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关于”中逗号的用法“的英语句子30个,句子主体:The use of commas in。以下是关于中逗号的用法的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:The use of commas in

只使用字母数字字符 —— 不使用空格、下划线、点号、逗号或其他标点符号。

1、Use alpha-numeric characters only -- no spaces, underscores, periods, commas, or other punctuation marks.


2、Parameter values are comma-delimited.

下列字元是保留字,无法用于这个属性:分号 (;) 和逗号 (,)。

3、The following characters are reserved and cannot be used for this property: semicolon, comma.


4、If you did not put a comma after the greeting at the beginning of the message, then do not put a comma() after the ending either.


5、Commas may be used to write multiple sub-expressions on a single line.

十六进制 X'2C' 表示 ASCII 中的逗号字符。

6、The hexadecimal X'2C' represents a comma character in ASCII.


7、For each entry, specify the old container name and the new container name, separated by a comma.

输入受信任的域或 URL 列表,用逗号隔开。

8、Enter a comma-delimited list of trusted domains or URLs.

在此示例中,使用多行 TTITLE (逗号分隔) 来连接 PGNO 和列 NEW_VALUE 变量。

9、In this example, multi-line TTITLE (comma-separated) is used in combination with PGNO and column NEW_VALUE variable.


10、In this case, we delimit commas.


11、Multiple packages and bundles are comma separated.


12、My question is whether to use a colon, comma, or dash after the salutation.


13、Constipation is brought about long funny, with what method best?

研究非线性调频信号波形设计方法。 依据相位逗留原理,采用动态优选法,给出了一种改进的非线性调频信号波形设计方法。

14、To study the method of designing nonlinear frequency modulation (NLFM) signal waveform, the dynamic selection method was adopted on the basis of phase stationary theory.


15、This function can also be used for lists that are not comma-delimited.

如果不止一个 JAR 文件,就用逗号来分隔。

16、If there are more than one JAR file, delimit them with a comma.

注意,在 parameters 中使用了多个以逗号分隔的名称-值对。

17、Notice the use of multiple name-value pairs separated by the comma in the parameters.


18、Stay away from the use of colons in greetings and closings and use commas instead.


19、Eric : I notice that you’ve just introduced new syntax; nowhere in C# previously did we have a parenthesized, comma-separated list of types.


20、Leave with a comma provinces.

21、Each column's data is separated from the next by a comma.每列数据与下一列数据之间都是用逗号分隔的。

22、Finally, all column definitions are separated by commas, and embedded in brackets.最后,所有列定义都由逗号分隔,并括在括号中。

23、He opened the letter, read it, and made a note of its contents.三个或三以上且后附连词的名词,除最后一项外,都要在彼此之间添加逗号 如: red, white, and blue gold, silver, or copper He opened the letter, read it, and made a note of its contents. 这里的逗号常称为“连续”逗号。

24、Multiple member initializations are separated by commas.多个成员的初始化用逗号分隔。

25、The syntax is slightly different using commas instead of semicolons to separate parameters.语法有些不同,即采用逗号代替分号来分隔参数。

英文句子26:,26、Brackets to fill a comma or comma?括号里填逗号还是顿号?

27、After all, the last thing a senior attorney wants to do is correct a junior attorney's comma usage.毕竟,一位高级律师是决不会愿意去更正一位初级律师的逗号的用法的。

28、Comma- (or Tab-) delimited text由逗号或制表符分隔的文本

29、A hash is expressed as a set of attributes delimited by commas between curly braces.hash 被表示为使用逗号间隔的一组属性,并且使用大括号括起。

30、I recommend using commas when the order of the scoping information is important, and semicolons when the order doesn't matter.当作用域信息的次序有关紧要时,就用逗号,否则就用分号。

31、Avoid lazy text-inspired speak, with overuse of dot-dot-dot’s and consecutive commas.过多使用省略号和连续逗号。

32、Shall we put a comma, a question mark, a dash, or a semi-colon here ?这里该用逗号、问号、破折号还是分号?

33、As in the examples above, citing places, dates, and people's names with descriptions, are three very common situations where you'll see the super-comma usage.正如在上面的例子中,引用地方、日期和带说明的人名是使用分号作为超级逗号的3种很常见的场合。

34、End the closing with a comma.在结束语后面用逗号。

35、Use comma for a line break.使用逗号的断行。

36、The two names are assumed to be separated by a comma and can use any amount of white-space around the comma.假设这两个名称以逗号分隔,并且可以在逗号周围使用任意数量的空白。

37、The names are displayed in one line and are separated by commas.在一行显示名称,名称之间用逗号分隔。

38、Comma usage is one of the most complex, and most misunderstood, questio of proper punctuation.逗号的用法是正确运用标点过程中最复杂,最容易产生误解的问题之

39、Ports may be separated with commas to disable more than one port.是例如 /noserialmice:comx,其中 X 是串行端口数。 端口可能是用要禁用多个端口的逗号隔开的。

40、The Web application reads comma-delimited text files.Web 应用程序读取逗号分隔的文本文件。

41、Enter your guesses in a single text field, separated by a comma.在单个文本字段中输入您的猜测结果(用逗号分隔)。

42、Separate multiple options, such as remount and ro, with commas.用逗号分隔多个选项,比如 remount 和 ro。

43、The hexadecimal digits X'2C' represent a comma character in ASCII.十六进制数字 X'2C' 表示 ASCII 中的逗号字符。

44、Eliminate commas, that are, not necessary. Parenthetical words _ however _ should be enclosed in commas.避免不必要的逗号,而附加式说明需要用逗号隔开。

45、The array in Rhino can be represented as a comma-separated list of values between square brackets. Thus, the following are arrays in RhinoRhino 中的数组可以表示为放在方括号中的一串使用逗号分隔的数值列表。

46、If you put a comma where that semicolon is, you will have committed a "comma splice," which is a very nasty grammar error indeed.如果你在这个应该放分号的地方用了逗号,你便犯了“逗号粘连”的错误,这实在是一个非常讨厌的语法错误。

47、Comma check.逗号检查。

48、A sequence is a range of numbers in brackets ([]); a set is a comma-delimited list in braces ({}).序列 是放在方括号([])中的一个数字范围;集 是放在花括号({})中的逗号分隔的列表。

49、Please note all decimalisation users the point symbol(. ), rather than comma symbol(, ).所有的十进制的用户要注意,“。”点这个符号跟“,”逗号是不一样的。

50、Remove the comma (,) from test3.php, defined above.从上面定义的 test3.php 中删除逗号(,)。

经典英文句子51:中逗号的用法,51、Enter your list of trusted domains or URLs, delimited by commas.输入受信任域或 URL 列表,使用逗号进行分隔。

52、A comma should only be used to separate function arguments.逗号只能用于分隔函数的自变量。

53、Tip: You can compare searches by separating with commas .就是说用逗号(半角的)隔开就可以搜多个人了。

54、Comma is a kind of punctuation.逗号是一种标点符号。

55、An array literal is a comma-separated list of values contained within square brackets.数组直接量是一个封闭在方括号中的序列,序列中的元素由逗号分隔。



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