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关于”(完整版)中长句“的英语句子25个,句子主体:(Full Version) Medium and Long Sentences。以下是关于(完整版)中长句的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:(Full Version) Medium and Long Sentences

我们在 Flipboard 中并不提供任意长度的文章的“完整”视图。

1、We do not offer a "full article" view in Flipboard for articles of arbitrary length.


2、Imperfections such as cracks, inclusions, growth striations, color centers, inhomogeneityand cellular structures, that frequently occur in artificially grown crystals are discussed.


3、Figure 1-4: Each iteration produces a more complete release than the previous iteration.


4、This is the most complete and well-documented book ever published about the New Age Movement.


5、The full version can be registered securely from within the program to give unlimited usage.


6、What is strange is that it appears the post is a whole two paragraphs in length.

该 URL 指向 Rational SOMA

7、The URL points to a pre-published evaluation version of Rational SOMA

2.9 and to a full version, which can be published using Rational Method Composer.

2.9 的预发布评估版本和一份可以使用 Rational Method Composer 发布的完整版本。


8、Match black taper edition jeans, the whole individual seems to be highly lofty.


9、POPs do not degrade easily, but remain intact in the environment for long periods of time.


10、It should be clear that the template above was incomplete, and this article also did not cover the protocol rule or template at all.


11、The significance of enough length and strong calcar femoris.

“在一天结束的时候,我想总之一句话-完整, ”张说。

12、"At the end of the day, I would sum it up in one word — integrity, " Teo said.


13、While formatting after the fact does seem to take a bit more time, it’s likely that I’m saving time on the process of writing then formatting as a whole.


14、The plural arithmetic full version, , including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division factorial, prescribing, etc…


15、The only difference is that the full version has a lot of languages, and the lite version is only English/Spanish. More than likely, the

2.5MB download will do.



16、"Our reconstituted tooth germ generates a complete and entirely bioengineered tooth, " they wrote.


17、Is there anyway i can build against the client profile but debug agains the full version?


18、FULL Theme song of "Relic of an Emissary", in high audio quality, sang by Joe Ma.


19、FULL Theme song of "Relic of an Emissary", in high audio quality, sang by Jo…


20、In the final output version, however, or the reconciliation version, I see the statement only once, not duplicates.

21、So defined, irony is a wide-ranging phenomenon which can be manifested in a single sentence, or may extend over a whole novel.即定义为,反语是一种广泛的现象,可以用于一句话中,也可以扩充用于一部完整的长篇小说。

22、Live Eval aims to mimic as much of a full SuSE distribution as possible from a single CD-ROM.Live Eval 旨在从一个 CD-ROM 尽可能模拟完整的 SuSE 分发版。

23、The full version of core services for VB compiler is written in unmanaged C++ code.VB编译器的核心服务的完整版本是由非托管(unmanaged)C++代码编写的。

24、"The growth of long-form video online—defined as TV episodes, Web-only shows, complete sports events and full-length movies—will create a wide range of inventory, " says Mr. Hallerman.较长时间的网络视频的增长 –也被定义为电视短剧,网络版节目,完整的体育活动直播以及完整版电影 –这将创造大量的内容,“Hallerman先生说。

25、Yes, it’s the same company that makes a pricey full version; however this is the free version for Linux.没错,就是那家开发了很贵的完整版的公司;不过这是Linux上的免费版。

英文句子26:,26、Consider the fact that Firefox Mobile is bringing a complete XUL runtime to your pocket.移动版 Firefox 将完整的 XUL 运行环境装进你的口袋。

27、JAD file must install in order to become full version! Otherwise, only two minutes to play!必须要从JAD 文件安装才能成为完整版!否则只能玩两分钟!

28、So there's a fuller version of the argument that's the one I want to focus on.所以这有一个完整版的论证,那才是我想要着重说明的

29、In the meantime, she completed and published a novel, "Villette."在此期间,她还完成并出版了长篇小说《维莱特》。

30、Ideally these would be full transcripts of the content of the audio and video.在理想情况下,这些标记是音频和视频内容的完整文字版本。

31、We've almost completed IPB 公共开发第四版已经基本完成,数据库抽象层和一些其他功能在该版中都已完成。

2.0.0 PDR

4 which completes the database abstraction and rounds off some features.

32、Consult the documentation for your version of PHP for a complete list of character classes.要获得字符类的完整列表,请参阅适用于您的 PHP 版本的文档。

33、In this article, I'll guide you step-by-step through the process of creating your own version of this program.在这篇文章中,我将指导你逐步完成整个流程,创建这个程序自己的版本。

34、Still, it's somewhat surprising that India was left out entirely of the 90-minute discussion.不过,在整整长达90分钟的辩论中,印度完全被忽视掉,这多少有些奇怪。

35、Bloody hell, I felt good after that performance, as if I was in a low-budget, modern-day version of Robin Hood.哇塞,说完这句话感觉超棒,仿佛我就是现代版的罗宾汉。

36、subpackage. You may download the last stable version of the whole package from gnosis.cx.Gnosis Utilities library 包括了一些使用元类的工具,通常在 gnosis.magic 子包中,可以从gnosis.cx下载这个包的完整的 最新稳定版。

37、We went the length of the long Corridor of the Summer Palace.我们走完了颐和园的整条长廊。

38、It has been observed of the Hippolytus , in particular, that with some slight revision, you could have the same play and omit the gods entirely.在某些版本中,有人认为《希波理特斯》的神可被完全除去而仍保持完整剧情。

39、Examples: 0 - always display overlong file names;例如:0-永远完整显示任意超长文件名;

40、JBuilder 2008 Turbo is the community edition of a full line of JBuilder 2008 products available from CodeGear.JBuilder 2008 Turbo 是可以从 CodeGear 获得的 JBuilder 2008 完整系列的社区版。

41、Professional producers of films in turn usually make full use of copyright laws.而专业电影制片人通常使用完整的版权保护条文。

42、In this long ancient Silk Road from Chang'an to Rome, Niya retained the most complete place in ancient rites.在这从长安到罗马漫长的古丝绸之路上,尼雅是古代遗址中保留最完整的地方。

43、Each guide includes one full-length practice exam, complete with comprehensive explanations for every solution.每个指南包括一个完整长度的实践考试,为每一个完整的解决方案,全面的解释。

44、Romance of Three Kingdoms is the earliest complete historical novel in China.《三国演义》 是中国第一部完整的长篇历史小说。

45、The first full version of Mendocino is scheduled for general release in July, but an early edition of the software will go out later this month to 40 customers for testing.最终完整版本的发布将会在很长一段时间之后,目前,两大公司希望把测试版给用户使用,从而更好的提高软件的性能。

46、The difference will be noticed only by users who upgraded an eval 9x version to a full version immediately after the 1st update.只有初次更新后立即从9x版本升级到完整版本的用户才能够注意到这种差异。

47、In the Chinese private collections of etchings , these complete historical series are very rare and precious.在中国民间收藏界中,这批完整的历史版画是目前仅知的少数的收藏,十分珍贵。

48、Or was it instead an act of closure, a final binding-up of the Glass family saga — one that, coming last but also at the chronological beginning, brings the whole enterprise full circle?还是一部收官之作,为格拉丝一家的故事续上终篇呢——即最后出版,但从时间上发生在前的故事,从而完整地讲完这部长篇传奇?

49、By using a regular full backup (in other words, all the files) and a diff backup where you backup only changes, you can extend the duration still further.通过使用常规的完整备份(换句话说,包括所有的文件)和增量 (diff) 备份(其中仅备份变更的内容),您可以进一步延长其保留时间。

50、Each with their respective philosophies and fortes, these Linux distributions provide the full toolchains, libraries, and development tools Linux developers have come to expect.这两种 Linux 发行版本各成体系,各有所长,都提供了 Linux 开发者所期望的完整的工具链、库以及开发工具。

经典英文句子51:(完整版)中长句,51、Help us to get 1000 LIKES and we will release this song!帮我们粉丝团达到一千个赞, 我们将会放出这首歌完整版!

52、A couple of years later, you can publish the complete version. The logic is this: If the first version was not banned, why would the second one be?几年后,你能出版完整的版本,它的逻辑是这样的:如果第一版本没有被禁,为什么第二个会被禁呢!

53、It's doubtful that we'll ever hear the full story, if it could ever be told with all its psycho-social complexities.考虑到这其中错中复杂的心理社会问题,我们可能永远不会知道事情的完整版了。


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