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关于”背诵诗歌“的英语句子20个,句子主体:recite poetry。以下是关于背诵诗歌的高中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:recite poetry


1、Rita repeated what Reardon recited when Reardon road the remarks.


2、They're much actively involved than the normal lecture-station format.


3、He often sang about the beauty of nature.


4、We have recitations that run all day long Tuesdays and Thursdays.



5、My throat was too tight for words to come.


6、He talked about Keats, and continued by reading us a poem.


7、I would recite all that had been rehearsed on the way home.


8、She recited the whole conversation in lesson 121 to me just now.


9、Rita repeated what Reardon recited when Reardon read the remarks.


10、If you don't believe it, you can recite the lesson after me, and then you can get it.


11、Talk to either your recitation instructor, come in and talk to me.


12、When she was twelve years old, she won the first in a city-wide poetry recitation contest. Now she is chairman of the Student Union in our school.


13、There , as usual, he recited the fourth chapter.


14、Although he never had a proper education, he was able to be fluent in English and was able to recite "Three Hundred Tang Poems".


15、Next time you pay me a visit, I want you to recite.


16、The professor began his speech with a story and closed it with a poem.

坚持起床,每天早上提前半小时改为一小时的英语(背诵文本)或语言(诗朗诵) ,可间隔,如135种语言, 246英语。

17、Insist on getting up early every morning for half an hour to read one-hour English (memorize texts) or languages (poetry recitation), may be interval, such as 135 languages, 246 in English.


18、The things that they taught us in school, when they required us to remember poetry, no matter how we try, we can't forget it, and the stuff that we had to remember that was in prose, no matter how we try we can't remember it.


19、Chicagoans are great talkers, and we have the free poetry readings, monologues and storytelling events to prove it.


20、He prepared some poems to be recited at the English Evening.

21、Was it because of the Quranic verses read in melodic background?难道是因为朗诵可兰经诗篇时有音乐伴奏吗?

22、He believes understanding, rather than memorization, is the most important part of studying.他相信学习之道在乎融会贯通,而非强记背诵。

23、In her trembling voice she read to him Rupert Brook's sonnet .她颤声朗诵给他听卢泊·布鲁克的十四行诗。

24、I have asked all of my recitation instructors to state office hours.我已经叫所有背诵课的老师,安排办公时间了。

25、She recited the left part of lesson 102 this afternoon.今天下午,她把第一百零二课剩余的部分背诵给我听。

英文句子26:,26、A poem that spreads magic power will be recited by all the Huidaomen members.这首宣扬道法的诗将由会众集体朗诵。

27、All the songs of the east speak of the love of the nightingale for the rose in the silent starlight night.东方所有的歌曲都歌诵着夜莺对玫瑰花的爱情。

28、Balladry says Song is not vocal only.民谣只说诵不歌唱。

29、She recited the whole conversation in lesson 123 this evening.今天晚上,她背诵了第一百二十三课的全部对话。

30、She recited the whole conversation in lesson 129 this evening.今天晚上,她背诵了第一百二十九课的整段对话。

31、It’s no use reciting a composition if you don’t know its meaning.如果你不知道文章的意思,光背诵它是没有用的。

32、With this object he recited to us with great unction some lines--prose or poetry we could not tell--out of an English book.带着这个目的,他津津有味地为我们朗诵了从英文书里选出来的几行---说不清是散文还是诗歌了。

33、Rita repeated what Reardon recited when Reardon peruse the comments.当里尒登读评论时,丽塔重复里尒登背诵的东西。

34、So I sent her a remarkable parrot that recites the entire Bible.所以我送给她了一个可以背诵整本《圣经》的鹦鹉。

35、Before I went to England we occasionally used to have gatherings of literary men in our house, at which music, recitations and light refreshments were served up.在我去英格兰之前,有时候我们家里有些文人来聚会。 聚会上有音乐,有诗歌朗诵,也有一些茶点提供。

36、Constant practice has such as effect on memory as to lead to skillful performance on the piano, to recitation of a poem, and even to reading and understanding these words.持续的练习对于记忆有很大的影响,从而使人们可以熟练地演奏钢琴、背诵诗歌、甚至是阅读和理解这些文字。

37、At last, she recited the last three conversations in lesson 126.最后,她背诵了第一百二十六课的最后三个对话。

38、The one mandatory speech class became an exercise in rote memorization.唯一的一次强制演讲也成了机械背诵练习。

39、I've been memorizing scripts, regularly since I was about 我从xx岁起就开始每隔一段时间就会背诵台词。

14 years old.

40、I sent her a remarkable parrot that recites the entire Bible.我送给她一只传奇鹦鹉,能背诵整本圣经。

41、Of course, she also recited half of the content of lesson 103.当然,她还背诵了第一百零三课的一半的内容。

42、Secondly, you should try to chat with Chinese, moreover recite the text.然后,你应该试着和中国人交谈,并且背诵课文。

43、Enough. You prattle on like a child recitingbitsof meaningless trivialities.够了。你就像个小孩在背诵无聊的琐事。

44、Platon Karataev knew nothing by heart except his prayers.普拉东·卡拉塔耶夫除了祷辞,不会背诵别的什么。

45、An airfoil as recited in claim 翼型作为背诵,在索赔

17, wherein said airfoil means includes.

17 ,其中,表示翼型的手段包括。

46、Although she recited the first half last night, I asked her to recite the whole conversation again. It still took her some time to review the content which she learned last night.虽然昨天晚上她已经背诵过前半部分了,但是我要求她今天晚上把整段对话全都背会,因此她复习昨天晚上背诵过的内容还花了一些时间呢。

47、As he took his chair, the song leader stood and announced with a smile, "For our closing hymn, let us sing number 365:" "Shall We Gather at the River.当他坐下后,唱诗班的领唱站起来笑着说,“最后的赞歌我们一起吟诵第365章:《让我们聚在河边》。”

48、Pineapple is liked by a number of musicians, singers and actors, because they want to memorize a lot of music, lyrics and lines.菠萝常是一些音乐家、歌星和演员最喜欢的水果,因为他们要背诵大量的乐谱、歌词和台词,需要强化记忆。

49、My daughter recited the whole conversation in lesson 133 this evening.今天晚上,我女儿背诵了第一百三十三课的整个对话。

50、Rita reiterated what Reardon recited while Reardon read the comments.当里尒登读评论时,丽塔重复里尒登背诵的东西。

经典英文句子51:背诵诗歌,51、Reciting banishes those three great evils : boredom , vice and poverty .背诵(经典)撵跑三个魔鬼:无聊,堕落和贫穷。

52、For the research of this subject, three methods are referred to in this passage: reading method, inquiry method, and comparison method.第二部分是对高中语文外国诗歌教学方法的探讨,本文提出了三种教学方法:诵读式教学法、探究式教学法、比较式教学法。

53、Helen recited a poem while Maria danced ballet.海伦朗诵了一首诗而玛利亚跳了巴蕾舞。

54、The mayor recited to the Queen a long and tedious speech of welcome.市长向女王背诵了一篇又长又臭的欢迎词。

55、My daughter recited the whole conversation in lesson 111 this evening.今天晚上,我女儿背诵了第一百一十一课的全部对话。

56、So the whole package is much different from passive lectures and recitations.因此这整个过程,都和被动的讲座和背诵不同。

57、We have three choir practices a week.我们诵诗班每周练习三次。

58、The Vedic chanting has come down from generations to generations and even today it is chanted exactly the same manner by the followers of the particular branch of Vedas.吠陀颂歌已经经过一代一代的唱诵,甚至今天由吠陀颂歌的一个专门分支的追随者们按照完全相同的方式唱诵。

59、I took a deep breath and knocked on the classroom door, ready to face Mrs. Baker—ready to recite my poem.然后,我深深地吸了一口气,敲响了教室的门,我要面对贝克太太——继续背诵我自己写的诗。

60、Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be.太阳向来歌诵的也是你。

61、Usually the teacher tells us to recite the text------- ------- ------- --------the class.通常在开始上课时,老师让我们背诵课文。

62、He practised saying his speech over until he was letter-perfect.他练习背诵自己的演说稿,直到把它完全记熟。


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