关于”有哪些“的英语句子43个,句子主体:have what。以下是关于有哪些的xx年级英语句子。
英文句子模板1:have what
1、Epilepsy what specific harm it?
2、Bay Area town of Shiyan Zhang What?
3、What class of performance do these winches have?
4、They need this to make a decision on which projects should proceed, which ones are in trouble, which ones are over or under budget.
5、What kind of seafood do you have?
6、What are the factors? Go ahead.
7、What other side effects might I have while taking SUTENT?
8、What are the different hepatitis viruses?
“丁波兹”有这么多的臂和腿,以致你无法区分哪些是手臂哪些是腿。 婠。
9、The dimpods have so many arms and legs that you can't tell which is which.
10、Are there any special snacks in Zhengzhou?
11、How is the test content changing?
12、What kind of tours do you have?
13、What are the cooking methods of Shandong dishes?
14、We have users, and we listen to them, and we see which things work and which don't.
15、And who could sprout up so blessedly.
16、Can you tell me what it is?
17、For example, there could be rules about which users are authorized to use or manage which printers.
18、What are the international trading company Huludao?
19、Are any plant functions sub-contracted?
20、I'd like my hair bound up. 我想染发,你们有哪些颜色?
21、But where does all this money come from?那么所有这些钱来自哪里?
22、What are the things worthy of your pride and nostalgia, and what things make you ashamed and embarrassed.有哪些事情值得你自豪与留恋,又有哪些事情让你惭愧与汗颜。
23、Few know which of the many stories that propagate about Yaddle are true and which are pure legend.但几乎没有人知道,这些关于娅德尔的故事,哪些是真的,哪些只是谣传。
24、How many seal-woman were there?究竟可考的女性印人有哪些?
25、Most bloodcurdling ghost piece what is there?最恐怖的鬼片有哪些?
英文句子26:,26、Any other denominations in here say these things?还有哪些教派会说这些东西?
27、Who are some famous alumni from Princeton?普林斯顿有哪些有名的校友呢?
28、What high-level exchanges have you had recently?双方最近有哪些高层交往?
29、what kind of tours do you have? (都有哪些路线的旅行呢?
30、Who provides funding for the project?那么该项目主要资助商有哪些?
31、Which have these waiter girls rude leeway.哪有这些丫鬟们张狂的余地。
32、This output tells you which devices are allocated to the vmkernel and which ones the console owns.这个输出告诉您哪些设备被分配给 vmkernel,而哪些设备归控制台所有。
33、What does computer have to cutaneous harm?电脑对皮肤的伤害有哪些?
34、what kind of tours do you have?都有哪些路线的旅行呢?
35、So where can you actually apply these kinds of tricks?那么这些技巧有哪些实际的用途呢?
36、What symptom does irritability purpura have?过敏性紫癜有哪些症状?
37、What are the hot working processes?热加工工艺有哪些?。
38、Any specific need on the software?对目标软件,有哪些明确的要求?
39、What’s the lingo in your industry?你的行业有哪些行话?
40、Which symptom does female climacteric all have?女性更年期都有哪些症状?
41、There's no way to see which instances are active and which are waiting.没有办法看到哪些实例是活动的,以及哪些实例正在等待。
42、What are the benefits of nitrile gloves?丁腈手套有哪些特性?
43、What fruits are in season now?现在的当令水果有哪些?。
44、What are the types of stainless steel coil?不锈钢盘管有哪些种类?
45、Muscles that were overdeveloped by weightlifting.举重比赛有哪些裁判人员?。
46、Wht re the symptoms of pressure sore?有哪一些征兆的压疮?。
47、InfoQ: How was the Akka Akka HawtDispatch 在哪些地方更有用或者更快呢?
1.1 default dispatcher improved over
1.0; where is HawtDispatch useful or faster?
48、What is the current Gildan main products?杰丹目前的产品主要有哪些?
50、What kind of companies are here in Canary Wharf?金丝雀码头有哪些公司?
经典英文句子51:有哪些,51、What kind of tours do you have?都有哪些路线的旅行呢?
52、What defines a twenty-first-century entrepreneur?21世纪创业者的特征有哪些?
53、Cathy:Which have the highest year-end bonuses?哪些职业有高年终奖金呢?
54、What fruity is there skin cannot edible?有哪些水果的皮不能食用呢?
55、A: What are the hot working processes?热加工工艺有哪些?
56、Pansy asked which sections they would have.潘姿询问都会有哪些版块。
57、Therefore, identify which requirements are the most critical, and which are "nice-to-haves".因此 要确认哪些需求是最至关重要的 以及哪些是"如果有就很好"。
58、Persuasiveness—which of the author's theses are most/least convincing?资料是否有说服力,哪些最有说服力,那些最没有说服力。
59、Q: What are the different hepatitis viruses?问:都有哪些不同的肝炎病毒?
60、What school projects has AFK organized? ...我们开展过的学校项目有哪些?。。。。。。
61、What does the symptom after philtrum heat have?人中暑之后的症状有哪些?。
62、what do you know about canada? 你对加拿大有哪些了解?
63、What have you got in brown?你们有哪些褐色的鞋子呢?
64、What options do I have for fabric?有哪些料子可以选择?
65、IRENE: What do you have in foundation?艾琳:你们有哪些粉底呢?
66、What specialty food southwest Guizhou?黔西南有哪些特产食品?
67、Which third parties would facilitate the direct-connects and be the preferred channels?哪些第三方公司将为直连提供支持? 更为合适的第三方合作渠道又有哪些?
68、Which forwards are there in Denmark team?丹麦的前锋线有哪些队员?
69、In the absence of good scientific trials, it is impossible to be certain which is which.在缺乏良好的科学试验的情况下,是不可能确定哪些有效哪些无效的。
70、Lung cancer has what symptom, have adumbrate?肺癌有哪些症状,有预兆吗?
71、What interesting sights are there to see and what fun things are there to do in their home towns?有哪些别致的风景可以欣赏呢? 在他们的老家有哪些好玩的事情可以做呢?
72、Which subject does enrolled Inner Mongolia teacher examination need to have a test in? Who do have review a data?内蒙古教师在编考试要考哪些科目?有哪些复习资料?
73、Which old shows do you think are funny?哪些老片你觉得挺有趣的?
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