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关于”文言“的英语句子35个,句子主体:Classical Chinese。以下是关于文言的高中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Classical Chinese


1、Linguistic culturology typifies a hermeneutics starting from language, based on text and with meaning and knowledge as focus.


2、Language is the carder of culture and in turn is influenced by culture .


3、Through combing the aspect model and text clustering technology, we can derive a more accurate document language model for ad-hoc Information Retrieval.


4、Rick Levine, The Cluetrain Manifesto


5、Language is a carrier of culture. Dialect is the regional anamorphosis in language.


6、It should be taken as a goal to make the student to domain development in learning ancient Chinese.


7、Net language of the article Ranges over various contents, including chat ting-room language, BBS language, net literature language, net technology language, net advertisement language, etc.


8、As for Chinese, we read more writings in the literary style than before.

Japanese Language & Literature and English Language & Literature are the key subjects on the provincial level.



10、Attention literary style, order of the word;


11、The thesis consists of introduction, conclusion and body which contain

5 parts.


12、It is both important and difficult to teach the classical Chinese language.


13、Structuralists have, generally speaking, in order to really understand a text or practice it is necessary to focus exclusively in its structural properties.


14、Makes sense. Are the events in Mandarin or English?


15、That the vernacular substituted for writings in classical style was the symbol of the born of the modern literature. The vernacular had already developed several different language styles in 1930s.


16、Kinds of languages for chosing, Chinese, English and Russian.


17、Urbane speech is educated speech, as distinguished from the speech of the ignorant.


18、A language file easy to translate into Portuguese.


19、The bread, the culture, the language.


20、Because language is a reflection of the culture and the culture is a reflection of the language.

21、Language is rooted on culture and controled by culture. Its meaning depends on its culture, society and historical environments surviving dependently .语言扎根于文化之中,又受到文化的制约,语言的意义取决于语言赖以产生的文化、社会和历史环境。

22、Latin too was a literary language.拉丁文同样也是文学语言。

23、These two dialects contain a rich dialect culture, reflecting the cultural heritage of Yulin.两种方言还具有丰富的方言文化,体现了玉林的文化底蕴。

24、Chinese Fables is currently honorary president of Literary Research Society, Zhejiang Fable Literature Research Association.现任中国寓言文学研究会名誉会长、浙江省寓言文学研究会会长。

25、The latest and most controversial of the three scripts is Isthmian (see image).最具争议的文字是地峡语言,它是这三种语言中最晚出现的文字。

英文句子26:,26、To a craftsman, the ancient article with recondite and scholastic words was too abstruse to understand.可是对一个车轮师父而言,这些之乎者也的文言文是太深而难懂的。

27、Literary stylistics focuses on the study of literature language, it studies linguistic features related to literary style.文学文体学集中研究文学语言,主要是研究与文学风格相关的语言特征。

28、In addition to old standbys like Spanish, German and French, more and more students are opting for Eastern European and Asian languages.除了西班牙文、德文与法文等常选的语言外,愈来愈多的学生选修东欧和亚洲语言。

29、Lu Shu - xiang's Chinese thinking mainly includes: 吕叔湘语文思想主要包括:

1. Chinese qualitative comment: "Chinese" refers to "language and words", it means spoken and written language;


30、This dissertation consists of four parts: introduction, main part, conclusion and reference.本文共分引言、主文、结论和参考文献四大部分。

31、known script, unknown language黑法老王的语言(未知语言写成的已知文稿)

32、We believe that Wenyanzhuan was affected by the popular ideas of the annals, Tuanzhuan, Xiangzhuan. Meawhile, the ideology of Confucianism become the inner thought of Wenyanzhuan.本文认为《周易·上下经》是《文言传》哲学思想的渊薮,而春秋流行的《易》说、《彖传》、《象传》都直接影响了《文言传》的形成,并且儒家思想已成为《文言传》的内在思想。

33、However, when they are in non-literary situation, they don't thus, their essential distinctions are ones of their situations.因此,文学语言与非文学语言区别的实质是语境的区别。

34、His working languages are Chinese and English.王砾律师的工作语言为中文和英文。

35、Non - verbal, because it does not involve the use of words. NVC for short.之所以称为非语言文字的,就是因为这种交流是不用语言文字进行的。

36、It is made up of spoken Chinese and written Chinese.“语文”是汉语口头语言与书面语言的合称。

37、Mr. Liu is proficient in Chinese and English.刘律师的工作语言是中文和英文。

38、Culture, language, and personality structure.文化、语言、人格结构。

39、Full-text for the introduction, body and conclusion of three parts.全文为引言、正文和结语三部分。

40、Includes both Chinese and English languages Detailed.包括了中文和英文两种语言的详解。

41、Generally speaking, the pictograph is the first text.一般而言,象形文字是最早产生的文字。

42、Linguistic politeness mirrors spiritual civilization. It is required by pragmatic appropriateness and reflects a speaker's ideal state, for mind governs language use.语言文明是精神文明的体现,是语用得体的要求,是言语者思想境界的折射。人的思想制约语言运用。

43、Choice of language: English, French, German and Spanish.语言选择:英文,法文,德文,西班牙文。

44、Blear language is one kind of language expressing styles in literature works and application essays.模糊语言是存在于文学作品与应用文中的一种语言表达方式。

45、It also brings forward that the teachers of Chinese language to foreigners should improve their bilingual ability and foster their bicultural awareness.目的语文化渗透的最终目标应是在语言教学过程中通过文化渗透培养学生的跨文化意识,提高学生的语言习得能力和语言交际能力。

46、The ancient Chinese teaching in classical style is the key point and the difficulty in the language teaching and the full word is the study key point in classical style chinese learning.文言文教学是语文教学中的重点和难点,实词又是文言文学习的重点。

47、The best reading method of writings in classical chmese was discussed.探讨了文言文的最佳阅读方法。

48、It is a part of culture and a carrier of language. The spread of culture certainly falls back on language.语言是文化的一个组成部分,又是文化的载体,文化的传授和传播必然借助于语言。

49、In the ancient times prose was that cream in writings in classical Chinese , proportion accounting for in the writings in classical Chinese in high school are very big.古代散文是文言文中的精华,在高中文言文中占的比例很大。

50、Overviewing middle school Chinese language and literature, classical Chinese prose in the classical Chinese text plays a leading role.综观初中语文教材,文言散文在文言选文中处于不可撼动的统摄地位。

经典英文句子51:文言,51、The language level of university students directly reflects the educational quality in language teaching and represents the social language level.大学生的语言文字水平直接反映了语言教育的质量,代表了社会的语言文字水平。

52、The working languages of Lawyer Xu are Chinese and English.徐律师的工作语言是中文和英文。

53、Literature is the art of language. Positive rhetorics activates and promotes the development of literary language.文学是语言的艺术,积极修辞使文学语言演进、发展更显活跃。

54、This book is written in classical Chinese.这本著作是用文言文写成的。

55、This was not only influenced by the official history culture and the funeral culture such as the epitaph, but the Chinese version of Buddhist scriptures;语体上以文言成分为主,主要是由于受到了中土文化如史传语言和墓志语言的影响。

56、The themes consists of preface , instruction text and ending words.全文包括绪言、正文和结语。

57、Top 中文里面还有古汉语(文言文)。

4. Because there's classical Chinese (wenyanwen).

58、It includes preamble and six chapters.论文包括前言和正文六章。

59、My two majors was Sanskrit and Pali language, two minors was English language and Slavic language.我的主系是梵文、巴利文,两个副系是英国语言学和斯拉夫语言学。

60、A study on culture linguistics.文化语言学硏究。

61、This article discusses Wan's essay theory on ancient Chinese proses, carrying out confucian orthodoxy, describing aspirations, practical use, aesthetic judgment and its style.文章论述了王安石的古文、贯道、言志、实用、审美、言意、风格的文章理论。

62、Japanese Language & Literature and English Language & Literature are the key subjects on the provincial level.日本语语言文学和英语语言文学为省级重点学科。

63、The dissertation includes preface, text and epilogue.本文包括前言、主文和结论。

64、Then the definition of cross-cultural communication and inter-relations of language and culture are dealt with.然后引出了跨文化交际的定义以及语言与文化的关系。 要理解一种文化必须通过它的语言;

65、This thesis includes three parts: introduction, text and conclusion.全文包括绪言、正文和结语三部分。

66、The first group of files include language-neutral files for the program but no language-specific files for the program.该第一组文件包括用于该程序的语言中立文件,但不包括用于该程序的语言专用文件。

67、The characteristics of literature language should be perceived in its comparison with science language, daily language and the language used in other forms of art.应该在文学语言与科学语言和一般日常语言以及其他艺术语言的比较中认识文学语言的特性。


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