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关于”通用的句“的英语句子45个,句子主体:general sentence。以下是关于通用的句的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:general sentence

可以通过执行 ALTER TABLE 语句并指定 ADD PARTITION 选项来向一个分区表增加一个新的空分区,使用的语法如下所示

1、A new, empty partition can be added to a partitioned table by executing the ALTER TABLE statement with the ADD PARTITION option specified; the syntax used looks like this


2、A lot of technical terms have become the focus of many grammarians study, so has been the relation between sentence and reading.


3、What I dislike is when unless is used with an else like so…

that's it, if i were you, i will ask nothing but try every possibility to treat u perfectly 当然你的第二句有点不通顺。

4、shall we mess around cats and dogs if i thought less?

UNION 语句对黑客尤其有用,因为黑客可以通过它将一个查询的结果接合到另一查询结果上。

5、The UNION statement in particular is useful to a hacker because it allows him to splice the results of one query onto another.


6、But Once a person has a different personality alone, his own life has played a leading role on - in other words, society and external factors, through the people, the internal factors play a role.

对于通过使用类似于 EXPLAIN 的实用程序发送到每个数据源的远程语句,应该检查远程计划。

7、Remote plans should be examined for the remote statements sent to each data source by using the equivalent of its EXPLAIN facility, if available.

为获得更大的灵活性,动态 SQL 允许通过 SET CURRENT DEGREE 语句在一个计划或包中更改这个选项,该语句可以控制专用寄存器中的值。

8、For further flexibility, dynamic SQL allows for changing this option within a plan or package by the SET CURRENT DEGREE statement, which controls the value in a special register.


9、Again, if you have prepared ahead of time your chances of it going well are greatly improved.


10、This thesis intends to find out how culture underlies and influences language, by a study on Japanese and Korean idioms of human body.

因为通过 DADX 文档创建和部署用于 SQL 语句和存储过程的 Web 服务的能力,这种支持在 WebSphere Studio v5.1.2 中得到了进一步的增强。

11、This support has been enhanced further with the ability to create and deploy Web services for SQL statements and stored procedures in WebSphere Studio v5.1.2 using DADX documents.


12、In other words, its display conjures adjectives not usually associated with the motions of a robot.


13、Though she did look Westerosi, the girl spoke not a word of the Common Tongue.


14、True island in left and jamie's informed her that drinking was Australia aboriginal a word.

Renegade:换句话说,不需要通过提供同一许可下的衍生作品而进行回报,就像使用 GPL [通用公共许可] 以及 LGPL 一样。

15、Renegade: In other words, you don't need to donate it back by offering your derivative work under the same license, as you do with GPL [General Public License] and to a lesser extent with the LGPL.


16、The motto would appear appropriate for Kwan-wai, who has chosen wireless communication as his research topic.

就性能而言,使用 db.ftSearch 获取这些后端 Notes 文档的句柄与通过视图访问这些文档一样快。

17、In terms of performance, getting a handle to these back-end Notes documents using db.ftSearch is just as fast as accessing the documents via a view.


18、In the DB2 procedure example in Table

6, the SIGNAL statement is used to generate a user-defined SQLSTATE and a message that is returned to the caller through the SQLCA.

6 的 DB2 过程示例中,SIGNAL 语句用于生成用户定义的 SQLSTATE 和一条消息,该消息通过 SQLCA 返回给调用方。


19、In other words, well-informed consumers watch for information and check for misinformation.


20、In other words, by letting you add offline files to your SharePoint instance, Colligo eliminates the need for traditional network file shares.

21、Users can network directly involved in product design, the traditional one-way pairs of J-type product design to interactive design approach sentence.用户可以通过网络直接参与产品设计,使传统的单向式产品设计转为双J句交互式的设计方式。

22、Ss are required to read through the text and match the main idea statements to related paragraphs.通读全篇,通过配对中心句,获取文章大意。

23、Sometimes, however, it appears in the middle or at the end of the paragraph.主题句通常在段首,有时也会出现在段中或是段尾。

24、For example, you can use a wildcard character called a joker -- a dot (.) that matches any character but one at the end of a line.例如,可以使用称为 百搭(joker) ― 一个句点( . )― 的通配符,它可以与一行中除了最后一个字符以外的任何一个字符相匹配。

25、Currently, Chinese Telecom market is like this: China mobile telecom is largest, China unicorn can't compete with China mobile telecom.目前,中国通信市场格局可以用三句话做个形象的表述:中国移动独大、联通无力抗衡、固网阵营增长乏力。

英文句子26:,26、"He is here for selling shoes" said local media.套用上赛季流行的一句话:马布里是来卖鞋的。

27、A heterogeneous batch update lets you combine several SQL statements with or without parameter markers into a single network call.通过异构批量更新,可以将有或没有参数占位符的多个 SQL 语句组合到一个单独的网络调用中。

28、Use a persistent handle when you need to keep a reference to an object for more than one function call, or when handle lifetimes do not correspond to C++ scopes.当你需要在不止一个函数中使用一个对象的引用或者句柄生命并不对应于 C++ 的范围时,你可以使用一个持久句柄来保持对那个对象的引用。

29、What Mitchell has in common with Foulds is his ability to inhabit—to inspirit, to use an old verb—an entire culture, with consummate skill.米切尔与福尔兹的共通之处在于他极高的对于整个文化的栖息和占据能力,或者用一句古话说,灵魂化的能力。

30、Cobertura monitors tests by instrumenting the bytecode with extra statements to log which lines are and are not being reached as the test suite executes.Cobertura 通过用额外的语句记录在执行测试包时,哪些行被测试到、哪些行没有被测试到,通过这种方式来度量字节码,以便对测试进行监视。

31、Yang Dazhi to Lao Yang to mothers tomb, let Lao Yang couldnt say a word.杨大直把老杨带到母亲的墓前一通倾诉,让老杨一句话也说不出来。

32、And in conclusion, a few words about leisure of a seaman.用几句话总结一下海员的闲暇时光。

33、To use the hackneyed phrase, here he found himself.用一句陈腐的话说,他在这里可谓“得其所哉”。

34、On the other hand, we call for the improvement of linguistic ability of language user so as to reduce incorrect sentences.另一方面,我们还是积极提倡通过提高语言使用者的语言能力,达到减少病句的目的。

35、With this stated requirement, setuptools will add the specific version (or the latest available, if the greater-than comparison is specified) when an import statement is run.通过使用上述要求,setuptools 就可以在运行 import 语句时添加一个特定的版本(如果指定了大于比较,就是最新的可用版本)。

36、To use them, copy the LotusScript GroupManager script library from the sample database into your own applications and include it in your script with the Use statement. The classes contain functions to要使用它们,则需要将 LotusScript GroupManager 脚本库从数据库示例中复制到自己的应用程序中,并通过 Use 语句将其放入您的脚本中。

37、S7: My mother says I can play basketball after school with friends if I want.这个游戏用来培养学生用词连句的能力。

38、Now, using the mytab table definition, we can convert T-SQL statements to DB2 using the above UDFs.现在,通过 mytab 表定义,我们可以使用以上 UDF 将 T-SQL 语句转换成 DB2 。

39、 Please say hello to your mother for my wife and I! Best wishes yours sincerely XXX 为了语句通顺和英语的使用习惯有小部分意译 署名部分按照了一般英语的习惯 若不放心可再请人检查一下 希望你的帮上忙。

40、To handle long functions, we collapse large blocks by default, using vertical elision.为了处理长函数,我们通过垂直省略,缺省隐藏较大的语句块。

41、Please allow me to say that so many people are not happy with it - ordinary people.请容许我说一句让很多人会不满意的话-普通人。

42、The next statement tells Grails that the table does not have a version column. (GORM normally creates one to help facilitate optimistic locking.)下一条语句通知 Grails 表没有 version列(GORM 通常会创建一个 version列来优化乐观锁定)。

43、Via identifying topic word, the destination source can be found in a way that can decrease the searching of useless information.规范化问句通过主题词的方法,确定搜索的知识源,明确和缩小了搜索范围,减少了对无用信息的搜索。

44、Warm welcome to all of the leaders。 我是服持生,每天都要用这几句话,你放心用吧。

45、Enter a comment to negate the if (largestCityPopulationSB == null) statement by adding two forward-slash marks: //.通过添加两个斜杠标记,输入注释取消 (largestCityPopulationSB == null) 判断语句: //.

46、This Recommendation specifies syntax and semantics of terminal information messages as well as procedures to use them for in-band negotiation at the start of or during communication.本建议不仅说明了终端信息消息的句法和语义,而且说明了在通信起始或通信期间使用它们作为带内协商的规程。

47、Find the UOW ID and Activity ID using the following query by substituting the application handle found in Step 1通过替换第

1 步中找到的应用句柄,使用下面的查询来查找 UOW ID 和 Activity ID

48、Identity Provider or IdP) based on a request of some sort from a relying party (a.k.a. Service Provider or SP), and they contain statements that service providers use to make access control decisions.断言通常通过基于某种依赖方(也称为服务提供商或 SP)请求的断言方(也称为身份提供商或 IdP)创建,它们包含服务提供者用于访问控制决策的语句。

49、When you step, the debugger steps through any non-user code but does not stop in it.调试 器逐句通过所有非用户代码,但不在其中停止。

50、Through the generalized design for transportation platform of military shelter we can realize the universality of military shelter.通过军用方舱运输平台通用化设计,实现军用方舱陆地运输的通用化。

经典英文句子51:通用的句,51、As illustrated in Figure 如 图

1, by fetching multiple rows, your applications reduce the number of SQL calls and can fetch a rowset using a single FETCH statement.

1 所示,通过获取多个行,应用程序减少了 SQL 调用,并且可以使用一个 FETCH 语句获取行集。

52、The user executing the statement must have the appropriate privileges to execute that statement at run-time, either because they were explicitly granted them or possess them through group membership.执行语句的用户必须具有适当的特权,才能在运行时执行语句,特权可以是明确授予他们的,也可以是通过组成员关系授予的。

53、Sometimes, most the deathtrap is also this sentence in the most safe place to go impassability.有时候,最危险的地方也就是最安全的地方这句话行不通。

54、Running such a CREATE TABLE statement -- by a user at the command line or by a custom application -- creates these columns within each table.用户在命令行上或通过定制应用程序运行这样的 CREATE TABLE 语句将在每个表中创建这些列。

55、And if that just sounds like tipsytalk, the finding suggests that a couple of current anticancer drugs might find use in treating alcoholism.如果上面这句话让你听得云里雾里,不妨换种说法:这个发现表明,现在通用的一些抗癌药物或许也能抑制醉酒。

56、The key is using the XMLQUERY reserved word to indicate an XQuery that is executed against an XML document that is passed in via the SQL select statement.关键在于使用 XMLQUERY 保留字表明要通过 SQL 选择语句执行针对传入 XML 文档的 XQuery。

57、After the DOM is augmented with annotation statements, the Annotation Engine makes another pass through the DOM, and processes the annotations.用注释语句扩展了 DOM 之后,注释引擎通过 DOM 进行另一次传送,然后处理这些注释。

58、Through a study on the iconicity at the lexical and syntactical levels, we may get a clearer understanding of the important role of cognition in linguistic rules.通过从词汇、句法的角度进行象似性研究,能够较清楚地认识认知在语言规则中所起的重要作用。

59、This accepts a single argument, the filehandle of the file where you want errors (normally sent to STDERR) to be written.该函数只有一个参数,即您用来写入错误信息的文件的文件句柄(通常会将该信息发送到 STDERR)。

60、The first data modification technique discussed was data deletion, which is performed by using the SQL DELETE statement.讨论的第一种数据修改技术是数据删除,这通过使用 SQL DELETE 语句来执行。

61、One of the benefits of applying the State pattern is that it can resolve the if-statement situation difficulty shown in Figure 使用State这个模式的一个好处是,它可以通过孤立各种状态来分解图3中if语句的情景。

3 by isolating the various states.

62、A lot of what we do involves numbers, quotes, various types of blurbs, different sizes of photos and so on, anything to keep things interesting.我们发布的内容通常包括数字、引用、图片和一句话评论等任何有趣的东西。

63、In other words, what is typically the controlling part of the framework becomes the thing controlled.换句话说,框架中通常的控制部件变成了被控制的部件。

64、The scripting wizards guide you through the steps required to customize the generated DDL and SQL statements for creating new DB2 schema objects and routines.这些脚本编制向导指导您通过一系列步骤,以定制用于创建新的 DB2 模式对象和例程的 DDL 和 SQL 语句。

65、Once installed in DB2, this product can be invoked by calls to stored procedures within SQL statements.安装了 DB2 之后,可以通过在 SQL 语句中调用存储过程来调用这个产品。

66、These chickens were being fed with left-over rice.这句话的意思是: 这些鸡是用剩饭(米)喂的。

67、It is the author's hope that the study will provide readers with some insights into the relationship between dynamic context and the use of inversions in public speeches.作者希望通过本研究可以使人们更全面的考虑演讲中动态语境和倒装句的使用之间的关系。

68、Try and predict content of paragraphs from the opening sentence.试着通过文章题目以及段落第一句话对文章大意进行推测。

69、By issuing COMMIT statements when work is complete, and ensuring that the data is accurate, you free up that data for other applications to use.通过在工作完成时发出 COMMIT 语句,并且确保数据是正确的,就释放了该数据以供其它应用程序使用。

70、In other words, when supplies are deficient, the powers that be typically divert them to higher-revenue-generating activities at the expense of lower-revenue-generating ones.换句话说,当供给不足时,当权者通常会把用水供给营收产出较高的活动,而牺牲营收产出较低的活动。


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