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关于”传统文化“的英语句子40个,句子主体:traditional culture。以下是关于传统文化的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:traditional culture


1、The main areas of study regional Xi an, research targeted at traditional houses with traditional folk culture.


2、The generation of art cultural tradition is the consequence of the accumulation and transition of human art culture from generation to generation.


3、Similarly, the idea that traditional culture has a lasting impact on the feudal intellectuals' ways of life and thoughts is also tries to be clarified.


4、The argument between the nature of wolf and that of sheep is just looking for a type of traditional culture to substitute another one.


5、Bimo practice is the core of Yi traditional culture and takes shape of traditional cultural resource through long-term practice among the people.


6、Driven by the national traditional culture which is the autonomous complex, the authors of XG literature contain abundant archetype images in their works.


7、Last year, the Sungkyunkwan University restored the Gwageo tradition in order to promote traditional Korean culture.


8、You just said that you want to do a connection between traditional culture and contemporary art, how do you think of control the sprit of traditional culture?


9、Initiatory textbooks are important vehicles of traditional culture.


10、The author pondering in depth why and how to protect national traditional culture through a comparative study between Shangnan and Xianan village.


11、Or, you can experience distinguished indigenous culture and art on Sado Island.


12、In actual fact, showbiz culture is totally different from culture of traditional meaning.


13、In fact, tact is how the individual cognizes the cultural tradition, on which to judge the concrete objects.


14、To study and discuss traditional music of Hani ethnic group, we should firstly know the origin of it.


15、B:Confucianism is the backbone of Chinese culture.


16、These findings go beyond China's traditional Buddhist and Taoist culture, extending to other ethnicities and traditions and culture other than ethnic Han Chinese.


17、Nowa group of Chinese traditional who love music to inherit and carry on the Chinese traditional music culture.


18、Primary school language; Tradition culture; Education.


19、There are mainly four types of cultural TV programs on China's TV screen:propaganda for overseas type;


20、"lecture Room", through the television media coverage of traditional literature, not only allows audience to watch TV but also to learn more cultural knowledge.

21、To face on the effulgence traditional culture of Mongolian, designer is no lack of nature historical resources.面对蒙古族灿烂悠久的传统民族文化,我们不乏传统文化符号的资源。

22、Chinese traditional culture is under the threat of foreign cultures represented by the wests.中国传统文化在全球传播的环境下,正受到来自以西方外来文化的冲击。

23、Intangible cultural heritage includes oral tradition, folklore, ceremonial rituals, festival rituals, traditional performing arts, and traditional craftsmanship.非物质文化遗产包括口头传统、民俗、礼仪、节日庆典、传统表演艺术和传统手工艺技能。

24、There is also a long tradition of eunuch culture.宦官文化也有很长的传统。

25、The tradition of a non-material legacy.一个非物质文化遗产的传统。

英文句子26:,26、They pass on culture, traditions and values.学校还得传递文化、统和价值观念。

27、Chaoshan culture is a part of the traditional Chinese culture.潮汕文化是中华传统文化的一个组成部分。

28、Tea culture, rooted in Chinese agricultural civilization, is an exotic flower gestated by traditional culture.茶文化植根于我国农业文明,是传统文化孕育的一朵奇葩。

29、Traditional culture is the ideological source of Yiquan, Yiquan Thought of boxing with an obvious imprint of traditional culture.传统文化是意拳思想的源泉,意拳的拳学思想明显带有传统文化的烙印。

30、The Shanghai school literature which produced under the traditional culture linguistic environment had the intense tradition tendency.在传统文化语境下生成的海派文学有强烈的传统化倾向。

31、Meanwhile combine our country traditional culture at enjoyment sculpture domain explore too is traditional culture and current generation art conjunct example.同时结合我国的传统文化在写意雕塑领域的探索也是传统文化和当代艺术结合的范例。

32、This kind of culture includes tradition and new variations. It's a new kind of folk-custom culture.这种文化包含了固有的传统,也包含了传统的变异,是在现实条件下的新民俗文化。

33、The environment suitable for living of South Hunan traditional residence has embodies deeply traditional Chinese culture.湘南传统人居的宜居环境深深地渗透着中国传统文化。

34、Point out the advantage of China"s traditional culture and limitation existing, and traditional culture, to " positive" of modernization and two-way function of "passivism";指出了中国传统文化的优势和存在的局限性,以及传统文化对现代化建设的“积极”和“消极”的双向作用;

35、The changes of traditional society and the succession of ethnic cultures have always been an integral part of ethnological or cultural anthropological studies.传统文化变迁与民族文化传承,是民族学或文化人类学研究的重要问题。

36、Traditional Tibetan culture runs strong in Tawang.传统藏族文化盛行于达旺。

37、We can call this deep-rooted bad habits of farming culture as"Dwarf Culture".这种传统的农耕文化劣根性,不妨称之为“侏儒文化”。

38、As far as the latter is concerned, Mao who was brought up in the literati in Zhejiang received his earliest cultural baptism from the humanity heritage of the area.就继承传统而言,从两浙文化圈中走出的茅盾,其最初的文化接受便是两浙人文传统。

39、On Fast-food Culture and Teenagers Value Education;学校还得传递文化、统和价值观念。

40、The ethnic Shes traditional clothing ornament, especially phoenix coronet and veins-of-phoenix fully represents Shes the most characteristic traditional culture-phoenix culture.畲民族传统服饰,尤其是凤冠及其凤纹,充分体现了畲民族最具特色的传统文化——凤凰文化。

41、The culture denotes the old traditional cultures of the Naxi Nationality, is "The Dongba Culture".丽江纳西族的古代传统文化,就是“东巴文化”。

42、The Chinese culture advocates "harmony and accord".中华文化有尚“和”的传统。

43、Filial piety is the core of Chinese traditional culture.传统文化是以孝为内核的文化。

44、This dissertation examines that relationship from three sides:the thought of"Japanese spirits, Western materials", Japanese traditional commercial culture and local culture of Kagoshima.本文将从“和魂洋才”的思维模式、日本传统的商业文化、鹿儿岛地方文化三个方面,说明稻盛哲学与日本传统文化的关系。

45、With a complete connotation of the local culture, the funeral culture of the Yi people in Weishan is one of the most important components of their traditional culture.巍山彝族丧葬文化是其传统文化中不可或缺的重要部份,它较完整地保存了该地彝族的传统文化内涵。

46、Jiuzhou; traditional folk-art; silk ball of Zhuang; cultural reproduction; inheritance.旧州; 传统民艺; 壮族绣球; 文化再生产; 传承。

47、It has important meaning to study traditionary culture.研究传统文化具有重要意义。

48、Advanced culture is the result of the action of a nation.先进文化是一个民族千百年来文化传统长期陶铸的结晶。

49、The subscription is still confined to the traditional periodicals.外文期刊订购传统化、单一化。

50、Usually, the westernizing color and attraction to the mass will damage the inheriting of traditional culture.一般大众文化的西化色彩和其对大众的广泛占有,使传统文化的承传受到了冲击。

经典英文句子51:传统文化,51、Therefore. we should put culture and literature traditional orientation into prototype and specific culture motif.应在原型和个别文化母题中给文化和文学传统定位。

52、Reporters should remember and be sensitive to different cultural traditions.新闻工作者应记牢记人们有不同的文化传统,并对这些不同传统保持敏感。

53、Jingzhou's non-physical cultural relic includes stories, traditional performance, folk activities, festivals, and artifacts, which expresses Jing-chu culture and three kingdoms culture feature.荆州非物质文化遗产包括口头传说、传统表演艺术、民俗活动、礼仪、节庆、传统手工艺技能等,表现出荆楚文化和三国文化特征。

54、Shi-fa is a China traditional culture part.谥法是中国传统文化的一部分。

55、These factors included instrumental rationality, departure of traditions from modern times, intergenerational imbalance of cultural inheritance, and so on.遗产地文化传承中存在工具理性、传统与现代的背离、文化传承的代际失衡等问题。

56、The thought of "harmonious but different" from biography of Zou influences not only the development of the traditional culture of China, but also Wushu of China.出自《左传·昭公xx年》的“和而不同”思想影响着中华传统文化的发展,也影响着中华传统武术文化。

57、Instead, KONG Shang-ren intends to counter traditional culture.孔尚任有对抗传统文化的倾向。

58、Professor Lee deems it his duty to pass the torch of traditional culture.李教授把传递传统文化薪火视为己任。

59、In the context of China's traditional farming culture, "the Dans"became marginalized, which is the inevitable product created by China's traditional farming culture.在中国传统农耕文化语境下,“疍民”遭受了被边缘化的命运,而这正是中国传统农耕文化建构的必然产物。

60、Western traditional culture holds that humans are basically evil.西方传统文化认为人性本恶;

61、The traditional culture of Chinese is a culture of the filial piety to some extent.中国传统文化在某种意义上是一种“孝文化”。

62、Analyzing it from traditional culture standpoint, the cultural tradition of being attached to one's native land builds up this homesick mode and make people unwilling to leave their hometown.从传统文化的角度来分析,安土重迁的文化传统为文人们铸就了故土难离的恋乡情感模式。


标签: 传统 文化

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