用。 。
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