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关于”有关交通规则“的英语句子20个,句子主体:about traffic rules。以下是关于有关交通规则的初中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:about traffic rules


1、The fundamental principles of WTO has been concluded into four, namely non-discrimination, free trade rule, transparent and fair competition rule.


2、Mr Luo has a lot at stake.


3、Vessel Gargantua is not complying with the traffic regulations.

背景:该指导方针适用于10b-5规则(Rule 10b-5)所规定的通常称为“内幕交易”的特定罪行。

4、Background: This guideline applies to certain violations of Rule 10b-5 that are commonly referred to as "insider trading".


5、Pedestrians and vehicles must, when passing a railway level crossing or a pedestrian cross-walk, observe the relevant regulations governing passage over crossings.


6、Other situations of non-observance of the relevant rules and regulations concerning maritime traffic safety.


7、The Land Transport Authority (LTA) requires all designs of vehicle lights to comply with the Road Traffic (Motor Vehicles, Lighting) Rules.


8、A scene is simply two subforms related by special naming rules.


9、The next article covers the concepts of rule severity, custom rule parameters, and creating rule templates.


10、While the questions dealing with traffic signs are universally understood, others have singularly Chinese characteristics.


11、With a comparison of provisions about self-dealing in some company laws of some foreign countries, this article attempts to define the entity and rules of self-dealing in the company law of China.


12、To list the resources associated with each rule, expand the rule categories and rule nodes.


13、Through concept generalization and deleting irrelevant dimension, various association rules less than 7D can be evolved from the 7D image association rules model 7D_AR.


14、With F rule, FP rule and BP rule, some of the context-free languages cannot be accepted.


15、Begin accumulating capital with a regular savings program.


16、Firstly, the development history of the determination rules of the causation under the GATT/WTO anti-dumping rules is comprehensively illustrated, and the issues therein are raised;


17、Pedestrians and vehicles must when passing a railway level crossing or a pedestrian cross-walk observe the relevant regulations governing passage over crossings.


18、The rule is that the multiplicities "cross over" once the associative table is introduced, as indicated in Figure


12 所示。


19、And, Example C is a brief illustration of using transportation planning models to evaluate traffic impacts of a large-sized regional commercial zone that will be developed in the future.

在本文中,您了解了关联规则挖掘及如何用 InfoSphere Warehouse 获得关联规则的有关内容。

20、In this article you learned about association rule mining and how to find association rules with InfoSphere Warehouse.

21、A single ruleset, using an internal orchestration though a ruleflow.单一规则集,通过一个规则流使用一个内部业务流程。

22、Examples of stateful rules include most event correlation rules and some uses of inference rules.有状态规则的例子包括大部分事件相关规则和一些推理规则的使用。

23、I hereby certify that the above applicant will abide by all of the library's regulations regarding the borrowing and …馆借还书之一切规则。若该君有违反有关 规则之情事,本人愿负保证之责任。

24、Traditional privacy preserving association rule mining algorithms do not consider the correlation of the left hand side and the right hand side, which affect non-restrictive rule support negatively.传统的隐私保护关联规则挖掘算法由于没有考虑规则左右件相关系数的影响,对非敏感规则的支持度影响很大。

25、In the streets of Guangzhou, many passers-by broke the traffic rules and cross the streets.在广州街头,行人不遵守交通规则随意乱过马路的现象处处可见。

英文句子26:,26、Article 第六条司法鉴定机构和司法鉴定人开展司法鉴定活动应当遵守有关法律、法规、规章和本通则的规定。

6 The judicial authentication institutions and judicial authenticators shall follow relevant laws, regulations, rules and the present Provisions in their judicial authentication activities.

27、With the tools and code presented, you can reduce your power consumption through a series of rules regarding application usage.通过提供的工具和代码,您可以通过一系列有关应用程序使用情况的规则来降低功耗。

28、These Regulations may be cited as the Integrated Circuit Topography Regulations. And this is a Regulation respecting the protection of integrated circuit topographies.该规则被称为集成电路布图法实施细则,是有关保护集成电路布图相关问题的规则。

29、It contains information about the correlations between the rules of a rule set.它包含了规则集中规则之间的相关信息。

30、This stage produces information about the records by composing the output table of the rule, as well as detailed information about which rule was not verified by each record.这一阶段通过组合规则的数据表,以及关于哪些规则没有被每个记录评估的细节信息,来生成关于记录的信息。

31、Prof. Han Yusheng, Renmin Univ. of China, Beijing, said, "Currently, people are only punished if a traffic offence occurs.北京中国人民大学Han Yusheng教授说:“如今,只有当人们违反交通规则时才会受到处罚。

32、We have to do something about this communication rule.我们必须改改这交流规则了。

33、"Motorists must be disciplined. They must not cross into other people's lanes, " said motorist Eko Juli.驾车者伊柯•朱力说:“所有的驾车者都应该遵守交通规则,不可随意串并车道。”

34、There are four parts: the first involves questions mainly related to traffic regulations, driving knowledge and emergency response.有四个科目。科目一主要包括:交通规则、驾驶知识、临危处置知识。

35、Rule clustering re-organizes rules which are generated during the procedure of association rule mining, to help customers find out interested rules.规则聚类将关联规则挖掘产生的大量规则重新组织,帮助用户发现感兴趣的规则。

36、Multiple rulesets, using an internal orchestration through a ruleflow.多个规则集,通过一个规则流使用一个内部业务流程。

37、This gives information on the accuracy of the rule.这能给出有关规则准确度的信息。

38、I think it should be traffic safety volunteer.有关交通安全的!

39、Mining linguistic valued association rules is an important issue of quantitative association rules.挖掘语言值关联规则是数量型属性关联规则中的一个重要研究内容。

40、The connection between rules and principles is that of rigid regulations and discretions.规则与原则的关系就是严格规制与自由裁量的关系。

41、Rules are specific prescriptions or proscriptions for action.规则是有关行为的特殊规定和禁止。

42、Article 116.Those engaged in securities trading at a stock exchange who violate the stock exchange's regulations will be given disciplinary punishment by the stock exchange.第一百一十六条在证券交易所内从事证券交易的人员,违反证券交易所有关交易规则的,由证券交易所给予纪律处分;

43、Different rules are required - and adaptation is critical.所以它要求的是不一样的规则-适应规则至关重要。

44、Prof. Han Yusheng, Renmin Univ. of China, Beijing, said, "Currently, people are only punished if a traffic offence occurs."北京中国人民大学Han Yusheng教授说:“如今,只有当人们违反交通规则时才会受到处罚。

45、Article 145 A listed company shall have its shares listed and traded in accordance with relevant laws, administrative regulations and the rules of stock exchanges governing transactions.第一百四十五条上市公司的股票,依照有关法律、行政法规及证券交易所交易规则上市交易。

46、These rules are related to the fees of the Trade Marks , and they shall be construed as one with the Trade Marks Rules 1994 and the Trade Marks (Inernational Registration) Rules 1996.这是一部有关商标费用的规则,该规则应被视为xx年商标规则和xx年商标(国际注册)规则的一部分。

47、As a special economic zone for intendance by customhouse, Yantian Harbor Free Trade Logistics Park in Shenzhen has particular characteristics in traffic planning and organization.深圳盐田港保税物流园区作为海关实施监管的特殊经济区域,其交通规划与交通组织具有十分独特的特点。

48、Despite this relationship between business rules and the business activities that invoke them, the actual invocation of these rules is through business services.虽然业务规则与调用它们的业务活动之间存在这样的关系,但是这些规则实际上是通过业务服务调用的。

49、The United Steelworkers trade union filed a complaint on Sept. 联合钢铁工人贸易工会在xx月xx日提交了议案指责中国无视W.T.O规则中有关禁止过渡补贴的规定。

9 accusing China of ignoring W.T.O. rules prohibiting excessive subsidies of those markets.

50、Casalino said doctors should have explicit rules for informing patients of test results.Casalino说医生应该有明显规则关于通知病人化验结果。

经典英文句子51:有关交通规则,51、Those engaged in securities trading at a stock exchange who violate the stock exchange's regulations will be given disciplinary punishment by the stock exchange.第一百一十六条在证券交易所内从事证券交易的人员,违反证券交易所有关交易规则的,由证券交易所给予纪律处分;

52、Finally, as a example Buji rail station hub in Shenzhen is designed and planned by applying the related theory above.文章最后应用相关理论和方法对布吉火车站综合交通枢纽进行了交通详细规划与设计。

53、There are no hard-and-fast rules for success.通往成功没有什么一成不变的规则。

54、From an extended attribute-domain perspective, the dissertation categorizes the problems of concern into two groups: negative association rules and quantitative association rules.论文从关联规则属性值域扩展的角度出发,将研究问题分为两类,即反向关联规则和数量关联规则。

55、Traffic wardens are responsible for enforcing the law relating to the illegal parking.交通协管员有责任协助执行非法停车的相关法规。

56、The ShippingService interaction owned by the ShippingService service specification defines the rules for how the shipper and orderer interact.ShippingService 服务规范所拥有的 ShippingService 交互作用,定义了交付者和订购者如何进行相互作用的规则。

57、According to the value of them, association rules are classified into positive, invalid and negative association rules.根据影响度、相对置信度或有效度的大小,将强关联规则分为正关联规则、无效关联规则和负关联规则。

58、Members have to follow the rules and regulations of the IT Club.根据会章规定,会员有义务遵守会章规则及交纳会费。

59、These new Rules also incorporate provisions relating to counter-guarantees.本新规则还加入了有关反担保函的规定。

60、Association rule mining is a highly interactive task, and users usually have to try many different parameter settings to achieve the desired result.关联规则挖掘是一项高度交互的任务,用户通常需要尝试多种参数设置才能达到理想的结果。

61、Bicyclists often ride as though two-wheeled vehicles are exempt from all traffic laws.骑自行车者无拘无束,仿佛两轮车就可以不遵守交通规则似的。

62、Data quality components with all their associated metadata (rules and rule sets, metrics, bindings, execution history, folder associations, etc.)数据质量组件及其所有相关元数据(规则和规则集、指标、绑定、执行历史、文件夹关联,等等)

63、Secondly, the most important preference of citizens about this plan is convenient parking, transportation and public security environmental condition.而空间规划偏好则首重「停車、交通便利而治安良好的环境条件」。

64、The rules also provide a code of conduct for how to notify and respond to public health events of international concern.规则还就如何通报和应对国际关注的公共卫生事件提供行为守则。

65、They then discuss the "Rules of Play," which define the minute-by-minute activities and rules within the framework of the Rules of Engagement. They suggest that然后他们讨论了“游戏规则”,它定义“交战规则”框架内每一分钟的活动和规则。

66、And we can but apply《the Law of Contract》and《General Principles of the Civil Law 》.有关船舶管理人民事法律制度的规定只能适用《民法通则》和《合同法》等一般法。

67、It provides for strong prudential, capital, and business conduct regulation of all dealers and other major participants in the derivatives markets.它对所有的交易员和衍生品市场的主要参与者规定了严格的审慎规则、资本金和业务规则。

68、Local association rule sets at each site need not be scanned to generate meta-rules. So both the amount of data communication among the sits and the scanning time in every sit are reduced.在形成元规则集时无需扫描各站点中的关联规则集,这样既减少了分布式系统中需要的通信交换的数据量,也减少了各站点中的扫描数据量。

69、Medium in which the transmission is mainly regular and which usually has a high regular transmittance in the spectral range of interest.主要通过规则传输来传播可见辐射的媒质,通常在感兴趣的光谱范围之内具有高规则透过率。

70、Disputing parties now are free to submit to an online arbitration procedure in accordance with the Rules, which are no longer limited to simply resolving internet-related disputes.现在,《规则》不仅仅用于解决与网络相关的争议,各方均能按照《规则》 的规定,将仲裁案件提交网上仲裁程序。

71、Rules can generally be stored as files or in relational databases and can be modified.规则通常作为文件存储或存储于关系型数据库内,规则是可修改的。

72、Although rules can be stored and accessed various ways, each rule is typically stored in an ordinary text file, and rules for related resources are usually kept under a common root directory.尽管规则可以存储并以各种方法进行访问,但是每个规则通常存储在普通文本文件中,并且相关资源的规则一般保存在一个公共根目录下。


标签: 交通 规则

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